

One tragic night. That’s how Dayne Jamila described the night when her boyfriend died. She witnessed how he was shot dead by Dylan. She shouted for help, but her boyfriend still ended up lifeless, miserable and hopeless- and so was she. She seeks for justice. But while she is seeking for it, a lot of questions in her mind rise up. Her life collided with Dylan- the guy who killed her boyfriend. Ironically, Dayne Jamila and Dylan got close to each other. As time passes by, the hatred she felt towards him suddenly replaced by a feeling she doesn’t want to have. That magical feeling of love. Will she be able to neglect it? Or she will just let herself fall into a river of smile and happiness? Especially now that she knew what the whole truth was.

penit_red · Teen
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55 Chs

Chapter Four



Dylan Jasper's POV

Ahdsahjfdafhdjs! I don't want things like this! I don't want to speak and talk to people! But this time, I need to!

Ahdsyadvsy! My bag is missing!

I taught, all of the students enrolled in our school were rich....but why it seems like someone is a thief? Someone possibly stole my bag!

Well, I am not after the expensive things that can be found inside it, it just so happened that something precious is inside my bag.

My diary.

But don't you ever judge me and conclude that I like girly things.

That diary was a compulsory requirement of my teacher last year. To pass, I have to comply with her requirement.

I've written everything inside that diary. I've written all my secrets and nobody should have read about it.

But on the other hand, there is still an assurance that the diary remains unreadable. It has a special lock, and that special lock serves as the pendant of my necklace.

Dayne Jamila's POV

Until now, I am still thinking about why Dylan and my boyfriend were together in a photo. What's their relationship?

Oh well, no matter how occupied am I... I still need to go to school.

So I prepared and went downstairs to eat some breakfast.

My three brothers were all waiting for me. They've noticed that I looked a bit sleepless but I just said an excuse.

They also said that they were going to send me to school again... Like, seriously? I can manage myself.

In the end, I did nothing either. They still accompany me to school.

When we arrived at the front gate, we were shocked when we were greeted by the scream of my schoolmates. Little did we realize that it is because of my handsome brothers why they were screaming.

They presume that all of my brothers are models.

I shook my head and just did a facepalm.

When I entered our room, one of my girl classmates hurriedly run to me.

"Dayne! You haven't told us about those guys you were with just a while ago! Who are they? Are they your friends?" she asked. Now, seems like she's interested in my personal life.

"My brothers," I answered then proceed to my seat.

"I want to know one of them! Can you help me?"

I rolled my eyes. Like seriously?

"They are all married. Sorry."

I just lied because I want to cut our conversation. I am not interested in talking to her.

Finally, she walked out in front of me.

Just a few minutes later, our teacher just arrived. Followed by Dylan. Psh, late.

Dylan occupied the same seat he occupied yesterday. Oh, hi seatmate!

I focused my attention on my teacher. As I was busy taking down some notes, someone poked me. And to my surprise, it's Dylan!

"Where's my bag?" he asked.

I raised my brow.

"It is not with me," I answered. Oh come on Dayne, you are now becoming a liar.

"I know it's with you. You're just my only seatmate."

"And what do you think I'll be doing with your bag?!?! Is it important?!?!"

"Give it back to me!!"

"STOP!!!! Both of you! Get out of my class!"

And that was the time we've noticed that we are already disturbing our class.

I hurriedly stood up and apologize to my teacher. Then I walked out of the room, following what my teacher commanded.

Dylan followed me.

"It is all your fault!" I shouted at him but he didn't bother to say something. To my surprise, he held my hand then dragged me. There's a lot of things I want to say but I can't speak. I want to beat him, punch him, pinch him but I just can't get my hand from his grip.

He brought me to the rooftop.

We're just the only student occupying this space.

"Now, tell me where is my bag?" he finally let go of my hand.

"I don't know." I have no plan of admitting that I get his bag.

He walks closer to me. And as he walks closer, I am moving backward until I was leaning against the wall. By calculating our distance right now, I may say that approximately seven inches are our distance towards each other.

"Until when are you going to deny, Dayne Jamila?"

I closed my eyes. Why I am suddenly get intimidated by his presence?

"You'll answer me or I will kiss you?"

"W-wait... W-w-what?!?!"

"You want me to kiss you?"

My eyes suddenly narrowed because of what he said.

"Perv! Why would I kiss a killer?" I shouted then kick his stomach.

He moved away from me then immediately kneel, seemingly having difficulty in breathing.

I got nervous and I felt guilty for what I did.

I ran towards him.

"Are you alright?" I ask him but he's not answering, looks like he is writhing in pain.

I held his hand then guided him to the vacant seat. I gave him water. I made sure he will drink it so I opened the bottle, opened his mouth then poured the water inside it.

He gave me a death glare.

"What? I am just trying to help you. Looks like you're dying!" I explained angrily.

I sat beside him after he emptied the drinking water. I think he is now alright.

"Dylan, what's the relationship between you and my boyfriend? Why are you with him in a photo?" I can't help myself but to asked Dylan what I saw.

"You keep insisting that you haven't got my bag. But the thing you saw is probably located inside it."

He said in a very serious manner and then he walked away from me. He has a point, I just made myself embarrassing. Dayne Jamila, what are you doing?!?!?!? Arghhhh!