
The Habitat

Tired of living in the old society, Alex, together with his classmates, were transported into another world after the mysterious poisoning of their classroom. A world full of natural beauty and fresh air, they considered it a dream. Only to find out that weird monsters they haven't seen before have been living in it where they treated humans as alienated beings. Alex, with his classmates, fought the creatures and noticed that upon death, they found a mysterious syringe that, when injected, would transform themselves into one. Embarking on a dangerous but mystical journey, Alex and his classmates set their foot on acquiring powers from the monsters in the new world for them to survive.

Josh_Baudelaire · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
43 Chs

Onto the Turtle!

"There's a monster that needs to be defeated," Noel said severely.

"What kind of monster?" asked Alex. He noticed that his classmates were now giving all their attention to the mysterious cat man.

"He's a turtle, man." Replied Noel.

Everybody looked at each other. The class might have considered that this monster is not as ferocious or dangerous as the queen bee. For it is merely a turtle. Curious about the beast, Alex asked again.

"Given that you're asking for help, this monster might be dangerous and strong."

Noel chuckled. "Incredibly."

Alex nodded. He then looked at Kent, waiting for her response. Kent immediately got what Alex intended and asked Noel again. "How strong can this monster be?"

"He's got a bludgeon in hand. Your skull would be crushed into pieces." He answered. "this monster has an impenetrable defense. That's why my claws were useless against it. But it wouldn't be a problem for you, since your arrows are poisonous. With that, we might stand a chance." He added.

"Only if it can pierce its flesh. You said its defense was impenetrable. How can a mere arrow penetrate it if your claws were useless against it?" Kent could not think of any possible way to defeat the said monster. She might have gotten intense by them defeating the queen bee. But, according to Noel, this monster is undoubtedly strong. If only she could summon a hundred guard bees, this wouldn't even pose a threat to her class.

Noel turned speechless; he knew it was a good idea to ask for help from these people. But they must think of a way to penetrate the turtle monster's defense.

"I think we can do it," Alex said.

Everyone looked at him. "How?" said one of his classmates.

Alex sighed, "I don't know yet. We will know if I can see it up close."

"You can't just think of a way to defeat a monster when you're already on the battlefield. Our lives are at stake here!" said Cherry.

Alex sighed again but ensured his classmates that his plan might work with the help of Kent.

"Unlike the other time, we were helpless, but not this time. If we defeat this monster, this might become a great help not just to me but all of us. Like the queen bee who we defeated, this monster might also have the same power that we could get and use." Alex explained.

The class murmured, giving each one their own opinion of the situation.

After minutes of discussion, everybody agreed to the idea of defeating the turtle monster. The class realized that this would be a great addition to their survival in this new world they are now part of.

"We need a plan," Kent said.

"We need to know where the turtle monster is located," Darline said, she looked at Noel, and Noel immediately got it. Noel moved to the front, making everyone listen to his story.

"Like many parts of this marshland, the turtle lives 30 km. West from this hive. It won't pose a threat with its speed, making itself here. However, its place is covered with big puddles. Well, of course, it's common when you're in a marshland, but it's different in his territory. It seems like he made it himself."

"What do you mean he made it himself?" Alex asked.

Noel scratched his head, "I don't know, when we fought, and I stepped on one of it, it sucked me in. It seems like he can command it." Noel answered.

"Another one with extraordinary power. Now I'm convinced we are living in a fantasy." Said Jessie.

"So, we must now step on one of those when we fight him. If we do, we die. Right?" Alex looked at Noel, and Noel gave the nod.

"I learned the hard way. If the moon didn't rise, I would've been bludgeoned to death."

"Going there in a crowd will not help us defeat the monster. We should send those who are willing to participate in this mission." Kent said.

As Kent continued to decide who to send, the murmuring noises drifted away in an instant, leaving only the silence behind. Alex understood how fearful his classmates were. They are afraid of dying once again. But being fearful will not help them survive in this world. They are ignorant of this world. What if they are stronger creatures who are going to invade the marshland? What can they do with just Kent and Jay's powers? Therefore, he doesn't have any choice but to show hope in this moment of despair. Alex thought of nothing and immediately raised his hand. He made himself see to the class that he volunteered to be part of a dangerous quest.

"Are you sure?" Kent asked. "Weren't you afraid of the danger within? You just had a fight with a monster, too."

"What's more fearful is staying here and dying without doing anything. I won't die, not again." Alex answered.

Kent patted his shoulder, "I'm with you."

"I, too." One of his classmates stood from the crowd. Alex looked towards the familiar voice and was glad that his friends wouldn't let him go alone, even in this new world.

"Thanks, Gloyd." He whispered as Gloyd walked towards him.

Gloyd smiled, "Of course, I wouldn't let you die here alone. Hahaha."

Ivan stood up, adding himself to the dangerous quest. Darline, Maeje, Christian, and Angel followed immediately.

"I would blame you if I would die!" pointing to Angel. Angel slapped Darline's hand away, "Oh, shut up! What do you want me to do? Everyone's participating." They looked at each other and laughed. As if there's no danger waiting for them at their destination.

Alex's felt secure and safe. With the presence of his friends with the bond that they have, communicating would not be a problem. He knew his friends were intelligent and strong. They need each other's skills to win this fight.

"I should come, too," Jay shouted.

"No, you stay here with them. Someone needs to be in the hive to keep everyone safe. Noel and I will accompany them." Kent said.

Kent ordered everyone to eat their breakfast. They decided to gather around their newly-made table made from hardened nectar.

While the class was still busy doing their parts, Kent decided to talk to Noel. "When do we leave?" Kent asked.

"tonight." He responded.

Kent nodded, "I see."

"I can scout the area first. With the moon, I can scout it freely during the night. Distance won't matter to me. Just be sure to be safe and meet me halfway there." Noel explained.

Kent nodded, making herself agree to Noel's idea.

"How did it happen? You, acquiring that power?" Kent knows that acquiring such power must have been hard when you're still a human. Witnessing it firsthand, the feline man must have endured a lot.

Noel turned his back to the girl he had just met, "Bloody."

Kent walked and stood beside Noel, "Are you like us, too?"

Noel sighed, "thirty-four of us. When the gas filled our classroom, we thought we would die. After inhaling it, I still feel how hard it was to breathe when it entered my lungs. We were breathing again but in a different world."

"Was the marshland the place where you guys got teleported? I wouldn't really say we were teleported, but let's just say we were with limited knowledge." Kent said.

Noel chuckled, "yeah, we may have been teleported. And, no." We woke up in a forest."

"Forest." Kent's curiosity triggered. "So, what Jay said was true. You weren't from the marshland."

Noel nodded.

"What happened to the class you're in?" Kent added a question.

Noel bowed his head as if he was sad about the question. Kent noticed his facial expressions changed. As if he's… grieving.

"Acquiring such power did not come without a price. In the middle of the night, we gathered everyone in one place, excited about living in this new world."

Kent continued to look at Noel, listening.

"We laughed, and we talked a lot. We thought things were now completely perfect. We are now away from the toxic world we used to live in. No honking cars, tall buildings, and even pollution. The forest was perfect. It gave us fresh air, a type of air that we haven't experienced in the past world." Noel added.

"So, what happened next?" Kent asked silently.

As his tears flowed to his furry cheeks, Noel's eyes felt heavy. "We were attacked by a monster, a big, black cat monster. One by one, my classmates' bodies were sliced apart, blood splattered on every tree trunk. We ran as fast as possible, not minding which way to go. B-----but we didn't stand a chance. He's a monster no human could ever defeat. I could still hear the screams of my classmates as they were torn by the beast's giant claws. But, what can we do? We're powerless against it!"

Kent understood the situation Noel had been in. They would have experienced it, too. If not for Jay's sudden transformation, thanks to Noel's help. They would've died just by leaving the cell they were put into.

Noel continued, "We managed to defeat it with everyone's sacrifices. We ran towards it together and successfully caught it and defeated it. It was horrible! I saw my classmates' bodies torn as we ran towards the monster. I was the only one who survived. I saw the injection come out when we defeated the monster. I had no hope of living at that moment. I tried to kill myself by injecting myself with a strange liquid and ended up becoming the monster myself."

"No, don't say that." Kent tried to comfort Noel by making him feel they had no choice.

Noel calmed himself, "Yeah, I thought, my classmates, are still here with me. When I defeated a porcupine monster, I kept the syringe with me. I traveled towards the horizon, only to find out that there were other places besides the forest. That's when I met Jay. I knew Jay must have teleported with his classmates, too – like us. So, I gave him the injection to help him survive and help his classmates. In that way, there wouldn't be a bloodbath like what we have experienced before.

Kent looked at Noel in the eyes, "Without you, we could've all died back there. We will forever be thankful to you. All of us are indebted to you."

Noel smiled, "my classmates if they survived, must have chosen the decision that I chose."

Kent decided to end the emotional scenery by inviting Noel to breakfast which he immediately accepted.

As the table was full of laughter and chatters, different fresh foods displayed on its golden surface, they were living the new life as one to be celebrated.

Kent stood up and announced the team's departure in its quest, which would happen in the evening, and everyone turned silent.

The day seemed short, and the moon started to replace the sun in its place. The team is getting ready for the departure. Jay gave them spikes for weapons. The group decided not to bring any rations, for the marshland is abundant in food where they can freely hunt and eat.

Noel bid goodbye to the eight of the first, where he leaped from tree to tree and turned himself invisible by becoming the night itself. Noel will mark the trees with his sharp claws, and that's what the team will follow as they walk towards the monster's territory - according to Alex's idea.

The class bid them farewell, where they prayed for their safety and brought hope with them.