Welcome to the Guild of Gamers, where the system that controls your life was made by a lazy asshole, all your coworkers are sociopaths and the only retirement plan involves your soul being eaten by your supervisor, I'm sure you'll love it here.
Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works; all other characters and worlds belong to their respective owners. I'm just playing with them.
Betad by Beans, Marethyu, Mike God of Lore, Malcolm Tent
The Guild of Gamers: The Supervillain
Chapter 26: A Meeting of Minds (and the PRT)
– Emily Piggot –
Watching as Prophet took his seat, Brandish and Lady Photon on either side of him, she frowned deeply. She was almost happy to have had him reach out for a meeting, almost.
Armsmaster and Renick sat beside her, but it wasn't Prophet who was getting their attention as Midas took his seat. Tattletale took her seat next to him, and on the other side, Jaina Hudson, the White Rabbit's master, sat. Both were dressed professionally, Tattletale having swapped her purple catsuit for a smart shirt, blazer and skirt. Jaina was dressed similarly.
"Thank you for agreeing to meet with me, Director. Prophet," Midas said, giving his brother an inscrutable look. The Bay's newest, and possibly most dangerous, villain gave them all a confident smile as she hid her glare.
"You said you had information on a massive breach of the Unwritten Rules," Emily stated, skipping the formalities. They had one of the biggest villains in the city, sitting in the Rig, and they couldn't touch him. Orders from up high made that clear after Midas had requested this meeting.
"Quite. Information that you will find most infuriating, given your history. Allow me to be blunt, as you seem eager to skip the formalities. Coil has kidnapped Kaiser's daughter and used her to blackmail Purity into trying to kill me, and then Kaiser himself as part of his attempts to take over the city," Midas explained, making Prophet hum in thought.
"So it was Coil? Figures, this was too subtle for Lung. Honestly, I was half-convinced it was you," Prophet said, somewhat accusingly.
"That's because you're blind, oh great Prophet. You assume that I'm responsible if your toast comes out burnt," Midas waved off.
Emily stayed silent, sharing a look with Armsmaster and Renick. Purity had attacked one of Midas' bases, and then attacked an Empire rally. It was highly out of character for her.
"Coil has the identities of all the Empire capes, and as such, the Empire is paralysed from acting against him. He learnt them through my Tattletale here, who he recruited at gunpoint," Midas continued, as Tattletale gave them a shameless shrug. "I have agreed to take down Coil for him and to retrieve Kaiser's child. The details of our temporary alliance are not for you."
"Which is all well and good, but why did you call a meeting with us?" Emily asked, making Midas smile innocently.
"Because Coil is one of you, and because your entire organisation is riddled with his moles," Midas explained calmly, smiling as she went still. "As he has blatantly broken the Unwritten Rules, repeatedly and without care, I have no reservations about exposing his own identity. Coil is Thomas Calvert, a former teammate of yours and now a PRT consultant, where he's used his position to get countless backdoors into your systems."
Emily froze, feeling her heart pounding as she clenched her fists.
"And you have proof of this? That's a dangerous accusation," Renick said, making Midas smile.
"Of course. Do you think I expected you to take my word for it? Since Coil attempted to have me killed, I've been tearing into his security systems, engaging in some cyberwarfare before I start the more physical war he has invited upon himself," Midas explained, Jaina passing over a large manilla folder and a USB.
She grabbed it, tearing it open. In it, Midas explained how Coil's power worked, clearly amused that his own power was interfering with Coil's precognitive powers. He showed how Coil's base had been built by Fortress Constructions, a company owned by Thomas Calvert, before the 'Endbringer Shelter' had been lost. The evidence was vast, with countless small details that all added up to paint a single devastating picture.
It also had an ungodly amount of evidence of corruption; people in her organisation that were being blackmailed or bribed by Coil. Backdoors into her systems that Calvert had installed in his position as a PRT security consultant.
"What are you up to? Don't try to feed me some bullshit about upholding the Unwritten Rules. You have never done anything without it benefiting you. Everything you do, you do for yourself," Prophet said, turning to his brother as rage burnt in her chest. "You're an egotistical asshole, you always have been."
"I call myself King Midas; of course I am egotistical. So what? I am the best thing that has ever happened to Brockton Bay, and I will save it from its endless decay, no matter who tries to get in my way," Midas scoffed, giving them a superior look. "I called this meeting for three main reasons, one of which I have delivered."
As he spoke, he gestured to the evidence he'd given them.
"Secondly, in my investigations into Coil, I discovered that he has some other hostages. Specifically, Dinah Alcott and a child simply named Eri. Both are capes, Dinah is a precog, and Eri has the power to turn back time and reset people to an earlier state. They are both drugged up in Coil's lair," Midas continued, making Armsmasters head snap up.
Dinah, that was the Mayor's niece. Triumph's cousin.
"To be blunt, I hate children. They are powerful, but I have no desire to babysit them; as such, I will be handing them over to you when I have rescued them. I can deal with their addictions to the designer drug Coil used to keep them obedient, but I imagine they will require therapy and other forms of care," Midas explained.
"You expect us to believe that you called this meeting because you were worried about some children?" Armsmaster asked, his anger clear. He was very much not over the string of humiliations Midas had dealt him.
"No, weren't you listening? It's one of three reasons, and frankly, the smallest. I thought I'd give you a fair warning before I dropped two heavily abused, powerful capes in your laps. Stop grinding your teeth, Armsmaster; it's embarrassing for an adult," Midas scolded, watching Armsmaster clutch his fists. "Honestly, Armsmaster, you shouldn't be so caustic with your betters. Know your place."
"My betters?" Armsmaster repeated. "You?!"
"Of course. I'm the better Tinker, as Imp demonstrated when she used my technology to shut you down so easily. I'm the better everything. In the short time I have been in Brockton Bay, I've done more to stabilise and save the city than all your years of 'hard' work, hero. You, Armsmaster, are nothing more than a stepping stone for better men. The measuring stick we use to show off our glory compared to you," Midas taunted, but Emily barely heard him as she tore through the folder, hoping, praying, she could find an error in his evidence. "Thank you for sacrificing your reputation to help boost mine so much."
"You're a megalomaniacal villain-" Armsmaster started, but Midas cut in.
"I am, and I'm still a better hero for the people than you ever will be. I am the future, and you are just a relic of the past, standing before the ever-grinding wheels of progress, ready to be crushed beneath them." Midas countered, smiling gently. "Or do you think your Endbringer detection system will save your failing career? Or maybe your precious nanothorns?"
That snapped her out of her shock, glaring at Midas, who smiled wryly.
"How do you-" Armsmaster started, but once more, Midas proved how much he loved the sound of his own voice.
"You did see the dossier I just gave you, slowing how many leaks your organisation has, yes? Regardless, it won't save your career for one simple reason. Do you want to know the reason your career stays so stagnant, no matter how much you do?" Midas asked, watching Armsmaster go silent. "Normally, I charge for this kind of consultation, but I'll give you this one for free. You work with Dragon too much."
"Dragon is one of the premier Tinkers-"
"And that is the problem. Dragon is amazing; nobody can deny that. Tell me, Armsmaster. If you worked with Kid Win on a project that got international renown, who would get the fame?" Midas asked, watching Armsmaster go silent. "You are the Kid Win to Dragon's Armsmaster. It isn't your Endbringer Detection System; it's Dragon's. People might occasionally remember you were there as well. Even if you personally used the nanothorns, the fame would go to the far more personable and famous Dragon for enabling it. You live in my shadow in the Brockton Bay scene, but you didn't notice because you're so used to her far larger shadow blocking out your sun."
Armsmaster didn't respond, going utterly silent as he glowered at the smug villain. Tattletale and White Rabbit both looked like they were enjoying the show, smirks on their faces as they watched their leader tear into Armsmaster.
"Ah, but we aren't here to talk about your failures…" Midas said before pausing. "Well, we are, but we're here to talk about the PRT's failure to notice the villain in their ranks, not Armsmaster's failing career."
"You said you had three things to discuss?" Renick said, ever the diplomat.
"I am going to kill Coil. This is not up for negotiation, it is happening regardless of what qualms you have about it. He has overstretched his reach, and now I have to cut off his hand," Midas said, his tone utterly casual. "I want the PRT and the other heroes to stay out of this entirely. You have failed enough, and your organisation is too thoroughly infiltrated for me to let you get involved. Allow me to be very blunt. I have hired several members of the League for a single purpose. If you attempt to get involved in the war the Syndicate and the Empire are about to wage upon Coil, they will put you down."
"Do you think you can stroll into the Rig, threaten us and just walk away?" Emily finally asked, utterly shocked at Midas' arrogance.
Tattletale burst into giggles at the blunt answer, before stifling them as she grinned widely.
"I want you to do something for me. Call Costa-Brown and tell her what I have demanded. When she tells you to go along with my plan, we can call this productive meeting to a close," Midas requested, a confident smile on his face. "The fact is, Emily, I am more important than you ever will be. You could call your capes to attack me, but then the League would fall upon the Rig, and you'd find the thin ice the heroes have been dancing upon breaking beneath you. I can promise you one thing, however… even if you called the entire Brockton Bay Protectorate to arrest me, I would still leave this place unharmed and with a smile on my face."
"You actually believe that," Prophet said, staring at his brother in what almost seemed like shock. "I know every power you have. I have them too, and you still think you could get away?"
"Of course I do, and no, you don't. You only think you do, my lesser half," Midas laughed darkly. "You are not my rival, Prophet. You're my annoying little brother who follows me around and throws a tantrum when I play a game and don't bother to invite you."
"Please, how many of your plans have I disrupted since I got here? I know you too well, Midas; I'm not as easy to get under the skin of as Armsy," Prophet scoffed.
"Yes, you've mildly inconvenienced me. In truth, I'm almost proud of you because you've managed more than everyone else has come close to, but there are easier ways to get my attention than by playing the hero. You lost the moment you decided you'd counter me by joining the side of the angels, bound by the rules and stuck dealing with their hypocrisy and incompetence," Midas taunted, deliberately looking towards Brandish, who seemingly froze in place. "But don't mistake yourself for my rival just because I haven't slapped you down. If I wanted you dead, you'd be dead. If I wanted to destroy New Wave in ways even you couldn't fix, it would be gone. You really haven't considered that I could destroy your power with a single touch, stopping you from being such a little parasite? You are still alive, despite your little games, despite essentially exposing my identity while thinking you're so damn smart," Midas drawled, unmasking as he gave his brother a sneer. "Because you're still my foolish little brother who used to cry to mommy if I spent time with my friends without you. Following me all the way to the Bay, becoming a hero just so you can be my 'rival'. I tolerate you, for old times' sake, but don't think that my mercy will last if you become a true threat to my rise to power. Make your call, Piggot. Let us end this farce."
– Rebecca Costa-Brown (Alexandria) –
Coil was dead. She already knew that, replaced by Midas. Contessa had revealed that even while running around doing her own thing.
As she listened to Director Piggot, she already knew what the furious director was going to say and already had her response planned.
"Pull your capes back. We are going with King Midas' plans," Rebecca said, listening to Emily erupt on the other end.
Even as she continued to order Emily to allow Midas to do exactly what he'd said he was going to do, her mind was elsewhere.
Midas and Prophet were stabilising influences on the cape world. They would ensure that the power level of the various capes on both sides slowly rose, making them more prepared for the final battle while also keeping the world more stable and less likely to fall into anarchy. Number Man had confirmed it; the chances were better if they permitted Jin's rise to power.
It was the same with the rapidly spreading League of Villains. It was a stabilising organisation that was gathering countless villains and making them follow a certain level of order. Formerly chaotic capes who couldn't be controlled without Contessa's direct influence were now gathering under the auspices of the League where they could be more easily directed. It stopped infighting, lowering cape deaths.
If she exposed Prophet, the outcome was inevitable. The heroes would lose access to the empowerments, while Jin would go all in on villainy. He'd rapidly empower the villains he had gathered to drive the PRT out of Brockton Bay and then spread further. The League was essentially the villainous counter to the PRT, even if the villains liked to think they were still 'independent'.
Emily kept trying to get out of this, but her mind was made up, and she did not budge; finally ended the call after having put her foot down, knowing Piggot must be seething at her orders.
'Order Piggot to follow Midas' plans.'
Contessa had had this small sticky note delivered to her this morning. They had put too much faith into the Paths to stop now, even if Jin might have compromised them. She would need to speak with Jin herself soon, but first, she'd sit back and watch his plan carefully. She wanted as much information as she could get before that conversation.
– Jin Yukimura (King Midas) –
Watching Emily return, she doesn't need to say a single thing for everyone to realise what answer she got. Her pudgy face is red with anger, looking like she's burst a blood vessel as she glares at me.
"The Chief Director… agrees with your request. The PRT will not get involved in this fight," Emily spits out venomously, each word forced out and seemingly hurting her to admit. Armsmaster looks like he's about to argue, but Renick doesn't say anything as he sighs.
"We'll stay out of it as long as it doesn't spread into civilian areas," Prophet agrees, sounding like he's gritting his teeth under his mask. Brandish doesn't look much better as she scowls at me, but she says nothing. Such a well-trained little pet.
"I like these little talks, Emily. It reaffirms my decision not to work with the heroes," I say with a smug smile. "It must sting to have your orders make so little sense. You're a Director, and they couldn't keep you further in the dark if they made you do your job blindfolded."
Emily just grimaces, knowing full well she doesn't have all the information.
"Get out of my Rig," Emily finally says, making me laugh as I rise.
"Of course. A pleasure doing business with you; I'm glad we could come to a mutually beneficial agreement," I say, giving them a slight bow as I turn and leave. We get escorted back to my limo, where Overdrive is waiting for us, getting into the back.
As we drive along the bridge, Lisa bursts out laughing, having been holding it in for far too long.
"Did you enjoy the show, my dear?" I ask, watching her get a hold of herself, still giggling.
"Oh god, that was amazing," Lisa agrees, Jaina chuckling as she grabs the wine glasses and pours us all some champagne.
"To a successful negotiation," Jaina jokes, clinking our glasses together. "I honestly thought Piggot was going to die on the spot."
"Oh, she came close. Renick called for the medic team to wait nearby; she was so close to just collapsing," Lisa explained, widely grinning as we drove home. Step one, complete.
– Colin Wallis (Armsmaster) –
Even after Midas left, his words still stuck deep into Colin's mind.
He truly liked Dragon; he respected her more than any other Tinker in the world… but was Midas right? Dragon had helped him with so many projects, which he'd seen as efficient, and always accepted her help, but was that why nobody seemed to take him seriously?
'The Kid Win to Dragon's Armsmaster'.
Was that all he was truly seen as?
Make no mistake, he had no doubts that Midas had worded it so harshly to get under his skin. He might not be a social person, but he was no fool. Was it a scheme to distance him from Dragon or just an opportunity to mock a hero without them being able to defend themselves?
But still, he could not deny that the mocking words held a certain level of truth to them. It was why they stung so deeply.
"Do you believe your brother is truly planning to ally with the Empire?" Renick asked, making Prophet shake his head.
"I believe he's convinced the Empire that he plans to ally with them. A non-aggression pact, working together to take out Coil and the ABB and establish themselves so thoroughly that no other organisation can move into the gaps left behind. But for him to actually keep to his word and ally with them? No," Prophet scoffed. "Midas is an egomaniac; he won't tolerate someone like Kaiser in what he sees as his city. Betrayal is inevitable. Honestly, I suspect he's already working on a plan to destroy the Empire. He'll want to do it in a way that lets him absorb their capes and infrastructure so he can prevent anyone from moving into their territory. I imagine he'll prioritise turning the female capes; Midas is predictable in that way; his libido has always been one of his biggest weaknesses."
"If he succeeds, he'll be the only villainous gang leader in Brockton Bay, with far too much power for us to drive him out. He already has a worrying amount of capes; adding the Empire capes to his numbers will make removing him nearly impossible," Renick said, a grimace on his face.
"I have work to do. I need to speed up my own plans because if Midas finishes his plan for the Empire before we're ready, we'll be his last target before the Bay is his entirely," Prophet warned. "He's getting ready for the final stages of his plans for Brockton Bay, and we're still stuck playing catch up."
"And yet, you still haven't agreed to start empowering the heroes," Armsmaster pointed out, making Prophet turn to him.
"I have agreed. Do not blame me for the slow gears of your organisation. You have my number; I've been waiting for you to approach me," Prophet scoffed. Armsmaster went quiet, knowing that Prophet was right. The higher-ups were still arguing over where to start the negotiations; how did you put a price on power?
Elastigirl's empowerment was proof that Prophet was willing to empower Protectorate heroes.
"That's why you're losing, by the way. The PRT is bound up in so much red tape that you can't keep up with Midas. It's why I am not willing to join you. Frankly, your organisation is too inefficient for me to consider joining up," Prophet pointed out. "Call me when you're ready to stop playing around."
As they went to leave, Colin made a decision and approached the independent heroes.
"Prophet, would you be willing to make a deal for an empowerment between us instead of going through the PRT? I find myself equally frustrated by the PRT's dragging heels," Colin admitted. He didn't particularly like Prophet, finding the younger man to be rather arrogant and abrasive, but watching Midas tear into him had endeared the other cape to him. They had both been subjected to Midas' unfortunately deadly insults.
Elastigirl had gone to Prophet for the same thing, so the PRT couldn't complain about him working around them.
"Hm, yeah, I think we can come to an agreement. Not right now; I have work I need to do, but come visit me at the Den of Dionysus sometime," Prophet agreed, giving him a respectful nod. "If nothing else, I think I know how Imp keeps compromising your gear, and as Midas just said, I do love being a thorn in his side."
"I appreciate it," Colin said before pausing. "Do you think he was right? About Dragon?"
Prophet hesitated, scratching his chin awkwardly.
"I think he worded it to be as aggravating as possible, but… yeah. If Alexandria takes down a powerful villain, do people ever remember the other heroes who were there? It's the problem with becoming so well-known. Dragon is known for being a very humble hero, but she is also the Tinker. The closest the world has to a replacement for Hero himself. Any project she even helps with becomes Dragon's project, even if someone else did 90% of the work," Prophet explained. "It's just the nature of that level of fame."
Essentially, it wasn't something that Dragon could change even if she tried. He could remember major takedowns by Alexandria, Legend, or Eidolon, but even knowing that other capes were involved, he could not name any of them. Even he had attributed the takedowns purely to the strongest, most well-known cape.
"Thank you, that is insightful," Colin said, his mind racing as Prophet gave him a nod.
"Of course. I look forward to your visit," Prophet replied before he turned and left, taking New Wave with him.
He had a lot of thinking to do.
– Pamela Isley (Poison Ivy) –
When Midas had requested her presence at her earliest convenience, she got the feeling that it had better be convenient for her immediately. Midas was a powerhouse, and while she wasn't under any obligation to come running when he called her name, she didn't want to lose the protection of the League with the Empire still breathing down her neck.
Getting out of the car he'd sent for her, she entered the building with a confident stride that she didn't quite feel. Descending down into the base, she was led into a room where the King himself was waiting for her.
"Ah, Ivy, thank you for coming so promptly," Midas said, gesturing for her to take a seat as he did the same.
"I can't deny I was curious what you'd want with little old me," Ivy agreed, putting a sultry tone on. The leaf dress she was wearing left a lot of her green skin on display, using every tool she had at her disposal. "How can I help Brockton Bay's King?"
"In this case, it may be more about how the King can help you," Midas explained, making her raise an eyebrow curiously. "I have come to an agreement with Kaiser, and part of his territory is being given to the Syndicate for services rendered. That includes the district that your botanical gardens are located in," Midas explained, getting an impressed look from her. "You are welcome to continue living there, of course, as long as you obey the rules I have set for all villains holding a lair in my territory."
"Easily done; I have no desire to muddy my own back garden and don't want any more territory," Ivy agreed, feeling the Sword of Damocles hanging over her. The unspoken threat was obvious, and Midas just smiled, pleased by her submission.
"Excellent. Now, Kaiser has bigger problems than you, and I have offered to act as the middleman for a ceasefire. Kaiser is willing to let bygones be bygones in exchange for the release of Hookwolf," Midas explained, and her eyes narrowed. "He promises to keep Hookwolf from seeking revenge, and he made that promise to me. If Hookwolf comes for you, he will be killed."
"I rather like having my pet bodyguard," Ivy countered, making him nod.
"Of course, and it isn't fair to expect you to give up such a powerful pawn without due payment. I am willing to… purchase Hookwolf from you in exchange for three things. Firstly, a power upgrade of your choice to make up for your lost manpower," Midas offered, making her smile slightly. She had access to his empowerment through the League, but it was expensive, and she hadn't had much chance to make money while fighting the Empire. "Follow me, please; the second is better shown rather than told."
Obeying, she followed him through the tunnels and froze as they entered a room. Her power went wild as she looked up at the giant, sentient carnivorous plant staring down at them, drooling.
"This is… Petey. No, I didn't name him. A biotinker in my service made him but could not take him with her, and I have been looking after him ever since. I believe your power will work with him, and the biotinker has agreed to let you keep him if you can take care of him. He is dangerous, and right now only I can feed him because he hates the taste of gold, but he is very powerful. My biotinker friend worked hard on improving her creation," Midas explained, making her nod mutely, her power reaching out to the giant plant with vines stronger than steel. "He will serve as a replacement for Hookwolf, protecting your lair even if he cannot travel everywhere with you."
"He's amazing," Ivy admitted. "Can I meet your biotinker friend?"
"Perhaps eventually, but she is keeping a rather low profile at the moment for obvious reasons," Midas explained, and she got it. The PRT would hate the Biotinker even more than they hated her; Biotinkers were a step above Masters.
"You said you had three things, and while I can't deny that I am tempted, that is only two," Ivy said, gathering her thoughts. She'd already shown her hand and honestly would give up Hookwolf for either of the two things already offered just to get the Empire off her back.
"Of course, follow me," Midas agreed, calmly stepping out of the way of a vine as it swung for him. Midas once more went through the twisting corridors of his base, arriving at what was clearly a prison.
She froze as she saw the beaten man inside the cell, clearly unconscious.
"I believe you know our guest, Doctor Isley. Jason Woodrue, or the Floronic Man as he prefers, attempted to join the League rather recently. Unfortunately, he was ineligible due to his actions against a current League member," Midas explained as she glared at the body of her former lover. The man who had seduced her and then kidnapped and experimented on her for months. "He took our refusal poorly but had an overexaggerated opinion of his own powers, powers that I have since crippled in retaliation for his actions. I am willing to hand him over to you as part of the trade for Hookwolf. I'm sure you have your own misgivings you'd like to clear up with him. So, Poison Ivy, do we have a deal?"
Midas smiled, a knowing smile, showing clearly that he already knew her answer. He could have demanded that she stripped and collared herself as his pet, and she'd still have agreed for a chance to get her revenge on the villain who was responsible for her trigger.
"Why, King Midas, you're spoiling me," Ivy said with a sultry smile, running her hand along his chest as she hid her hatred and rage behind a seductive guise, planning Woodrue's slow and painful death. "How could I refuse?"
– Jin Yukimura (King Midas) –
[The Art of the Deal] - Schemer
You have a precognitive sense of how likely the other party is to accept any deal you plan to offer. If you offer a deal that is heavily in the favour of the other party, it will make them feel indebted to you.
Yeah, I figured she would accept my generous offer. And now, Kaiser will be grateful to have his attack dog back… for a short time. I have plans for Hookwolf, and he's going to help me deal a lethal blow to the Empire.
— Bonus Scene — Aisha Laborn (Imp)
Running across the rooftop, she followed her prey and leapt as she reached the end, her cybernetic legs sending her soaring through the air as she let out a whoop of pure joy, landing with ease as her cyberware cushioned the fall, and continued to hunt her target.
White Rabbit gave her a mocking wave, dashing from rooftop to rooftop as they parkoured through her turf. Despite all her cyberware, even the fucking sandevistan, she struggled to keep up with the Rabbit, who was way too slippery, but it didn't change the wild grin on her face as they raced through the city, moving into Midas' territory.
As she leapt, she glanced to the side and laughed as she changed one of those big electronic billboards to her favourite playlist of annoying videos, hacking into it in an instant. The boss didn't care as long as she didn't cause too much trouble, and it'd change back in a few minutes.
Why the fuck did Brian think that her getting chromed was a bad thing?! This was the best time she'd ever had. Brian was just a fucking downer, everyone else was having fun, but Brian and his creepy friend just sulked over being put on her team. Idiots.
Mom wasn't doing drugs anymore or turning tricks for said drugs; she was strong and had the protection of the smartest villain in the world, and they got to cause chaos and fuck with the Wards all the time. Clockblocker was funny; if she wasn't aiming for someone older, she might have hit on him. Kid Win was even funnier because he looked like he was going to cry when she'd hacked his hoverboard and stolen it.
Rabbit came to a stop, grinning as Aisha caught up with her.
"You are stupidly fast," Aisha complained playfully, making Rabbit giggle.
"And you're getting better, Aisha," Rabbit praised, ruffling her hair. "Midas was right; having an apprentice is fun. But, while you're getting the parkour and escaping down… think you're ready for a little larceny?" Rabbit asked with a wide grin, making Aisha's eyes widen. "The Boss wants a painting that is at some fancy gallery downtown; wanna go get him his prize?"
"Oh, hell yeah," Aisha agreed, beaming. Rabbit was her villainous mentor, teaching her how to properly steal, none of that amateurish pickpocketing or shoplifting, showing her how to parkour and slip away from any pursuer. "I've not had a chance to thank him properly for everything he's done, but this could be a nice start."
"Aww, poor girl, has the big bad boss been clam-jamming you?" Rabbit teased, her hand on her hip as Aisha rolled her eyes. Rabbit liked to boast about how much time she spent in Midas' bed. "Well, why don't we get him some tribute and see if we can get him to stop being such a bully."
Aisha grinned, listening as Rabbit explained the plans for the heist. Rabbit got her, unlike Brian, who still treated her like she was a fucking kid. She was honestly the best mentor a girl could have.
Author’s Note: Jin is doing Jin things with Jin as he plans to take down Jin.
Written: 11/06/2024
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