
The Half-Elf Prince

“When everything goes to hell, the people who stand by you without flinching -- they are your family.” Hoping to save the life of his master, a young orphan steps into a world of lies and betrayal.

Uchiha_Laruto · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Challenge Accepted pt 2

The Orc; Shotan, stood gracefully and stepped out from the crowd. Without saying a word he exuded an air of menace. Tyson could almost feel Trevor tense up with rage.

"I'm sick of tired of people telling me you're a prodigy... the second coming of Valkor the sword king... you're no prodigy, you're just a kriffing Orc."

Shotan casually twirled his double-sided blade with a flourish that carved long effortless arcs through the air and flashed a wry smile. "Stop stalling, I will make you eat your words."

Shotan stopped his advance a few meters away from Trevor with his double-sided training blade still dancing through the air with a pattern that was equal measure terrifying and mesmerizing. It moved as if it were alive like a predator anticipating its cornered prey, too excited to remain still.

"Truth be told, you are not the one I wanted to face. You're just a worm. There will be no glory in defeating you but I will take pleasure in your suffering."

Tyson and Clarissa pushed their way to the front of the eager spectators.

In anticipation of Trevor's defeat at Shotan's hand, Tyson had invited Clarissa to ensure that her healing powers could stave of potential death if things went too far. With the bloodthirst that Tyson now felt from Shotan, he was glad that he made that decision.

Tyson watched intensely with his attention focused on the unfamiliar weapon in Shotan's hand. His eyes tried to make sense of the fluid movement while trying to memorize every sequence and perhaps conjure appropriate countermeasures for when he faced Shotan but it was all for nought. Shotan brought his blade up and then unleashed a powerful downward strike so fast that it became a blur. Shotan followed it up with a lunge and then another savage overhead strike. Trevor managed to parry the strikes but only barely. To Tyson, seemed as if Trevor was trying to guess when the right moment would come to counterattack but Shotan had just nearly ended the entire battle in the first pass.

"Is that all you've got?" Trevor said. "I know a granny that hits harder than that."

Shotan ignored him executed another sequence starting with another overhead strike but as Trevor moved to parry he realized that it was just a feint to set up a slashing sideways strike. He recognized the sequence at the last second and launched into a backward roll, just narrowly escaping serious injury.

Shotan was on him before he could rise to his feet. His double-sided training blade slicing in an alternating pattern. Trevor blocked, rolled, parried and then twisted to deliver a counter-strike but had his legs swept up from under him. Shotan was in complete control. He anticipated every attack and never looked like he was under any sort of threat.

"Where is your wit now, worm?!" Shotan taunted.

Tyson watched on but still could not see any flaw in the Orcs form. His attacks were efficient, his defence was solid and the transition between the two was so fluid that it overloaded Tyson's mind. The gulf in ability between the two of them was beginning to look like a chasm.

The next flurry of attacks had Trevor backpedalling in full retreat but he was able to prevent Shotan from gaining the upper hand by reverting to the defensive sequences of the Turtle Form also known as the resilience form and for a moment he seemed to catch his breath and push back on the Orcs attacks. A wayward sideways strike nearly caught the Orc on the left arm and forced the large Orc to take several steps back.

"Did you say something? I couldn't hear you over your choking on my cock," Trevor said.

Trevor was alive and still desperately trying to gain an advantage or an angle on his opponent.

Tyson watched as Shotan shifted into Form seven known as the Shark form because of its ferocious and intense offensive strikes. The shift in style was accompanied by another flurry of thrusts and jabs followed by a shift to form five power attacks that staggered Trevor and left him off balance as he struggled to knock aside another powerful attack from the Orc.

A pause in the battle offered a chance to breathe and reevaluate strategies. Shotan was infuriated by the lengthy battle but kept his poise while Trevor exhaled heavily.

"What's the matter, you out of ideas already?"

Shotan then twirled his blade under his left arm, behind his back and over his right arm, smiled and then did it in reverse.

Tyson saw it as yet another sign of superiority that the Orc had such mastery of several different forms of Sword art. Combining different forms and styles was a rare feat even for seasoned warriors. The last time that Tyson had tried it, he nearly gouged out an eye.

It was clear that Trevor was outmatched but he still stood a chance if his opponent made a mistake.

"Have I ever told you that you're ugly as sin? No really... Did your mother pleasure an ugly goat to make you?" Trevor taunted.

Shotan approached again and this time Tyson could hear his training blade sizzle.

"Somehow your parents sent you here thinking that you would make them proud. Unlike you, some of us sacrificed everything to be here," Shotan said.

At the mention of his parents, Trevor leapt forward to try and seize on the pause to launch a surprise attack but the big Orc parried with ease, this left Trevor vulnerable to what would happen next.

Trevor's skull exploded as one edge of the double-sided training blade crashed into his skull. The intense pain turned his vision into a field of stars. The soft tissue of his nose gave way with a sickening crunch and a stream of dark red blood came forth. It was impressive that he was able to parry a few attacks but Shotan suddenly spun and let free a ferocious kick that shattered Trevor's knee cap to a loud crack.

"No more jokes? I was beginning to enjoy your cute little quips," Shotan heckled. "I'll make sure you never speak my name again."

Trevor pushed against the ground with his free hand as he tried to rise despite the pain and a broken kneecap but Shotan stomped on his hand and delivered a knee to Trevor's face. Tyson heard the sound of his jawbone shattering.

Throughout the entire ordeal, the expression on Clarissa's face was a look not only of grave concern but something deeper.

Bloodied and bruised all over, Trevor tried to speak but his voice was garbled so he settled for showing Shotan his middle finger before reaching for his weapon with his uninjured arm. The blood from his face ran freely into his eyes, blinding his view so he fumbled the grip of his training blade. Once he had it in his hands, he used it as a support as he again tried to rise but Shotan's next blow shattered his remaining uninjured wrist and his training blade dropped from his limp hand.

"You insolent dog excrement!" Shotan said seething with rage.

Another kick to the face sent blood, spit and teeth flying towards the spectators. The next strike hit him in the arm and dislocated his elbow. Trevor slumped backwards, barely conscious and still, he tried to rise. He lost his bearing and couldn't find his sword so he used his knuckles as a wedge to try and force himself upright.

Shotan lifted him by the lapel of his tunic and hurled him across the ground. Trevor collapsed into a bloody, crumpled and twisted heap. His face was obscured by blood and hair. For a moment he lay motionless but the blood and teeth clogging his throat caused a coughing fit that racked his body.

Then nothing. His vision went black...