
The Customer

in a medieval city was a building it was right next to the large and imposing guildhall it was there for ages but out of nowhere, a now open sign appeared. while most people were intrigued very few even thought of going in but, meanwhile inside stood a man named rezuri he was not tall but not short with long bright red hair that reached his stomach.

system: oi scon are yisser system scon are 'ere ter 'elp wi' al' av yisser business. (translation: hello I am your system and I'm here to help with your business)

Rezuri: what?

system: Cum on yer feckin eejit oi towl yer. (translation: come on I fucking told you)

Rezuri: umm why are you talking like that?

System: Waaat chucker yer mean blatherin' loike dis? dis is jist 'oy oi blather (translation: what do you mean talking like this? this is just how I talk)

Rezuri: ok well thank god for the translator. so since your job is to help me with my business what am I suppose to do.

System:Well yisser job for nigh is ter be a normal tavern(translation: well your job, for now, is to be a normal tavern)

Rezuri: ok what about prizes?

System: Wan silver per noight an' tree copper for jar. (translation: one silver per night and three copper for a beer)

Rezuri came to terms with his new Irish friend and decided to take a look around the tavern. The front of the tavern was just what you would imagen wooden floor with a few long tables and a lot of small tables with basic stools for seats. he continued to the stares and after he climbed up the stairs he saw a long hall with doors on each side. he walked into the first door on his right it was a single room it had a bed a desk an old oil lamp and a chest at the foot of the bed to put your personal belonging in. he left the room and checked the rest on the floor and they were all the same but as he got to the end of the hall he saw another set of stairs. after climbing that set of stairs he found another hall of rooms and they only had one difference from the other rooms below and that was that they had two beds. this seemed to be the top floor so he went downstairs the first floor was still as barren as it started. he was about to chill behind the bar but out of the corner of his eye, he saw a door behind the bar with a sign saying employees only his curiosity was peaked he opened the door only to find another set of stairs but this time heading down. the stairwell was only light up but the flickering flame of oil lamps when he arrived at the bottom he was greeted with a basement full of barrels and in one of the corners was a small smithing station.

Rezuri: what is the smithing station for system?

System:Well as Good said yer might nade ter flog de 'eroes things ter 'elp dem . (translation: well as god said you might need to sell the heroes things to help them)

Rezuri: thanks for the help

he went over to the smithing station and he found a book on the top of the anvil titled "smithing, alchemy, and everything else a hero might need by the otaku god" right as he was about to open it he hears a customer.

customer: ANYONE HERE!!!