
The Hanma In remnant(UP FOR ADOPTION)

A [soul] Kept In the void for unknown lengths of time, so long he forgot his name yet with persistence it kept existing so as a reward a higher power decided to give the [soul] second chance in a different world [RWBY] with four wishes of his choosing

meme_myself · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs


(hey everyone it's your boy disembodied author text here with another fanfiction, sorry for taking so long with the fanfictions and chapters its just that stuff is happening at home that makes it hard to write. anyways hope you enjoy.)


(Void)(????? Pov)

.....1....2.....3.....1....4.....1...How long have [I] Been here.

I don't even remember how I even died... if I died?... what my name was... if I had family or not... at most what I do remember Is basic or random facts that don't have any use in my situation... like how certain wasp species lay their eggs In other creatures which in almost all cases end in the death of the recipient, or animes like bleach, baki, Kengan Ashura, dragon ball, one punch man, Rwby and such.

really all I can do right now is think about this stuff, which is what kept me Slightly sane but only slightly.

suddenly I [felt] for lack of a better word the [Place] shift or change maybe, trust me when you [exist] in a place long enough you notice changes when they happen especially when the place never changes like this [Place].

When the shift is done I [See] a strange being before me, bearing a strange resemblance to a person yet not quite, like I'm looking at everyone yet no one, like my mind is telling me it's familiar yet I know for a fact I've never met it before.

(=÷%*€£¤Ω:&):"I'd expect that considering that your correct in that you haven't, at least not me personally, I'm what you'd call a multi-existential concept or another word mortals use for me is A god in some cases, now what I represent doesn't matter nor why you feel you know me nor even how you or I got here, just understand that I came here because I sensed you a [Soul] that is in a place not where you belong yet still persist even in the overwhelming [Nothingness] of the [Void] most [souls] would have dissipated into the surrounding nothing yet you still exist, so you interest me, especially when you've been here longer then the total lifespans of most universes."

I felt somewhat surprised yet it was overwhelmed by something else... pure elation at the fact that Im not alone right now, that the damn dull mind-numbing Nothing is not just Mind-numbing nothing, there is another thing before, so it took me a bit to recover, collecting all the info I could(time really does a number on memory!) before I [spoke]

[Soul]:".... So did you come here just to look at me cuz you were curious, if so than what will you do now that you've found it."

the entity laughed at the rather unique reactions of the soul before him before speaking once.

(&;:©©©--____><):"Ho~ lets get straight to the point, I'm curious at the potential you have, you see for that if a [Mortal] [Soul] goes here they tend to dissipate, it usually starts slowly them losing form, mind, Self, then finally will. before finally simply ceasing to exist, now mind you this is done in around three-hundred to Five hundred years, but you. you lasted over several billion times that, so obviously your quite a bit different from other souls as while you've lost form, you still have a relatively intact mind, slightly faded self and a pretty strong will from what I see. - So I'm willing to give you Four wishes within reason which means no godlike power or being a god, no immortality, or infinite resources, or any of the sort, before sending you off to a world of your choosing, oh and before I forget to mention you'll get infinite memory capacity as well as Instant recall with perfect clarity and accuracy as a freebie as you'll more then likely have memory problems due to both the time here and because I'm feeling particularly good today."

The [Soul] was silent before finally accepting the chance it was given, not like he has much of a choice anyways besides spending it here, which was a definite no.

deciding the wishes he wants, he nods his head before replying.

[Soul]:"my first wish is to have the Hanma bloodline at it's peak which means that the insane fighting talent, instinct, improvement rate, adaptability, superhuman body and constitution will all be cranked up to a fifteen.

my second wish is to have parallel processing, to process the world around me much more efficiently, along with gaining a inhuman learning speed.

my third wish is to have limitless growth potential.

my fourth wish is to have a healing factor that is at least thirty times more potent then the regular human."

the entity "raised" its eyebrows at the odd wishes before bushing it off and continuing.

(°¿¥₩¤Ω©~§):"hmmmm ~well those are indeed some good boons, ~so which world do you want to go to."

the [Soul] thought a bit before replying"Rwby."

the entity somewhat snorted before looking at me amused and some small discontent, before shrugging and continuing.

(×$€*€£ГГГ):"well whatever, everything is ready. good luck."

that was all I heard before the void shifted again and I was pulled in.


(at a small village hospital)(north ward)(room 223)

a woman's cries could be heard inside screams of agonising child-birth.

the woman in question is named Raven Branwan, and while she gives birth, she can't help but occasionally flashback to how she got here giving birth to yet another child, when she left her daughter behind.

It was a little over a year after she left tai to lead the tribe, she tried to cut any and all connections she had to her ex-lover and daughter at most she checks up on her daughter's progress at most.

but as they say old habits die hard, one day she was in particularly foul mood, and as much as she can't admit it getting over the heartbreak of leaving tai, so while her brother ruined any like she had of alcohol, she still went ahead and drank some liquid courage.

one thing lead to another and she slept with a man, it was that moment of weakness which then led to this current predicament, she thought multiple times of abortion, but each time she almost did it... she felt this sense of doubt that in end drove her to keeping the child.

that was all she could've thought before the pain slammed back into her once again making her scream.

[nurse]:"We can see the head mam we just need One more big push!"


[nurse]:"It's a boy."

that was the final push as the child was born out into the world, a loud cry to signify that he's here, as he was cleaned and wrapped in a red blanket, and finally given to his mother.

she stared down at the boy with a curious gaze, he stared back, his bright red eyes containing a focus and intellect a new born should not have, but not like ozpin who has the wisdom of all his past life times aiding him, with all the body's and life's he's snatched in his damn lover's spat, her child is just naturally dangerous like how some animals are dangerous even at birth, it's a instinctive understanding of her child's nature, his hair poking out of the blanket, being a dark red color almost like blood.

she realized she has yet to name him, thinking a bit she declared.

[Raven]:"your name will be Akai Branwan."


hey guys hope you enjoyed the story please leave your thoughts comments and suggestions.

just know that I will be changing Rwby Heavily with this character.

meme_myselfcreators' thoughts