
Chapter Two



Dayne Jamila's POV

Oh well, the first day of school, and I am late.

I can't blame anyone else aside from my three brothers. It took them a lot of rituals before we have finally arrived at school. And yes, if you guys are thinking if they gave me some snacks to eat during break times, yes I do have it. It is included in their rituals. I think they are just excited and happy for me, but I am not an elementary student anymore.

Our teacher was already in the middle of a discussion when I entered the room. Good thing, our first day was just more on the introduction of ourselves.

No one bothers to pay attention to me which is just right for me, I guess.

I chose the farthest seat wherein I will be having no seatmate.

Just a few more seconds, someone opened the door and entered the room.

And to my surprise, I saw Dylan's face.

He searched for a vacant seat then eventually, he walked in my direction.

He sat beside me.

Yes, beside me!

I just felt that my heart was beating so fast.

Of all the people around the world, why Dylan as my seatmate?!?

He looked blankly at me.

In all honesty, I want to punch him straight by now. But our ongoing class and my high respect for our dear teacher are stopping me to do it.

Dylan chose to sleep peacefully during class. And I, being a concerned citizen of the universe, raise my hand to catch the attention of our teacher.

I just simply said that someone is sleeping peacefully beside me, and so she walked in our direction. Now, she could able to see the devil's sleeping oh so quietly.

She poked the evil a lot of times to wake him up but no to avail. And so I was the one who did something to wake him up.

I beat his head.

He immediately raised his head to check what's going on.

I pointed to my teacher. At first, she was hesitant to speak but then, later on, said that sleeping during class is prohibited inside the room.

"It is not my fault if your discussion is boring." Dylan casually said.

The nerve! He is not paying any respect to our teacher! Should I need to punch him right now?

"DYLAN!!!" our teacher shouted.

Then Dylan stood up then get out of our room.

I asked for our teacher's permission, I excused myself then immediately followed Dylan.

This time, I was the one who blocked his way.

He coldly stared at me.

"Still remember me?" I asked him.

But he just passed by me then continued walking.

And so I continued following him too.

"You evil!" I shouted but still, he is not paying attention to my existence.

This time I took all my courage then punched him.

"Hi, my name is Dayne Jamila..... And you deserve that."

He was about to say something but I immediately turned around and walked back to our room.

I went straight to my seat. Didn't give a single explanation to anyone if what did just happened.

I took a glimpse at something beside me.

Dylan left his bag.

Well, I bet, he will not return just to get his bag so I better grab this chance.

I may find something inside this to prove that he is evil. Or at least I may find something that will give a hint why he killed my boyfriend.