
The Harem Lord of Hell

**Ding** [Ultimate Quest] [Add Queen Monica to the Harem] [Reward: Hell Monarch Badge] [Benefit: The ability to rule Hell] ********* Dion, an assassin for hire, tragically loses his wife to an unknown stranger. In his despair, he is offered a chance for her resurrection by a Mistress of Hell. However, the task required is unimaginable: to kill a Captain in Hell. Will Dion be able to fulfill this harrowing task? Will the Mistress honor her promise if he succeeds? And what dark truths will Dion uncover during his daring mission? Join him as he ventures into the depths of Hell, striving to achieve the impossible to reclaim his lost love. ****** - Harem: Yes-solutely - NTR: No - Yuri: No - Gore: Yes - Strictly R18 contents Join my server https://discord.com/invite/Um4VYjQt

Meakid_015 · Fantasy
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34 Chs


Suddenly, a slow hiss emanated from behind where the Odds were coming from, loud enough for everyone to hear.

All eyes, including those of the Odds, turned towards the source of the sound, momentarily ceasing the battle.

The faces of the Odds brightened as they began to smile, and a chant rose among them, "You're all done for."

Then, a figure dressed entirely in red began walking towards them.

"Who is that?" Alfred asked, voicing the question on everyone's mind.

The new person had a black mask on completely concealing his face. A large long gown that trailed on the ground covered him from head to toe.

His movements were proud yet gentle. He had no red glow in his body like the rest of the Odds, nor did he have a gauntlet-like glow around his hand like some of them. He was just different.

Skillfully, the Odds moved back, standing behind the new figure as he approached.

The aura surrounding him was unsettling. He said no word but stood still, staring at the Extinguishers, who in turn stared back at him with curiosity.

They'd never seen anyone of that nature before. The Odds had always been chaotic, with no leader or orderliness among themselves. They were just men hungry for a fight.

"I'm not keen on this, something feels off today," Alfred whispered to Dion.

There was silence among the ranks, no word from the Extinguishers, the Odds, or the new masked guy.

"Who the fuck..." An Extinguisher broke the silence, but before he could complete his sentence, the new guy stretched forth his hand towards him, and he began choking.

He grabbed his neck, as if trying to free himself from an invisible grip. He struggled as much as he could, but it was to no avail.

The Extinguishers, having never witnessed anything like that, looked on curiously at him, struggling. Most of them thought he was just joking.

Within a second or two, the guy's head popped out, and he evaporated as he dropped to the ground.

"No way! He's a Swayer! Leg it for your lives!" Alfred shouted, having finally discovered who the man behind the mask was.

The moment he uttered those words, he turned and began running, knowing the threat at hand.

He was the only one among the ranks that was running; the rest were either brave or perhaps unaware of what Alfred knew about the Swayer.

Two Extinguishers rushed towards the Swayer, each with their weapons ready to attack. Before they could take two steps forward, he directed his hand towards them, and within the next 2 seconds, they fell to the ground, each head popping before evaporating.

"Attack!" Captain Ally ordered, having seen the potential threat.

Suddenly, almost all the Extinguishers lunged forward, their intentions clear: to fight.

As soon as the Swayer noticed this, his posture changed. He took a balanced stance, both hands now in the air pointing at the Extinguishers, ready to pop their heads off.

He managed to get the better of some of them, but due to their large number, he couldn't finish them off before they got close enough.

The Odds behind noticed them and lunged forward to protect their Swayer. The Red Zone became rowdy again.

Blades, scythes, arrows, blasters, and various weapons were swung around. Shouts, screams, and wailings were the only things one could hear from there.

Ava's intention was to get to the Swayer in the chaos. She knew the Swayer was the stronghold of the Odds at this moment, although this was the first time she had seen something like that.

She tactically closed the distance between them, diverting the attention of the Swayer to the other side as he choked some Extinguishers.

Ava changed her weapon to a powerful gauntlet. She stealthily moved, ensuring no one saw her amidst the chaos.

As she drew closer, she jumped and unleashed a thunderous strike to the face of the Swayer, staggering him back momentarily. The force behind the punch cracked the mask on his face, revealing some parts of his visage.

"I figured you were some tough nut to crack, but turns out you're just a regular dude in a mask," Ava taunted.

The Swayer remained silent, his face emotionless as he regained his footing, extending his hand towards Ava.

Anticipating his move, Ava swiftly moved to the other side. The Swayer's hands followed her, but she evaded his grasp each time.

Ava realized that the Swayer needed to focus his hands on his target for a few moments before taking action. By constantly moving from side to side, she made it difficult for him to catch her.

She repeated this tactic, frustrating the Swayer, although his expression remained unchanged. His face was devoid of any emotion, appearing almost lifeless.

The battle princess tactically closed the distance between them, swiftly moving from side to side.

As she got really close, she landed another heavy punch to his face, shattering the mask completely and revealing his face. Without hesitation, she executed another powerful punch to his bare face, sending him crashing to the ground.

As he fell, he raised his hand towards her. Unaware of his movement, Ava found herself within his grasp and began choking.

"Not today, fucker!" Dion shouted as he rushed to the scene, kicking the Swayer's arm away from Ava and freeing her. However, the aftereffects of the choking still affected her as she lay on the ground, coughing.

Dion shot his blaster at the Swayer, aiming for his head. Surprisingly, the Swayer changed the trajectory of the bullet, deflecting it away from himself and towards the side. At the same moment, he pointed his other arm towards Dion.

Before Dion could evade like Ava did, he felt an invisible force around his neck, firmly gripping him.

He began choking, his eyes bulging out as his breath ceased. He was losing his life.

"I'm I dying out here?"