

The Guardians, were a group of silver priests born with emmense power and abilities for the purpose of controlling each of the life forces on earth. They were so powerful and wielded extraordinary powers that caused all the creatures to bow to them. They had an edict which guarded them and prevented them from abusing their powers. But, one could not imagine what would happen if a Guardian turned corrupt. Tricia was an every day normal girl, whose only thoughts were to find true love and build a happy family. But, what happens when she discovers the deep down secrets and sacrilege caused by ambitions and greed that had every thing to do with her?. would she choose to fulfill her part or run away from it?.

Job_Emmanuel · Urban
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Family Drama

The door opens and Xanier walks in without knocking, holding his own pillow and putting on his headset that kept blinking light.He looks around the room and spots Xavier squeezing inside the sofa.

"What are you doing there?"

He questions in annoyance. When he receives no answer from him he turns to Tricia.

"Trish, why did you let him in here?, now, where am I supposed to sleep?"

Tricia turns and lays on her side facing the wall, then pulls her sleeping mask on grumbling.

"You can sleep anywhere you want the floor is available!"


Xanier exclaims and goes over to Xavier pulling him out the sofa.

"What's wrong with you?"

Xavier glares at him then climb's back on the sofa.

"But this is my space?"

"What space, didn't you hear, the floor's available!"

Tricia turns around and glares at the both of them.

"Will you two just shut up and let me have my peace?"

Xanier pulls the blanket from Xavier and walks causing him to sit up.

"What was that for?. Don't you have blankets in your room?"

Xanier ignores him and spreads it on the floor, lays the pillow and props down on it without sparing Xavier a glance.

"Stupid ass!"

Xavier mumbles and takes the other blanket spreading it to cover himself as he clicked on his laptop.

About half and hour later, Xavier dozes off with the laptop still on and Xavier slowly rises from his place, creeps over and grabs the laptop and blanket from his then quietly creeps back to his place. That same time, Xavier turns over sleepily and Xavier freezes in his tracks waiting for him to go back to sleep. When he confirms the steady breathing. He places the laptop besides him and lays back on the blanket throwing the other one over himself and playing Xavier's laptop.


The next morning, Xavier opens his eyes as the cold air blew into his spine. He tries moving his body but it ached all over. He feels for the blanket that was covering his body but only touched his clothes. He recalls he was walking on a game project he was trying to developed and felt sleepy. Immediately, he panics and looks about the floor thinking the laptop might have crashed on it but finds nothing on the floor. A thought suffices in his mind and he immediately glances about the room only to find Xanier sleeping comfortably, his blanket wrapped around him and his laptop lying besides him. He grits his teeth and forcefully pulls himself from the sofa forgetting about the ache and rushes over to Xanier pulling the blanket from him and pouncing on him. Xavier groans and is forced to wake up as Xavier kept landing punches at him.

"You useless bastard, how dare you?, you have the guts_,"

A confused Tricia is forced to wake up and encounter their drama as she rubs her forehead in annoyance.

"So much for letting you two into my room!"

She screams and skids down the bed looking like an enraged dragon.

"What is wrong with both of you ?"

She questions standing akimbo with a menacing glare directed at the both of them.Just then, the door opens and Eline Withheald walks in.


She pauses on not seeing Tricia on her bed and looks about the room only to see Xavier on top of his brother.

"What us going on here?"

She walks towards them her hands on her waist. Xanier turns around and immediately starts to explain.

"mum, I slept off and this idiot_,"

He points at Xanier.

"Had the guts to take my blanket and laptop exposing me to cold, now I can't even move my bones!"

Eline Withheald narrows her eyes at his explanation and then turns to Xanier who was still on the floor questioning.

"Why did you do that when you know that your brother is prone to cold?"

Xanier sneers at Xavier and sits up pointing at Xavier and accusing.

"He stole my place and made me sleep on the floor!"

Their mother is speechless and turns to Tricia.

"Why did you even let them in?, now look at the ruckus they are causing!"

Tricia looks down feeling like a little child who was being scolded by her patents after being caught stealing candy. She rakes get mind for an answer but finds none and could only smile and look up.

"Am sorry mum, I didn't know they were going to fight!"

She looms down again and pouts feeling like an aggrieved child.Xavier seeing the situation and knowing if not settled, may not be able to sleep here next quickly volunteers.

"mum, Tricia did not do anything wrong by letting us spend the night here. It's just Xavier who decided to cause trouble!"

Xavier is about retorting when their mother jumps at them.

"You two spoilt children, am going to call your father and brother now and inform them of your misbehavior!"

When the duo heard the word father and brother, they immediately jump up and cling to their mother behaving spoilt.

"Of course mum, you won't do that !"

Xavier grins at their mother and glares at his brother from behind. unfortunately, his mother catches him and hits him on the head.

"What is that for?, you both are still unrepentant after causing trouble!"

She frees herself from their hold and points at the door.

"The both of you, hurry up now and pack your things, then leave!"

The both hurry and pack their things then rush out of the room closing the door behind them. But not before throwing one more pitiful glance at their mother. Only when the door closed, did their mother heave in relief.

Since when they were little, the both of them had always been so mischievous and caused lots of troubles. Only Edward was well behaved and listen to every instructions that was given to him. He was the most obedient of the three of them.

Turning to Tricia who had been quietly watching the Drama unfold, she reprimands in a not so stern voice.

"Next time, don't let them cone in and disturb you. They only know how to fight a d quarrel!"

"Yes mother!"

She nods to show she understood and Eline Withheld finally smiles.

"I came to see if you've woken up. Didn't expect to see the drama going on here.!"

She mutters the last part under her breath.

"Anyway!, hurry up and go take your bath so you won't miss your breakfast!"

"Thank you mum!"

Tricia bows slightly and heads for the bathroom as Mrs Withheld stood watching her back.

She had a soft spot for her and always stuck up for her whenever she was in trouble. She was like that daughter she never had and so,she did not object to whatever thing was going on between Edward and her. She had watched her grow up and come to verify her good nature and mannerism. She couldn't help but think back sometimes to that night twenty years ago. That little girl they had brought back home had finally grown into a beautiful lady.


At the breakfast table, the atmosphere is bustling except for Xavier and Xanier who sat opposite each other glaring at themselves from time to time. As this went on for half of the breakfast, their mother who had been trying to ignore them drops her fork on the plate after having enough of their drama. She glares hard at the both if them her nose almost turning red in annoyance.

"You two shameless children, if you think you won't be able to eat responsibly without glaring at one another, you will abandon your food and vacate the table immediately!"

"What!, mum no!. of course, we are brothers!"

They both bury their heads and concentrate on their meal. But,not before glaring one last time at each other.

Tricia sighs in her heart and eats quietly as she watches this two brothers who never get tired of acting childish nor loose the chance to act a good drama and poke themselves. After the dramatic breakfast, Tricia left for college in the same car as Xavier and Xavier.