
The Haunted Vampire Hunter

After Dante became a vampire in a different era, he has been a target for both vampires and vampire hunters due to his sinful past. A past that he can't escape from no matter how far he runs for he was a vampire that loathed his own existence. Dante has tried to die but he has been cursed with immortality, a vampire that cannot die despite wanting to was the worst torture. But he finds his will to live through Scarlett Walker, a lady that reminded him of a piece of him that he once thought was dead. But what if the one that could gave him a reason to live was the only one that could kill him? Will his pain be released or would the idea of leaving the one he loves be his new pain? [All rights to the image reserved to the owner]

Kelvin_A · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Imprint? [R18+]

Dante didn't harm the criminals that broke into his house, all he did was compel them to turn themselves in but not after making them clean his mansion all night.

This was tedious work but they served a purpose to him, Dante exploited this opportunity for they would be paying for their crimes for quite some time, he didn't know how the humans punished such acts nor did he care.

He had searched through their memories and he noticed that they had never taken a life. This was why Dante's judgment wasn't harsh.

He noticed that Heidi hadn't tried to get into contact with him and this was unusual but he also knew Heidi never contacted him until she had eyes on her target.

The sun was up now so she was surely not searching for Scarlett but what was she doing?

Dante's house was speckless, but he wasn't satisfied.

The vampire he had killed a few days back, had a strange tattoo that Dante had seen before but he couldn't recall when.

It must have been in one of his many lives but it has been more than five-hundred years since he saw it.

There was a cult of vampires that preached about a man named "Dracula", fanatics because Dante knew that Dracula was a mere myth.

He has lived for so long yet he hasn't seen anything that might hint at the existence of Dracula.

He was a folklore told in children's stories as some all-powerful supernatural creature.

But why did he encounter one?

Danta had taken it upon himself to kill every one of them so the tale of Dracula would die with them.

They spoke about him being the trigger for the end of times but that wasn't the most terrifying thing about this, these vampires believed that to trigger it, they had to kill as many humans as possible to soak the earth in the blood of innocents, and only then would Dracula rise.

If they were back, Dante knew he needed to find them and see what they knew but he had killed his only lead.

Dante's phone soon rang, he picked it up without hesitation because it was Heidi on the other end.

"Heidi, have you found her?" Dante questioned her, he didn't care much about her whereabouts or how she was.

All he wanted to know was if she had found Scarlett.

"I have found her, she's in the University of Arizona…" Heidi informed him but judging from her voice, this wasn't all she wanted to say.

"There's a problem Dante…" Heidi said; Dante's silence gave her the go-ahead she needed to continue.

"There's a vampire here and it has killed a student…" Heidi continued and this got Dante's attention.

Vampires weren't as common as one would think, they didn't roam about and kill indiscriminately.

They were actually smart and most knew that if they did too much they would either draw the attention of Dante or the dreaded vampire hunters.

Vampire hunters were not as feared in the past because they used archaic weapons but technology had advanced so much that even humans with sufficient skills could kill a vampire, more so humans that specifically trained to kill vampires.

Dante wasn't interested in this development as long as whoever it was didn't touch Scarlett, he knew that despite Heidi not being a fighter she could take care of herself.

Vampires develop different abilities as they age every couple hundred years, all vampires are born with superhuman physical attributes and senses but like Heidi, they develop abilities unique to them but not all vampires are blessed with this form of evolution.

"Is the girl safe?" Dante questioned.

"For now…" Heidi said, this manner of response raised a brow from Dante.

"What do you mean for now…?" Dante asked her.

"I fear he has imprinted on her…." Heidi's voice was shaky the moment she said this.

And it was soon revealed why she was worried because Dante looked furious.

Who dared to imprint on what belongs to him?

When a vampire imprints on someone, it's them claiming ownership over whoever they imprinted on.

That person can never hide or run from them because they would always find their prey.

This would explain the dream Scarlett had, it wasn't a random dream but rather the perverse thoughts of the man that had imprinted her.

But he made a big miscalculation, he had incurred the wrath of Dante, Dante had no intention of waiting until midnight for he was not a nightwalker.

He went to his underground garage and picked the fastest vehicle he had.

That was a Neiman Marcus Limited Edition Fighter power bike, Dante wore a tinted black helmet.

He mounted his bike and zoomed off into the distance with his black leather jacket swaying with the wind.


Scarlett didn't know what was going on because all she asked Ronnell to do was wash her back but Ronnell's hands wandered.

She rubbed Scarlett's chest, groping her but Scarlett reacted to her touch because she had sensitive nipples. Ronnell didn't just grope them like a savage from the 1400s, she allowed her fingers to move gently to rub circles around Scarlett's erect nipples.

"I need to wash you thoroughly…." Ronnell whispered softly into her ear, Scarlett tried to comprehend why she was enjoying this so much but there was no harm in letting it continue for a bit longer.

Scarlett was starved of physical touch, and this awakened certain desires in her.

Scarlett found Ronnell's hand between her thighs, now it was getting a tad bit more intense.

"Do you need help here too?" Ronnell asked in a very seductive tone. Scarlett found that she lost the ability to speak and each second she remained quiet, Ronnell's hand traveled higher.

But she soon snapped back to her senses and grabbed Ronnell's hand from traveling further.

She was breathing heavily because she had gotten more excited than she would have liked.

It confirmed her suspicions about Ronnell too, she was into girls.