
The Red wedding 1

In the world of Pangea there were lot of sects lot of powerful clans that hid their heritages like snake hid its legs .Humans had 50 % of the whole population of the Sky continent and were in constant war with elves, dwarves mighty dragons and and screaming demon hordes but trough all the suffering The 5 great human empires stood tall. Our story starts in great Dragon city in small province of Moesia. This city was one of the eight cities held by the great eight dragons sect of the The golden eagle empire but now they are on the deathbed . In last 100 000 years all the fortune of the dragons was taken by rival sects , uncaring stewards and degenerate successors . Only the house of Draconicus still holds onto its might .

The morning in the great dragons manor .The youth with eyes clear as the great northern lights was practicing the sword with his small hands . Each strike echoed as the wooden doll stood still and the smirk of the old steward was lifting into the small curve .

"Its enough young lord". -said the steward . Today is the day of your wedding , you need to look refreshed ! and he pointed to large bath .

The boy grunted :" Uncle Marius i am already strong enough to make my own decisions". but still he took his sword down and obeyed the old steward that was clearly happy for the young master.

Today was the day.Finally he is going to wed his first love young lady of the Phoenix manor.

Their families were enemies but all changed when he met young miss of the phoenix clan.

He fell in love in pure way the only way young boy of 15 knows how .She had red eyes ,stunning stature for the girl of mere 15 years and smile that would topple kingdoms and make empires fall but most importantly he felt that she was his and nothing would ever be able to change that.

He finished the bathing and went on to greet his mother and father. The lady was in her mid thirties with loving smile and elegance and his father hid his evident pride under the strong look of the warrior .

"The time is almost right !" said the father

"Are you ready my son?"

The boy looked at his father s bronze beard and loving eyes and said :" Finally , now or never ! "

Father smiled and said : "Its ok to fell nervous , i remember how i was with your mother !"

Lady had a bit of redness on her cheeks and lowered her head. She grunted :" Lets go .Whole wedding procession is waiting for us and for you my beautiful son!"

He put his wedding gown on and went to ancestral shrine .He offered incense to strange looking satues that watched over their clan for ages and than he bowed to rusty old statue in the middle .It was the statue of tiny bronze warrior with small sword that was pointing to heaven.It had eyes of the warrior and tattoo of dragon eating its tail on the left shoulder.

"Ancestor of the Draconicus family may your light bring hope to the golden eagle empire and to the next generations of our clan!" said young master and bowed down until his head touched the floor . Than he stood up and respectively left the shrine. He went to his mother and two boarded the lavishly decorated carriage .

"We are going out !" screamed the clan master of the Draconicus clan." Today is the day of my sons wedding , today is the day of peace , the final peace for Our Draconicus clan and great merge between our two clans .May phoenix and dragon forever rule over the Great dragon city."

"Hoooray !" Soldiers sang! "Hooray for our master Albus Draconicus and his son Marcus we go to phoenix manor for wedding !"

As he stood and looked onto the Dragon city young master was full of joy. His father was on war griffin while him and his mother were in carriage that was pulled by two white pegasuses The rest of the force were closely behind them. They were in their white armors on shining white horses that had noble bloodline of the Preators lineage .All was perfect , and the might of the great clan spread to crowded streets .

"The clan still has its strength "- Marcus thought ."We may have lost a-Royal noble when grandpa died in great Dacia war but still we are strong ."he muttered happily and continued to look over amazed citizen that had envious eyes !

The whole Great dragon city had 4 main clans .They were mainly the Draconicus clan , the Phoenix manor , the head of Chimera and the Eye of Cyclops .

The Draconicus clan had its arts in the speed .They were proud warriors that once even had title of general in The great eagle empire but now with their members slowly reducing they were captains in army of Moesian consul and that was enough for the great dragon city.

On the other hand phoenix manor is sect in full bloom , It is said that they have their arts given to them by dying phoenix so they had fire laws. In the great dragon city they were newly arrived power ,They had their clan spread over the Moesia and evan they have consuls title in neighboring provinces of Macedonia , Dacia and Dalmatia .So They were strong-to strong for Draconicus clan and went to city to capture it .Slowly they were expanding their influences over the small commoners ,over the guilds until the day that on witch young miss of the clan met young master of Draconicus clan. All happened to fast , in the month Marcus had his father sent to ask for her hand and the royal noble that was in the phoenix mannor accepted it .

The head of chimera was birthplace of many geniuses .Young master of Head of Chimera was best friend of Marcus.Marcus saved him when they were hunting 3 years ago and from that day on they were brothers . His name Gaius Agrippa and his love for cultivation made him the star young master of the Great dragon city . On his 15 birthday he was Martial warrior with firm core foundation witch was rare even in capital of the province !On the other hand Marcus was weak ... even all the sword practice he did every morning was show.. He did not like the blood, and training of the harsh cultivator life and did the morning routine just to please his father .

The eye of Cyclops were strange existence .They were doing the future telling and were famous for it because their eyes saw everything!

The procession were slowly coming to The phoenix manor,In the distance the hymns were herd

.Large amount of nobles from all the Moesia came. It was spectacle .The fountains were filled with wine and tables were filled with exotic food from all over the empire.

The loud voice of Albus was herd: "We came to your phoenix clan for young miss Maria! May the wedding begin!! "

Trumpets were heard when the mighty forces of Draconicus clan entered the manor.. They brought gifts of silk and gold of silver and even diamonds that were rare in the Empire.

Soon the whole manor was full with joy drinking and song singing .Young master was waiting for his bride his sun and was really nervous . His friend Gaius patted him on the shoulder and said that all will be ok and smiled !

In few minutes she was finally here his love , his happiness. She was cover in white while her long golden hair extended over a perfection of her stature.She did smile shyly at Marcus and that made him even more happy .He sighted : "I have best luck in all world !"