


Well, you’re special


Conner left to change his clothes. I came out of my bedroom and continued down the stairs. Dad was sitting at the table working on something. I wanted to suggest it was car-related, but who knows with him.

I roamed over to the table and sat down.

/"I noticed Conner was here./" Dad screwed in a screw. /"Did you two fight?/"

/"Why does everybody assume people argue when someone leaves? No, he left to change. The psycho twins sprayed a hose into my room and drenched Conner./"

Dad chuckled.

/"Where’s Mom?/"

/"Nora and your mom are completing Nora’s next graphic novel./"

/"Doesn’t it upset you that Mom and your ex are friends?/"

Dad peered at me. /"No, should it?/"

/"I was wondering./" I shrugged.

/"Oliver, are you okay? You seem moodier than usual./"