
The Halloween Party

Futurebookauthor · Realistic
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The Halloween Party

The dim sunlight shined down on us as we made our way through the neighborhood. The sun was slowly fading away in the clouds and there were shades of pink and red at the bottom of the sky. A gentle breeze blew through my bangs. The red and orange leaves slowly drifted away from the maple tree we were passing by. I looked at Miyoko who was silently walking behind me. Her humongous boobs, bouncing as she walked. Her dark, long purple hair flowing through the breeze. Her big dark blue eyes staring down at her feet. It looked like she was deep into thought again. But damn, she's so cute, I always wondered how someone so pretty and attractive like her could be so unconfident. I couldn't help but blush as I gazed at her.

"Hey um, Kuro Kun..." Miyoko said, still looking down.

"Y-yeah!? What's up, Miyoko?"

"I forgot to tell you I checked out the drama club yesterday and…there were so many people there it overwhelmed me. So I chickened out..I don't think I'll be able to join..."

Miyoko always loved to sing even when we were in elementary school. I heard her sing a few times and let me tell you her singing is beautiful. It literally made me on the verge of tears. Her sweet, soft gentle voice was definitely made for singing. I was the only person Miyoko felt comfortable singing in front of, which made me feel special. But anyway a beautiful talent like Miyoko's shouldnt go unnoticed. I suggested she should join the drama club a week ago. To be honest I'm surprised she actually checked it out; she always had huge stage fright. Every time we would do a concert in elementary school Miyoko would always have a panic attack and end up being excused to the bathroom so she could vomit. But it seemed like she really wanted to but her stage fright and fear of people is stopping her. I was really worried about her. Then I remembered there was a halloween party in our school that was coming up in a few weeks. I wanted to help Miyoko overcome her fear of social events so I thought taking Miyoko to the halloween party was a great start.

"So, Miyoko…" I started.

"Are you excited for the halloween party, babe?" A guy that goes to our school asked a girl that also goes to our school. Me and Miyoko were walking past them as they talked. "Mhm! How about we match? I could be Harley Quinn and you could be the Joker!" The girl said.

"That's a great idea,"

"I can't wait!"

As I listened to their conversation my eyes widened and my face turned all red.

'Now that I think about it, me and Miyoko going to the halloween party together kinda seems like a date!' I thought to myself.

"Kuro Kun? Is something wrong?" Miyoko asked.

"Uhm, I-I was just wondering what you'd be doing this halloween!"

"I don't think I'll be doing anything this year besides giving out candy to the little kids."

"Oh, I'm taking Yui trick or treating with her friends." Yui really doesn't want me going trick or treating with her and says she and her friends can handle themselves and know their way around the neighborhood but my mom was being paranoid and made me go with her anyway.

"That's nice. You can stop by my house if you want. I'd love to see Yui in her cute little costume," Miyoko said with a giggle. Her smile was so adorable.

"Yeah I'd be happy to," I said.

'I really want to help Miyoko as much as I can and taking her to the party would be a great way to help. And no it's not a date! It's just a friend helping out a friend. Yui doesn't need me anyway; she and her friends can handle themselves, I'm sure lots of kids her age are going trick or treating by themselves too.' I thought to myself as we continued walking. I tried forcing the words out of my mouth but couldn't bring myself to say it. It really seemed like I was asking her out on a date. Later we had to go our separate ways.

"Bye, Kuro Kun! See you tomorrow!" Miyoko said as she ran towards where her home was, waving to me as she did so. I waved back.


The next day during lunch I took a bite into my egg salad sandwich my mom packed me. I heard running and panting coming closer towards me. I looked up and saw Miyoko running towards me. She sat down across from me and continued panting. Her face was all beet red and covered in sweat.

"Miyoko!? Are you ok-"

"Kuro Kun! I-I don't know what to do!" Miyoko's eyes teared up.

"I-It's gonna be okay. Please don't cry. Just calm down and tell me what's wrong,"

Miyoko took a moment to calm down, "so um…a-a guy in my class asked me out to the Halloween party…" she stuttered. My eyes widened, I dropped my sandwich onto my plate and stared down at my lap with a shocked expression. I don't know why I was so shocked of course someone like Miyoko was gonna get asked out. I should be surprised she was never really popular with the guys. A feeling came over me. It was a bitter feeling I think? I don't know why I felt so bitter. I wanted to feel happy for Miyoko but for some reason I wasn't happy at all. I was on the verge of tears. Miyoko needed someone who could support her and cheer her on and I wasn't gonna let this bitter feeling stop me from that. I forced a smile, then reached my hand towards her face. My finger wiped a tear from her eye.

"Th-that's great, Miyoko! I'm so happy for you. This is exactly what you needed. This will be so good for you. You should totally go with him! You know, It's okay to feel overwhelmed and scared but please…" I pat her on the head, "please go with him. Will you do that for me?" For some reason…saying that hurt me so much.

"Kuro, are you…crying?" I didn't realize I was crying. Tears ran down my face. I wiped them away from my face and sniffled. "W-well uh, yeah I'm just s-so happy for you. So…call me if anything happens and if you need me to kick some ass I will, okay?"

"Th-there's really no need," Miyoko put her hands in front of her and waved them with an awkward smile. "Thank you, Kuro…I really needed to hear that," she gave me a heartfelt smile. "Y-you think I'll be okay?" She asked. I gave her a reassuring smile and put my hand on her shoulder,

"Miyoko, I know you'll be okay,"

Miyoko smiled, "you're the best!"


It was the evening of Halloween. My neighborhood's sidewalks were crowded by kids skipping around in their costumes, holding pumpkin baskets. The houses around here were all lit up and decorated. I walked behind Yui and her friends who were skipping, laughing, and joking around. I didn't bother dressing up. I just wore a white t-shirt with a red hoodie over it and some gray pants with pockets that I put my hands inside.

"My loser brother didn't even bother dressing up!" Yui said with a chuckle. Her friends chuckled as well. I just rolled my eyes. I couldn't stop thinking about Miyoko and how she was doing and if that jackass was treating her right. This was all so new to Miyoko and I was really worried she might have a panic attack or something. I imagined her laughing with that guy, enjoying her time and dancing with him. Thinking about how much fun she could be having with him bothered me a lot for some reason. But also the thought of her having an anxiety attack bothered me a lot too. But what bothered me even more was not knowing how she's doing. As Yui and her friends went from house to house collecting candy (followed by me of course) I couldn't get my mind off of Miyoko. I stood in front of a house as Yui and her friends stood on the porch ringing the doorbell to get more candy. I took my phone out of my pocket and texted Miyoko. "How's it going?" Is what I texted her. Me and the girls continued walking on the sidewalk, the girls laughing and skipping in front of me. I checked my phone, no answer. I stopped walking and stood there. The girls were still walking until they noticed I stopped. They turned around with confused looks on their faces.

"…I…I gotta go!" I said running away.

"Yaaay!" I heard the girls cheer behind me. I had to see Miyoko. I had to know how she was doing.

I arrived at the Halloween party that was held in the school gym. It was crowded with tons of people. Their costumes were pretty cool and creative, most of them had face paint on. The gym was decorated, halloween themed of course. There was loud music playing and there was a dessert table filled with bat themed cupcakes and candy corns. I pushed through the crowd searching for Miyoko. Miyoko hates big crowds like this which made me even more worried.

'That guy better be treating her right or I'll kick his ass!' I thought to myself as I continued pushing through the crowd. 10 minutes passed and I still couldn't find her. I assumed she left early. I sighed and went near a table that had a fruit punch fountain on it. I thought I'd get myself some fruit punch so I reached for a cup but to my surprise I saw Miyoko near the fruit punch table, her back against the wall, hugging her knees with her face buried into them, sobbing. My eyes widened and I rushed over to her.

"Miyoko!" I shouted. Miyoko looked up at me with teary eyes. I kneeled down in front of her. "What happened!?"

"H-he d-ditched me for a prettier girl…" Miyoko shrieked.

"That bastard…" I muttered to myself. "Miyoko…I'm so sorr-'' Miyoko interrupted me with a hug. She buried her face into my chest, sobbing. I couldn't help but blush a little. "H-hey, uh…it's gonna be okay," I said with a smile that was supposed to be reassuring but it came off awkward. I patted her back awkwardly. I was never the best at comforting people. Still though...Miyoko didn't deserve to be treated like this and I knew that for a fact. I grabbed her shoulders and moved her away from me. Tears rolled down her cheeks and she was balling her eyes out. I grabbed her hand and stood up. "Maybe we should go somewhere more quiet," I said. She nodded and stood up as well. I looked at our hands that were still holding, I blushed, and gulped then guided her out of the party. I took a good look at Miyoko as we walked in the halls of the school. She was dressed up as Sailor Moon. She wore a sailor fuku uniform that contained a white T-shirt with a blue blouse with a red ribbon attached to it and a blue skirt. She had her hair in a Odango, meaning she wore two buns on her head, she also had two low, long pigtails. She looked way prettier than Sailor Moon though. I met Miyoko one night on a mountain even though that was a really long time ago (probably when we were 6) I never forgot one detail of that night. I finally realized what I was feeling and I was going to confess to Miyoko on that hill.

"Remember this hill?" I asked as we walked up it. I wasn't expecting her to remember. It's been so long, I thought Miyoko probably forgot.

"Yeah, I remember this." She said which had me in shock, "this is the hill we met on right?"

"Y-yeah how did you-"

"I've always remembered that day…"

Miyoko said, looking up into the sky. When me and Miyoko made it to the top of the hill, all we could hear was the whistling of the wind. She stood in front of me with a sad smile and her arms behind her back. I could see the moon shining behind her. "I remember you sitting out here crying because your classmates called you a rat. I came up here, sat with you and told you that rats are cute," Miyoko said, watching a firefly crawl on the back of her finger. "That was the night we became friends. I could never forget it."

"Listen, Miyoko…I…" I put her hands together and held them. I stared into her big beautiful eyes and took a deep breath. "I've always loved you!" Right when I said that a shooting star dashed across the sky as if it was congratulating me. Miyoko's eyes widened and her face turned red. I was blushing a lot as well. Miyoko looked down at our hands. She looked like she was about to cry.

"I…I love you too, Kuro!" She said smiling with tears rolling down her face. She threw herself into my arms. I smiled and wrapped my arms around her. I held Miyoko in my arms, she was mine now and it felt very good to know that. "Kuro…I-I wanna try checking out the drama club again tomorrow…could you come with me?" Miyoko asked, "I feel more comfortable when your around,"

"Of course," I said.

"Thank you.."

Miyoko sneezed and as she sneezed she stopped hugging me and backed away so she wouldn't sneeze on me. Her sneeze was so freaking cute! It had me blushing so hard. "S-sorry," she said, wiping her nose.

"I-It's fine. Are you cold?"

Miyoko nodded, rubbing her arms, "Mhm..a little,"

I took off my hoodie and put it on her. "Here, wear this. I don't want you catching a cold," I said with a chuckle.

"B-but, Kuro…you're wearing a t-shirt,"

"I'll be fine. I could handle the cold," I said, smirking. I was shivering so much but I hope she didn't notice. Miyoko moved super close to me to the point where if she took one small step closer our noses would be touching. I was blushing so hard I looked like a tomato. My heart was racing so fast. Miyoko closed her eyes and the next thing I knew her lips locked into mine. She put her arms around my neck. Two minutes later she stopped and stepped away. Her cute face turned red and she started laughing awkwardly. "S-sorry…I don't know what came over me…" She said, rubbing her arm looking away. She looked at me. I was completely frozen in shock. That was the first time a girl ever kissed me! I had so many mixed feelings and I couldn't even think straight. It took me so long to process what just happened that by the time I finished spacing out, Miyoko got over her embarrassment and started giggling. She held my hand which had me startled.

"Let's go to my house! It's much warmer there, we can watch a movie and I'll make us some sugar cookies!" She said. I smiled,

"That'd be great!"

"I know it's Halloween but let's not watch any horror movies okay? They scare me so much!"

I started laughing and a few seconds later Miyoko started laughing as well. I was finally getting Miyoko out of her comfort zone.