
The Hall of Idea’s

Where all my idea lay to either waste or consideration

TheMagusGuild · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Marvel: Lord Dark & Lady Light

Two lovers who wanted to remain together forever ravages their universe to accomplish this goal. Only to be stoped by the worlds will before they destroyed everything. Now saved by a being who wished to award them for their accomplishments they gained an entirely new goal to become one and the same.

Disclaimer: I do not own the fiction used in my fan fiction


(Subject to Change)

Name: Tyron Johnson

Alias: None

Race: Human (Homo Superior)

Age: 8

Genius Level Intellect:







X-Gene: Dark-Force Apostle: (Semi-Awakened)

- Unbreakable Connection to the Dark-Force

- Hunter's Pulse(Danger Sense)(Unlocked)

- Life-force adsorption

- Wound Affliction

- Healing Prevention

- Fear Inducement

- Fear Manifestion

- Umbrakinesis (Unlocked)

- Dark-force projection (Gas, Liquid, Solid)

Empathic/Telepathic Link & Shields


Name: Tandy Bowen

Alias: None

Race: Human (Homo Superior)

Age: 8

Genius Level Intellect:









X-Gene: Light-force Apostle: (Semi-Awakened)

- Unbreakable connection to the Light-Force

- Life Sense (Unlocked)

- Life-force restoration

- Wound Prevention

- Healing

- Hope Inducement

- Hope Manifestion

- Photokinesis (Unlocked)

- Light-Force Projection (Energy, Material)

Empathic/Telepathic Link & Shields


Aliases: Lord Dark, Left Hand of Light, The Blade of Terror, The Claw of The Black Queen, The King of New Romania, The King of Wakanda, The Black Emperor, Lord of Dark-Force

Aliases: Lady Light, Right Hand of Dark, The Shield of Hope, The Eye of The White Queen, The Queen of New Romania, The Queen of Wakanda, The White Empress, Lady of Light-Force

Race: Demonic Spirit of Dark-Force:

- Nigh-Immortal

- Supernatural Strength

- Supernatural Endurance

- Supernatural Durability

- Supernatural Agility

- Supernatural Speed

- Supernatural Reflexes

- Supernatural Senses

- Supernatural Intellect

- Supernatural Immunity

- Demonic Spirit Mana

- Volatile Mana

- Mana Sensitivity

- Spirit Physiology

- Demon Physiology

- Lvl 5 Regenerative Healing Factor

- Hyper Evolution

Race: Angelic Spirit of Light-Force:

- Nigh-Immortal

- Supernatural Strength

- Supernatural Endurance

- Supernatural Durability

- Supernatural Agility

- Supernatural Speed

- Supernatural Reflexes

- Supernatural Senses

- Supernatural Intellect

- Supernatural Immunity

- Angelic Spirit Mana

- Gentle Mana

- Mana Sensitivity

- Spirit Physiology

- Angel Physiology

- Lvl 5 Regenerative Healing Factor

- Hyper Evolution

Perfect Solider Serum Enhancements:

- Nigh-Immortal: you will never age after reaching your prime.

- Enhanced Strength

- Enhanced Endurance

- Enhanced Durability

- Enhanced Agility

- Enhanced Speed

- Enhanced Reflexes

- Enhanced Senses

- Enhanced Intellect

- Enhanced Immunity

- Regenerative Healing Factor

- Ever Evolving Physiology & Psychology