
The Haunted Vampire Hunter

After Dante became a vampire in a different era, he has been a target for both vampires and vampire hunters due to his sinful past. A past that he can't escape from no matter how far he runs for he was a vampire that loathed his own existence. Dante has tried to die but he has been cursed with immortality, a vampire that cannot die despite wanting to was the worst torture. But he finds his will to live through Scarlett Walker, a lady that reminded him of a piece of him that he once thought was dead. But what if the one that could gave him a reason to live was the only one that could kill him? Will his pain be released or would the idea of leaving the one he loves be his new pain? [All rights to the image reserved to the owner]

Kelvin_A · Fantasy
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34 Chs

The Meet Up!

Scarlett got dressed up, she wore a black skirt that exposed her thighs but covered everything else. She wasn't the kind of girl to expose too much skin but she took a risk because she was going for a social gathering.

The meeting place was a recreational center around the school where students could hang out, Brock seemed excited and Scarlett hoped that Dante didn't do anything to him because the Brock she remembered was grumpy.

She walked into the place, it was almost empty but that was because most students either had a class or they would rather hang elsewhere but this worked for Scarlett.

It wasn't hard for her to spot Brock and Dante, she hated to admit it but Dante looked a lot hotter than she remembered.

He wore a vintage shirt with a couple of buttons undone to reveal the outline of his upper chest and a loose black trouser, even Brock brought out his A-game, he had on a long-sleeved shirt tucked into his trouser, and transparent glasses that complimented his aesthetic.