
The Hall of Idea’s

Where all my idea lay to either waste or consideration

TheMagusGuild · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Marvel/DC: The Ascension of Insanity

For the first time in my life the voices in my head speak in unison, my vision that have always been blurred is now clear, the scent of change has never been stronger, the taste of life never fuller, and the light touch of fate on my skin speaks volumes. I am grateful for my second life but, must I start as a baby?


Name: Melantha Bordottir

Age: 8

Race: Aesir, Jotnar(Locked)

Titles: Princess of Asgard


- Insanity: (Locked)

- Magic: (Locked)

- Authority: (Locked)

Aesir Physiology:

As a Aesir she is superior to other gods. As the daughter of Bor and direct descendent of Ymir she is further blessed with natural ability & potential.

- Nigh-Immortal

- Divine Strength

- Divine Endurance

- Divine Durability

- Divine Agility

- Divine Speed

- Divine Reflexes

- Divine Senses

- Divine Intellect

- Divine Immunity

- Regenerative Healing Factor

Divine Knowledge:

She has spent much time in the Hall of Conquest where she found knowledge that has been taken from past conquest of Asgard. With time she was able to go through much of it, gaining knowledge that allows her to rival gods of knowledge in their domain.