




My anger ripped as my dads tried to calm me, but it wasn’t happening. They called in reinforcements as I trashed my bedroom. Grandpa and Uncle Michael showed up to restrain me. I fought, but they held onto me. The more I fought, the tighter they held until I broke down and cried.

/"Shh,/" Grandpa said as I cried. /"We’ve got you./"

/"It’s not fair,/" I said while crying.

/"I know, bud./"

I grew up in a family that accepted you. It pissed me off when I met someone who didn’t.

/"Jayden, listen to me,/" Michael said.

I looked at Michael with furrowed brows.

/"Your dads, grandparents, brother, cousins, and we love you. It doesn’t matter about your skin color. You’re family. When your dads brought you and your brother home, you became family./"

I nodded as Grandpa released me, then threw his arms around me and hugged me. I chuckled. Grandpa loves to embrace us.