
The Haunted Wolf and His Chef

27year old aspiring chef; Ava Davis grew up in a small town in Mystic grills, Seattle. Growing up, her lifelong dream was to own restaurants chains in Seattle. Perhaps someday, her plan would become a reality. This looked unachievable for someone coming from the suburb, but she was determined to do it. So she worked her butt off as a chef in a local restaurant and saved up. A colleague gave her a cooking game show flyer as an apology, and everything changed drastically. The show would throw her cooking skills as well as her beauty on the cocky billionaire’s radar. And she is introduced into a world she never knew existed. Werewolves? She thought those were myths. 35year old Caucasian billionaire werewolf; Lucian Munroe had a long day at work. Getting home, he is sprawled out on the couch to relax. Too tired to change the TV channel, he finds himself watching a cooking show. At first, he didn’t pay attention. Then he saw the stunning chef, and he sat up. Why does she look so much like his long lost mate? And why would he want her so much? Intrigued, confused, yet enticed, he picks up his phone. He called his PI and set up a chain of actions that would eventually land the chef in his home as well as his heart. Ava is scared of finding a future in the arms of a man who isn’t all there is to see. His world and hers couldn’t be more different. He’s rich, handsome and powerful. She is a struggling young lady looking to find her path in the cooking world. Would she let the wide gap in their worlds set them apart? Or would she give the werewolf a chance to prove that love could really bridge a gap so wide?

Opeyemi_Ogunyemi_7994 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs



The first thing Ava noticed as they stepped into the new restaurant was the beautiful interiors. This restaurant was top-notch. It reeked of Peterson, with its signature golden decorations. Every of Peterson McGuire's establishments was painted in shiny gold. And the furniture was always bronze. So, even if his name wasn't there, like this restaurant, you know he owns it. She whispered to Casey that this was his all right. "His signature is everywhere." She said, looking around in awe.

"I know, right," replied Casey, looking around. "He called this ELIXIR." She added, pointing at the name of the restaurant on bold display.

"It's an Elixir indeed." She agreed. "Wait, let me order." She told her friend, lightly holding her left hand. Then tossing her head towards the bar, repeated herself. When her friend looked at her doubtfully, she smiled and assured her she would. "It's okay. I got this." Even though they were friends, Casey still knew her place. At work, Ava was her boss. So whenever they were out, she had to remind the junior colleague to be free with her constantly. This wasn't their workplace where their boss would demand such respect of them all. Their boss, Patricia, whom they fondly call Pat, had a thing for orderliness. She made sure everyone stayed in their rightful place. Well, everyone but Ava, that is. The main chef gets preferential treatment. That certainly had to do with her incredible cooking skills.

Sometimes Ava believed the woman wouldn't have given a hoot about her otherwise. Because Pat wanted ordeliness, whenever she takes them out, the last employed staff got their orders. So, even when she wasn't there, the rule kind of stayed. Today, however, Ava had her plans. She had to get the meals. It was an excuse to peep at the kitchen and see the chefs.

"Are you sure?"

"Go get our seats. I need to see everything anyway." She said through gritted teeth because they were now closer to the bar. And the barman was looking their way. He could hear whatever they say to each other now. She didn't want him listening to her.

"Oh, now I get it." smiled Casey. She collected Ava's bag and went to get them a seat. All the seats were taken. Trust Atlanta's residents always to fill help a new restaurant in town. The folks loved some excellent meals. They would never miss the chance to set foot in such an exotic place. Casey loved open spaces and fresh air. So, she tried looking for some seats by the window. Everyone in that area was taken. Sighting one on the far end of the room, she sighed heavily. Thankfully, the two seats faced the entrance. They would have to make do with those. They would surely have a perfect view there. As she started towards the place, she noticed some shuffling behind her. Turning back to see some ladies rushing for the seats. Casey grinned wickedly and made a rush for it. "Bitches," she smacked while sitting on one and grabbing the other. Then she gave them a 'fuck you' with her two middle fingers.

The ladies, about four of them, hissed and stopped running. One of them returned the rude insult, too, raising both fingers. As she walked backward, she almost stumbled on her friends. They grabbed her to steady her. Then looked around for some spaces too. Casey ignored them. Dropping Ava's bag on the empty seat, she proceeded to inspect the restaurant. The place was exquisite.

The whole drama passed by without Ava seeing anything. She had stayed in line, waiting for her turn. And while the barman attended to others on the line, she took a look around. The architecture was as perfect as can be. She noted a few things she might like to add to her list. If Peterson had his signature furniture and colour, she should have too. Perhaps in her case, not colour. Maybe something more like special meals or nights? She contemplated on what she'd do differently to stand out. The man behind suddenly tapped her. "What?" she asked, looking around. Then she noticed it was her turn. "Sorry," she apologized and stepped forward. "Hi," said Ava to the barman. She bestowed the man her brightest grin. "Can I see your menu list?" she asked.

The barman smiled back, "Hello," he responded. He retrieved the list from underneath the slab to show the lady. Something about her face looked familiar. He watched intently as she peered over the list but couldn't figure it out. When he caught her looking at him over the list, he asked, "Is something wrong?"

"Not really," Ava said, twirling her curls with her free hand. She wasn't sure if asking straight up about the chef was acceptable. But from the little she could see, the kitchen door wasn't open. There was no way to see the chef on duty. She looked in the kitchen's direction. "Can we know who's cooking the meals? I mean the chef? Is that not rude?"

"Oh, no," the barman replied with a smile, "That isn't a problem. This place is done in a way to access our chefs…."

As he went on explaining, Ava zoned out on 'our chefs'. So, Peterson hired more than one chef. Why hadn't she tried her luck again? She wondered. She had submitted her Resume severally, but the man didn't respond. So, she had given up on him. Now she doubted that had been a good decision. Her pride had been hurt. Maybe that was why she swore to stop. "Are they both on duty?"

"Yes," the barman nodded, "It's a big restaurant." He said, spreading out his hands so she could see his point.

Ava followed his gaze. She knew already that it was a big restaurant. From behind, Casey waved. She could see a deep frown edged on her face. She was sure the lady was wondering what was taking so long in ordering a meal. "Okay, so, since you allow your chefs to relate with customers…."

"No, ma'am. I didn't say that" corrected the barman, "What I meant is, I can show you our chef's hmm," he paused, unsure the suitable word to say, "Perhaps, I can show you," he nodded, and brought out a flyer. "Here," he handed it over. "Both chefs are there. Once a while, they will come around to ask our customers about their food."

"Okay," Ava replied absent mindedly. She stared at the pictures with disbelief. Peterson had gone a step further with this. The men in the picture weren't the locals she knew. They weren't people she knew because they didn't look any were close to Georgians. They were Koreans. Well, maybe one. The other looked like a Japanese. That explains why the man didn't take her. Apparently, he wanted an international touch.

"We hope you'll drop a nice comment." Continued the barman. He looked at the two people that just joined his line and smiled.

"Sure," she smiled, then added, "If I'm satisfied," because she couldn't resist it. Right now, she was furious. With the centre of her anger being Peterson. Maybe herself too

"You will." The barman assured her confidently.

Ava scoffed. "Can I keep this?" she asked, intending to know more about these chefs and their cooking style. Despite her anger at the man who hired them, she knew she could learn a thing or two. It wasn't professional if she passed such an opportunity. Peterson hired them because they had had something all the chefs didn't. She would find that out and get better, she promised herself.

"Sure, you can have that. Now, are you ready to place your order?" he noticed the two ladies behind. They were beginning to look irritated.

Left with no choice, she nodded, "Sure," she pointed at the cheap meals and drink she could afford. "Two plates of this," she tapped the menu. "Two of these smoothies too." She purred, mentally tasting her favourite strawberry blend. That settled, she started to leave.

"We will be there soon with your order, ma'am," the man called after her. She nodded in acknowledgment. Then he gave the next lady in line a bright smile. "How may I help you, Ma'am?"

"What took so long?" asked Casey when Ava settled down beside her.

"I wanted to meet the chefs," she said simply, bringing out the flyer. "What do you think?"

Casey only took a look at the flyer and discarded it. "What about them?" she asked, knowing her boss would fill her in about every detail. She didn't need to rack her pretty head over that.

"Can't you see that they are foreigners?"

"Oh, I see that all right. What is wrong with that?"

"Peterson," she said, a bit too loud. Looking around, she saw a few people turning their way and smiled. Lowering her voice, she said to her friend, "He rejected all the locals and me. All for some foreigners."

"I thought you didn't send your application." Casey pointed out.

"No. I didn't."

"So, technically, he didn't reject you."

"Technically, he rejected everyone that I had sent. It's the same."

"Well, the man knows what he wants. It's just not you," she said, "But that's his loss. You're a great chef. You'll find a better offer soon."

Those words made her a bit relaxed. "Thanks, Casey for saying that. It just angers me, you know," she tossed her head so her curls would get behind her ears. "I could tear him if I see him right now."

"Easy tigress," laughed out Casey, "Ignore him."

"I…" whatever she had been about to say, she stopped herself as the waiter approached with their order. "Now, we can see what's so special in the foreigners."

The waiter got to them then. She smiled, dropped their meals, and stepped back. "Bon appetite." She said and took her leave.

"You ordered sushi!" Casey was shocked at the food. "Who orders sushi?"

"It was one of the cheapest meals," Ava told her with a high pitched voice. She did that when she doesn't want to shout. "Plus, it's a Japanese special. They'd be great at that. You should see their price list. It's outrageous." Taking a bite of her food, she rolled it in her mouth. Deep down, she wanted it to taste bad. At least that way, she could feel cheated. Instead, she closed her eyes at the first bite. Never had any meal tasted so good. "Oh my God!" she exclaimed.

"They're good," Casey added too. The meat was well cooked. It was soft. Even the fish, down to the bone, was adequately made. And the ingredients had blended well into each other.

"Wow," said Ava, pleased with the chef's cooking skill. "Everything is perfect. No flaws."

"If the great chef Ava says no flaws…." Casey chewed excitedly, "Then no flaws. Peterson outdid himself this time."

"He sure did."

An hour later, the two ladies stepped out of the restaurant. Both were rubbing their stomach in an unladylike manner, too satisfied to care. As the two ladies stepped out of the building, Ava belched. She had eaten more than usual. The chefs were great. They would have a new follower this minute. Bringing out her phone, she googled their social pages. "We're so making that meal at CHOPPERS." She said to Casey.

"Sushi?" asked her friend in disbelief.

"Yes. That and the other one you ordered. What's the name again?" Her friend wasn't paying any attention. "Casey," she tapped her. Then followed her gaze. Through the glass door, she found what held her interest. "What?" she screamed, and the next minute was rushing back inside.

"Hey, Ava, stop," Casey shouted, running after her. She hated scenes like this. Already people were staring, and the drama had not even started. She ran after her boss friend while Ava dashed for the couple laughing happily. They have no idea what is coming for them.

Ava stopped right in front of their table, taking it all in. The wine, happy smiles, and hands lightly touching the table. If she needed anyone to spell it out for her, her eyes were those. They took in his stupid dazed look at seeing her too. The hands separated instantly. So did the happy smiles. It was immediately replaced by shocked stares. "So, this is why you couldn't come with me here?" she asked, hating how her voice shook with emotions. Some days ago, she had called her beloved boyfriend that she wanted to see the new restaurant. He had responded that he had some work then. "Didn't you say you'd be meeting some clients for the company?" she asked again, looking from him to the lady. His neighbour was the meeting he had? And then this morning, she asked again. As a matter of fact, she had pleaded with him. She wanted to do this with him. The stupid man had insisted he had a meeting. "Anita's the meeting?"

"It's not what you think," said Anita, looking for a reasonable way out of this. "I begged him to come here." The girlfriend didn't look convinced. She barely glanced her way. Okay then, I'll stay out of this, she mused to herself. She had seen this coming. It was long overdue. Perhaps now, she wouldn't have to date Daniel secretly. It wasn't her fault if a woman didn't know how to keep her man.

Dan quickly grasped at the perfect opening Anita had given, "Yes, she was in some emotional…" the words were swallowed as a stinging slap landed on his face.

"Do I look like some school girl to you?" she asked again. "Seems like all I can do is ask questions." She ranted to herself. Her hands shook as she started pacing. Casey stood limply, unsure what to do. She grabbed her hand, "Let's get out of here."

"Great idea." Muttered Casey. Eyeing the couple, she held Ava's hand as they started to leave. Then stopped when her friend paused. No, please don't go back, she pleaded. In her mind, she was happy that Ava finally saw her man for who he was. A cheat. Everyone knew about his flirting. They also knew that she loved her man. So, it had been hard to say what went on behind her. At least, she had seen things herself. And thankfully, she didn't see the horrible stuff. A few of the staff at the diner had bet she would eventually walk in on Dan someday. And that the scene wouldn't be palatable. They predicted a sex scene. Well, Kathrine did. There was a reason for this prediction too. Daniel Dobbs, D.D was a D.D all right. He could sleep with anyone anywhere. He had sex in his car, in his office, home, club, anywhere. But because Ava was always busy, she missed out on all that.

Ava stopped and shouted at her boyfriend, "We're done, Dan. But this isn't the last of me." She thought of the many ways she could hurt him in her mind. Turning to Anita, she said, "I thought better of you, Anita." With that, she left the restaurant. She held her tears until they were in the cab. And then the torrent of water began to fall. "How could he, Case. How could he?" she cried.