
Chapter Nineteen



Dayne Jamila's POV

One week later, after the accident happened, I did not expect that I will be facing a bigger problem!

My brothers just decided to give me someone who will accompany me to school. Sort of bodyguard but it happened that he is now my classmate since he transferred to our school just recently.

His name is Vin Dutch Santos. He is a brother of AJ's best friend. I used to see him before since he is visiting our house together with his brother. BJ also teases us reason why I am kinda annoyed with this guy.

He fetched me today and so I left no choice, we went to school together.

"Hey Vin, will you please refrain from calling me baby when we are at the school?" I told him when we were just in the car.

"Why baby? Is there something wrong with it?"

"Yes! You are not one of my brothers so stop doing so." Only my brothers are calling me baby and he does not belong to our family so he has no right.

"Okay." then he pouted. I rolled my eyes, he looked so childish.

When we arrived at the school, almost everyone is looking at Vin. If you guys are asking why, the only answer is that Vin is a good-looking creature. But I am not attracted to him.

Upon entering our classroom, all of the girls are screaming and trying to get the attention of Vin. I just distance myself from him.

"Hey, baby!" he shouted just to catch my attention. I rolled my eyes again! I just said he should refrain from calling me baby, why does he repeat it?!?

I ignored him then proceeded to my seat. Dylan occupied the seat beside me and he is just staring at me blankly.

Does he have nothing to say to me? Won't he even ask if I am already fine? One week has been passed by but it seems he is not worried about me. If not as a friend, then as a coach he should be worried right?

I just ignored him as well. Maybe he is just having his problem.

During the lunch break, as usual, Chelsea, Roxette, and I went to the cafeteria together. But Vin just made his own decision that he will be joining us. At first, I disagree because I am already becoming irritated with his presence. He is always following me.

"Your brother told me to protect and always follow you baby." he reminded me again.

"Will you please stop Vin? I knew it, you don't have to repeat it a million times."

"Okay. Okay. So I will be joining you guys!"

I rolled my eyes then walked. Vin followed us.

"Jamila... will you be ignoring Vin? He is pitiful, he does not have friends here." Roxette said while we are walking.

"You can be friends with him, Rox."

"Hey Jamila, have you talk with Dylan?" Chelsea suddenly asked.

I shook my head.

"You should be asking him if he is okay," she added.

"Huh?" What does Chelsea trying to say?

After we ate, we go back to our room.

I searched for Dylan but he was not there.

I know a place where he could be possibly staying right now.

I went to the rooftop. Good thing Vin doesn't follow me.

When I get there, I saw Dylan sleeping. He leaned his head against the wall. By looking at his sleeping state, seems like something is bothering him. Does he have any serious problem?

"W-what are you doing here?" he asked upon opening his eyes.

"How are you?" I asked. The same question I wanted him to ask me.

He didn't answer.

"Have you eaten already?" I asked another question.

But he did not answer again.

Maybe he just returned to his normal state, being cold.

I held his hand then put some chocolate bar in there.

"Eat it. I know you haven't eaten yet." then I just decided to leave him. Maybe he needed some space.

Dylan's POV

Who the hell is Vin?

Jamila just came back after the accident but he brought someone with her.

In all honesty, I don't like that Vin. He seems so close to Jamila and I hate it.

I wanted to speak with Jamila but I just can't get closer to her. That Vin guy is always guarding her.

Instead of going to the cafeteria, I just choose to stay on the rooftop. Somewhat, there is peace in here.

Didn't notice that I already fell asleep. Just shocked in a way upon seeing Jamila sitting beside me.

She is trying to build communication with me and I hate that I can't reciprocate it.

She just left some chocolate bar in my hand. Instead of eating it, I kept it in my pocket. Another remembrance with her.

I decided not to attend our final class. I can't afford to face her right now.

When the class ended, I choose to went back to our room to get my things.

I was about to enter the door but I suddenly saw Shaina. In a not so far away, I was able to see Jamila all alone, wait, where's that Vin? I thought he will be protecting and guarding Jamila, but where he is right now?

I hurriedly grabbed Shaina's arm then dragged her away to our classroom where Jamila is staying right now.

"Suddenly want me, Dylan?" Shaina said while grinning.

"What are you planning to do? Are you not contented with what you've done to her? Is her hospitalization doesn't suits you well?"

"That isn't enough, I want some more dramatic scene. Well this time, I am trying to kill her."

"Stop your craziness, Shaina!" I can't help myself but tighten my grip on her arm.

"Why? Are you falling in love with her?"

That made me speechless. I don't know how to answer her. I don't know what is supposed to be the answer. All I know is that I don't want Jamila to be in danger. I want to protect her all the way.

"I think I already know the answer, Dylan."

"Leave her alone Shaina."

"You don't know what you are saying, Dylan!" Shaina is almost shouting. Luckily, the school is almost clear reason why there is no one hearing what we are talking about.

"You know why I hate that girl? It is because of you! She steals you away from me Dylan! and I can't afford of losing you! We are supposed to be together until we die." Then she started crying. She is really crazy. What is she saying? We are not even in a relationship. She is just the one thinking that we are connected. Pathetic.

I closed my eyes. Why I am engaged in this scenario anyway?

Shaina harshly wipes her tears away. "I will not stop chasing her until I can't see her die. If not today then maybe tomorrow!"

She was about to walk away but I stopped her.

"What can I do to make you stop and leave Jamila alone?" I asked.

Dead end. This is the only thing I am seeing right now just to stop her from chasing Jamila.

"Stay away from that girl and be with me." she answered.

If this is the only way I could protect Jamila, and so be it. I am now willing to do everything just to assure Jamila is safety.