

The Guardians, were a group of silver priests born with emmense power and abilities for the purpose of controlling each of the life forces on earth. They were so powerful and wielded extraordinary powers that caused all the creatures to bow to them. They had an edict which guarded them and prevented them from abusing their powers. But, one could not imagine what would happen if a Guardian turned corrupt. Tricia was an every day normal girl, whose only thoughts were to find true love and build a happy family. But, what happens when she discovers the deep down secrets and sacrilege caused by ambitions and greed that had every thing to do with her?. would she choose to fulfill her part or run away from it?.

Job_Emmanuel · Urban
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30 Chs

Finally Found

Roya blinks and open his eyes as he wondered what he was doing on the floor. Siting up, he looks around the room and notices a figure lying at the other end of the room. He frowns as he recalls the events that took place which caused him to pass out. He Springs up and hurries over to the figure of the lady lying on the floor and he smiles to himself.

"Such emerse power !"

he reaches over for the pendant on the unconscious girl's neck but a blast of light hits him from the back and he is thrown on the world again away from Tricia.


he groans and looks up struggling to stand to his feet when he discovers the presence of another individual in the room glaring daggers at him.

"who are you?"

He manages to speak as he felt his Chest contract in pains and he spurts out Blood.

"Who am i ?,"

The figure taunts as he stepped towards him like a prowling dragon approaching his prey.

Roya raises his hand and makes to throw him at the wall but his power deflects and hits the wall as it got closer to him.

Edward laughs satirically as he raises his hand at Roya and he contorts in pain spurting out more blood from his mouth.

"Did you think that would even leave a scratch on me?"

He crouches down and whispers in his ear.

"You want to know who I am, find that out by yourself!"

With that, he squeezes his hand into a fist and Roya's face turns paler and he clutches his Chest that felt like it was been twisted to crush it.

He rises up and dust his hands then walk over to Tricia as Roya sat on the floor gasping for air. Picking her up from the floor, he walks to the end he came from, turns around and giving one last glare to Roya, he walks through the space.