
The Habitat

Tired of living in the old society, Alex, together with his classmates, were transported into another world after the mysterious poisoning of their classroom. A world full of natural beauty and fresh air, they considered it a dream. Only to find out that weird monsters they haven't seen before have been living in it where they treated humans as alienated beings. Alex, with his classmates, fought the creatures and noticed that upon death, they found a mysterious syringe that, when injected, would transform themselves into one. Embarking on a dangerous but mystical journey, Alex and his classmates set their foot on acquiring powers from the monsters in the new world for them to survive.

Josh_Baudelaire · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
43 Chs

The Queen Bee

Splatting sounds resounded as they walked past the creatures' lifeless bodies. They could not believe that they could survive a swarming attack from their captivators. But what's more shocking was their classmate's sudden transformation to a spiky monster that is capable of killing a once-considered dangerous flying predator. Their eyes continue to set on their classmate's spiky body. "You're killing me with those gazes, hahaha." Jay joked. "H—How?" stuttered Jessie. "I'll explain later after we get out from this place. We don't have much time; our classmates' lives are at stake. Not too long from this, another bunch of bees will know of their comrades' death and will surely notify the queen. If that happens, we're dead meats. Confused but convinced by Jay's reasoning, they proceeded to the plan immediately. They continued to run fast inside the hive, making the lights flicker as they moved in haste. Jay is now on his four feet, making himself fast enough to outrun everyone. The transformation did him pretty good at running. Alex thought. "There!" Kent muttered. An exit appeared, revealing the damp environment they had just got into. Moving very slowly, they peaked at the sides, and they saw normal bees, busy with their own jobs, making juicy nectars and putting them on the walls of the hive. "Will these bees notify the queen if they saw us?" Matt asked, "Surely, yes." Alex answered. "The bees' antennas are used to communicate to their queen since these bees can't utter any words, unlike the other big ones. However, I think, with their size, it may take time." Alex added. "So, moving fast will increase our survival rate," Kent said. Alex nodded, and everyone immediately understood each other. They jumped into the sticky nectars and covered themselves with them. Making the literal sweetest human, they could have ever imagined. A sweet smell kissed their nostrils and went inside their body's senses as they continued to cover themselves with the sweet element – the next part of the dangerous escape.

Yellow-coated mascot brimming with sweetness veiled the escape team. "Are you all fine?" Kent checked her classmates. "Good thing it's good for the skin," Christian answered. "I don't know. I feel gay with this stickiness." Matt grossed, but he knows it's necessary. "But what about, Jay? He became spiky." Asked Jessie. They looked for Jay and were shocked how he became normal again – human again. "How?" Alex asked Jay. "Transformations are controllable," Jay explained as he continued to pour some sweet nectar on his body. "Good, now we get back to the plan." Kent interrupted. The plan was to cover ourselves with the nectar after we passed the tunnels that led to the dungeon. But the next part of the plan was the most difficult of all. This part may not be effective. If not, then they're dead sweets immediately. "Now, we wait," Kent commanded. Wet, sticky but sweet, they squatted on the ground of sticky nectars and waited for the plan's next phase.

The bees' ability to communicate through their antennas was highly commendable. Not too long since, the winged creatures, crossbows in their right hand, came flying rapidly towards them. The typical little bees were swept through the air as the creatures' wings flapped so fast that they could not be seen by the naked eyes. "You. Humans. Get. Out. How?" asked one of the bees who came swarming at us. Ten of them arrived at us with their gazes expressed with such hostility. Getting anxious, Christian stepped backward and grabbed Alex's hands, seeking comfort. Alex understood their situation. If this doesn't go well, we'll end up dead. Alex thought. Kent faced the swarming bees with confidence, trying to wit their way out of the situation. "Take us to your queen." The bees laughed.

"Human. Joking. We. Kill. Humans. Not. Eat. Them." The middle bee obviously didn't know how to speak fluently, but at least they understand each other. "Humans. Filthy." The bee added. The bee's antenna moved, signaling his comrade to fire shots. The creatures pointed their arrows to the escape team. The escape team closed their eyes as they saw how the creatures, with no hesitation, were now pointing their crossbows to them, taking their prey in an instant. Not having a choice, Jay decided to change to his animal form, but Kent stopped him.

"Wait." Suddenly, a cloud of common bees came swarming towards the creatures. Kent smirked. Her plan worked. The bees put their lives into making honey. Unlike these intelligent creatures who know nothing but to shoot, the common bees are the most important creatures of this hive for the reason that they keep everyone alive. They don't want their nectars to be spilled on dead bodies, especially those covered with blood. They will do anything to stop it from happening, even with the destruction of the creatures higher to them. The creatures stopped and waved their hands, shoving the swarming bees flying to every angle of their yellow bodies. When the creatures suddenly stopped and decided not to shoot the escape team, the bees flew from the sides, continuing with their jobs. "You. Humans. To. The. Queen." One by one, the creatures grabbed the escape team, making their way onto the queen as they had planned. Alex was amazed at how the plan had worked out well. He's proud of his classmate's teamwork and knowledge. And he knew that they all felt the same.

Passing the golden tunnels, they went through several tunnels, exits, or entrances alike. They knew that they couldn't achieve it just by themselves. There's no way one could memorize such a maze just by looking at it once. The tunnels are so much alike that they are confusing just by looking. But with these creatures, that's a different matter.

Humans grabbed by their feet; the creatures continued to fly through the tunnels. Thanks to the honey's sticky characteristic, it's not easy to remove it from their body just by facing the wind. A big familiar opening has been seen, and the team knows that they are now reaching their destination – the queen's nest.

The spacious space is home to the most powerful bee in the hive. With her intimidating height and massive wings, she no denies that she's on top of the food chain. The queen does not possess any weapon, but it's still dangerous to attack her when they don't know her abilities. The creatures put the escape team on the golden-plated floor of the queen's throne hall. Still being covered with the sweet nectar. The massive seven-foot-tall bee stood up, revealing its majestic appearance to the lowly humans. "You're all still alive?" the queen muttered; her furry feet stepped onto the floor walked around the escape team. Kent stood up, giving the queen her honor by bowing.

"Thanks to your hive being made of food, we could survive this place," Kent replied. "Oh! I didn't know humans love nectar. I guess I still have a lot to learn." Unlike her constituents, the queen bee, treated as the most intelligent creature in the hive, can converse pretty well. Her voice may sound like she's making a deep connection with the lowly humans, but her face shows all signs of disgust. "I won't ask about how you got out from the cell since you told me earlier that humans eat nectars, but killing twenty of my men is beyond logic. It seems like there's someone among you who possess this world's power." The queen said, alarmed. "I see, so you already know about your men," Kent replied. "We, the bees, are topnotch in communication because we use waves. The bad news is the report of the creature responsible for your escape. This hasn't been done, for they have been exterminated instantly." The queen replied her furry hand on her chin, trying to think. "I guess there's no point in this conversation. I already guessed that you already made up your mind about us having the need to be extinguished."

Kent sighed. The queen went back to her golden throne, and she crossed her legs and smiled. "Entertain me more." The stationed guards started to move. Pointing their arrows to the escape team. The team decided to crowd themselves in the center. "What do we do?" asked Christian, his lips were shaking. Kent looked at Jay, where Jay immediately nodded and decided what to do. Jay's body began to change. Dark-colored spikes grew from his body, covering the back of his head to the back of his body. Jay grabbed some of his spikes and gave them to his classmates – now, they have a weapon.

"How?" the queen whispered as she saw the spiky body of a human who had just transformed, trying to keep her curiosity to herself, but Alex heard it. But he doesn't have time to think. He needed to fight for his life, their life.

The team was chosen based on their abilities. If unprecedented fights happen, Kent knows she can rely on them. Matt smiled. Matt has always been fond of fighting. Dealing with it in the old world was such a hassle because you can't just punch anybody you think is worth beating. But in this world, they have the luxury to do that. Having the spike in hand, he ran towards one of the guards who was pointing the poisonous arrow at him. A whooshing sound alarmed Matt that the arrow had been fired. He immediately jumped to the side, dodged the arrow, and swung his weapon into the air, decapitating the massive bee. Kent smiled; she knew she could count on her team. They're athletic, after all.