
The Hate of a Sister

This is my first book. I hope you like it. I will try and be more consistent with posting chapters. There are a million excuses I could give about why I have not been consistent but I'm not going to give that to you. I'm just going to work harder to write the book hopefully you all love. Love to all my readers. Please vote and comment.

quarantine_life · LGBT+
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13 Chs

Chapter 1: The Loss of a Mother

Alex POV

There she was just laying there beside a pill bottle and a bottle of Vodka. How could she do this to me and my little sisters? She had three kids. Alex the oldest(13), Kira the middle child(9) and Star(3). All I can think of are endless questions. Were we not enough to live for? Was she really that unhappy? You know what it dosen't even matter. She's dead now.

I can hear sirens in the distance and see my family with heartbroken expressions. I have no idea how to comfort them.

"Hello, hello anybody there." I heard Kira's voice as she pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm here" "How come you're the only person not crying or looking sad? Are you happy mom's dead?" Me and my mom had a complicated relationship but that didn't mean I wanted her dead. Kira just came over here to piss me off. So without giving any explanation I ran out the back door so the cops couldn't see me. I ran right to the big oak tree in my backyard.

"Are you Alex Diamond heir to The Diamond Enterprises?"

"Who the hell are you." said with much rage in my tone.

"Woo she's a feisty one." Ok this person really has some balls coming here the day my mom dies.

"You got a problem with that?"

"Diamond there's no need to be hostile." No need to hostile. MY MOM JUST DIED AND A STANGER IS TALKING TO ME! What's not to be hostile about?

"My mom just died leave me alone."

"Speaking of your mom you need to come with me." I know he's serious now because when we first started talking his voice was playful now his voice sends chills down my spine.

I'm working hard on this book, I hope you like it.?

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