
The Guardian Series

The group, including Tierney, Dean, Niall, Kristen, and others, grapples with shocking revelations about their lineage, uncovering that they are descendants of Victor Glass and Victoria Riverside. The tension escalates as Victor himself appears, revealing his sinister plan to raise the demon queen Alyssa Satanrosé. The group, joined by the mysterious William, confronts Victor, leading to emotional confrontations and a reveal of Victor's remorse for his past actions. The unexpected appearance of Ka Sandra sheds light on the situation, disclosing that William is their ally and that Ashton, her apprentice, is a witch. Ka Sandra also aids Courtney in regaining her sight through a mystical intervention. The narrative takes a turn as Victor departs, leaving a lingering sense of threat. William, Ka Sandra, and the group prepare to escape, only to encounter Thomas, alive and well. As they venture into a portal, it becomes clear that Victor's machinations are far from over, setting the stage for an intense and uncertain journey ahead.

ChanceHightower · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Chapter 31

As the oppressive darkness enveloped them, the ground vanished beneath their feet. When the shadows dissipated, they found themselves scattered across unfamiliar surroundings. Niall, Courtney, and Kristen, disoriented, struggled to comprehend their abrupt relocation.

Niall, surveying the unfamiliar surroundings, voiced his bewilderment, "What the hell just happened?" Courtney, rising from the ground, speculated, "I think we fell through the ground." Kristen, still on the floor, inquired, "Are we on the second floor again?"

However, the arena's stark reality became apparent as they looked around. Enclosed by stone walls, the trio discovered themselves within an arena. A steel door punctuated one side of the arena, confining them to this unexpected battleground.

"Looks like it's only us three here," Niall remarked, glancing at his friends. But their solitude was short-lived as a girl's voice echoed through the arena, dispelling any notion of isolation.

"Think again, boy," the voice declared as the arena doors swung open. Karen, the girl Justin had mentioned, stepped into view. Courtney, recognizing her, whispered, "I think the man named Justin called her Karen."

Karen, reveling in the ominous atmosphere, laughed off the idea that escaping would be easy. Kristen, now aware that their friends were possibly with Justin, questioned the absence of adults. Karen, relishing in their confusion, disclosed Victor's intricate plan.

"That's because that was the plan from the beginning," Karen explained, the steel doors closing behind her, "Victor wanted to split you guys into three groups."

Courtney, struggling to comprehend, asked, "What do you mean, three groups?" Karen, amused, clarified, "Victor wanted you three with me, and the three adults with my big brother Justin."

Niall, his eyes reflecting anger, questioned, "What about Kathrine and Carlyle?" Karen, amused by the unfolding drama, nonchalantly replied, "Oh, they are with Victor."

Fuelled by frustration and determination, Kristen took a step forward, declaring, "So then let's get this party started," as she walked up to face Karen in the unforgiving arena. The stage was set for a confrontation that promised to reveal the hidden facets of Victor's grand plan. 


Tierney, Thomas, and Dean found themselves on the hard ground, disoriented and bewildered. "Where are we?" Tierney questioned as she struggled to stand. Thomas, equally perplexed, replied, "I don't know." Dean, observant, declared, "We are in an arena."

Thomas, bewildered, sought clarification, "What do you mean?" Tierney, attempting to make sense of their surroundings, added, "It's what he said, Thomas."

As Thomas surveyed their surroundings, the grim reality became apparent. They were confined within an arena, its perimeter marked by imposing stone walls and a steel door on one side. The setting felt ominous, and the uncertainty loomed.

A man's voice echoed through the arena, announcing their presence. "Welcome to the arena," the voice declared as the steel doors began to open, revealing a figure standing in the shadows. "It took you guys a while to wake up."

Tierney, her patience wearing thin, confronted the looming figure, her tone dripping with anger. "Where are the kids, Justin?" she demanded. Justin, with a sinister smile, responded, "Oh, Tierney, you have not changed one bit."

Anxiety etched on her face, Tierney pressed further, "Where are they?" The steel doors started to close, sealing their fate. Justin, still maintaining his calm demeanor, disclosed, "They are with Karen, of course." His smile never wavered.

Dean, growing increasingly agitated, confronted Justin. "What do you want?" she demanded. Justin, seemingly amused, chuckled, "Oh dear, Dean. This is just a part of Victor's plan, is all."

Thomas, unable to contain his frustration, retorted, "Bullshit! There's always more to his plans." Justin, acknowledging the truth in Thomas's words, approached them with a dark grin. "Dear Thomas, that is so true," he admitted, "and that is where you're going to die."

Defiant, Dean declared, "Like hell, we will! We will stop you just like I stopped your brother years ago." Justin, finding humor in the confrontation, laughed, "Oh, my dear older brother was a dumbass. He was dumber than smart."

Tierney, her gaze filled with anger and determination, questioned, "What is Victor's plan, then?" Justin, reveling in the suspense, responded with an ominous tone, "Now that is a good question." Thomas, frustrated, threw his arms up, challenging Justin to reveal the truth. "Still cocky as ever," Justin remarked with a sinister smile, "Victor's plan is..." The revelation hung in the air, leaving the trio in suspense, waiting for the secrets of Victor's grand design to unfold.


In the wake of the dissolving shadows, Kathrine and Carlyle found themselves surrounded by an unexpected brightness. Kathrine, squinting against the light, questioned their surroundings, "Why is it so bright in here?"

Carlyle, echoing her confusion, opened his eyes to the luminous space. "I don't know," he admitted, taking in the unfamiliar environment.

The siblings surveyed the room, discovering glass windows enveloping them, allowing the brilliance to flood the space. At the back of the room, a wooden door beckoned, leading to a corridor that stretched into the distance. A serene aura filled the room, accompanied by the subtle fragrance of plants and the presence of neatly stacked books.

An aged voice resonated through the tranquility, breaking their contemplation. "So, you're finally up, I see. Welcome to the glass room," the voice echoed, infusing a sense of ancient wisdom into the air.

Kathrine, still adjusting to the surroundings, inquired, "How are you?" Her eyes wandered around the room, but there was no visible source for the voice.

"Oh, my dear Kathrine," the voice responded warmly, "it's finally good to meet you." Carlyle, sharing his sister's curiosity, couldn't help but feel a strange familiarity with the voice. "How do you know who I am?" Kathrine asked, her gaze searching for answers amidst the empty chairs and couches.

Carlyle, similarly puzzled, voiced his confusion, "Why does his voice sound familiar?" The mystery began to unravel as the voice disclosed its awareness, "I have known you since you were in your mother's womb. I know everything about yourself."

As the disembodied voice ceased, the room's ambiance shifted. In front of them materialized an old man, seated in a chair. "Victor," Carlyle uttered, his voice tinged with anger. Kathrine, too, locked eyes with the apparition. "How do you know me?" she demanded, suspicion etched on her features.

Carlyle, brimming with frustration, questioned Victor's methods. "How did you cloak yourself?" Victor, with an air of calmness, responded, "First off, I just used a cloaking spell, and second, I have to start at the beginning of The Dark War."

Kathrine, her eyes ablaze with anger, interrupted, "I already know about The Dark War." Victor, unfazed, chuckled, "Let me guess – they told you about how I killed Victoria Riverside, and the people rose up to kill me."

Acknowledging the accuracy, Kathrine affirmed, "Yes, that's right." Victor, however, continued his revelation. "Did they tell you that Victoria was the one who planned on making the people rise up and kill me? That's the main reason I killed her." Kathrine, skeptical, retorted, "I don't believe you."

Undeterred, Victor assured, "You will see my side of the story. I'm not going to tell you; I'm going to show you." With a cryptic smile, Victor initiated a transformation. The room darkened, and suddenly, they found themselves in a different setting – a room where a woman with red hair and light green eyes lay on a bed, ready to give birth.

Confusion etched Kathrine's face as she questioned, "Where are we? Can she see us?" Victor, with a calm demeanor, explained, "We are in my memories, and no, she can't see us." Carlyle, still trying to grasp the unfolding narrative, queried, "Why this memory?"

Victor, a tear glistening in his eye, revealed, "Because this is where the story begins, with your..." The sentence hung in the air, signaling the commencement of a tale that promised to unravel the enigmatic threads of the past.