
The Harlequin Of Fate

Toni Mars found himself in a completely new world hanging down with a rope around his neck. A mysterious voice told him he has become a Traveler. However, with no idea how he got there and occupying the body of another person, he must discover the reasons his life is in danger. He quickly realized the only way to protect himself is to become powerful. But in a place where getting stronger means modifying your DNA and dealing with forces as old as the world, one wrong step can end it all.

AddaxShogess · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

The Joker

Sitting on his cloud, Toni entered the Focused Intention state and started moving his arms around. The teenager and the woman were puzzled by his actions but were soon left astonished. Toni waved his arms around, directing clouds to descend and manipulating their shape. He used a cluster of clouds and condensed them to form a huge half-round table. The table was facing his direction. He thought about lifting it to his level but decided otherwise. 

Let's stay in character. It's better if they keep thinking I'm some sort of super-being.

He continued his task and built a big chair on one end of the table on his right, and another at the other end on his left so that they faced each other. 

"Make yourself comfortable." He said to the amazed guests who couldn't believe their eyes.

"Wow, your Excellency. This is amazing! Who should pick a seat first? I definitely should. You brought me here first. Then, it's only normal that I get to pick first." Lars said.

"An insignificant matter. Figure it out yourselves." Toni said.

Lars looked at Nina. 

"Madam, I was here first. Surely you wouldn't mind if I chose my seat before you."

"Suit yourself. I don't care."

"Will do." He said as he walked and sat down on the first chair Toni created. 

The woman sat on the other one. They were pleasantly surprised by how soft and comfortable their seat was. It was like sitting on a pillow. Contrastingly, the table was as solid as a boulder. They wouldn't believe they were made from the same material if they did not witness it themselves.

"Your Excellency, I would like to thank you for having me participate in your experiment. This is so exciting. I've never done anything like this. You know, when I was younger, I would always imagine having supernatural powers and saving people's lives. It was a dream of mine. I thought it would only remain a dream, but I recently learned of the existence of people with powers and abilities normal humans do not possess. I thought it was just a rumor, but seeing what you are capable of, your excellency, maybe it wasn't a rumor. I have a feeling those people do exist, and I would also like to have supernatural powers. Please forgive my bluntness, but what do I need to do to become a Genomer?"

This guy sure talks a lot. I also have no idea what he's talking about. Supernatural powers? Well at this point I'm willing to believe anything. How am I supposed to answer that? I know nothing. Genomer? What is that? It seems the name is derived from "genome". Should I BS my way through it? No, it's too risky. My credibility is paramount to maintaining this character. Damn, this is tough. Hang on a second. I may not know, but the woman may have something to say about it. It's worth trying. At least it's better than me feeding them a bunch of nonsense.

Toni still hovering above them, turned his gaze towards the woman and remained silent. 

Does he expect me to answer? Probably. Such questions surely aren't worth his time. Nina thought.

"There are many ways to become a Genomer." She said.

"Madam, please tell me."

"Where do you live?"

Lars hesitated for a few seconds.

"I'm afraid I cannot say. I believe it's better if we preserve our anonymity."

Nina smiled.

"You're probably from Kemura."

"How did you know?"

"Your accent. It's a typical Kemurian accent. Don't worry, it's to tell you the best options in your case."

Lars nodded. 

"Since you are in Kemura, your best bet is to join one of the big guilds there. I would personally recommend the Phantasmal Guild, the Sky Dragon Guild, or the Inventor Club."

"Why is that?" The teenager asked.

"Genomers are very rare. A lot of people don't even know they exist. There is secrecy around them, and many organizations try their best to keep it that way. They want to have a monopoly on it. There are some forces in this world that normal humans cannot contend with. If it wasn't for Genomers combatting those forces, humanity would have no chance. Some say it was the birth of Genomers that led those forces to us. Others say it was the other way around. Either way, it doesn't change the current state of affairs. I can assure you Genomers aren't rumors or a myth."

Toni was also listening attentively to the woman, committing every bit of information to memory.

"Madam, you're not telling me anything I didn't already know. I have heard of those guilds including their secret force. Namely, the Phantasmal Knights, the Thunder Force Legion, and the Nerds."

"Why did you ask then?"

"I refuse to join a guild. There are too many restrictions and rules. I don't like that."

Nina laughed out loud before quickly stopping herself, realizing where she was and whom she was in the presence of.

"My apologies." She said to Toni.

He waved her off as if it was nothing.

"Typical of someone born with a silver spoon down the throat." The woman continued.

"What's your point?" Lars asked.

"You have to give to receive. Very little things come at no cost. If the guilds aren't an option for you, you can find a powerful family with knowledge about Genomers they are willing to share with you, an outsider. The last option I can think of is to venture into the black market to buy what you need. But it's dangerous if you don't know what you're doing."

"I didn't think it would be so hard. I guess I'll have to try my luck in the black market." Lars said.

Nina looked at Toni, still sitting on his cloud above, hoping he would participate in the conversation. However, the latter remained silent.

Don't mind me. Just keep talking. Toni expressed interiorly. 

"I can help you with your quest." The woman said.

"Really? That would be awesome."

"I happen to have in my possession the ingredients list for the Codon 1 of a particular Genome."

"Tell me! Which Genome is it?"

"Patience. Do you even know about Genomes? The only way for us to become a Genomer is to add specific codons of a Genome to our DNA. With each codon added, our DNA changes giving us powers and abilities. Some people called those Genomes, The Supreme Being's DNA. Others say the knowledge of the Genomes was acquired from the Heretic Scripture. The Scripture is believed to contain knowledge that should only be privy to The Supreme Being. Anyway, let me get back to the topic on hand, I can provide you with the recipe to create the vial for Codon 1: Introvert."

"What does it do?"

"Once you've added the codon to your DNA, you'll be more sensitive to what's around you. As an Introvert, Your perception will be keener, your mind will grow sharper. You will easily be able to pick up details of things around you. There may be more, but that is what I know."

Lars was visibly excited by what he heard as he could barely sit calmly. 

"I want it. Madam, what's your price? Just name it. I'm pretty sure I can afford it."

"I'm sure money isn't an issue for you. Based on your speech pattern and mannerisms, I've concluded you are probably from a wealthy family. But I do not want money."

"What do you want?"

"I want four wings of the Vespal Moskito. They must be intact, with no damage whatsoever."

"For the sake of negotiation, let's say I have the wings. How will you give me the ingredients list?"

"The exchange would go as follow. I will give you a place where a contact of mine will receive the wings. Once I have them in my hands, I can either send you the list using the post office or I can tell it to you here, assuming we meet again." She said, glancing at Toni.

"It is up to you." Toni simply said.

"How can I be sure you will fulfill your end of the bargain?"

"I will bear witness to the transaction," Toni replied, his gaze upon them.

"Thank you, your Excellency! I feel more comfortable now."

"Thank you… sir, for acting as a witness for such a mundane matter."

Toni waved his hand.

"He has been addressing you as "Your Excellency". I wouldn't dare to assume how you wish to be called."

"My apologies, your Excell… I mean yeah, how would like to be called?"

Toni chuckled. For the first time, they asked him a question he was prepared for. Two options were in his mind. They were the result of the Dice Clairvoyance he had earlier, Death for his past, and the Joker for his future. He was afraid choosing Death as a name would spook his guests.

"Do not worry, you can still address me as you have been doing." He said to the teenager.

I kinda like your Excellency. It has a nice ring to it. Toni thought.

"However, I am known as The Joker." He said solemnly. 

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