


Someone always gets sick


With October arriving, so did our crazy weather. We were working on a house for a client as I shook. Then, I started sneezing and coughing.

/"Are you okay? You don’t look well./"

I blew my nose. /"Yeah, I’m fine. I’ll be happy when we finish this house./" I coughed.

/"Elias. Go home. You look like shit and sound horrible./"

I couldn’t disagree with Owen. I was feeling rough.

/"Okay./" I grabbed my bag and cooler, and put my stuff in the car, then drove home. All I wanted was my bed.

I got home and went straight to my bedroom. I dropped my stuff on the floor, removed my hearing aids, and crawled into bed, passing out. Sleep is helpful when you feel half dead. I’m hoping to feel better after I wake up.

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