
The Half-Blood Brigade

Emerick is the half blooded bastard son of Arnwald the Sky Tyrant, ruler of the Esperion Kingdom of the Wyrmshire Empire. Though a prince, his mixed blood prevents him from inheriting his father's throne. Resigned to his evident fate as a caged bird, he is content to live a fruitless but privileged life... until a task from his father throws him in the path of Trixie, big sister to a group of orphans she calls the Half-blood Brigade. Ambition rekindled with blossoming romance and the injustice towards those of mixed blood, Emerick finds himself on the conqueror's path, Trixie and her rag tag family at his side.

DMontag · Fantasy
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254 Chs

Chapter 240

  "Welcome!" a sunny voice cheered. "Bienvenido!Добре дошли! Salutations! Saudações! Good day! Yoi tsuitachi! Good marrow! Good life!" 

  Rathus stared in disbelief as an odd looking stringless wooden marionette continued to greet them in languages Rathus couldn't recognize with a little common peppered in. Did anyone actually speak anything other than common anymore? 

  "Oh no," Count Deemer let out a groan. "They put Bobbin on sentry duty."

  "Ich lade Sie, verehrte Gäste, ein, meinen höchsten Traumkörper-Hindernisparcours herauszufordern!" The voice that belonged to this Bobbin person exclaimed. "That is to say, I invite you, honored guests, to challenge my supreme dream body sculpting obstacle course!"

  "Supreme dream what now?!" Rathus looked to Deemer in alarm. 

  "Don't ask," Count Deemer sighed. "Bobbin has a bad habit of translating his every word across as many different languages he can fit within his time limit."