
chapter 12

Chapter ,12

"You can't give your heart to a wild

thing." Truman Capote

Chapter 12

Charlotte couldn't bring herself to go

and see Giselle once again. Instead, she

decided to occupy herself elsewhere

for a few hours. She walked about

the grounds and perused the spring

flowers that had begun to bloom.

She even snuck back inside via the

servants' entrance to go up to her

bedchamber and read for a while. But

she couldn't avoid seeing Nate when

the dinner bell was rung and it was

time to change.

"Good evening, milady," her lady's

maid, Samantha Foster, greeted

happily as she arrived to help Charlotte

dress for dinner. Samantha was the

younger sister of Bess' maid, Anna.

Samantha had arrived at Ascot a year

earlier, fresh from taking similar

courses as her elder sister. Anna

had asked Bess to give Samantha a

chance, and the kind-hearted Bess

had complied. Samantha was well

worth the chance though, and she was

exceptionally talented with fixing hair.

In her hands, Samantha had a few

roses from the garden and she set them

down on Charlotte's dressing table.

"Good evening, Samantha," Charlotte

greeted as she sat down before her


Samantha was quite a pretty girl and

was a similar age to Charlotte, as she'd

just had her nineteenth birthday. Her

hair was the same dark brown as

Anna, but her eyes were an unusual

hazel green. "Downstairs is buzzing,

milady, what with Lord Montrose's

return and all. Isn't that little girl of his

sweet?" Samantha quickly unpinned

Charlotte's simple up-do and began to

comb her hair.

"Id rather not discuss Lord Montrose,

Samantha," Charlotte muttered.

Samantha pursed her lips. "Of course,

milady." Samantha wasn't aware of

the goings on when Nate had left.

She'd arrived when Charlotte had

started to heal. Charlotte did indeed

started to heal. Charlotte did indeed

like Samantha, but she didn't have

the relationship that Bess had with

Anna. They weren't confidantes.

Charlotte and Samantha had a mutual

respect for one another, and a friendly

relationship. "Is there anything in

particular that you'd like me to do with

your hair, or would you like me to

surprise you?"

"Surprise me," Charlotte instructed.

"Something pretty."

Half an hour later, Charlotte's dark hair

had been combed, twisted and braided

into an intricate bun on the back of her

hair. One thin tendril was left hanging,

falling over her shoulder, softening

the hairstyle dramatically. Samantha

then wove the roses into her hair as

she'd selected a red gown to match. She

stained Charlotte's lips ever so slightly

and pinched her cheeks to add a little

colour to her otherwise pale face.

Her gown was new and was a gift from

Giselle. The bodice was incredibly

tight and was a little too small for

Charlotte, but because it was so pretty,

she'd decided to brave it and tighten

her corset. One would never let out

a Giselle Mornington creation. The

sleeves were off the shoulder and

tight to her arms, finishing at her

elbows with frilly pieces of gathered

lace, fashioned in the style of trumpet

sleeves. While the sleeves were a little

old fashioned, nobody questioned

Giselle's taste. The skirt flared from the

waist with several layers of petticoats


Before descending the stairs, Charlotte

took a few breaths to calm herself and

lower her heartbeat. She could hear

it thumping in her chest. Breathing

was difficult though, as her waist was

so restricted. She could only manage

shallow breaths. That was not a good

sign, seeing as she'd have to sit in the

same room as a man who'd already

caused her to faint.

She went downstairs quickly and made

her way to the dining room. She could

already hear comical conversation


A footman opened the door for her and

both Emmett and Nate rose from their

seats as she entered. Her usual seat

beside Bess was vacant, but she'd been

seated beside Maggie. Sitting next to

Rose was Nate, so he'd be in full view

of her no doubt blushing cheeks all

evening"Charlotte, you look beautiful!"

exclaimed Bess, who was smiling


"It's one of mine," Giselle said proudly

to Nate, who was to his left. "My future

daughter-in-law is the perfect canvas to

work with, don't you think?"

Giselle had made that comment just

as soon as Nate had taken a sip of his

wine. He promptly coughed it back

up and covered his mouth with his

napkin. "Excuse me," he murmured.

Charlotte's chair was pulled out by a

footman and she took her seat. She

noticed that Maggie was staring at her

curiously. Her pale green eyes were

most inquisitive. "Are you a princess?"

she asked, her question silencing the


Charlotte blushed a little. "No, no,

I'm not a princess." The Wildes

were distantly related to the royal

family somewhere but they were not

immediately royals themselves.

"Oh." Maggie pursed her lips. "You sure

look like one. My Momma was real

pretty like you. Daddy said you have a

king and a queen here."

"Thank you," Charlotte replied,

accepting the compliment. "And

yes, we do have a king and a queen.

England is a terribly traditional


"I had a story book when I was little.

There were pictures of a princess and

you look just like her. It was about a

girl who sleeps for a hundred years."

Maggie smiled dreamily. She cupped

her hands around her mouth and

invited Charlotte to lean closer so that

she could whisper. "And she gets a

kiss!" she whispered excitedly.

Charlotte smiled coyly. "A favourite of

mine also. "The Sleeping Beauty, by


"That's it." Maggie nodded. "I lost it

though. Momma forgot to bring it back

to Charlotte from her singing job in

Raleigh. That's where I was born too.

Charlotte, same as you!"

Charlotte wasn't aware that she shared

her name with a city in America. "I

have a copy in the library. You can

have it if you like."

Maggie beamed at the thought and

nodded eagerly. "I like books now that

I can read. Daddy's been teaching me.

leven read one of his letters on the


"Maggie," Nate said sternly, hushing


Maggie smiled deviously at her father.

"T'm not supposed to tell." Nate groaned

quietly and rolled his eyes.

At that moment the footmen began

to serve dinner, but it didn't escape

Charlotte's attention that Nate had

wanted to keep the contents of a letter

secret. Was it from a woman? Did he

have a woman? She didn't know. It

wasn't any of her business anyway.

The first course was watercress soup.

While everyone else started to eat,

Maggie just stared at the bowl of green


"Are you not hungry, Maggie?" Rose

asked, peering across the table at

Maggie's untouched soup.

"You got any cornbread?" she asked

hopefully, pushing the bowl away from


Charlotte smirked. She could imagine,

as a child, green soup was not that

appetising"Maggie, don't be rude," Nate scolded.

"Eat it please."

Maggie pouted and pulled the bowl

back towards her. She selected her

dessert spoon but no one corrected her.

She'd had several adjustments coming

to a completely different country. She

then scooped a miniscule amount of

soup onto the spoon and slowly placed

it in her mouth. One would think she

was being force-fed poison by the

expression on her face. She shrugged

once she'd swallowed the soup. "Had

worse," she admitted.

The entire table then laughed as they

continued on with their dinner.


The dinner wasn't as bad as Charlotte

thought it would be. Conversation was

mostly superficial. Nate described some

of the places he'd visited while Emmett

filled him in on the few events that had

occurred during his absence.

Charlotte's wedding wasn't brought up

and the only thing Giselle contributed

to the conversation was the names of

the noblewomen she'd dressed. Giselle

was very proud of her connections,

Charlotte had found, which was why

she, Charlotte believed, she was so

eager for Eric's and her marriage to

take place.

Aside from Giselle and Maggie's

presence, one wouldn't have known

that any time had passed. Nate was

home and it was as if nothing had

changed. Except everything had


After the rhubarb tartlets, meringues

and jellies had been served, a very

tired Maggie was falling asleep on

Charlotte's shoulder. Every so often

she'd caught an affectionate smile from

Nate. He was obviously happy that

Maggie was getting on well with his

adopted family.

Maggie was a good girl. Slightly

outspoken and a little unorthodox, but

still a good girl. She'd recently lost her

mother, and by how she spoke of her, it

was obvious that Maggie had loved her.

"I think it's time for us to retire home.

She squealed when I showed her the

bedchamber she'd be having." Nate

chuckled as he came around the table

to collect Maggie. As he lifted her into

his arms, his hand brushed the bare

skin on Charlotte's forearm. The hair

stood up on the back of her arm and

unalna in

aho tshe tensed, the muscles in her stomach

churning, which did not do well for her

considering how tight her corset was

pulled. She suddenly felt light-headed

and she couldn't get enough air into

her lungs. She put her hands on her

sides and attempted to pull at the dress

so that she could breathe a little easier

but it was unsuccessíful.

"Breathe, Charlotte," she whispered

to herself. "Wait!" she called to Nate

as he made his way out of the dining

room, following the rest of her

family. "The book!" As quickly as her

oxygen-starved body would take her,

she made her way past her family and

into the library off the main foyer.

Her childhood books were all stored

on one of the many shelves. Her

fables and folk tales were all stored in

alphabetical order and she found 'The

Sleeping Beauty' under "T' She hadn't

looked at the book in quite some time,

but as soon as she held it she could

remember exactly where she'd gotten

it. She opened the cover and found the


Dear Charlotte,

I wish you many happy returns on

this your seventh birthday. I hope you

treasure this story as my mother once


All my love,


Above his message was his mother's

Christian name: Georgina. It was only

fitting that the book found its way back

into the hands of Nate's daughter, and

Georgina's granddaughter.

She clutched the book in her hand

and brought it out to the foyer. "For

Maggie," she said quietly, handing the

book to Nate.

He accepted it with his free hand, as he

supported Maggie with only one arm.

He grinned, flashing her his dimples. "I

gave you this," he remembered. "When

you were little."

"Maggie's age," Charlotte informed

him. Maggie had very proudly told

them that she was seven years old and

that she was practically grown up.

Charlotte placed her hands on her hips

and attempted to steady herself, feelirng

truly faint.

Never mind the silly rule about never

letting out a Giselle Mornington gown.

Charlotte could never be as thin as

Giselle thought she was.

"Are you alright?" Nate asked, sounding

terribly concerned.

His question caught the attention of

her family who immediately crowded

around them.

Charlotte shook her head and gasped

"I really don't feel well. I can't breathe!"

Her eyes suddenly went blank and her

world went black.


She awoke just as soon as the pressure

was relieved around her torso. Her

lungs controlled her as she gasped in as

much air as she could.

When she was able to focus, she

realised that she'd fainted again! She

was lying on the floor in the foyer and

she felt very exposed. Upon closer

examination she realised that was

because her gown was in pieces and

her corset laces had been severed up

the middle.

Her family stood around her, looking

completely panicked, while Nate

kneeled before her with a broken

candelabra in his hand. It looked as

though he'd smashed the top off the

candelabra to create a sharp edge. She

uen reaused nal sne was lyng on ne

floor in her undergarments.

Maggie was the first to speak. "Are you

trying to get a kiss like the princess in

the story?"

Laughing hurt her sides. The corset's

tightness had most likely bruised her.

Charlotte pulled the pieces of her red

gown towards her so that she could

appear decent.

"Bloody hell, Charlotte." Emmett

shook his head. "You've nearly killed

me twice in one day. Let's not go for a

third." He helped his sister to her feet

and then slipped his coat around her as

the remains of her dress and corset fell

to the floor.

"The dress was too tight," she

explained, her throat dry. "I couldn't


"You know what they say, dear. Every

bite you don't take is a waist inch you

can forsake," Giselle commented as she

surveyed the tatters of her creation.

"Quiet," Nate snapped, his tone

uncharacteristically icy. "That is the

stupidest thing I've ever heard. You're

actually encouraging such rubbish in

front of my child? Shame on you." He

puied Maggie back into his arms and

abandoned the candelabra. "She's a

woman. She should look like one."

Charlotte was suddenly filled with

pride as she heard Nate defend her. He

was right. She shouldn't have to forsake

any meals just to squeeze into a gown.

Perhaps she should be like Bess and

abandon the uncomfortable corset.

Bess looked lovely anyway. So what if

her gowns had to be let out a little.

"We suffer for perfection, sir," Giselle

replied coldly. "Charlotte needs to be

perfect for her wedding gown. I've

never dressed a tubby bride."

Charlotte felt her stomach

self-consciously. She'd never before

thought herself as 'tubby

"Giselle!" gasped Bess, clearly outraged

at her comment. Emmett wrapped his

arm around her waist and pulled her

into his side protectively.

"She's already perfect," Nate seethed.

"She doesn't need you telling her to

stop eating so that she could fit into

some silly dress." Maggie mirrored her

father's look of disdain.

Charlotte couldn't believe her ears. She

felt warm.She actually felt as though

ue sun was sing aown Just on her.

Perfect? He thought her perfect? Even

if, according to Giselle, she was tubby?

"A Giselle Mornington creation is not

a 'silly dress,' young man!" Giselle

exclaimed, outraged.

"And anyone who references

themselves in the third person is a

conceited twit, in my opinion," Nate

shot back.

Maggie nodded once, a stern

expression on her face. "Conceited

twit," she agreed. Charlotte hoped she

didn't know what it meant.

"Goodnight all," Nate said to all of

them, throwing Charlotte a last glance.

"Thank you for a pleasant evening."

Nate disappeared into the night and

the door was closed behind him.

"You were well out of line, Giselle,"

Emmett growled.

"How dare you talk of poor Charlotte's

waistline when your dress nearly

killed her!" Marie added, equally


Charlotte hadn't contemplated that.

Nate had just saved her life. She

could have suffocated! She needed to

thank him, and then she'd be able to

properly move on. In some ways his

homecoming had given her a little


Rose quickly came to Charlotte's side

and began to lead her towards the

stairs. "Are you alright?" she asked


Charlotte could see Giselle looked a

little embarrassed. She was glad her

son was not as materialistic as his

mother was. "I'm fine, Rosie," she

replied. "Perfect."

more story from this writer oh my ghosts

Chapter 1| Scary Encounter

Beomgyu's POV

"Beomgyu-ah, I'll get going first. If you

ever get lost in the campus, call me or

ask the students around. Annyeong!

(Bye!)" Taehyun shouted before

shutting the door close. I rubbed my

eyes open and yawn. I check the clock

and it was still 6:30 AM. Taehyun leave

this early?

I get ready right away for school and

ate my breakfast. Time check it's 7:28

AM. Well, I still have time to walked

going to class. I get my bag and head

out of the house. I put my earphones

on and start walking going to school. I

hope this school year will be fun..

As I was walking going to my class,

there was a poster that caught my

attention. It was a missing female


Ring Ring Ring Ring

I widened my eyes when I realize that

my class is about to start. I quickly

head to my classroom so I won't be

late in my first day. When I saw my

classroom, I was about to enter already

but someone stopped me.

"Yah! Student!" Someone shouted from

behind. Oh no! I don't want to be in

trouble in my first day..

"Ye? (Yes?)" I nervously answered him

and slowly looked behind. The man

looked formal and has some books in

his hands. He must be a teacher

"You're the new student right? Choi

Beomgyu?" He asked. I bowed at him

and smiled

"Ne seonsaengnim (Yes sir)" I said. He

smiled at me and nodded.

"Welcome to our school. I'm Mr. Nam,

come with me" He said before entering

the classroom. As I enter the classroom,

I already saw Taehyun infront. He

smiled at me and waved.

"Attention everyone! We have a new

student here" Mr. Nam said. "Please

introduce yourself" he continued

"Annyeonghaseyo! (Hello!)My name is

Choi Beomgyu and I just transferred

here. Please take care of me" I bowed at

the class.

"Okay Beomgyu-ah, you may sit there

at the empty sit" Mr. Nam pointed

a chair at the back corner, near the

window. There was 2 empty chairs so I

stopped for awhile. Where should I sit?

"Sit at the right side, our president sits

at the left" One of my classmates told

me. I smiled at him and bowed. I sat

down and hang my bag at the hook

attached to the table.

"Everyone, I would like to talked about

our missing student. As you guys may

know, it was our president in the class.

She's been missing for 3 days now and

no one knows where she is. So I asked

for everyone's cooperation. If any of

you found her, please report it right

away. It will be a big help. Arraseo?

(Okay?)" Mr. Nam said. I didnt really

care about it since I was busy writing

my schedule in my notebook.

"Okay, everyone please open your Math

textbook to page 119"

"Beomgyu-ah, kaja! (let's go)" Taehyun

went up to me. It's already lunch break

"No, it's okay. I'll just go around the

campus for now. Maybe I'll follow you

later" I said.

"Are you sure?" Taehyun asked. "Ne

(Yes)" I replied.

"I'll just be in the cafeteria if you ever

look for me. Make sure not to get lost,

arraseo (okay?)" Taheyun said.

"Ah! Cham! (By the way). Be careful

about the pranksters here. They usually

target transferees" he said. I nodded at

him before he leave. I stayed for awhile

and walked closer to the window. I

looked at the bottom and saw students

playing around. I turned around and

walked out of the classroom.

While walking, I saw stairs going up.

I decided to use that to go until the

last floor. When I arrive I was startled

when I saw no one in there. It seems

like its an abandoned floor and it

looks scary. I walked in the hallway

and every room I passed by was just

empty. I suddenly stop when I saw the

only room that was filled with things.

I looked at the top and saw the sign.

Music Room. A smiled made its way to

my face as I enter the room. There's

a piano, saxophone, violins and of

course, a guitar. I went closer to it and

saw that it was all dusty. I blowed the

dust away and sat on one of the chairs

beside it. I strum some few chords at

the guitar and to my surprise, it was

still okay even though it looks old. I

started playing the guitar while singing

the new song I recently composed.

I can see nae ap-e nega eobs-eodo

I feel you amu mal haji anh-ado

Because I believe in you bul-anhaedo


I can touch nun-ap-e nega eobs-eodo

I reach naegeseo meolli tteonado

Neoui gieogman-eulodo nae

ma-eum-eun eonjena chumchuneun geol


Neoui naj-jam-i doeeoseo gat-i kkum-eul

kkugo sip-eo eonjena

Amu il eobs-eossdan deus-i

No-eul-ijineun jeonyeogdo

kamkamhaejin bamhaneuldo

Nae mam-en neolo gadeug cha iss-eo

I was humming at the chorus but

suddenly stopped when I heard

somebody clapped

Wah What a nice voice..." That

person said. I looked at my back and

saw a girl in a white dress.

Y/n's POv

"Wah What a nice voice" I said after

clapping. The boy infront suddenly

stopped and turned around. He

looked at me and I froze. We made a

good 5 seconds of eye contact. Then I



I screamed. The boy infront of me was

startled at my sudden voice. The boy

covered his ears and tried to shush me.

"Yah! Stop screaming!" The boy said.

I stopped screaming and blinked my

eyes multiple times. I walked slowly

going to my left and the boy's eyes

followed me. I tried walking going

to my right and his eyes followed me

again. I'm right. He can see me!

"Wah! You can see me?" I asked with


"Umm... yeah? Of course, I have eyes"

He said. I shake my head and went

closer to him.

"Aniyo! (No!) What I mean is you can

actually see me!"I exclaimed. The boy

scratched his head and looked at me


"Okay! How many is this" I said and

showed him 3 fingers

"Umm.. 3?" He answered.

"Okay, how about this?" I showed him

10 fingers

"Umm.. 10?" He answered casually

"Daebak! (Cool!)"

"Wae? (Why?)"

"You can see me!" I exclaimed.

"Why do you keep on saying I can see

you? Of course I can see you! I'm not

blind!" The boy kinda raised his voice,

probably annoyed by me

"Your not supposed to see me" I told

him with a soft tone.

"And why is that?" He asked

"Because I'm a spirit...." I whispered to

him. He remain sient for few seconds

then laughed really loud.

"WAH! Nice prank! You know what?

My friend already warned me about

you pranksters. You won't fool me!"

The boy said. Now it was my turn to

looked at him weirdly.

"Yah! I'm serious.." I said with a neutral

face. His laughter slowly died as he

looked at me. His eyebrows rose up and

put the guitar down.

Then prove it" he said. I sighed and

back up a little. This boy is not believing

me.. I smiled at him and suddenly


"AHHHHHHHHH!!" The boy suddenly

shout. I quickly appeared again but he

already ran away while screaming. I

looked down, hopeless and sighed.

"I was just about to ask for a help.."

The class already ended and its time

to go home. As I was fixing my things,

Taehyun approached me.

"Beomgyu-ah! You can just go home

first. I still have practice in soccer.

Don't worry, I'll be home before

dinner" Taehyun told me. I nod my

head and smile.

"Don't worry, I understand. I'll wait

for you" I replied. He smiled at me and

gave me a pat on my shoulder before


I close my bag and hang it on my

shoulder. I put on my earphones as II

leave my classroom to go home.

As I was walking home, I remember

what happened earlier. Maybe it was

just my imagination. Suddenly, I felt

someone following me. I tried to walk

a little bit faster, a little uncomfortable

with my gut feeling. I jumped a little

when the girl from earlier suddenly

appeared infront of me again.

"Ahjussi, (Mister,) please help me"

She said as she stood infront of me.

I widened my eyes when I saw her

appear infront of me out of nowhere. 31

"AHHHHHF!!T" T yeied aST ran away

going home. I tried to run as fast as a I

could. My heart was pounding so hard

and sweat dripping down my face. I'm

sure its not just my imagination..

When I arrive at the house, I

immediately close the door and waited

inside. I was already laying down with

my arms supporting my weight. I'm

exhausted!. I was trying to catch my

breath and I was sweating like crazy.

Then there she goes again. She went

through the door and smiled at me.

"AHHH!!" I shouted at the top of my

lungs. Then, I only remember the girl

with a worried face coming closer at

me before everything became black.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm

continuously ringing. I stood up and

turned it off. I rubbed my eyes and

look at my surroundings. I was surprise

when I realize that I'm in my room.

Wait, how did I got in here? Suddenly,

my door cracked open revealing


"Yah! Bamgyu! How are you feeling?"

Taehvun said, He approached me and

sat down on my bed. He put his hand

on my neck, and then to my forehead.

"Your fever dropped down" Taehyun

said after checking my temperature. I

looked at him confused. I put my hand

on my neck also out of curiosity.

"When I came home, I saw you laying

down on the floor, unconscious.

I almost panic. I checked your

temperature and your fever was

really high." Taehyun said. Did I past

out because of the girl? Wait, was the

girl even real or was it just my dream?

Ahhh! I don't even know whats reality


"Yah! You know I was worried? I never

saw you past out before with a high

fever. Should I tell Eomonim? (your

mother?)" Taehyun asked. I shake my

head no and looked at him.

"Don't, she'll travel going here and she

will be worried. I'm fine now anyways"

I replied. Taehyun nodded his head

and stood up.

"Tll come back with the soup and

water. You should also take some

medicine. I'll just tell our teacher that

you were sick" Taehyun said. As he

was walked going out of my room, he

realize something. I sat down slowly

and sighed

"Are you the girl from yesterday?" I

asked. Then there she is. She appeared

infront of me, still with the white dress

from yesterday. I widened my eyes but

she suddenly put her index finger in

her mouth, gesturing me to shut up and

don't scream.

"Ahjussi! Don't scream and run again!

Calm down and listen to me. I have

to tell you something" The girl said. I

breathe in then breathe out, trying to

calm myself. She,went closer to me and

sat down beside me

"Okay, what do you want?" I said, still

kind of scared of her.

"Ahjussi, can you help me?" The girl

asked. Her eyes look soft and she has a

sad smile.

"Help with what?" I asked back.

"Can you help me become a human

again?" I looked at her, shock at what

she said. I tried to think about what she


"And what if I don't?" I said raising mny


"Then I won't stop bothering you until

you help me" She threatened me. "I

won't let you sleep and I will appear

infront of you out of nowhere" she

continued with her arms crossed on

her chest.

"Ahjussi! jebal! [Mister please!] You

need to help me. Don't worry, I will

also help you back if you ever need

something only a spirit can do'"

"You mean ghost?"

"I'M A SPIRIT!" She raised her voice

"Okay! Okay! Whatever" I said


"So? Are you gonna help me?" She

asked with puppy eyes. I stayed silent

and didn't replied.

"Ahjussi! Please! I don't have much

time. My friends are already looking

for me. You're the only person that I've

met with the ability to see me. And

I won't let you go. I can't do this by

myself.." She pleaded. I rolled my eyes

and nod.

"Is that a yes?" She said as her eyes


"Yeah, whatever" I said.

"AHH!" She exclaimed. She jumped

up and down with a big smile on

her face. I didn't notice that I'm also

smiling because ofher expression.

I immediately put on a neutral face

when she looked at me with a big smile

"Yah! Just promised me I won't be in

danger" I told her. She nod at me and

raised her palm.

"Promise! Ill be your guardian angel,

kamsamnida! (Thank you!)" She said

and bowed, then she suddenly hug

me but flinched. She was surprise

and immediately let go of the hug. She

slowly poked me with her index finger

then widened her eyes.

"Waegeurae? (Why are you like that?)"

I asked her.

"Seolma..(No way..)" She said with

a soft tone. She looked somewhat

surprise, scared, shocked. I don't know

how to describe it. She looked at me in

the eyes and said

"I can touch you?...

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