
Author’s Note

Hello everyone! Thank you for my choosing to read this novel. I am super excited to go on this journey with my readers, but I would like to ask for everyone's patience. This is my first time writing a novel, and I am still a student. I will try my best to keep up consistent updates, but I am also very busy in everyday life. Also, I am not great with my writing technique yet, but I hope you will all be understanding. If you see any parts of the story that seem similar to other stories you have read, please understand that I am not trying to copy any other authors. I fully respect every author and would never purposely steal any ideas. I am just trying to learn the most I can from my favorite novelists. With that said, I would like to remind everyone to leave comments to let me know how I can improve! To add to that, the storyline is not yet set in stone, so feel free to add suggestions on how you would like the story to progress. Thank you all! I'm so excited to share this story with you! If this goes well, I have a few other ideas for other stories. So without further ado, here we go!