
The Handsome Spy

ShaplaSadi1610 · Action
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18 Chs

Chapter 12

Episode 37 :

The question arose in Aryan's mind, then who made Luchi, Potatoes curry and Mutton Kebab?

Arian came to Mexico in search of Abbas Ali. Is that Abbas Ali not alive at all, or he is just a fictitious character of the Pentagon ? However Arrian wandered all over the palace and got his answer when he entered the library.

The oil painting on the front wall of this library's entrance gave him the answer that he was in the right place. His visit to Mexico was not a failure mission. He was also surprised to read Rabindranath's poetry book Gitanjali from Rabindranath Collection. The book is not translated, it is written in pure Bengali. But Aryan thought it would be a translated book. Who can read Bengali in this Mexico?

Aryan is now fully recovered. The chest wound is dry. At Del Mario Palace approx

Two weeks have passed since Arian. With that purpose .

Aryan came to Mexico almost 100% successful in that purpose. He finds Abbas Ali but he is dead. He does not exist in this world. What's the point of running after the dead person?

So this time he wants to leave not only Del Mario Palace but also Mexico. But the problem is with Adriana. Adriana does not want to leave Arian in any way.

She is acting like a mad woman after hearing about Aryan's departure. Del Mario proposed to Arian to marry his daughter Adriana.

Any father would feel lucky to hand over his daughter to a son as capable and characterful as Aryan. But Arian turned down Del Mario's offer and said that he wants to return to the country where he is the son of his mother. It is not possible for him to marry Adriana now.

Del Mario spoke again. Arian will make his way to the Pentagon House with the information he received from Del Mario on Abbas Ali.

Although Aryan was not completely successful in this mission, he was not a complete failure too . This information is enough for the Pentagon to get as much information as possible about Abbas Ali.

Today Arian came back to Mazatlan Beach after many days from Del Mario Palace. Now it's almost nine o'clock at night, he came to the beach with Adriana. Today is the night of full moon, the sky is shining by moon lit . So sea water also looks like a shining crystals .

But the black sea seems to be alive because of the waves that raise the white foam. Aryan came straight to the beach with the car. Two kilometers behind, the neon lights of the city can be seen from this side of the beach.

Arian and Adriana are leaning on the car after getting out of the car. The girl has cried a lot so her face is very dry. Arian holds one of Adriana's hands. Adriana doesn't say anything, just takes a deep breath. Arian is also having a hard time for Adriana, her first love at a young age, she can't accept Arian's separation.

Aryan is not even able to accept it. Arian is also having a hard time leaving Adriana. In these fifteen days, Adriana gave every moment to Aryan, tried to keep Aryan happy with stories of laughter, and asked many questions about it. Sometimes she left Aryan's suite in anger after Aryan's scolding and came back after a while and annoyed Aryan again by saying this and that.

Behaving like a little girl, the girl is already infatuated with such people. Arian made himself very strong and said to Adriana with a very serious face, Adriana, I will leave tomorrow, why are you crying for me?

Adriana said very hard, I will be in a lot of trouble if you leave. How can I live without you? Arian said in a soft tone, look Adriana love is the pain of separation . When you have given your heart to the wrong person, you will suffer the broken relationship .

I have no choice Adriana, I can't stay here like normal guy anymore. I have to go for work, it is my duty for my country .

Brace yourself Adriana today seems like a tough day, but one day everything will be back to normal. Arian held Adriana's hand and said, "Would you mind if I hug you now?"

Adriana showed hypocritical anger to Arian and said, I am the whole of you to hug again or not leave ? Adriana was the first to jump on Arian's chest and Arian held Adriana tightly between his two arms. Adriana started to giggle as she whispered something in Adriana's ear. Arian and Adriana's first love affair ended here.

Durjoy Ahmed Arian is sitting in a private chamber on the twenty- fourth floor of the Pentagon House in Washington DC. Sitting on the opposite sit of the desk in front of him is Pentagon House Chief Administrator Emily Fox. Looking at Arian in one way.

He is throwing questions at every word of the information that Aryan is telling. Because Emily Fox could not accept the information given by Aryan as true and also could not reject it as false. Abbas Ali really died twenty- one years ago? asked Emily Fox.

Arian said yes ma'am, the person who was burned to death in the Luxor hotel in Las Vegas was Del Mario who is now the richest man in Mexico. About twenty- five percent of Del Mario's body was burned. Inhalation of black smoke caused extensive damage to his heart.

Due to which he had to undergo a heart transplant. Abbas Ali himself donated his heart for this heart transplant. All these records and documents I collected from Las Vegas ma'am. Then to be 100 percent confirmed, I went to Mexico to collect all kinds of information about Del Mario. And entered the Del Mario palace, attracting the attention of his daughter through some drama.

There, I developed a friendship with Del Mario and got confirmation from him about Abbas Ali. Emily Fox again questioned whether Abbas Ali had such a vested interest in donating Del Mario's heart.

Aryan said it was self interest ma'am, Abbas Ali was in debt to his friend Jade Omega. He was up to his neck in debt. Seeing that he will not be able to repay the burden of so much debt in this life, he donates his heart to Del Mario in exchange for money.

Emily Fox said it was so utterly self- sacrificing. Arian said it was suicide but Abbas Ali had no security, he knew he would be caught by the Pentagon today or tomorrow. Then he will have no way to escape. So he chooses the easy way. Arian submitted another written file to Emily Fox and said, Madam, here, from Abbas Ali to Jade Omega and Del Mario, all the information is given in details. I'm done ma'am.

And here is the information tab and master card given to you. can i go now ma'am ?

Emily Fox said, of course, you've done a great job. All the information we needed. All you have tried to collect. And in a very short time you have fulfilled your responsibilities. Emily Fox took the master card and informative device from Arian and handed another master card to Arian. Your bill has been passed on this card. You can withdraw the bill from any part of the world through this card.

And I will also pass a bill for the organization in your country that sent you to us. We hope that if we ever need your help again in the future, we will surely have your help. Aryan said of course ma'am. We are always by your side.

After about a month, Arian left Dhaka for Paris by Boeing.

Episode 39 :

This time he is not going for any work purpose, he is going for a special personal reason. As soon as the flight took off, the scene of the Luxor Hotel in Las Vegas, when every floor of the hotel caught fire, came to Ariane's mind.

About 25 people died in the fire and about 80 people were injured in the fire. Among the wounded was Del Mario. Abbas Ali rescues Del Mario from a bathroom. He was taken to the hospital and admitted. Del Mario was dead by then with twenty- five percent of his body burned and his heart and lungs in poor condition as he breathed in black smoke.

There was no way to save Del Mario. Jade Omega knew that Del Mario was the richest man in one of Mexico's top labels. Jade Omega wisely told Abbas Ali, look Abbas, you're on the run, today or tomorrow, you're going to be caught by the Pentagon one day. If you change your existence, no one will find you.

Del Mario the man will die in a few days. If you take her place then you will live a safe and happy life with no tensions.

Abbas Ali asked jade Omega but how is it possible? Jade Omega said he spoke to a facial surgery doctor who will make your face look exactly like Del Mario's. Abbas Ali said but so much is a matter of expense.

I don't have that much money. Jade Omega said don't worry about the money, I will take the loan and arrange everything. When you become rich del mario you pay off this friend of yours. But there are more problems, I don't know Spanish and I don't know much about Del Mario, Abbas Ali said to Jade Omega ,

Jade Omega said that they have been resolved and considered. They are that when you go to Mexico via Del Mario everyone will know that your vocal cords were destroyed in the fire so it will take time for you to speak.

During this time you will try to learn Spanish. Then there will be problems with acquaintances and business, you will go to Mexico and try to convince everyone that you are traumatized, you need some rest, so you will not get too close to anyone. And when you leave here, hire a guy who knows both Spanish and English very well.

Abbas Ali said what if that man tells us all the secrets? Jade Omega said , the man we hire won't know any of our secrets. All problems are solved this time.

Del Mario fought for life and death for a week and finally fell on the face of death and left this world forever, but with him, Abbas Ali's identity and forever farewell.

After Jade Omega's plan was successfully implemented, Abbas Ali became the Del Mario of Mexico. Although he is forever indebted to his friend Jade Omega, Abbas Ali has always helped Jade Omega with money.

Del Mario was a drug dealer and godfather of Mexican gangsters. After Abbas Ali went to Mexico through Del Mario, he closed all the old businesses of Del Mario and started a new business of exporting and importing different types of machinery. As Abbas Ali was a software engineer, he started his own software company in Mexico. After succeeding in the software business, he entered the huge cruise ship business. Here too he became one hundred percent successful and became the richest man in South America.

But no matter how much Abbas Ali built his empire with legal business, Del Mario's past scandals did not leave him behind. Everyone says behind the scenes, coal dust does not get clean . All of Del Mario's good deeds are nothing more than show business. In fact, he is still a drug dealer inside. To deceive the eyes of the law, he has taken up the business of all these software and ships business . Abbas Ali did not listen to the evil words of evil people. He does business like his own way .