

Hello guys, it's being a long time.

First of all I would like to apologize for he lack releases for the last months. As a reader myself, I know how the lack of news from an author can be annoying and for that I can only apologize. On this post I intend to explain the why of my absence.

Initially my lack of releases were a result of a few problems that I had to deal with, but eventually it came as a result of not knowing what direction I wanted the story to take. I also was starting to grow dissatisfied with the story. I end up passing a long time thinking what would make me enthusisatic to write again, and finally I found the solution.

First: the H.P.S. won't be dropped or be on hiatus but it will be rewritten. There are thing that I did on the story that, when reading again, I would like to change so I will start the novel from scratch. The current chapters won't be deleted immediately but all of them will be made public until I reach the chapter 30 of the new version.

Second: I realized that a great part of why I was in a slump and dismotivated is because I was writting always the same story, so now that there's nothing in my way to write again, besides the new version of H.P.S., I will also write two new stories.

Third: the new stories won't be released frequently, only a chapter for week of each, and their titles are NTR'd Protagonist Revenge and The Lustiful Conqueror.

Lastly, the first chapters of the new H.P.S. will be released in a few days, together with the release of all the chapters of the olde version.

Thank you all those who have being showing their support for my work during this time of my absence, and I hope you still are willing to support me in the future.