
The Handsome Spy

ShaplaSadi1610 · Action
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18 Chs

Chapter 8

Episode 24 :

The brutality of this infamous cocaine kingpin was the 1985 attack on the Supreme Court building and the killing of 11 judges. Also, on November 27, 1989, Escobar ordered the assassination of a presidential candidate to explode "Avianca Flight 203", killing all 110 innocent passengers.

However, the presidential candidate was not on that flight. Also the Colombian Minister of Justice murdered "Rodrigo Lara by Pablo Escobar's Killing Squad" because Lara opposed Escobar in the Colombian Congress. "Presidential candidate" and "anti- narcotics" Luis Carlos Galan was also killed during his election campaign on Escobar's orders. In the 1980s, the famous "FORBES" magazine named the cocaine kingpin as the seventh richest man in the world.

Pablo Escobar's end was full of drama. In the 1970s and 1980s, he was called the King of Cocaine for his monopoly on the cocaine trade. His ferocity and brutality to his opponents was legendary. Mexico's cocaine kingpin heads the Medellin Cartel, one of the world's most organized and brutal drug cartels.

In the 70s and 80s his "Medellin Cartel" controlled a large part of the world's cocaine trade. Escobar's power was so great that it was almost impossible to bring him to justice. The Colombian government wanted help. The US government wanted it too.

To arrest Escobar at any cost. This notorious criminal was a complete family man. Loved two daughters and one son the most. American Special Forces and Colombian police exploit Pablo's weakness in love.

His family was arrested and taken into custody and later held hostage. Pablo became disoriented. The opposition curtain and the newly born enemy 'Los Pepe' kills all the people close to him. Pablo was left alone. Pablo's family is holed up in a hotel. Pablo wanted to die by his own fate .

However, his family was sent somewhere outside of Mexico for safekeeping. Every day in different places

Pablo used to talk to his son on the phone even though he was hiding. This is his phone conversation with the United Forces

Tracks its location from

When the United forces carried out an operation to kill Pablo at his residence.

Pablo was still on the phone with his son. Even after the soldiers broke down the door and entered the house, Pablo calmly sent his son away. A bullet below the ear shattered him. King of Cocaine consume a bullet. The frozen body rests majestically in a special suite at the Riu Emerald Bay Hotel. The suite that Pablo used only for his own stay. Currently Pablo's heirs control the hotel.

Episode 25 :

Arian has been in Mexico for about ten days now. Arians first went down to collect information about Del Mario from A to Z, and Arians spends thousands of dollars spending thousands of dollars going here and there for three whole days to get all the information about Del Mario.

Del Mario's full name is Del Mario Maze . He was born on December 25, 1968 in a poor family in the village of La Tuna near the city of Badiraguato in the state of Sinaloa on the Pacific coast of Mexico.

However, his date of birth is disputed. Many say that Del Mario Maze was born on April 4, 1965 to his parents, Emilo Bastillos and Mario Perez Maze. Mario was the third of six siblings. The two elder brothers probably died of disease. They had to endure the tyranny of the reckless hot- tempered father.

Del Mario's father was a cattle rancher. The income from it did not last their year. His father was an alcoholic. He used to spend whatever money he got in the bar. Due to scarcity, Del Mario started selling oranges. He was six or seven years old then. He used to go out everyday with a bunch of oranges on his head. He has to leave school to do this. his After studying up to the third grade, he picked up a notebook and pen and at one time started planting cannabis plants.

The sale of Marijuana continued along with the sale of oranges. After seeing the good profit, he turned to illegal earning. Del Mario's journey to crime began. After that, he started cultivating illegal opium. One by one, two by two, four by two. When Del Mario was 15 years old, he started a drug cartel. Including opium, marijuana, hashish, heroin, cocaine, pathedrine etc .

He started supplying all kinds of drugs with the help of this cycle. The cartel was called the Sinaloa Cartel. With the money in hand, Del Mario was freed from his father's responsibility and built a drug empire. The Sinaloa cartel was created by Del Mario, the enemy of humanity. Del Mario became the most powerful drug mafia in 1997 after the death of his main rival, the famous drug lord Pablo Escobar.

His criminal empire had an impact around the world. The proof of which has been found in Forbes magazine's list of top 100 influential people three times Del Mario's name appeared. He was ranked 41st in 1997 and 60th in 1999 and 55th in 2011 in the list of influential people.

Just for money, the money that cannot be enjoyed by people, is earned

have to do In this case, earning is insulting to those who earn in the right way. Del Mario didn't make money, he sold drugs for money and sucked people's blood. Mafia Don Del Mario has betrayed humanity by trading the drug of death against sanity and good life.

But what if a small orange trader in Mexico now controlled the world's orange market. From a few dollars to a multi- billion dollar owner. Then the title could have been orange hawker to super rich. Although Del Mario has a lot of money, he has only one child.

Adriana Maze is Del Mario's adorable only daughter. When Arian sees the beauty of Adriana's , He compared the beauty of Venus, the goddess of beauty, would turn red with jealousy. However, Adriana's beauty has not yet been touched by any artificiality or plastic surgery.

Adriana is a natural beauty. However, Arian saw Adriana as far as he understood that the girl has a tight lipped nature. As the brokers of the rich usually are, this is not much of a fault. Arians knows there's no way he'll be able to meet Del Mario in personally . So he made a plan in his mind. Let's see how successful Aryan's plan is.

Episode 26 :

On Mazatlan Beach, a gang of girls form two groups and throw handballs. Although there are many tourists on the beach, everyone is busy spending their private time. Meanwhile the Sun has appeared near the head of Stone Land Island, which rises in the blue sea. This is the signal that the sun will soon go down and disappear into the sea, and none of you will see him again for at least twelve hours. The red glow of the setting sun falls on the faces of women throwing handballs.

A riot of women throwing handballs, it can be said that every girl has beautiful high hips, huge breasts that look like they are about to burst out of a bikini, narrow waist and amazing body posture. Out of the eight handball girls, seven are artificial beauties except one, Adriana Maze. Artificial beauties don't seem to care about Adriana Maze's natural beauty.

Adriana Maze arrived a little early to join her girlfriends in a game of handball. Adriana drove her golden Inferno exotic car straight to the beach .

today she didn't bring a bodyguard . Like every day she took part in the game with her girlfriends. Arian has been keeping an eye on Adriana for almost four days today. Arian has understood in these four days that coming to the beach and playing handball with her girlfriends is a routine work of Adriana.

The girls play handball while Ariyan watches them play from a distance away from the beach. Like every day, Arian was waiting for Adriana.

Adriana is the girls' main guest and Arian's first target. Aryan today saw that the girl came alone, no extra cars were visible around her . That means Adriana Maze doesn't always walk around with a bodyguard, she sometimes goes out alone. Aryan's advantage is that his plan will succeed easily if the bodyguards do not come.

Of course, having bodyguards wouldn't have been a problem, Aryan would have stopped if his plan succeeded anyway. After Adriana arrived, Arian sat on the beach sand at the compound.

Aryan is wearing a pair of shorts and a printed Hawaiian shirt. As usual, he is enjoying the girls' games while sitting on the beach sand. Actually he is seeing Adriana. The girl has captured the heart at the first sight. Arian had no idea that such a beautiful girl could be born in the house of a criminal. All the girls play hand ball wearing two piece bikini but Adriana wear only top and jeans .

All the girls are playing handball in two piece bikini but Adriana is playing handball wearing a top and jeans. Ariane observed them for four days. Adriana's clothes are very tasteful. That's how the daughter of criminal father but taste is so advanced .

Arian does not understand. Arian did not realize when the evening had passed and the night had come to watch the game. Arian sits not far from where the girls are busy playing.

So he is easily noticed by girls. In particular, Adriana's gaze keeps returning to Arian. Adriana's looking back suggests that Arian has become the object of Adriana's attraction.

There is a beach light post next to where Arian is sitting.

As the light of that light falls on Arian, all the girls playing handball are looking at him. Seeing Aryan, the girls are talking to each other and laughing. Aryan is also enjoying himself considering the interest he has created among the girls.

Arian looked at the clock, it was almost nine o'clock. As usual, the girls will play for a while and then they will go surfing in the ocean. Surfing for half an hour will leave for their destination.

For four days Arian noticed that Adriana did not go to the sea to surf even once, it seems that she does not know how to surf. Today the girls all went surfing but Adriana stayed at the beach. Adriana leans on the trunk of her car watching her girlfriends surf and sometimes she tries to catch a glimpse of Prince Charming sitting near a beach light post.

Adriana thinks a man how can be most charming and most handsome like an Angel ? Today, for four days, I have been watching the young man who looks like an angel watching our game. In fact, he is not watching our game fell in love with one of us?

The young man is so handsome that she fell in love as soon as she saw him. Adriana thinking I have grown up and lived life with so much freedom that no man has been able to attract my attention like this guy .

But this young man has captured my heart since the day I first saw him. What is it about the guy's face that attracts me like a magnet?

Who is the boy I must know? Tourists no doubt but it would be great if they knew where they came from. While Adriana is making a sweet dreams about Aaryan, that time her girlfriends come up from surfing.

After arriving, everyone went to the parking lot and left for their respective destinations.

Episode 27 :

Only Adriana was left alone on this side of the beach. After some time he will also leave. Adriana's chest swelled as she looked at the beach light post saying goodbye to her friends. Where did his Prince Charming go? There is no one around, lost in the distant noise or his Prince Charming? Will Adriana go to find her Prince Charming? Adriana can't decide what to do now. As she waits for her Prince Charming to leave .

At that moment eight to ten criminal- type of people attack Adriana. 4 took him by force and began to drag him to the dark end of the beach. Adriana started screaming help help. But there is no one around, this end of the beach is completely empty and dark. Adriana wonders what she did wrong by not bringing a bodyguard and today she is going to get a harsh lesson for going out without her father's prohibition .

The man carrying Adriana on his shoulders is huge and powerful. Adriana keeps punching the guy so hard that the guy doesn't feel any pain. Instead, her punch made the man laugh even louder.

Then suddenly the man stopped laughing. Adriana noticed that everyone who was carrying her stopped as if to see. Someone said in English, wait, if you want live , let the girl go.

hearing the English language, Adriana thought it must be a tourist. Because almost everyone in Mexico speaks Spanish and they know very little English. But one of them said in broken English, "If you want your own good, don't turn your nose up at us."

After that, Adriana couldn't hear anything from the tourist man's voice . After about five or six minutes, the man who carried Adriana by the shoulder, dropped her in a rush. Adriana came down from the man shoulder and saw five or six people are fleeing with broken hands and legs .