
Chapter 11: Settling In

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original characters and works, if you recognise it from somewhere else, surprise it isn't mine.

Discord Link: discord .gg/ wd3tUYWVCd

Pat reon Link: www.Pat reon .com/TheDarkWolfShiro

Betad by morde24

The Guild of Gamers: The Supervillain

Chapter 11: Settling In

Orika Uraraka

Sitting opposite the well dressed man, she subconsciously glanced down at her own outfit, her plain white shirt felt far cheaper than his obviously custom made suit, she felt underdressed and out of place as he calmly went over the paperwork she'd brought.

He might have approached them, but there was no denying that Uraraka construction needed Mr. Yukimura a lot more than he needed them, so she was the one trying to convince him that their business wouldn't be a wasted investment.

They were on the verge of bankruptcy at this point, and Jin's offer seemed like the lifeline they needed to pull themselves from the swamp of debt they were sinking into.

"Hmm, I have to say I'm a bit perplexed. From a purely business standpoint, your company should have been performing just fine, and yet it's been a money drain as far as I can see. Lawsuits, 'unexpected costs', failed contracts. How exactly did all this happen?" Jin asked, scratching his chin as he read over the files, he already had a pile before she arrived and she knew she wouldn't be able to hide her company's troubles from him.

The lawsuits certainly weren't private, and while they were too small to really garner any attention from the public, the details were still out in the open for anyone who was looking for them.

"Our main storehouse was destroyed in a cape battle, most of our machinery and supplies were lost, that's the unexpected costs part… and one of our workers had a drug problem, we didn't realise until he completely bungled a contract, damaging the building we were working on beyond repair. We've also been bleeding workers without the money to pay them, and without the staff…" Orika started making him hum to himself.

"You couldn't finish the contracts, but you had to keep accepting them or you'd go out of business." Jin finished, making her nod embarrassedly. "Frankly, everything I am seeing here is the tell-tale signs of bad management, your husband inherited this business, correct? Was he not trained to run his business properly?" Jin asked, his tone cold and professional.

"My father-in-law tried, but the move from Japan to America was rough and Kato has always been better at the actual construction side of things." Orika said, quickly defending her husband's admittedly poor business acumen.

"Which is why you're the CEO, despite him being the one who inherited it?" Jin confirmed, nodding as he rose from his desk and moved to his cabinet, pulling out a bottle of whiskey that probably cost more than her monthly grocery bill as he poured himself a glass. "Do you drink?" Jin asked, making her pause.

She didn't want to be rude, so after a moment she nodded and watched as he poured her a glass, moving to the couch instead as he moved the paperwork over and placed both glasses down.

Taking the hint, she moved over to the couch herself and sat next to the younger man, accepting the offered glass as he went back to looking over the reports.

"First of all, how attached are you to the warehouse you currently use as your headquarters?" Jin asked as he took a sip, making her copy him, her eyes widening at the strength of the whisky he had given her.

"N-not particularly? It's just the cheapest one his father could get when he first moved over to Brockton." Orika answered, making Jin nod.

"It's also in ABB territory, something you no doubt know. If we go through with this, I want to move your headquarters into the Trainyard area. I'll arrange for a new building and buy your old one from you, but moving away from ABB territory is going to be important, especially considering the ongoing gang war." Jin deadpanned, making her pause.

"Isn't this gang territory as well?" Orika asked quietly, making Jin nod.

"It's in Brockton, so yes, but Midas is more reasonable than Lung and I can deal with that side of things to make sure you and your workers aren't bothered. Dealing with gangs is a necessary evil in Brockton, unfortunately." Jin sighed, making her nod.

She'd heard the sounds of the Empire and the ABB fighting from her home, and it made her all the more fearful for Ochako, the sooner she was off to UA the better, this wasn't a safe place for people with powers.

"Secondly, how many workers do you have currently?" Jin asked, making her pause as she did a mental tally.

"Just under a dozen, we've been slowly losing workers for a long time." Orika admitted as he sighed again.

"There's no end of construction work to be done in this city, especially now… I have an idea of how to recruit more workers, I'll find the next three contracts and I will pay off your current debts because becoming successful while you owe suspicious loan companies money is always a bad idea." Jin deadpanned again, making her perk up before she awkwardly laughed.

"They were the only ones who would lend us anything." Orika admitted making him scoff.

"That's because everyone else saw your company as a bad investment. That loan company has strong ties to the ABB, they weren't expecting you to be able to pay it off and they would have likely forced you and your daughter to work at one of their brothels once you failed to meet their ever-growing interest rates." Jin said bluntly, making her eyes widen as her face paled rapidly. "They'll accept the money, especially when I pay the exorbitant interest rates and hidden charges since free money is something nobody would refuse. Now, your husband owns 75% of the business, after he gave you 25%, for all the aid I have promised I want 35% myself." Jin stated, making her freeze as she thought it over. "I understand you might need time to speak with your husband first."

"N-no, he gave my permission to negotiate on his behalf, and we agreed on a maximum that we were willing to give before I came here." Orika said quickly, making him smile. "We accept."

If she'd been paying more attention, she'd have caught the dumbstruck look on his face at her acceptance of the first offer out in front of her, but with her mind slowly clouded by the fine whisky and her own lack of business talents the thought to actually negotiate never crossed her mind.

They'd agreed on 45% being the most they would give him, and 35% sounded fair in her mind.

"Excellent, now I've been looking into potential contracts to get you back on your feet, would you like to look over them with me?" Jin asked, as he got up and pulled out a laptop from his desk drawer.

"Oh! Of course!" Orika said happily, convinced things were looking up with a clearly talented new investor helping them as she watched him place it down, turning it on and refilling their drinks.

Over the next hour, she was increasingly impressed by Jin's business talents as she saw the contracts he'd already lined up, all small time but they were just what they needed to turn their poor luck around and as she listened, she drank.

Undoing the top button of her shirt, she fanned at her flushed face as she leaned back on the couch.

"Do you want to take a little break, you're looking a little flushed?" Jin asked kindly, his hand resting on her thigh as she smiled at her family's saviour.

"Yes please, I think I overestimated my tolerance." Orika giggled, before she sighed. "I can't believe how bad things got… Do you really think they'd have forced me into a brothel?" Orika asked, unable to forget his earlier words.

"I do, I looked into the company and their lenders have a habit of disappearing, and they prefer to lend to women. Some of the missing women turned up at one of the raided ABB brothels, besides you're a beautiful woman so you'd be a prime target." Jin said, making her giggle despite the grim conversation.

"Oh, stop it you. I'm at least a decade older than you." Orika giggled, slapping his chiseled chest lightly as he gave her a smirk.

"And you have aged wonderfully, your husband is a lucky man." Jin said as he rubbed her thigh, a part of her drunken mind told her to stop this here and now, but as he continued moving his hand down and rested it on her bare leg, just over her knee she said nothing.

Her skirt was longer than that, but it must have gotten pushed up as they walked and as he moved his hand up her leg again, it slipped under her skirt and gently massaged her bare thigh.

"Flatterer." Orika said playfully, too drunk to stop this as she enjoyed the compliments from the young, handsome man.

With the state of their business, her and Kato had been working overtime and then some, both having a second job to delay their bankruptcy, and it'd been a while since she'd last been complimented.

"It's not flattery if I meant it… let me prove it, how about a little game?" Jin asked, making her look at him curiously as he reached over to the side and pulled back a deck of cards, shuffling them. "We both draw a card, and if you get the higher card I'll lower my percentage by 1%, if I get the higher card… you take off a single piece of clothing." Jin offered with a playful smirk as her face flushed.

"Mr Yukimura! I'm a married woman." Orika said quickly, making him smile.

"It's just a bit of harmless fun, and if you win you get to leave here knowing you kept more of your family business in the family. Low risk, high reward." Jin pointed out as she paused

1% would add up to a lot in the long run…

"One draw." Orika said after a moment, reaching forwards and taking a card. Eight of Hearts.

"We can draw as many times as you want, Mrs Uraraka." Jin said, drawing his own. "Ooh, too bad.l He said, placing down the Ten of Clubs as she blushed.

She couldn't refuse and break her word with the man her family were relying on could she? After a moment of hesitation she put the card back and reached up, slowly unbuttoning her shirt as she looked away.

What the hell was she doing?

Pulling the white shirt off her shoulders, she glanced back and blushed as she saw Jin staring at her chest, her plain white bra protecting her breasts from his gaze.

"Again?" Jin offered, shuffling the cards as she paused before she nodded.

She didn't want to have to take her top off for nothing, and as she stared at her card she held in a groan.

Two of Spades, no match for Jin's Four of Diamonds, meaning her skirt joined her shirt in short order, leaving here long pale legs on display.

The voice of reason told her to stop being stupid and cut her losses, the voice of drunken stupidity shouted to go again.

Her shoes and socks went next, and as they both stared at their fourth card Jin chuckled.

Eight of Hearts and Eight of Spades.

"Do we both win, or is this round nullified?" Jin asked idly, making the voice of drunkenness speak for her again.

"We both win." Orika said with a nod, desperate to win even once as Jin shrugged, opening up the contract they had written and changing his percentage to 34%.

Unable to stop now, she reached back and slowly uncoupled her bra, more from drunken clumsiness than actually reluctance as she lowered it and exposed her large pale breasts, slightly drooping from age now that they didn't have the support of her bra.

Before she could react, he reached up and gently caressed her right breast, his thumb brushing over her nipple as she moaned lightly, stared him down.

"I didn't say you could touch." Orika said quietly, not doing anything to stop him as he continued playing with her fat breasts. "Again?"

"Again it is." Jin chuckled, drawing again as she looked at her card and cheered, bouncing in place and sending her breasts swinging. Her King of Hearts smashed his mere Eight of Clubs.

33%, she'd won back two percent of her company.

"Again." Orika said, freezing as she drew a Three, Jin's smirk telling her she lost before she'd even seen his Queen.

Looking down at her plain white panties, she paused before she stood up and shimmied out of them slowly, her pussy exposed to his gaze, a small bush of brown hair above it as she blushed.

"Game over?" Orika asked sheepishly, no more clothes to remove as she sat back down next to him.

"Only if you want it to be, or we could raise the stakes. If you win the next hand, I'll give back… three percent, and if I win I'm allowed to touch you." Jin offered. She bit her lip in indecision before she nodded again.

Three percent could save them tens of thousands in the long run, and as she drew she looked at the Jack of Spades in her hand and smiled.

A smile that disappeared once Jin turned his own King of Spades around, turning red as he immediately reached forwards and started to grope her chest, one hand working its way down her body and slipping between her legs as he started to slowly pump his fingers into her slit, a moan leaving her which he promptly silenced with a kiss.

They hadn't agreed to kissing, but she wasn't in a position to point that out as she moaned into his mouth, guilt and pleasure flooding her as he toyed with her body, playing her like an instrument as he skilfully drew moans and whimpers from her.

It didn't take him long to make her cum, and she was too far gone to try and hold back anyway as she practically screamed into his mouth, her juices staining his couch as she humped his hand, gasping as he broke the kiss.

"So, Mrs Uraraka… one last draw? I'll put ten percent on the table, if you put yourself on it." Jin offered, and she didn't even flinch as she drew, looking at her Two of Hearts with a blush. A wicked grin grew on his face as he turned around his Ten of Clubs, and picking her up in a princess carry, he easily carried her out of the office and towards his bedroom, tossing her onto the bed as she laid back and slowly parted her legs, watching him strip down and climb onto the bed himself, towering over her as he positioned himself between her legs, the tip of his cock rubbing along her slit before he pushed forwards and penetrated her in one swift thrust.

"O-oh fuck, I'm sorry honey~" Orika drunkenly moaned, her legs locking around his waist as Jin railed her hard and fast, her moans filling the room as she lay back and let him have his way with her, the voice of reason pointing out that she was married, that she shouldn't be doing this, but it was drowned out by the voice of drunken stupidity that was screaming in pleasure.

"Well, Mrs. Uraraka… it's going to be a real pleasure dealing with you." Jin said cockily, his hands roaming her ass and tits as he used her for his pleasure.

"I-I'm a filthy woman~ letting some young stud fuck my married pussy." Orika giggled, far beyond reason as she came around the thrusting cock, moving her hips up in time.

Speeding up his harsh thrusts, Jin grinned down at her as he pounded her into the bed, drawing climax after climax from her as she laid there and took it, finally coming to a stop as he bottomed out inside her, groaning as she felt her womb being flooded with his sticky, warm seed, pushing her over the edge once more.

Next Morning

As she woke, her head throbbed from the light coming in through the window, but as she slowly sat up, her eyes widened in shock and panic as she looked down at herself.

She was a mess, and even now trickles of cum leaked from a very well fucked cunt, she could taste the aftertaste of his salty load and she could see the dried cum on her tits.

Spotting a note, she picked it up with a shaky hand as she tried to gather herself. She cheated on Kato, playing a stupid game and offering herself up as part of the bet.

Shower is through the door to the left of the bed, your clothes are already in there.

Getting out of bed, she spotted a glass of water and some headache tablets on the bedside table and took them quickly, moving into the ensuite and cleaning off her filthy body.

She wanted to blame Jin, but she couldn't… she couldn't deny she'd been a willing participant or that she'd enjoyed herself, she shouldn't have drunk that much and as she dressed, she realised that she never called home last night, her phone left in the office.

She had a few missed calls, and as she headed downstairs she went over what the hell she was going to say to Kato.

"Jin…" Orika started as she spotted him at the table, coffee in hand as he typed away at the laptop.

"We both overestimated our tolerance last night." Jin stated, his tone professional again.

"That's it, moan for me."

"I… yeah." Orika said sheepishly, guilt filing her as she remembered his hands on her body, his manhood inside her.

"I'm willing to… pretend that didn't happen, if you'd like. The contract is there, and I've already bought the new headquarters and had one of my men visit your loan sharks and pay your debt off." Jin said, a hint of apology in his tone as she smiled at him. "I'm afraid I have more work to do myself, and I've had one of my men prepare a car for you, I know you arrived by bus last night."

"That'd be great, thank you. Don't worry, this… was both our faults, I shouldn't have drank that much." Orika said, patting his shoulder as he smiled up at her slightly. "Goodbye, Mr Yukimura, it was truly a pleasure to meet you."

As one of Jin's men drove her home, she worked on her excuse, but her husband was too happy to hear that Jin had agreed to even question her when she claimed she'd stayed in his guest room because it was too late for her to feel safe going home alone, and that she'd left her phone in Jin's office by accident.


Saving the video edited together from the dozen tiny cameras in my office and bedroom, I file it away with a smile.

Blackmail material of this quality is definitely worth 2% of the business. It's not that I think I'll need it, I just want to be prepared if it comes to that.

It's amazing what a night of learning card tricks and a set of golden internal organs can do to help you outsmart a drunk woman.

"Hey, boss… you called for me?" Bob says, my guard minion giving me a slightly confused look as I smile at him.

"Ah yes, I've noticed that you've gone above and beyond the call of duty lately, putting in more hours on patrols than anyone else, and I've decided that you are perfect for a new job I need doing." I say, making him nod seriously.

"Sure thing boss, whatever you need." Bob says.

"I do hope you aren't actually legally blind, because I need you to drive us to this location first." I say, watching him scratch the back of his head sheepishly.

"I'm only legally blind some of the time? Like, when things that you don't want me seeing are in front of me." Bob says, making me chuckle as we head down to one of the cars.

"I like you, Bob."

It doesn't take us long to reach one of my newer buildings, I'm not even trying to hide that I'm buying them as Midas anymore as the city seems willing to just back off and let me have them (literally, I bought this one with gold bars given directly to the Mayor), and as we enter Bob pauses as we walk through room full of scantily clad women, entering a bedroom.

"Boss, what is this?" Bob asks, making me chuckle. "Who we're all those women? Where were their clothes?"

"They were the prostitutes that used to work for the Merchants, I put the word out that I was offering to help them with their STDs. Afterwards I had some of our women ask them if they wanted to continue their line of work, under better management. Many had been forced into this life and left after spending some time in the healing pods, but these are the ones that either like this life or just don't have any other skills." I say. "Simply put, I'm opening several official brothels instead of this street corner nonsense, and I intend to make different ones of differing price range, but I need to sort out which girls are going to which brothel."

"So, what am I doing here?" Bob asks, making me smile.

"You, my friend, are going to be the one sorting them. Your job is simply to sleep with them all and rate them on looks, skill and enthusiasm. It's a hard job, but I trust you can handle it." I say, patting him on the shoulder as his eyes widen in disbelief.

"Boss, I love you."

"Save your love for the women, and drink well my friend, you're gonna need the hydration." I say, patting him on the back as I gesture one of my female workers to enter. "Send in the first applicant, and Bob? May Scion have mercy on your manhood."

Bob, the Legally Blind Minion

As the sun set, he crawled out of the room and grabbed the giant pitcher of water, chugging it in a single go as he paused and looked over the 'waiting room'.

"Wait, how are there even more of them?" Bob asked in disbelief, his eyes wide and his manhood hard.

"We still have girls trickling in who have just heard the bosses offer, turns out the Merchants had a lot of hookers." The female worker added, idly accepting the pile of paperwork from him, his report on each girl so far.

Looking over the sea of barely dressed women, he mentally readied himself for the ordeal to come.



Well, I definitely wasn't doing it and my minions, while realistic, are infertile as far as I can tell, the same show is happening at two other buildings because holy shit did the Merchants have a lot of whores.

Fight on Bob, if you fall in this duty I'll erect a statue in your honour.

"The shelters are going well, your minions work fast, and PR is skyrocketing as word starts to spread." Jaina says as she sits opposite me, looking over the map of our territory. "The PRT is going mad of course, but even they can't say 'Supervillain sets up homeless shelters' in a way that makes us look bad so they're just ignoring it."

Desperation is the key factor in most crimes, if the homeless of my territory have a place to sleep, a way to get hot meals and the possibility of work, they stop committing crimes.

We've made a modified version of the pod, it's weaker and it just deals with very specific issues like drug addiction, STDs and very minor injuries so we can start clearing the junkies up and make my territory even nicer.

Plus, I can put them to work doing the basic work stuff I have my men doing and save some time and free up some manpower, all it costs me is a pittance, picking up litter, re-painting walls and other low skill jobs can be done by the hordes of homeless people I have begging at my feet.

"In other news, I've been told there's a warrant out for my arrest." Jaina deadpans, making me raise an eyebrow. "The police told me when they saw me overseeing the shelter, they followed it up by telling me that they've been told to ignore it because they don't want to challenge you, so as long as I'm in our territory I can move around safely. So congratulations, you're now so notorious that the police won't touch you." Jaina said proudly, making me chuckle. "They actually asked that we hand over the criminal who broke your rules over to them, instead of just tying them up, I said I'd pass the message on."

"Hmm, it takes them off our hands, lowers the chance of them returning and encourages positive relations with the local government, do it. Arrange a drop off point." I say, making her nod with a smile.

"Of course, sir. I'll admit it, joining you was definitely the correct decision." Jaina says, giving me a smile as I return it.

"And recruiting you was worth giving the PRT a black eye, we make a good team." I say, marking a couple of spots on the map.

"That we do, sir. The drug tinker and his assistant have been placed in confinement, they surrendered peacefully and both were searched thoroughly, they were both carrying a dozen or so phials of an unknown liquid, I've had it locked away in the old base just in case. Scarecrow's lab is ready for when he arrives, and the Garage has been built using Squealer's old garage as a base layout, just with… better quality tools than the scrap she was using. Everything is going exactly how you planned." Jaina says as she moves around the desk. "I have to get back to work, I want to make sure the second shelter is being built to standards."

"Perhaps when everything calms down, we can take some time to get to know one another better." I say, making her smile slightly.

"If there even comes such a day, and as long as the Rabbit is somewhere else." Jaina agrees with a smile, leaning forwards and placing a gentle kiss on my lips. "It'd be my pleasure, Sir."

"Oh, I'm sure it'd be mutually pleasurable." I say, making her giggle slightly as she leaves, a sway to her hips.

As my phone vibrates, I chuckle reading the text from Rabbit.

'Grab her now and fuck her into the ground! I can feel her horniness!!!!'

Dialing a new number, I lean back as I look over the map of the city.


"Hello, is this Danny Hebert, of the Dockworkers Association?" I ask, looking over my file on him.

Uraraka Construction needs workers, and this gives me an in with the so-called main character.


Sitting in her cold cell, she jumped up as Midas strutted in her with his usual confidence, walking towards her cell.

"Ugh, finally. Dude, I'm bored out of my fucking mind, at least threaten me or something like a proper villain." the brat immediately said, scowling as Midas just blatantly ignored her and opened Sherrel's cell instead.

"Sherrel, follow me. I don't need to remind you that your in the heart of my base surrounded by my forces, so I doubt you're dumb enough to try anything." Midas deadpanned as he stepped back, letting her out of the cell.

Leaving, much to Aisha's annoyance as she was ignored, she followed behind Midas wondering what was going on as she was led through the long hallways to a certain room.

The moment she entered, she almost froze up as her mind started to race, all the toys and materials just waiting to be used…

Before she could move, Midas stopped her and held her in place, giving her an amused stare.

"Allow me to bring you up to speed, the Merchants are finished, Skidmark has fled the city, Whirlygig has joined me, the drug tinker has surrendered and is sitting in another cell room, and what was your territory is now mine, which I am rapidly improving. Which means the information you had is no longer worth anything." Midas explained, her gaze never moving from the high end tools he'd gathered in the garage made her old one look like a scrap heap… okay, it was a scrap heap but it was her scrap heap. "I'm also aware that not allowing a cape to use their powers can result in… certain unpleasantness, so I'm willing to extend an olive branch to you." Midas said as she finally looked over at him, practically vibrating as she tried to focus.

"You want me to Tinker for you." Sherrel said, fidgeting as he smirked at her, taking her arm and attaching a small black bracelet to it with a worrying click.

"I do, and you want to Tinker, you can't deny that. However, you're also still a potential threat, so there will be certain precautions in place, starting with that tracker bracelet on your arm." Midas stated, making her pause. "You'll also have a constant guard while tinkering, and you won't be allowed to take anything from this room… However, if you agree to build me one of your creations, you'll be given a proper room and permission to move around the base and take advantage of the recreational areas." Midas offered as she glanced back at the garage.

It took her a moment to spot the camera, and then the other four cameras for full coverage.

"And then I can Tinker?" Sherrel asked, hating the slight desperation in her tone. It very much matched the 'and then I can get high?' that Squealer said so often.

"You'll be allowed to Tinker for four hours a day, which will be increased if you prove trustworthy, as will your freedoms. If you require a specific tool, you can put in a request for it and if you can explain why you need it, I'll get it for you." Midas explained as she bit her lip.

She felt like she was making a deal with the devil, but the devil's deals always seemed so damn tempting.

"However, if you try to escape, smuggle equipment out of the base, or otherwise break my rules, you'll have this privilege revoked and will be considerably… punished. The hand that feeds can strike just as easily." Midas warned, and after a moment she nodded.

She couldn't help it, so many ideas flooding her mind and as Midas placed his hands on her shoulders, she looked back at him.

"Now tell me, if you could change anything about your power, what would it be?" Midas asked as she frowned, thinking.

"My creations are too big, I don't know why but everything I make always ends up way bigger than it needs to be, I can't make something small, even trying to make a motorbike would end up with one the size of a car." Sherrel admitted, her eyes widening as new plans flooded her mind.

"Hmm, I can see that, let's just… loosen up that Architect restriction a little." Midas hummed. "Oh right, I'm a power modifying Trump if you hadn't noticed, consider it your signing on bonus. Behave and I'll improve your power more" Midas said idly, making her turn to him in shock.

"You…" Sherrel started, lost for words as he smirked at her.

"And finally, this." he said, gesturing towards a small package, watching as she opened it and looked down at the black and grey overalls. "It's nothing special, but while I don't know much about Tinkering I'd think you'd be better off with some measure of protection between you and what you're making." Midas deadpanned as she held it up, before slowly pulling it on.

She still wasn't wearing anything under it, leaving a considerable amount of side boob and cleavage on display, along with her exposed back and sides, the front held on by two straps which went down her back, but her legs and were completely covered by the tough materials, and it comes with a pair of professional grade boots and gloves.

To finish it off, she put on the golden protective goggles that rested at the bottom of the package.

"It's perfect." Sherrel said, realising why he'd put a mirror in the garage as she looked herself over, she still had a lot of exposed skin, but she'd literally made a tank while getting fucked before, so it was a massive step up.

"So, so we have a deal?" Midas asked, offering his hand which she started at for a moment before she took it and shook it.

"So, I'm making a limo first, right?" Sherrel asked, watching him pause in shock. "You are always wearing a tuxedo, it wasn't a big leap." Sherrel admitted with a grin, ideas flashing through her mind.

"Heh, fair enough. Yes, that was what I had in mind." Midas admitted, making her nod.

"I can make it… Boss." Sherrel said, mentally sighing, she still wanted to leave the city but she'd play along.

Mostly because she really missed Tinkering.

Damnit, she really did need to think of a new name.


The hideout was uncomfortable at the moment, and as bad as she was at understanding people she did at least understand the problem. It was easier if she looked at things with the mindset of a dog.

Lisa had tried to make things better for the pack, but she did so by going behind the Alpha's back, things were better but Brian had been overthrown as the Alpha and he didn't like that.

So he tried to intimidate the new Alpha into backing down, lost and had to retreat with his tail between his legs.

Which made Midas their new leader, and that just seemed common sense to her, she never liked or trusted their secret backer, why would she be loyal to someone she had never even seen?

"All this is for the dogs?" Rachel asked bluntly, looking over the impressively large yard, new walls built around it to stop the dogs from escaping. The walls were tall enough that nobody would be able to look in as well, that was good since she was still wanted.

They traveled here through a tunnel, so she could come and go without being spotted, also good.

"It is, you wanted a place to keep dogs and they'll need space to actually run around, animals don't like being locked up, people don't either for that matter." Midas said with a casual smile as she nodded to her dogs, watching Angelica, Judas and Brutas run off to explore the area.

"I didn't think it'd be this quick." Rachel admitted, making Midas chuckle as he looked over the building.

"It's a small thing to arrange, and I like being on top of my obligations. You wanted a place to look after dogs, so here it is. The building itself will be staffed by a couple of my minions since I doubt you understand the business side of things." Midas said bluntly, making her nod.

"I don't." Rachel agreed. "Can I bring more dogs here?"

"As many as you want, it has space for plenty of them, and I've made a deal with a local pet store to supply the food and necessities at a discount." Midas agreed as she gave a tiny smile.

"You kept your word, I'll do the same. You're the boss now." Rachel said simply, making Midas chuckle.

"I'm glad to hear it, now… would you like me to upgrade your power?" Midas asked, reaching forwards and placing a hand on her cheek as she stared at him.

"I like my power." Rachel said simply, not doubting he could do what he said.

"I know, I'm not suggesting I change it… just improve it, with your permission of course." Midas said calmly, watching her brow furrow for a moment.

"I'll still be able to power up my dogs?" Rachel asked, watching him nod. "Okay then."

"Excellent, now… let's see what we have to work with." Midas said as she watched him. "Oh, well, well, well… isn't that interesting. Yes, I think that'll do just fine." Midas said, and as he did so she felt something… click inside her, backing away as she focused on the change.

She knew what to do, and even as her body changed she wasn't afraid, her senses grew, her vision sharper and the scent of Midas's expensive cologne growing stronger as she looked down at him.

She was taller now, she'd been shorter than him before but as she looked down at Midas she realised she had a foot or two on him, and looking down at her body she smiled a toothy grin as she saw fur where there was once skin, claws where there were fingers.

Her dogs noticed her immediately, and despite their confused stare, they knew it was her, caution and curiosity edging them forwards as they sniffed at her, relaxing as she wagged her tail back at them.

She had a tail now, and as she lowered herself onto all fours, she nudged Brutus with her head, making him wag his tail as the danger passed and he was convinced it was her.

She didn't know how long she ran around the large walled off field with her dogs, but as time passed she stopped and looked over at where Midas was calmly typing away on his laptop. Bounding over to him at incredible speeds as her dogs struggled to keep up.

Coming to a stop in front of him, she reluctantly flipped the internal switch she felt and changed back, her fur regressing and her body shrinking as she looked at him.

It was cold, and as she looked down she realised that her clothes had been shredded when she grew, leaving her completely naked as she walked towards Midas, uncaring of her nudity.

"Brian is going to turn on you." Rachel started, her mind made up as Midas smiled at her. "You knew, when he does, I'll help you stop him." Rachel promised, making Midas chuckle as he put his laptop aside, rising.

"I'm glad to know I can count on you, Rachel." Midas said calmly, reaching forwards and stroking her hair as she subconsciously pushed her head against his hand. "I'm sure this will be the start of a long and mutually beneficial relationship."

Nodding, she immediately turned back around and ran back towards her dogs, shifting forms as she did.


Looking over the three very familiar dogs… and the motherfucking werewolf they were play fighting with, she felt her headache come back with a vengeance.

Suddenly she understood why Midas called her here.

Still, it was a nice change from meeting in secret bunkers surrounded by armed guards.

"You're a Trump, able to change… no, upgrade peoples powers." Lisa deadpanned, rubbing the bridge of her nose as she laughed slightly. "One, Rachel is never going to leave here. Two, thank fuck I switched sides when I did."

"If she isn't going to leave then it's a good job I built the Undersiders a new base underneath the building, isn't it? It has tunnels connecting it to a few alternate exits as well, and a nice big lounge for Regent to move into." Midas chuckled as she sighed.

"I kinda hate how often I'm caught off guard around you." Lisa admitted as Midas laughed. "Still, does this mean we all get upgrades?"

"Not yet, Rachel is a simple girl and I can respect that, she's easy to please and easier to predict, you however… are a little schemer. Oh, and Brian and Hitoshi are going to betray me." Midas added, making her shrug.

"Not yet they won't, and as long as you have Aisha under your control Brian won't actively act against you, Hitoshi might go to the PRT but he's never been as smart as he thinks he is… which is why you're going to use him to feed them wrong information." Lisa realised, staring up at Midas with an impressed smirk.

"They have two choices they could go to, Coil and the PRT, I benefit from feeding either of them false information. How goes the planning to free Canary?" Midas asked, making her smirk smugly.

"Almost done, I just need to work out some small details, guard rotations, security codes and the like. She's not actually secured very well, Dragon herself prevented them from moving her to a higher security prison, and while she has heavy restraints it shouldn't be a problem to bust her out." Lisa paused as Midas reached forwards and placed a hand on her cheek. "Err, is it something I said?"

"Would you prefer your power to work faster, an off switch, or your Thinker Headaches reduced so you can use it more before you have to deal with the side effects?" Midas asked, smirking at her as her eyes widened.

He always planned on upgrading her power to give her a taste of the benefits of working for him, he just wanted to see how well she was doing first.

"All three?" Lisa said with a grin, making him chuckle.

"Then I suggest you stay in my good books long enough for me to upgrade you multiple times." Midas deadpanned, making her narrow her eyes.

He could upgrade people multiple times, but it took time. A cooldown? Not for him, but for the person he was upgrading.

"In that case, I want to be able to use my power more frequently without dealing with the headaches." Lisa said calmly, feeling something in her click.

It was a small change, one she definitely wouldn't have noticed if she wasn't paying so much attention.

"Frankly, I don't know how effective it will be, you're the first Thinker I've upgraded." Midas admitted.

He can't upgrade his own powers.

"How long is the cooldown?" Lisa asked, fully intending to make her own power even more broken than it already was.

"Good question, it varies based on the changes I make, yours feels like it'll be around a month until I can make another adjustment, Rachel's is closer to two or three months." Midas admitted as she beamed up at him innocently. "And yes, if in a month's time you're still in my good graces, I'll upgrade you again." Midas deadpanned, making her grin.

"That's one hell of an employee bonus scheme, you know when this gets out, and it will, it'll raise all kinds of hell?" Lisa pointed out, making him grin.

"Oh, I'm counting on it." Midas said as she stared at him with a growing grin. Everything was going to change, but it definitely felt like she'd switched to the winning side nice and early.

Looking him over, she tried to use her power and internally pouted as she got a grand total of nothing from him, not even any nonsense as she looked him up and down.

"See something you like?" Midas asked, her tone teasing as she shrugged.

"Can't blame a girl for trying…" Lisa said unapologetically, before giving him a smirk. "And shouldn't I be asking you that? White Rabbit, Squealer, Whirligig and now me? You do seem to like having hot female capes at your beck and call…" Lisa said with a smug smirk as he raised an eyebrow at her.

"What King doesn't have a harem? Besides, if I recall you offered yourself to me, not the other way around." Midas said as he approached her, towering over her as he returned her smirk.

"I didn't know anything about you, and I needed your help, I just threw whatever I had at the wall so I could see what stuck." Lisa said, yelping slightly as he pulled her closer to him, his hand resting on her ass over her jeans.

In any other situation, she'd be getting a nonstop stream of unwanted information, but with Midas she just got… nothing.

"You should be careful what you offer, Lisa, you never know when I'm going to take you up on your offer, because you're right... I do like having sexy capes at my beck and call." Midas warned, giving her ass a squeeze as she squirmed slightly.

She was a virgin, but she had a feeling that wouldn't be true for much longer. A part of her pointed out that Midas would take more care to keep her safe if she was fucking him, another part of her pointed out that it was a rare chance to get laid without having her power ruin things, and a small part of her said she was better than this and she shouldn't whore herself out for safety.

She told that part to shut the fuck up, because she was almost certain that Coil had used his power to rape and torture her, and she still wasn't completely sure what his power even was.

"I'll keep that in mind, Boss." Lisa said idly, returning the favour as she slipped her hand down the back of his trousers and gave his ass a retaliatory squeeze, a challenging look on her face.

Chuckling, he let her go after spanking her slightly and backed away.

"I have more work to do today, so I'll leave you to get settled into your new home. I don't need to tell you this, but I expect you to keep an eye on your traitorous teammates." Midas warned, making her nod easily.

"Will do, boss. I can handle those two." Lisa promised, watching him leave with an easy smile as she went back to watching Rachel bound around the massive yard, she sat down and decided to enjoy the sunlight for a little while, she'd make Regent move her stuff over to their new home later.

She needed to get back at the little sociopath for his bullshit earlier.

Her power loved giving her information she frankly didn't want or need, like the fact that Alec had jerked off to her and had only finished moments before she knocked on his door.

Or the fact that he'd used her panties to do it, and that he'd only done it because he knew it'd drive her mad and that she wouldn't want to bring it up.

The little shit wasn't getting away with that crap, and she'd return fire with his worst enemy… manual labour.

She was the new leader of the Undersiders, after all, and she was going to abuse the fuck out of that little fact.

…she'd get him to carry Rachel's things as well, including her clothes given the scraps she could see on the floor.

Fuck it, he could carry literally everything.


Smirking up at the blankly staring villain, she gave him a smug look as he finally acknowledged her existence.

"Aisha, are you actually mentally handicapped?" Midas asked bluntly, making her smile fall into a scowl.

"No, I'm just bored. Where's the big tittied bitch gone?" Aisha asked, looking at the empty cell next to her.

"Sherrel has accepted a deal, and has been given a proper room now." Midas said idly, looking at her trashed cell.

She couldn't do that much damage, but she could do a bit, and when that didn't work she decided to spend her time insulting the blank faced guards, and when that didn't work she switched to insulting Midas repeatedly and hoping it would get back to him, which apparently worked.

"Lemme guess, she's living up to her name in your bedroom? She's probably faking it, you know? Pretty sure this is a hotdog down an empty hallway situation with how many dicks she taken, Asian guys aren't that well hung anyway." Aisha said with a smirk as she stared up at him challengingly.

This place was driving her fucking mad, plain walls, unresponsive guards, plain and tasteless food, she couldn't take it anymore, anything was an improvement.

Even if he decided to punish her, he was playing right into her hand.

"Hmm, are you under the impression that I won't hurt you because of your age? Or to keep Brian loyal?" Midas asked, chuckling. "Brian is already planning on betraying me, and when he does you'll be just a loose end, and I have no qualms about hurting you, Aisha." Jin said bluntly, making her shrug.

"That's cute, am I supposed to be afraid?" Aisha asked, smirking up at him again as he chuckled.

"That mouth of yours is going to get you into more trouble than you can handle." Midas said, making her grin.

"But it can get me out of it as well, want me to apologise properly? I bet you'd like to see me on my knees, my naughty little mouth hard at work making you feel good." Aisha teased, licking her lips as she stared up at him with a flirty smile. "Or maybe you'd rather have this." she said, turning around and spanking her bare ass lightly. "Can you imagine how tight my tiny little ass is? I'll even moan like I enjoy your tiny dick, Mhmm, fuck me harder sir~ teach me my place." Aisha said, almost cackling as Midas stared down at her with an unimpressed face.

"I could do that, true… but that's not how to punish an attention seeker like you. After all, you're used to fucking older men aren't you?" Midas started, making her freeze. "Your mother is Celia Laborn, an unemployed junkie who has been paying for her drugs with sex, but it wasn't always her that got fucked so she could get high, was it?" Midas said, watching as she flinched back. "Working out which dealer she went to was easy enough, and getting the details out of him was just as easy, all it took was the liberal application of a hammer to his kneecaps and he changed his tone real quick." Midas deadpanned.

"Shut up…"

"Oh, no more insults? You're right about one thing, Aisha… I am going to punish you, but you'll be wishing I just fucked you soon. Guards, it's time for her to be relocated to the new cell block, I think I know the perfect cell for her." Midas said as they moved forwards and grabbed her, easily carrying her behind Midas as they moved to a different room.

She was being carried between them, facing backwards so she didn't see her new cell until she was tossed into it, her eyes widening as the door was closed locking her inside a much darker cell, black metal walls, ceiling and floor, with the only features being a slab that served as a bed and the door, which had a slit at the bottom that could be opened to pass things through, and another small slit that was currently opened, letting a sliver of light through.

"I suggest you think long and hard about whether you want to antagonise me, Aisha, but don't worry… you'll have plenty of time alone with your thoughts." Midas deadpanned as he closed the slit, leaving her in total darkness as her eyes widened.

"Hey! Asshole, let me out!"

As she stared at the door, she heard no response and banging on it just hurt her hands, the heavy metal not even budging.

Wait, he wasn't actually just going to leave her here, right?


Bonus Scene - Tammi (Rune)

Collapsing onto her bed, she groaned as her body ached from overwork.

The ABB bastards decided to push into their territory, which meant she had to drop everything and play taxi for the Empire capes all day instead.

Kaiser had praised her heavily for playing a large part in the ABB falling back, funny how nice and proud he was when she was useful.

Grumbling to herself, she slowly and reluctantly rose up from bed and got undressed, heading into her en suite as she finished stripping, turning the shower on.

Having to sit around and listen to Kaiser talk out of his ass for three hours about how superior they were to the Asians when all she wanted to do was sleeping was painful, more so given the fact that she had to pretend she agreed with everything Kaiser was saying.

They talked about being one big family that looked out for one another, but she knew better, she'd learnt that the hard way when she got sent to juvie and the Empire had just washed their hands of her.

The clan didn't give a shit about her, not until she triggered in her own personal hell and she suddenly became worth something. Suddenly they were all so proud, and she was worth their time, right up until they basically sold her to Kaiser.

Being the pretty blonde Nazi in a mixed race, mixed gender prison was a special kind of hell, and while it did nothing to change her hatred of other races, it made her hate her own race just as much.

It'd been a group of black girls who beat the shit out of her in the showers on her first night after spotting the Swastika tattoo she had on her arm (that was now covered by a full sleeve), and it was a white boy who offered her protection, at the price of sucking his cock.

She'd learnt quickly that race didn't mean that much, power did. She was weak, at the bottom of the totem pole, and that meant she could be abused without consequences.

Nobody liked Nazi's in prison, and that meant that she was free game for prisoners and guards alike.

And then she triggered, in a panic as she tried to fight off a group of guys who decided her pretty white ass was worth the risk.

She killed them, crushed them to death with chunks of the shower walls, then she killed some guards on her way out, taking special care to make sure the fat one who liked strip searching her died slowly and escaped.

All of a sudden, little unimportant Tammi was a hell of a lot higher on the totem pole, she mattered.

Not like that made her forget that she'd been left to rot by her family, and her uncle who had been the one who had taken her along to the break in she was caught during, but all of a sudden she was important.

It took the bastard all of an hour to have arranged for her to go to the Empire, for her own good of course, as if he didn't get a bonus for handing her over to Kaiser.

Sighing, she got out of the shower, dried herself off and threw herself back into bed, grabbing her phone and logging onto PHO looking for something more interesting than Kaiser's speeches.

Seriously, he loved the sound of his own voice way too much.

Authors Note: This chapter was brought to you by the shitshow that is the Dead By Daylight anniversary event, because it’s so buggy I don’t want to play it and ended up writing instead.

DarkWolfShirocreators' thoughts