

The Guardians, were a group of silver priests born with emmense power and abilities for the purpose of controlling each of the life forces on earth. They were so powerful and wielded extraordinary powers that caused all the creatures to bow to them. They had an edict which guarded them and prevented them from abusing their powers. But, one could not imagine what would happen if a Guardian turned corrupt. Tricia was an every day normal girl, whose only thoughts were to find true love and build a happy family. But, what happens when she discovers the deep down secrets and sacrilege caused by ambitions and greed that had every thing to do with her?. would she choose to fulfill her part or run away from it?.

Job_Emmanuel · Urban
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30 Chs

Meeting In The Forest

Tricia walked out of the Library unaware of the figure trailing behind her, she glances at wristwatch finding the time close to the period of her afternoon lectures.She decided to stroll to the lectures hall but her mind went back to worrying about Valerie who she assumed was,still curbed up in front of the system in the playroom. Thinking yo remind her of the class in case she had forgotten, she pulls out her mobile phone and dials her number.The call was connected but Valerie never answered, she felt slightly worried as Valerie never failed to pick her call.And if on rare occasions she didn't, she always called back a few minutes after to acertain that she was okay and was only doing one trivial thing or the other.She tried again for two more times and thinking Valerie would Definitely remember once she sees her missed calls, she headed for the lectures hall without semi g her a message as she planned to do.

An hour and some minutes ago, after Tricia left the recreation center heading for the library, Valerie rose from her seat and also left the recreation center but heading in a different direction.She walked further into the University property not bothering word with anyone. The usual cheerful smile that Always hung on her face was long gone and now replaced with a grim expression.

The University Was a big one and occupied several acres of land where forty percents were occupied by the fancy buildings and the rest was dominated by the vast buildings that spread downwards to be separated from the mainland forest by huge tall fences. For some off reasons, the school had camera's situated it except for the forest which not many knew about.As Valerie passed by the point why she was sure held the last camera at the outskirts of the forest, her demeanor mellows and she acts like an active student who was just taking a stroll in there even though she was supposed yo be attending lectures.

Actually, the forest was not restricted to students. but then, it wasn't also advisable for the students to wander in there alone as there. had been rare cased of people missing and bodies being later found in strange conditions.Their cause of death were always blamed on the wild animals that lurked in there.Which thereby created fear in the students and prevented then from wandering deep inside.But then once in a while, some brave or curious one's still slip inside to explore and while some emerge alive, some cone out shaken and lost and some don't even.

This particular day, Valerie stood leaning on a tree as she kept glancing at the screen of her mobile checking the time.she looked up for the third time thus afternoon at the red leaves on the tree that had some open and some folded to confirm that she was standing at the right spot.It had been more than ten minute since she arrived at the spot but till now, no one had showed up. This time, she glances around at the environment that looked like it was the down time of evening even though it was still noon as trees with large canopies had spread out their leaves and prevented the lights from coming in, only allowing little streaks that peaked in through the tiny spaces in the leaves.She had followed the map that was given to her carefully to be able to locate the exact spot that was stated and was somehow hidden from peoples view.

Glancing at the time again, she realizes that five minutes had passed again and she bits her cheeks deciding to wait for another five more minutes. She stood alert leaning on the tree as she watched out for anything that would have loved to creep up behind her. She was not naive to think and believe that wild animals lurked in the forest and the institution allowed it, she knew that many things happened which only few knew about. While the rumors prevented some from coming into the forest, some like them used it to their advantage as no one or very few came to tread in there.

Just as the last minute strikes and Valerie makes up her mind to leave the forest, she head slow footsteps approach and a figure in a black cloak emerged from the shadows of the trees and walked towards her.

Valerie watched in relief as a lady in her mid thirties came to stop in front of her. She frowns and complains.

"You are late!"

The lady smiles and didn't bother apologizing. She dips her into her bag and pulls out a circular dial holding it in her hand.

Valerie's frown deepens thinking what the object was for and the lady smiles again.

"Don't worry, this will prevent any one from eavesdropping on us."

Valerie's eyes narrows and she is about questioning further when the lady cuts her shut and goes straight to the point the smile fading and a grim expression coning to settle on her face.

"Has there been any reactions with her lately?"

"None that I know!"

Valerie replies clutching her hands together in front of her chest and leaning back on the tree.

"I've been sticking to her more like a glue this days and its beginning to piss me off!"

This earned a chuckle from the lady but was quick to replace it with her grim expression.

"You said you had something to ask me, what was that?"

Valerie pauses her lips then replies.

"How cab you identify when one is a vampire?"

The lady is quiet and stares at her for two seconds then,

"Give me your hand!"

She stretches forth her right hand but Valerie still hesitates then places her right hand on hers.After some seconds, she retraces her hands then looks her in the eyes.

"You have to very careful around her, your nature is trying to surface!"

Valerie stares at her a little nervous and suddenly recalls Tricia's slightly shocked expression as she stared at her in the Playroom.

'could it be that she had seen something?'

She slightly shivers at the thought and looks seriously at the lady.

"Is it possible for her to perceive me, like see through me?"

The lady quietly observes her for some seconds.

"I don't think so. if not, she would have been be able to a long time ago?"

Valerie is still uncertain.

"But that was before and her powers weren't activated yet."

but she didn't tell the lady what happened in the playroom and the lady sighs.

"That's why I told to be careful, and make sure you don't give yourself out."

She turns the dial in her hand and it gives out a faint glow.

"What does that mean?"

Valerie questions staring at the dial in her hand.

"Something you shouldn't bother yourself with!"

She gave her, her usual slow smile again then twist the dial in her hand before looking up at valerie.

"Did you in any way encounter a night creature?"

She eyed the young lady leaning on the tree and Valerie looked like she was contemplating whether to speak or not causing the lady's lips to twitch.

"I see!"

She mutters and Valerie immediately opens her mouth.

"Am not sure, haven't seen them acting off,b_it can't just shake the feeling."

"Then you keep a closer watch on them!"

She ordered.

"There's a bigger problem!"

And Valerie stares at her waiting for her to explain.