
The Harbinger of Nothingness ( New version coming in the future)

Devas, superior beings who wielded Dharmas that gave them access to a myriad of superabilities. The six paragons had finally made their appearances again, and the millions of years of peace that the five multiverses enjoyed were drifting to an end, chaos shall reign and reality would shatter for what was brewing in its cauldron. Zeralf, a clueless kid who had everything going well for him suddenly found his life upturning when he witnessed his whole clan being massacred by his biological father on a dreadful night. Fueled by vengeance, he vowed to become the strongest Deva in existence, strong enough to kill his father, however, would he be able to complete his revenge when the mysterious organization in the shadow threatened to bring doomsday to the giant Omniverse? Who are the six paragons, and what heavenly power hid inside Zeralf? --- Check out my new book, ascension of the strongest warlock.

MKmanyr · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Bloodline Advantage

On an obscure planet far in a distant galaxy, two silhouettes were present in a dimly lit room, one was on one kneel while the other was sitting on a grand chair close to one of the dark walls that enclose the large room.

Moonlight entered from the small hole in the centre of the roof and the small pond in front of the leader sitting on the chair that divided the room into two reflected the moon's radiance and cast several eerie shadows across the room. 

'' The exam has begun My Lord. '' The figure kneeling on the dark floor spoke in a thin masculine voice full of worship. He had an average physique that was masked by the full robe and hood he wore 

The figure that was addressed as His lord even though he had his face covered was gazing solemnly at the other figure while tapping the thin walking stick he held on the floor slowly but in a rhythmic fashion. Each tap sounded like a drop of water that echoed throughout the room and the figure kneeling felt a suffocating pressure as he breathed. Meeting His Lord was something beyond his previous imagination and now that he had been summoned, he was getting terrified and excited by just his mere presence.

'' Going after some newly awakened might be unnecessary considering our grand plans right? '' The figure sitting asked in a very soft voice almost whispering but the one being questioned felt frightened and his face under the hood turned white in horror.

His chest rose and fell heavily, his stomach churned and his back was drenched in sweat. This was akin to blasphemy in their organization and if His Lord was displeased, death would mean that he was lucky

'' I…I wouldn't dare question your orders, My Lord. '' He answered in a shaky voice.

'' Huh. '' The figure on the seat smirked inwardly. '' You just recently advanced right? ''

'Ye…yes, thanks to your grace…''

'' Cut it off. '' The Lord berated in a disdainful voice. '' You will infiltrate the exam location and bring them here. ''

'' Remember. '' He paused and tapped the floor with his walking stick. '' If you can't bring them here, eradicate them along with yourself. '' He concluded and his figure began to vanish like thick black smoke.

'' This would be your life changing mission, death or grace all depends on how you perform. '' A disappearing voice reached his ears where he was still kneeling.

He felt his body shudder as he heard the last command, this was how they operate here, the penalty for failing a mission was death without questioning.


It had been three days without resting already and many participants were languid both mentally and physically. It was very normal to see someone beside them get eliminated yet they had to keep on moving unless they wanted to be the next person that got roasted by lightning.

All the participants had begun using their Dharmas at this stage and some were actually eliminated because they ran out of Ki

At the moment, Zeralf had teleported repeatedly and he was already miles ahead of others, he didn't complete this phase in one go however, this was the first time most of them here were meeting a deva from another race including him so it was an experience on a whole new level to all of them.

From where he was standing, the silhouette of the giant snake was visible to him and he watched as the snake launched myriads of lightning bolts at the participants without mercy causing a ruckus everywhere.

'' Most of the attacks now are at the marble ranks. '' He analyzed solemnly. '' To be able to dodge attacks one rank higher, pretty strict. ''

Some participants too had run ahead and some could be seen sitting on the ground with a tired expressions while trying to recuperate as fast as they could with the little distance they created from the snake. Use of portions and other external agents was not allowed and the only food and water supplies they had access to were the ones in their bracelets.

Many had dwindled their supplies and that brought another horror to the whole scenario, stealing and infighting had started among them and soon enough, they might result in killing each other to obtain supplies.

Kitasha was on one edge of the tunnel and her figure looked graceful as ever despite the tiredness that was written all over her face. She just shared a fraction of her supplies with a female participant who was at the point of collapse.

She fetched her water and when her petite face regained some colour, she threw her forward without thinking twice.

'' You will only get in my way. '' She uttered to herself.

'' Kiyaarhh!! '' The girl screamed and her violet hair was dishevelled as she landed with a thud about a hundred meters away.

'' What a monstrous strength, can't expect less from Lady Kitasha hehe. '' The female examiner, Luna, chuckled in the air with twinkling eyes full of praise.

Kitasha took a battle stance as she braced herself to clash with the multiple green lightning bolts that headed her way. She had been among the few people who were helping others and her elegant and honourable act motivated some of them. Although she might look arrogant and spoiled, she was brought up to stand strongly for the weak. Because one day, she would become a powerful woman who would protect Ezgard.

Two swords materialized in her hands followed by a black armour. One of the swords was the big sword that she had revealed before but the second sword was different from the longsword she was using earlier.

The sword had a long spiral black blade, a spiky guard, a cylindrical handle and a round pommel that shone with black light. The armour consisted of a black breastplate, a  large silver skirt with black metal platings at its lower ends, two black gauntlets covering her hands and her small smooth pale waist was attracting attention. Both armour and new sword were pitch black and her long blonde hair danced in the air chivalrously as she watched the multiple lightning bolts close in.

'' Clannngg! '' Kitasha raised her right hand that was holding the big sword and collided with the nearest lightning bolt. Her eyes were very sharp with determination and they gazed at the attacks coldly.

Immediately her big sword collided with the first lightning bolt, and a deafening sound echoed around the tunnel followed by a deathly silence. Kitasha had attracted all the lightning bolts to her big swords and they all vanished. Her face turned purple as her breathing became rough. 

'' kyarrh! '' She yelled and swung the new black sword forward.

The participants close to her couldn't believe their eyes when they saw what happened and most of them stopped in their tracks with wide eyes.

A thick dark green lightning bolt of immense size came out of the sword and outrightly went for the giant snake with a speed that was apparently at the limit of the marble rank.

'' Arrghh! '' Even though the attack didn't cause the snake any injury in the slightest, it was still painful and annoying.

'' You biatch… '' the snake bellowed.  ''Are you related to him? '' He enquired in a hateful voice that held deep fear in it making his heart tremble.

'' Mmm. '' Luna breathed in as she saw Kitasha's attack. '' So it's true, to think she would awaken a Dharma similar but opposite to him. ''

She looked in the distance and thought inwardly. '' And those two duos with classified backgrounds, this batch will give us a show hehe, no wonder the higher-ups raised this year's exam's standard. ''

Kitasha was oblivious to the attention she had created and her only concern was that she had bought many people time to recuperate.

'' He is not at his full power and this is three days already, this should be enough for some to scrape through. '' She calculated in her mind and turned to join others in their escape.

Zeralf was in the distance so he didn't see what Kitasha did, he only felt the sudden KI disturbance followed by the deafening sound but he was too far ahead to go back and check, not that he would've bothered if he was even close.

Having an infinite Ki made some things convenient and this phase of the exam was just a piece of cake for him. 

When he was done observing the snake and lost interest, he took action and teleported till he saw the end of the tunnel.

A white light came from ahead and he released a breath. He gazed at the tunnel with wariness and he eventually teleported outside of the tunnel.

'' Even with non-stop teleportations, it still took a day to reach the end of the tunnel. '' Zeralf muttered inwardly as he waited for his eyes to adjust to the new scenery.

As expected of the Damons, he had completed the first phase first, in the shortest duration possible. He didn't even engage in many clashes as it was just easy to leave the tunnel rather than holding himself down in some pointless clashes.