
The Party Pt: 1

Me and Nat stayed up all night doing each others makep and hair, to see which one's we liked best.

~7 pm~

"Shit Nat! We overslept!"

"What time is it?" she askes groggily

"What time does the party start Nat?"

"9, now will you please tell me what time it is?"

"Its frickin 7 o clock! We have 2 hours to get ready!" That woke her up. Nat gets up super fast and runs to the bathroom to take a shower. Well shit, I'm not gonna have enough time to take one. So I just slide on my dress and fishnets, and wait for her to come out. Shortly after that, she comes out. "Finally!" She scoffs at me and puts her whole costume on. "So, how do I look?" she asks me.

"You look great Nat!" We finish getting ready and head out the door at 8:37. As soon as I get in the car, I see a man in all black watching us. A soon as I turn to Nat and look back, he's gone. Must of been my imagination.

We arrive at the party in no time, and head for the drinks. Nat leaves me quickly. Then I spot Jake. I quickly grab a drink and walk over to him.

"Hi Jake" I say romantically. It's been a while since I've hooked up with someone. Maybe today will be my lucky day!

He looks my up and down, and then grins.

"Hey" he responds. In no time at all, he pulls me close to him, and starts kissing me. God, he is an amazing kisser! His hands travel my body making me moan. "Oh Jake..." He pulls away, with a gleam in his eyes. He quickly grabs my hand and jerks me to his room. His hands find my waist, and he pulls me close to him, after he locks the door. We makeout for a while, then he pushes me on the bed. He crawls on top of my and takes of my dress, so I take of his shirt. He takes of his jeans, along with my boots and fishnets. All I have on is my cape, and matching set. He has nothing at all. He starts kissing my neck, and I pull him closer. His hand moves slowly down to the hem of my set, and pushes then down ever so slowly. He rubs my inner thighs, and then trusts his hip into mine. "Ohh," I cry out. We start going, me moaning all the way. "Oh Jake!" I spread my legs more, giving him even more access, so he goes deeper. I grip his neck, and then he kisses me hard, on the lips, while still going. After a while, we come, and lay in his soft sheets with our clothes on the floor. After about 10 minutes, we hear the doorknob twist.

"Rooms occupied!" Jake yells. But the door handle wont stop turning, and suddenly it breaks. I run to the closet, with a sheet, and close the door with a little space so I can see what's happening. The guy I say earlier was here, with a knife in his hand, and a gun in his hollister. WTF?!?! The guy charges at Jake, and slits his throat with one swipe. Jake falls to the floor. Dead. Oh my god! The guy looks around once more, before turning around and leaving. I take some of Jakes clothes, and walk out of the room, and spot everyone. They are all dead. I nearly cry out, but don't because I don't want him to hear me.

I walk through all the lifeless bodies, and then spot someone. Nat. Barely breathing, with a bullet hole in her stomach.