
chapter 2

hi friends , i am milly again in my school i liked andy to core. i was waiting him to ask me .yaa things are in my favour. but truth is very different . i wore wig every day to college making look normal and no one knows it. so i look like a normal college going students. i didn't want to suffer like in my school . so i had crush on andy. he was so handsome and i don't know that andy too liked me. one fine. day andy came and asked me out for coffe. you know any person will be happy at this moment . even i am also happy. so i prepared very well for that evening even my mom was happy for me. that was starbucks and i told him i love dance in my first meeting. andy is waiting to watch me dance. after andy gave me a surprise a dancing mob in a big place. i started dancing everyone 's attention on me. i danced for 30 minutes so suddenly my wig fell down .everyone saw my patches. andy without waiting a minute left me there. everyone looks are either filled with disgust or pity. i want to die at that moment .but i went home. i kept lock in my room.i beared all the bullying and didn't tell one time to my mom because she had lot of burden to deal. my father was a bad person he drank each and every day. he left with another women leaving us on roads when i am very young. i don't remember him. she used to work dual shifts for my studies. i can't tell her and make her sad. suddenly i got knock on my door. it is my mother. she asked i told her the truth. she felt bad for me.