
The Haunting Of Good Hills High School: The Haunted School of Kyoto

In a collection comes the horror short story , "Good Hills High", the newly reopened school in Kyoto is haunted by ghosts, demons, and urban legends that terrorize the students. The school was abandoned during World War 2 and now the students who attend the school are being haunted by the spirits that roam the halls. The story revolves around the children and their experiences with these supernatural events, which will keep the readers on the edge of their seats.

ItsukiYamamoto · Horror
Not enough ratings
80 Chs

Chapter 4: The Beautiful Teacher

Good Hills High School was a prestigious institution situated in the serene city of Kyoto, Japan. It was renowned for producing some of the finest scholars and athletes in the region. However, it had a dark secret, one that nobody knew, except for the female spirit that had taken residence in the school.

The spirit was once a beautiful woman who had died in the school many years ago. She had been a teacher at the school and had fallen in love with a young student. However, the love was unrequited, and the boy had rejected her advances. Broken-hearted, the woman had taken her own life, vowing to take revenge on any young boy who dared to cross her path.

For many years, the spirit had remained dormant, waiting for the right moment to exact her revenge. And that moment had come when the school had hired a new female teacher, Ms. Katsura, who was beautiful and charismatic. Little did anyone know that Ms. Katsura was not human but an evil spirit that had taken the form of a beautiful woman.

Ms. Katsura had joined the school at the beginning of the academic year, and within a few weeks, she had become the talk of the school. She was adored by both the students and the teachers alike. Her classes were engaging and insightful, and she had a natural ability to connect with the students. Her beauty and charm were such that boys found themselves drawn to her like moths to a flame.

But little did they know that Ms. Katsura was not what she seemed. Her true purpose was to lure young boys to her and drain their life force. She had the ability to make herself appear younger and more beautiful, while at the same time, making her victims old and frail.

One by one, the boys fell victim to Ms. Katsura's charms. They would be seen walking hand in hand with her, completely under her spell. It wasn't long before the first victim was found. It was a young boy, barely sixteen years old, who had been drained of his youth and vitality. He looked like an old man, with wrinkles and sagging skin.

The school authorities were alarmed and launched an investigation into the matter. But Ms. Katsura was smart, and she had managed to cover her tracks. The authorities could find no evidence of foul play, and the case was closed.

But the incidents continued, and it wasn't long before the school was plagued with rumors of an evil spirit that was preying on young boys. Many of the students became afraid, and some even refused to attend school.

One day, a group of boys decided to investigate the matter themselves. They had heard rumors that Ms. Katsura was not what she seemed and had decided to find out for themselves. They staked out her classroom, waiting for her to leave.

As soon as she left the classroom, they followed her discreetly, keeping a safe distance. They watched as she disappeared into the woods, and they followed her, hiding behind trees and bushes.

As they got deeper into the woods, they saw a strange glow coming from a clearing. They cautiously approached the clearing and saw Ms. Katsura standing in the center of the circle. She was surrounded by a faint aura of light, and the boys could see that she was not alone. There were other spirits with her, evil entities that were feeding off the energy of the young boys.

The boys were terrified and tried to leave quietly, but Ms. Katsura heard them and turned around. She looked at them with cold, calculating eyes, and the boys froze in terror. She started walking towards them, and they ran as fast as they could, not stopping until they were back in the safety of their dormitory.

The incident had shaken the boys to their core, and they knew that they had to do something to stop Ms. Katsura. They knew that they couldn't rely on the school authorities to help them, as they had already closed the case.

They decided to seek the help of a local priest, who was rumored to have dealt with evil spirits in the past. The priest listened to their story and agreed to help them.

Together, they came up with a plan to defeat Ms. Katsura. They knew that they had to break the circle of spirits that she had gathered around her. They needed to disrupt the energy flow and weaken the spirits so that they could be banished.

The plan involved a ritual, which would be performed at the same time that Ms. Katsura was conducting her own ritual. The boys would create a circle of their own, and the priest would perform a banishment ritual. The ritual was dangerous, and they knew that they were putting their lives at risk, but they were determined to stop Ms. Katsura and end her reign of terror.

The day of the ritual arrived, and the boys snuck out of their dormitory in the dead of night. They made their way to the clearing where they had seen Ms. Katsura before. They waited until she appeared, and then they started their own ritual.

The boys began to chant, and the priest began to perform the banishment ritual. The energy in the clearing changed, and the spirits that had surrounded Ms. Katsura started to weaken. The boys could see that Ms. Katsura was becoming agitated, and they knew that they were getting close to their goal.

Suddenly, a bright light appeared, and the boys were thrown back by a force that they could not explain. They could see Ms. Katsura in the center of the clearing, her body changing form as she struggled to resist the banishment.

But the boys and the priest were not deterred. They continued to chant and perform the ritual, and finally, the spirits were banished. Ms. Katsura let out a terrible scream, and then she disappeared, leaving behind only a pile of ashes.

The boys were relieved, but they knew that they could never forget the horror that they had experienced. They had faced an evil spirit, and they had come out victorious. They had learned that sometimes, the most dangerous enemies were the ones that looked the most innocent.

The school returned to its normal routine, but the incident left a lasting impact on everyone who had been involved. The boys who had taken on Ms. Katsura had become heroes in their own right, and the school authorities had recognized their bravery.

The school had become a safer place, but the memory of Ms. Katsura would remain forever etched in the minds of those who had faced her. The boys who had defeated her would always be remembered as the ones who had taken on evil and won. And the legend of Ms. Katsura, the evil female spirit disguised as a beautiful teacher, would continue to haunt the halls of Good Hills High School for many years to come.