
The Both Of Them

The door banged open with loud thud... and in she ran laughing her ass off ,and he ran behind her trying to catch her clearly irritated.

Pepe and Liza are both 13 years of age ,and had been friends from even before they could remember. They lived in cottages on a hill top ..they had been neighbours and went to the same school from the very beginning .They were so close to each other and told each other every thing.I'm sure if you had someone like them around you ...you would think nothing can separate them.And yes nothing could.

Usually it was Pepe who irritated Liza but today is an unusual day. Liza is being chased by Pepe .What has come over Liza .Though Liza and Pepe were best friends from a very small age they had completely different behavior.They could be given as an example for opposites attract.

Liza had always been a clam quiet and peaceful girl who could not think of hurting others and always was to herself.Whereas Pepe was such a talkative and broad minded,funny person he could make even the sternest of people laugh.

So....this is how the two friends were absolutely inseparable.And so close to each other.