
The Haunted hospital

Max explores an abandoned hospital with her friends but what she doesn’t know is that ever since she first entered the hospital, she has already endangered her life including her friends. The three will go on adventure and continue with school. That is their destiny

Ancient_Riku · Horror
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22 Chs

Chapter 19: Monroe's Cabin

After arriving at their destination, the group left the car and were breathless of what they had found in the middle of nowhere.

It was a big and beautiful cabin, the gang then went in, as max slowly opened the old door, She had the first peek into the inside of the luxurious 1960s styled cabin.

As max widens the door further the whole group then gets to see the entire cabin from the inside, as they started to enter the cabin, Max took out the book titled ' The murder of Jane Monroe' she then flips the pages to where she then gets a description of the little cabin which was in the story, Max then reads the whole entire page of where the cabin was described, no detail was wasted, the book had described the cabin with every single detail, After reading for a few minutes and the others exploring the cabin, Max had finally found something interesting, she then called for her friends to gather at the dinner table which was made out of wood and had a blood stain still in the middle of the table, Max then placed the book on the table so that everyone could see, she then started to explain that the book moulds help them find some clues and maybe something that even the cops didn't even know existed, Max then read the page again and again until one of them found something very interesting, after hours and hours of reading the same page over and over again, Lucy had finally found something that could help the crew find a clue of Jane Monroe, Lucy then took the book and read a specific line again, " Janes father used to always love the big painting behind his Big chair, because it would always remind him that the most important thing will always be family."

Lucy the pointed at the big painting still hanging behind the chair, Chloe and Nathan were still confused and didn't understand how that painting could help them with finding more clues about Jane Monroe and her murder, Lucy then explained to them that in that sentence the father said that he had learned that nothing is more important than family, that's why he has a painting of his family hanging up behind his chair, They would always watch over him and the cabin, She then added " perhaps there's something behind the painting which the father was hiding and protecting, hoping that when he and his only daughter dies, someone could understand what he was trying to say, and that they would take the thing that he was trying to hide and protect and protect it themselves.

Max then walked towards the painting and analysed it, she then took the chair stood on it and carefully took the painting down to then find a safe, she then called for Lucy to come over and to look at the safe, Lucy then told Max to try and take it out, Max tried but failed, She then told Lucy to check the book if it had some kind of code or something similar which could help open the safe, Lucy then walked over to where the book was, took and started to read, after 3 hours of re reading the book over and over again trying to find some kind of clue to what the code may be to the safe, she had finally found something which may help and open It, she then told max the numbers: 1-9-4-5, Max then put those numbers into the safe and it opened up, She then reached her hands into the safe, grabbed a piece of folded paper, took it out and headed back to the table where the other three where at, she then opened up the paper and read whatever was on it, Max then gave out a big sigh and gave it to Lucy, she then looked at the paper and read it out loud, and said that it was another address, Max then said that its like they're playing a game of scavenger hunt.

Chloe Chuckled, Nathan coughed and Lucy just told the crew to head outside and get into the cab, which they all did, they then went back to the academy.

Lucy and Max then decided to go to the address which was written in the paper, Nathan and Chloe decided to go back to the dormitory and to keep looking at the things they already found. As the crew split, Max and Lucy then encountered a strange man just outside of the academy, the man then told the two girls to follow him if they wanted to know the truth about Jane Monroe, and thats what they did, Lucy and Max followed him.