
The Guardian Of The Multiverse

In the real world, there lived a young adult with a simple life. Until one fateful night, a small meteor barely noticeable landed near his home, then his entire life completely changed. He once fantasized about being a superhero but who would have thought that his dream would come true? Follow the story of the once called Adriel now Karito in his new adventure of being the multiverse's sole protector. He will fall, he will stand. But will he be up to the task of saving everything in reality? Let a new story unfold...

ElectricWrites · Anime & Comics
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89 Chs

Why do buzzards circle in the sky? Part 1

(Marvel, DC, images, manhuas, and every anime that will be mentioned and used in this story are not mine. They all belong to their respective owners. The main character "Karito Josue Valdez" and the story are mine)


Secret meeting



(???) "Where are the Avengers?"

(Nick Fury) "I'm not currently tracking their whereabouts. I'd say they've earned a leave of absence."

(???) "And the Tesseract?"

(Nick Fury) "The Tesseract is where it belongs. Out of our reach."

(???) "That's not your call."

(Nick Fury) "I didn't make it. I just didn't argue with the god that did."

(???) "So, you let him take it and the war criminal, Loki, who should be answering for his crime."

(Nick Fury) "I think he will be."

(???) "I don't think you understand what you've started, letting the Avengers loose on this world. They're dangerous."

(Nick Fury) "They surely are, and the whole world knows it. Every world knows it."

(???) "Was that the point of all this? A statement?"

(Nick Fury) "A promise."

Nick Fury ends the meeting with the anonymous callers and walks back to the bridge, Maria Hill then approaches Nick with some questions of her own about the Avengers.

(Maria Hill) "Sir, how does it work now? They've gone their separate ways. Some...pretty extremely far. If we get into a situation like this again, what happens then?"

(Nick Fury) "They'll come back."

(Maria Hill) "Are you really sure about that?"

(Nick Fury) "I am."

(Maria Hill) "Why?"

(Nick Fury) "Because we'll need them too."

Maria smiles at the answer and turns around leaving Nick Fury staring down at the skies as she returns back to her work."


Central Park Tour

(Dr. Selvig) "Here's the Tesseract Thor."

(Thor) "Thank you, Selvig. It's good to have you back."

(Karito) "Heh, definitely. It's better than making portals for an army."

(Thor) "He was mind controlled by Loki."

(Karito) "Oh trust me I know, I was just saying. Tho, hey Clint you good?"

(Clint Barton) " Oh yeah, I'm alright. If anything I should be the one asking you if you are alright. You did take most of the beatings."

(Karito) "Oh, I'm alright."

(Natasha) "Karito, seriously. I'm surprised you are even standing even after a few days after what happened in New York. It's like all the beatings we are all supposed to take were just placed into you."

(Karito) "Guys, come on. I'm alright, remember that I have a healing factor. Just a few scars here and there"

(Natasha) "Well, if you say so."

(Thor) "Thank you, Karito. You have been a good friend."

(Karito) "Sure man, I'm just glad you are okay."

(Thor) "Likewise. Farewell team, until next time."

Thor and Loki hold the capsule that was containing the Tesseract and in one swift motion move in a circular formation, like a lock opening a key. What that action did was teleport Thor and Loki back to Asgard. Everyone looked at the energy surge that came out of the Tesseract as their friend the God of thunder left with the God of mischief. As the energy around the area left everyone started to go on their separate ways, Tony and Steve shook hands saying goodbye to each other. Natasha walked towards her car and grabbed a bag for Bruce Banner, she walked towards him and he nodded in thanks. Tony and Bruce left together in Tony's car, Natasha and Clint went together on his, Steve left on his motorcycle, and last but not least Karito, who decided to walk back to his apartment. As Karito walks on the rebuilding New York City and looks at the used-to-be Stark Tower now changing into the Avenger's tower, he looks and smiles at the scene.

Karito Pov

With a sense of profound relief, I found solace in the knowledge that a favorable outcome had been attained. Through my intervention, I managed to mitigate the damages suffered by my comrades, ensuring their ability to persevere in their noble endeavors without the burden of past injuries. Hawkeye, in particular, required special attention to safeguard his hearing in the future Avengers movies. As for Tony, I held hope that he would be spared the haunting specter of post-traumatic stress disorder, for the trials he endured were weighty enough. Hulk, though resilient in nature, benefited from my intervention, averting a perilous shootout amidst the chitauri onslaught.

Reflecting upon these achievements, a disconcerting realization dawned upon me. It seemed that I had unwittingly borne the brunt of everyone's burdens in this cinematic saga. The explosion that was meant to claim Steve's well-being had, in fact, befallen me. A momentary lament washed over me, yet I consoled myself with the knowledge that I possessed the means to heal my own wounds. Such was the cost I willingly bore for the sake of my comrades.

However, my greatest cause for celebration resided in the miraculous survival of Agent Coulson. No longer confined to the realm of tragedy, he had been spared from the fatal stab that had robbed him of his life. The thought of visiting him in the hospital surfaced in my mind, a mischievous inclination to tease him lightly. Resolving to pay him a visit, I embarked on a leisurely stroll toward the medical facility under the jurisdiction of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Arriving at the hospital, I sought out Coulson's room, informing the staff that I was a friend who wished to offer my presence. In response, they nodded in recognition, leading me toward his quarters. The nurse, with a gentle demeanor, opened the door, announcing my arrival to Coulson. A smile graced his face as he welcomed me, and with the departure of the nurse, we commenced a lively exchange of conversation.

(Karito) "Hey man, how are you doing?"

(Coulson) "I'm alright, thank you. Seriously Karito, if it wasn't for you Loki would have hit a vital spot and I would've died. I'll be in your debt."

(Karito) "Bro, you don't have to worry about that. I'm just glad you are alive."

(Coulson) "Me too Karito, me too."

(Karito) "Who else would I annoy if I lost you?"

(Coulson) "You had me on the beginning."

(Karito) "AW! You have the best reactions so of course!"

(Coulson) "Karito NO! I'm gonna lose my sanity with your teasing!"

(Karito) "MUAHAHAHA! You better be careful Coulson! I can be pretty chaotic!"

(Coulson) "Can you be in your chill state and not an annoying state?"

(Karito) "Let me think?....No :D."

(Coulson) "-_-"

(Karito) ":D"

(Coulson) "Leave me alone."

(Karito) "Hell, n-"

So, I got the boot eventually. Well, that was a blast while it lasted! Time to head back to my cozy little pad and tackle the never-ending conundrums of the system. Man, I've got a pile of unchecked stuff that needs my magical touch. Let the annoyance commence!

Small time skip

Following a brief stroll, I arrived at the entrance of my quaint studio. With a graceful twist of the key, I secured the door behind me, ensuring the sanctuary of my personal haven. Engaging my mental faculties, I summoned the virtual realm of my system, which promptly materialized before my eyes, revealing a comprehensive snapshot of my current standing and status.

Player: Karito Josue Valdez

Level: 1

EXP: 0/100

HP: 31,000/31,000

Prestige: 2

Hero: Spider-Man (Miles Morales)

STR: 35

END: 23

INT: 20

DEX: 50

VIT: 31

(Stat Points) SP: 234

Whoa, talk about an insane number of stat points! Now, where the heck should I put 'em? Spider-Man's all about that lightning-fast speed, so I better beef that up. Let's see... 45 points in each stat sounds like a solid plan, and then I'll dump the rest into DEX. Gotta keep things nice and balanced, even though I want my best skill to have a little edge. Alrighty then, time to make it happen!

Small time skip...

Player: Karito Josue Valdez

Level: 1

EXP: 0/100

HP: 76,000/76,000

Prestige: 2

Hero: Spider-Man (Miles Morales)

STR: 80

END: 68

INT: 65

DEX: 95

VIT: 76

(Stat Points) SP: 9

Although I initially advocated for a sense of equilibrium, it appears that some of my attributes have been left far behind the others. However, for the sake of expedience, I shall overlook this discrepancy. It seems fitting to invest the remaining nine points into DEX, thus culminating in a grand total of 104 DEX. Ah, that seems more satisfactory. But hold on a moment, as I peruse my meticulously organized stats once more, a realization dawns upon me like a bolt of lightning: Gamers Mind, an invaluable skill in my arsenal, appears to have inexplicably vanished. Pray tell, Kara, what has transpired with my cherished skill, Gamers Mind?

"The Gods decided to remove it, they thought it was better to control your own emotions than to be an emotionless doll with that skill."

...That...that's just bullshit.

"You like having things easy, so this will upset you. This is confusing, you sacrifice yourself more than you are necessary need to for others, while you like to keep things simple for yourself. Why go above and beyond for others to make them feel like gold while you stay humble with silver and occasionally go for gold?"

I guess, I just sometimes like to do my best for people I trust.

"Even though you just meet the Avengers?"

That's different, I grew up watching their comics and movies, especially Spider-Mans. If there's somehow a way for my favorite heroes not to suffer as much as they do in their stories then I will do everything I can, sometimes people forget that heroes also have feelings and lives of their own. Who is there to save them?

"I see, but player what about you? Are you just gonna take their burden?"

Well, if I can help them then yes.

"Do you hear yourself?"


Player, think about yourself sometimes. You aren't a magnet to pull everyone's negative feelings to yourself just so they can have a ray of positivity while you yourself are being crushed by what they used to suffer.

"I...I don't know what you are talking about..."

"Player, don't act dumb. It is incredibly kind of you but please. Don't lose yourself in trying to take everyone's shoots."

...Okay Kara, I get what you are saying. Just...let me just think about it for a bit.

"Okay Player, rest well."

Thank you, Kara.

With a weary sigh, I surrender to the embrace of my bed, my body sinking into its plush surface. My gaze drifts upward, fixated on the expanse of the ceiling, lost in a realm of thoughts. The perplexing remark from Kara lingers in my mind, an enigma yet to be unraveled. Nonetheless, if there exists even the faintest possibility of fashioning a more favorable narrative, one in which the tides of fortune turn, I shall seize it with unwavering determination. I am resolved to confront the formidable Thanos, if need be, unaided and undeterred.

Momentarily, my attention shifts to my trusty inventory, wherein I inspect the sorry state of my battle-worn Spider-Man suit. A tantalizing option catches my eye, beckoning me with the promise of restoration. "Repair damages for a mere 100 gold," it declares. Astonishingly affordable, considering the prevailing cost dynamics within this peculiar story. Skills, it seems, command exorbitant prices, with even the most basic of abilities fetching a hefty sum of one million coins. Conversely, other essentials such as potions and sundries scarcely exceed 500,000 coins. Curious, indeed, yet a matter of little consequence at present. I must not forget the ill-fated episode wherein I forsook sustenance in the depths of a dungeon. Such a blunder shall not be repeated.

But for now, the weariness overwhelms me, coaxing me toward the realm of slumber. The ceaseless battles have taken their toll, and I yearn for respite. Drifting into the realm of dreams, I bid farewell to the relentless skirmishes that have plagued my waking hours. The world fades into a blur as the comforting embrace of sleep engulfs me... ZzzzzZzZzzzzz.

Somewhere in the Dark multiverse...

No Pov

Within this desolate realm lies the hallowed ground where narratives of despair and doom reach their bitter conclusion. It serves as the graveyard of countless tales, where protagonists succumb to madness and unravel the very fabric of their worlds. Some plunge into a murderous frenzy, ensnared by enigmatic forces beyond comprehension, while others face the relentless onslaught of a ravenous zombie horde. It is a place where stories meet their ignominious demise.

Yet, what sets this particular realm apart from its counterparts in alternate universes? The answer lies in its very existence, or rather, its anomalous nature. This realm, in its aberrant state, was never meant to be. Surviving characters from these ravaged worlds find themselves ensnared by an inscrutable entity, transforming them into darkened embodiments known as Darks. These Darks, handpicked by the enigmatic entities, are dispatched to various unsuspecting planets, each fated to endure their own tragic downfall.

This accursed place ruptures the delicate balance of existence itself, contorting noble superheroes into deranged villains, and sinister villains into even more malevolent beings. Amidst the twisted expanse of this corruption, a singular locale emerges, drawing together a small congregation of Darks. It appears as though they have convened, akin to a clandestine assembly, in this pocket of malevolence and despair.

(???) "<b>There is another Guardian.</b>"

(???) "<b>Another one? How many do we need to kill?</b>"

(???) "<b>It's getting very annoying, I thought we already killed most of them in the multiverse.</b>"

(???) "<b>It's the multiverse, and pluss is a guardian. They will always have some hidden just in case, it's probably the case for this one.</b>"

Amidst the cacophony of nonsensical banter that permeated the air, there stood a figure of quiet stoicism at the far end of the rounded table. Unperturbed by the tumultuous exchange surrounding them, they maintained a patient composure, biding their time until the chaotic symphony of voices gradually subsided.

(???) "<b>Hey boss, what should we do with the new Guardian?</b>"

(Boss) "<b>How recent is he?</b>"

(???) "<b>Barely a week.</b>"

(Boss) "<b>His powers? Current powers, and don't mess up figuring out. The last time you all did, a Guardian had the Powers of One Punch Man, a Saiyan, and a Kryptonian. He did way too much damage to us until we had to send stronger enemies to finish him off, good thing we have a bunch of galaxy level and above Darks here that we're able to kill him.</b>"

(???) "<b>He has Miles Morales Spider-Man powers.</b>"

(Boss) "<b>That shouldn't be too bad, don't let him live for long. We don't want a Cosmic Spider-Man, those are extremely dangerous.</b>"

(???) "<b>Who should we send?</b>"

(Boss) "<b>Send...hmm for the fun of it, send one of Spider-Man's first baddies in the comics. Not those lame side villains, main villains.</b>"

(???) "<b>I see, don't worry boss. I'll catch him and send him over there in no time.</b>"

As the chorus of senseless chatter reverberated throughout the room, the entire assembly of Darks rose from their seats in unison, leaving their boss alone amidst the oppressive darkness. A heavy sigh escaped his lips as he too stood, an exhalation burdened with the weight of weary resignation. With a flick of his fingers, the room transformed before his eyes, morphing into an austere office setting. Settling into his chair, he sought a momentary respite, allowing himself to relax, if only momentarily.

However, his eyelids parted slowly, revealing a mischievous glint in his eyes. Fixated on an enigmatic focal point, he drew nearer and nearer, until he seemingly transcended the boundaries of comprehension. In an audacious act, his hand extended, gripping hold of an unknown object, its very essence slipping through his fingertips. The contours of his face contorted into a wry smile, his gaze penetrating deep into the mysteries that unfolded before him.A̷̜͌ ̸͕̋r̸͜͠ḁ̷͋ż̴̨o̷̧͑r̴̳͛-̴̣̇s̵̤̑h̶̲͝a̸̡͛r̵͇̚p̵̘̀ ̵̩̿r̵̺̂å̵̬z̸͔͑ỏ̶̡r̸̼̈́ ̸̈́͜ş̷͂h̴̪́a̵̩͛r̸̘̒p̵̣̋n̷̳̏e̷̠͋s̶̓ͅs̶͖̐ ̵̳͌ẹ̸̓m̸̼̒a̷͉̕ṉ̷̀a̵̜̓t̷̰̉e̸͙͆d̶̺̓ ̴̢̌f̶̫͆r̸̟͌ǒ̴̹m̸̡̽ ̶̪̃h̷̹̑i̵̟̾s̶̫͋ ̸͕̌b̷̹͒e̸̻̕į̵͊n̶̬͂g̷͙̎,̷͖͂ ̸̻̉i̶̲̍n̵͓͛c̶̭̅i̴̡̚t̴͉͐i̸̽͜ņ̴͠g̶̼̔ ̵̤̋a̷͇͆ ̷̤͝r̶̬̓ȋ̶͍v̶͈͝ù̴̟l̸̯̋è̷͓t̸̢͒ ̶͚̇ô̸̖f̶̻̂ ̷͍̉s̸̯̿c̴͇̓ā̷̞r̵͕͂l̴̪̑e̵͕͑t̴̡͘ ̷̦͑t̶̫̾h̶͈̿a̷͔͒ẗ̶̩ ̴̤̋s̴̲̿ẗ̴͖́ṛ̵̌e̴̼̕a̴̤̚m̶͚̚ẻ̷̙d̷̨͝ ̴̼̆f̵͙̽r̶͈̋o̶̳̐m̶͙͗ ̵̖̕h̴͖͒ḯ̴̪ŝ̶͚ ̶̹̏m̷̝͆ò̷͈ȗ̷̜t̸̹̀h̸̻͒.̴̼̋ ̴̤͌A̵̫̾n̸̟̾d̷̡̕ ̸͕̏t̸̡̄h̴̢̋e̶̪͐n̷̛̯,̴̝̓ ̵̻̂h̷̩̀é̶ͅ ̶̻̈́l̴̝͌a̶̖̓u̶̪͘g̷̳̀h̶̤̃e̶̞̊d̶̟̾—̴̭͌a̴̪̅ ̴̫͝l̷̟̅a̴̢̋ů̶̜g̶̯͠h̴̲̽ ̷̄͜t̵͓̾ẖ̸͘a̴̰͌t̵̞͗ ̷̧̉ṛ̷̈́ë̵͔v̶͕̎e̶̹͑r̵͖̀b̴̭̀e̵̡͠r̵̨̕a̶̛̦t̴̫͆é̶͙d̵̼̀ ̵̠̽ṱ̵̀h̸̩̐r̵͍͑o̸̜̚ư̶̮g̵̘͒h̵̫͊ ̵̯̄ṭ̷̅h̶͚̋ė̴̝ ̸̯͘e̷͓̋n̷͕̾t̸̩́i̴̹̊r̵͉̐e̷̥̾t̴̙͑y̵͍̎ ̸̂ͅo̵̬̕f̴̪̒ ̸̜̍h̵̼͝ỉ̴̘s̵̥͂ ̸̡̌f̶̊͜r̷̠͝a̸̝͑ć̴̥t̴̩̃ü̴̘r̴̗͒e̴͇͒d̶̪̊ ̵̛̙e̴͍͂x̷͓̀i̷̲̚ś̷̻t̵̳͗ẹ̸̎n̵̽ͅc̶̼̑e̸̻͠,̷̤͂ ̸͔͂ȑ̶̘ḙ̵̂s̸̳͐o̶̥͛n̶̛͜ạ̴͋t̴͇̏ï̶̭n̸̢̛ģ̴̌ ̴̤͠w̵̥̑i̸͈͒t̷̹̑h̶̳̽ ̴̤͝a̸̻̔ ̵̱̾m̵͔̑a̵͖̎d̸̟̒d̴̹͛ë̵́ͅn̴̖̽i̷͓̍n̸̹̕g̸̫̀ ̴̰̏d̷̤́e̷̤̕l̷̤͑ĩ̵͇ġ̶͙h̶͑͜ţ̴̀ ̶̝͑t̴̗͋ḣ̴̦a̸̜͘t̵̳͗ ̴͓̄ş̷̔e̵̝̔ñ̸͖t̷͎͛ ̷̝̑s̴̫̕ḥ̸̕î̵̧v̴͈̚e̴̹̍r̴̡̂s̷͎̚ ̴̟̄t̵̨̓h̴̦͗r̵̝͌o̶̖̽u̷̲̕g̶̛͕h̶̩͑ ̴̤̎ẗ̶̝́h̵͑͜e̷̥̎ ̶̣͋c̶̲̎o̵͙͝l̶͚̊ḽ̶̂ë̷̙c̴̳̆t̴̟͆i̵͜͠ṿ̴̎è̷͎ ̶̪̊c̵̙̈́o̴̮͝n̸̢͒s̶̱̐c̶̱̚i̶͕͆o̷̭͂ű̵̦ṡ̷̠n̷̉͜ȩ̷̋s̸̮͠s̴̨͐ ̶̙̇ọ̸̌f̶͓͗ ̴̜̉t̶̻̅h̶̩͠e̸̠͂ ̸͓̏a̵͓̽s̴͎̈́s̷̜̏e̸͔̿m̵̱̌b̷̧̒l̴̤̿e̴̤͑d̶͚̂ ̴̫͐D̸̺͐å̸̜r̴̠͗k̵̦̿s̴̛̝.̴̤̍

(̸̥̜̼̥̎̈́̿B̸̠̼͙͎͆̈̿̋͛͠ͅơ̸̹̗̬̯̅͗͜s̴̥͔̐s̷̢̹̦͒̾͛̑͠͝)̶̹̤͛̃͌̒͋͂͜ ̸̧̻̩̐̑͑"̴͉̤̥͉͇̈́̊̀̅̚I̶̭͔͋̏̍ ̶̫̠̱̌͗̅̎̚ͅS̴̢̜̰̔̈́̈́̋E̶͈̟̓͑̓̕͘͠Ě̶̱̦̐͑͊ͅ ̶̱̀͋̈́͐Y̴̭̱͚̥̯̓̒̈́̕ͅO̶̧̘̼̻̗̝͋̋͂U̷͙̼̅͠!̴̙̕"̶̱̫̀͂̄̑̚͠

Timeskip due to Error


New York

Karito Pov

As the relentless march of time carried me forward, several months had elapsed since the cataclysmic events that befell New York. Throughout this period, I found myself engaged in the familiar exploits befitting the mantle of Spider-Man. Tasked with restoring order to the city, my focus honed in on dismantling the operations of petty criminals who sought to exploit the chaos amidst the ongoing reconstruction efforts.

Under the shroud of nightfall, a peculiar scene unfolded before my vigilant eyes. A car thief, no doubt enticed by the allure of a sleek black BMW, made brazen attempts to gain illicit access. Concealing my presence with the aid of my stealth ability, I silently observed as he persistently fumbled with the door, an image of desperation etched upon his face. Minutes seemed to stretch into an eternity, until at long last, the thief succeeded in breaching the vehicle's defenses.

Seizing the opportune moment, I seized control of the situation. Slipping into the backseat with the finesse of a shadow, I remained unnoticed, the thief blissfully unaware of my presence. As the thief relaxed, engrossed in his misguided endeavors to hotwire the stolen car, I chose this precise instant to relinquish my stealth mode. Deactivating the cloak that had concealed me, I revealed myself, relishing in anticipation of the forthcoming encounter.

With an air of anticipation, I prepared to engage in a thrilling confrontation. The thief, oblivious to my existence, unwittingly presented me with an opportunity for an exhilarating encounter. Ah, yes, this promised to be an immensely enjoyable experience.

(Spider-Man) "You know, in the future, if you're going to steal cars, don't dress like a car Thief, man"

(Car Thief) "OH FUCK! S-Spider-Man?!"

(Spider-Man) "Who else wears a black and red skin-tight suit? Please, don't say Power Rangers... You know you're-you're" Shoots a web on the thief's face and he starts to panic "You got a mind..." The thief opens the door but I quickly shoot a web line to the door and shut it " of a true scholar, sir." Keeps shooting webs at the man " I was going for more the "Theif opens the door but I yet again close it with my webs "Guys who do the luge." The thief starts opening the window "Good thinking, good thinking. Use the window, get out the window" Thief yeets himself out the window "There you go, you got it! Damn."

Once the thief got his act together and scrambled out of the car through the window, he looked around like a paranoid squirrel on a mission. His eyes darted left and right, searching for any clue of who or what was lurking inside. You could practically taste the unease radiating off him as he peered into the car, only to find it totally empty. That's when the panic started to set in, turning his frantic movements into a full-on desperate show. He was like a headless chicken, frantically scanning the area in a desperate attempt to unravel the mystery that had unfolded right before his eyes.

(Spider-Man) "CROTCH!"

I totally channeled my inner Rey Mysterio vibes and pulled off his famous move, the 619, like a pro. The thief had no idea what hit him as he went flying, landing hard on the unforgiving ground. I couldn't help but crack up with amusement as he stumbled back up, holding that shiny knife like it was gonna save him. Hilarious, right? I was having way too much fun to stop now. I decided to keep messing with the poor guy, just to savor the absurdity of it all.

(Car Thief) Pulls the knife out "JUST LET ME GO!"

(Spider-Man) "Is that a knife?" Starts to fall to his knees and starts to fake cry

(Car Thief) "Yes, it's a real knife!"


(Car Thief) Smirks "Just let me go."

(Spider-Man) "Small...LIKE YA DICK!" shoots the knife out of the thief's hand with a web shot that made the Thief's hand now stick to the wall behind him "Wow, see? It was that simple."


(Spider-Man) "Oh, just some webbing that I ordered from Amazon nothing that out of this world, you know?"

(Car Thief) "STOP FUCKING AROUND! LET ME G-" Spider-Man web shoots his other hand against the wall "HAA WHAT THE FUCK?!"

(Spider-Man) "Wait, one sec-one sec...Ha...ACHO!" Shoot another web at the Thief's dick. He continues to shoot more and more webs that the Thief couldn't move anymore and he starts laughing hysterically.


(Spider-Man) "It really is HAHAHA! Oh god, my asthma is gonna kick in." Calls the cops "Hey Jimmy, I got another car thief for you. I'm gonna send you the GPS location, now Tata ~." I make a mighty leap in the air and start web-swinging around until I reached my apartment.

Finally, back to my humble abode, the sweet haven I call home. Been lending a hand to Tony, dealing with some bad guys here and there. Gotta gear up for the impending Age of Ultron, but for now, what's on the agenda? Dungeon crawl, maybe? Nah, feeling too lazy at the moment. I'll save that decision for later when I've got more energy. First things first, a refreshing shower to wash away the day's grime. Post-shower, time to whip up something tasty to appease my growling stomach. Can't forget the important dental hygiene routine—brushing those pearly whites. With a satisfied belly and minty-fresh breath, I'm ready to surrender to the embrace of sleep. It was a pretty run-of-the-mill day, nothing too exciting. Just the kind of laid-back, uneventful day I needed.

Timeskip a few months...

No pov

On a tempestuous day in the heart of New York City, the heavens unleashed their fury with an orchestration of thunderous booms and torrents of rain cascading down the city streets. Amidst this atmospheric turbulence, a malevolent cackle pierced the air, resonating with sinister delight. High above, on the iconic Manhattan bridge, a support line succumbed to the elemental forces, hurtling downward with unrelenting force. Trapped beneath this unexpected calamity, our valiant hero, the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, found himself ensnared, his heroic endeavors momentarily stilled.

In a chilling display of triumph, Doctor Octopus reveled in the moment, his laughter echoing across the bridge. With a twisted smile etched upon his face, he clutched his ill-gotten prize.

(Doc Ock) "You have FAILED Spider-Man! The box is mine! New York will be powerless!"

Amidst the jubilant cries of victory escaping the lips of Doctor Octopus, a triumphant smile adorning his countenance as he gloated over his fallen adversary, an unforeseen twist of fate unraveled before him. Startled from his reverie, his triumphant demeanor shattered, as an unexpected presence materialized behind him, catching him unawares.

(???) "HEY, YOU!"

A rather young voice calls out.

(???) "Get every single one of your hands off of him!"

Doc Ock laughs at the young man standing before him.

(Doc Ock) Laughs "Who are you supposed to be?"

(???) "I'm SPIDER-BITE! And I wouldn't be laughing if I were you!"

(Doc Ock) Laughs hysterically "What is this kid? Eight?"

The narrow gaze of Spider-Bite sharpened with a steely resolve, his unwavering focus was undeterred by the barbs of insult hurled by Doc Ock. With seamless agility, he executed a graceful somersault, effortlessly soaring over Doc Ock's towering frame. Descending with unrivaled grace, he alighted upon the ground behind his foe. And then, with a swiftness born of instinct and precision, Spider-Bite launched a devastating right hook, a testament to his formidable combat prowess.

(Spider-Bite) "I'm nine...AND A HALF!"

The forceful assault launched by Spider-Bite propelled Doc Ock backward, his equilibrium disrupted as he staggered under the impact. Seizing the opportune moment, Spider-Bite swiftly closed the distance, his agile form intertwining with the menacing mechanical arms wielded by his adversary. With a deftness bordering on artistry, Spider-Bite skillfully manipulated the very appendages that were meant to aid Doc Ock, transforming them into instruments of his own relentless onslaught. Each swing of the mechanical arms reverberated through the air, delivering a barrage of punishing blows that relentlessly pounded the villain, testing the limits of his endurance.


Beneath Spider-Bite's mask, he smirks.

(Spider-Bite) "I could do this all day...But seriously you have so many hands to choose from."

As the battle raged on, Doc Ock's resistance intensified, a palpable determination etching his features as he grappled against the relentless onslaught brought forth by the tenacious young Spider-Bite. Realizing the need for reinforcement, he summoned forth his ally in crime, the winged menace known as Vulture. In a swift display of aerial prowess, Vulture swooped down upon the scene, seizing Doc Ock within his talons, deftly rescuing him from the clutches of Spider-Bite's assault.

With a calculated retreat, Vulture soared through the stormy skies, carrying his partner to safety amidst the razed subway tracks. As they disappeared into the darkness of the subway car, a malevolent grin formed upon Doc Ock's face, a sinister mirth gleaming in his eyes. In that fleeting moment, he reveled in the temporary respite, casting a chilling gaze back at our valiant heroes, a silent reminder that their battle had only just begun.

(Doc Ock) "We still got what we came for! The Box is ours!"

Spider-Man finally wakes up from his snooze fest and, lo and behold, he catches sight of the villains making their great escape on public transportation. Talk about an unexpected plot twist! That's definitely a first in his crime-fighting career. Spider-Man couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all, appreciating the villains' unconventional getaway choice. It was like watching a sitcom episode unfold right in front of his eyes. Man, he never knew being a superhero could come with such entertaining surprises.

(Spider-Man) "That's...uh...unexpected? Very few nefarious supervillains' schemes end up relying on public transportation.

Trapped beneath the weight of the fallen debris, Spider-Man valiantly endeavored to exert his strength, striving to raise the cumbersome pieces of the bridge that pinned him down. However, despite his unwavering determination, his efforts proved futile, yielding no tangible progress. The formidable burden resisted his every attempt, unyielding to his superhuman strength. Despite his unwavering resolve, the weight of the situation seemed insurmountable, leaving him momentarily suspended in a state of impotence beneath the unrelenting mass.

(Spider-Man) "Okay...This is a bit much for me, uh need some help here!"

With unwavering resolve and unwavering loyalty, Spider-Bite, the steadfast sidekick, swiftly rushed to Spider-Man's aid. Without a moment's hesitation, he positioned himself alongside the fallen hero, sharing the weighty burden that pinned him beneath the fragmented remnants of the bridge. A display of formidable teamwork ensued as they synchronized their efforts, summoning every ounce of strength and fortitude within them. This time, their combined determination prevailed, as the pieces of the bridge were slowly but surely lifted, freeing Spider-Man from his confining predicament.

(Spider-Bite) "I did it!"

(Spider-Man) "I told you. You are stronger than you think! All of us are."

Sealing their successful collaboration with a resonant fist-bump, the dynamic duo wasted no time in swinging away, propelled through the cityscape by the indomitable force of their web-slinging prowess. Their mission was far from complete, for they now found themselves in pursuit of a fleeting train, their destination awaiting with urgency.

Navigating with practiced ease, Spider-Man and his loyal ally seamlessly traversed through the train cars, effortlessly moving among the bustling passengers. Yet, in one particular car, a brief pause punctuated their relentless momentum. Spider-Man turned his head, fixating his gaze upon his trusted comrade.

(Spider-Man) "Do ever plan on telling me what's on that box?"

(Spider-Bite) "The villains have the heart of the city! We need to recover it fast before-"

The conversation between the heroes, though promising, was abruptly halted as their heightened spider senses pulsated with an alarming intensity. A captivating presence within the train car caught their attention, a woman of undeniable allure whose laughter permeated the air. In a shocking twist, the facade was dramatically shattered as she tore away their carefully crafted disguise, revealing herself to be none other than Kraven The Hunter.

A display of raw power ensued as Kraven, driven by a savage determination, effortlessly obliterated a nearby bench, showcasing her formidable strength. However, it became clear that her menacing presence alone did not account for the alarming spike in their spider senses. Swiftly turning their gaze, the heroes beheld a nightmarish tableau unfolding behind them, as the remaining villains unveiled themselves from the shadows, each exuding a malevolent aura that sent shivers down their spines. The confrontation had escalated, and the stakes heightened, as their adversaries emerged, poised to challenge the heroes with their nefarious intent.

(Spider-Man) "Clever idea Black-cat. Your idea for this ambush with these other three?"

Spider-Bite regarded Spider-Man with an arched eyebrow, a tinge of perplexity etching his features as he observed the seemingly enigmatic interaction between his partner and the enigmatic white-haired woman. A silent exchange of questioning glances ensued, conveying an unspoken curiosity and confusion. In that fleeting moment, uncertainty lingered in the air, as Spider-Bite sought to unravel the significance behind Spider-Man's interaction with this enigmatic cat-like figure. The atmosphere brimmed with intrigue, leaving Spider-Bite's mind awash with a myriad of unanswered questions, eager for elucidation.

(Spider-Man) "Don't worry you are a bit young to know what I'm talking about."

(Spider-Bite) "Huh?"

With an air of disregard, the two arachnid-themed heroes brushed off any further engagement with Spider-Man, their attention swiftly redirected toward the impending clash with the remaining villains. As the train car reached its destination, Grand Central Station, a crescendo of chaos erupted. The explosive force of the door being violently blown open marked the commencement of a perilous chase, the heroes in relentless pursuit of their elusive adversaries.

In a treacherous turn of events, their relentless pursuit led them unwittingly into a carefully laid trap. The once-scattered villains had converged, lying in wait to ensnare their vigilant adversaries. Standing resolute, the two heroes found themselves confronted by a formidable assembly, led by the menacing figure of Green Goblin, who hovered ominously upon his glider. The Sinister Six loomed menacingly in the background, their presence casting a palpable aura of malevolence.

Green Goblin, exuding an air of command, directed Mysterio to dissolve the illusion that veiled their surroundings, compelling the nefarious deception to dissipate. As the veil was lifted, a sinister tableau was unveiled before the heroes, a chamber brimming with the combined might of their adversaries.

(Green Goblin) "No more Sinister Six. I present The SINISTER SIXTY!"

The expansive chamber stood awash with an imposing assembly of Spider-Man's notorious adversaries, their collective gaze fixated upon the audacious duo that dared challenge their malevolent dominion. Unfazed by the overwhelming odds, our indomitable Spider-Men sprang into action, each carving their own path within the chaotic fray. With agile acrobatics and lightning-fast strikes, they unleashed a flurry of blows, employing every tool and technique at their disposal to dismantle the ranks of their formidable foes.

Kraven, once a formidable hunter, swiftly succumbed to the explosive might of a deftly thrown pumpkin bomb, courtesy of our valiant heroes. Spider-Bite's swift kick dispatched Mysterio, leaving the master of illusion sprawled unconscious on the unforgiving floor. Meanwhile, Spider-Man harnessed the electrifying power of his venom-infused punch to incapacitate the formidable Rhino, rendering him incapacitated and helpless.

One by one, the villains succumbed to the unwavering resolve and unparalleled skill of the friendly neighborhood heroes. Doc Ock, Boomerang, Shocker, Scorpion, Tombstone, Sandman—each proved to be no match for the relentless prowess of the Spider-Men. With each fallen foe, the dust of defeat settled, painting a portrait of triumph for the courageous heroes who had defied insurmountable odds.

As the haze of battle gradually dissipated, only the Green Goblin remained, the lone vestige of villainous resistance. With a resolute clench of their fists, the Spider-Men closed in, their determination palpable. A double punch delivered with a resounding force sent the Green Goblin crashing to the ground, his defiance vanquished in the face of unwavering justice.

Drawing the defeated Green Goblin closer, Spider-Man sought answers, his voice filled with an unwavering resolve as he questioned the malevolent mastermind on the intricate web of deceit and villainy that had been woven.

(Green Goblin) "M-Me? I'm not the mastermind behind this!" Smiles

Spider-Man turns to his sidekick.

(Spider-Bite) "Then if not the Goblin, then who?"

(???) "Up here."

A voice calls them from above and it is revealed to be Stilt-Man who was towering over them.

(Spider-Man) "Stilt-Man?!" This was put together...by Stilt-Man...?" Disbelief

(Spider-Bite) "I wouldn't underestimate Stilt-Man"

(Spider-Man) Scoffs "Pleeaaseee, he has the proportional power of a man on a really tall ladder!"

Amidst a cacophony of shattering glass and a resonant crash, the towering figure of Stilt-Man burst through the majestic window of Grand Central Station, launching himself into the bustling cityscape beyond. In a seamless display of coordination, our valiant heroes swung into action, their nimble forms gracefully traversing the urban expanse in hot pursuit of the formidable foe.

With practiced precision, the two heroes rapidly closed the distance, their webs artfully encircling Stilt-Man's elongated legs, ensnaring him in a web of entrapment. The towering menace faltered, his lofty stature betrayed by the sheer force of the heroes' collective effort, ultimately succumbing to the earth with a resounding thud.

Seizing the opportunity, Spider-Bite swiftly retrieved the fallen Box, a tangible symbol of victory in their tireless pursuit of justice. The duo of heroes, weary yet resolute, sought refuge upon the nearby rooftop of a towering edifice. There, amidst the skyline that stretched into the horizon, they momentarily found respite.

(Spider-Man) "I can't believe it came down to Stilt-Man!" Laughs

(Spider-Bite) "Why not? The way you described him made him sound like one of your greatest foes."

(Spider-Man) "You think like that because I mentioned that he was reaaalllllyyy tall."

(Spider-Bite) "...Maybe." Spider-Man sits down right beside his sidekick

(Spider-Man) "You're not a half, you'll grow."

A profound shift in the atmosphere enveloped Spider-Bite, imbuing the air with an ineffable sense of melancholy that resonated deeply within the young hero's soul. With a heavy heart, Spider-Bite cast his gaze downward, his eyes tracing the intricate patterns etched upon the ground, burdened by an unspoken weight that seemed to tug at his very being. In this poignant moment of introspection, he mustered the strength to voice the depths of his emotions, his voice laden with a tender vulnerability as he spoke, revealing a fragment of the sorrow that weighed upon him.

(Spider-Bite) "I...I hope so..."

With a gentle yet purposeful motion, the resolute sidekick carefully untied the intricately sealed box, its contents shrouded in a veil of anticipation. As the lid lifted, a moment of profound revelation ensued, illuminating the true nature of the coveted object that had stirred such relentless pursuit among their adversaries.

Emanating from the unveiled box was none other than an immaculate Spider-Man action figure, meticulously crafted with intricate detail and an unmistakable likeness to their esteemed hero. The sidekick extended the miniature embodiment of Spider-Man's heroic spirit to his trusted companion, a symbolic gesture laden with unspoken significance.

In this seemingly simple exchange, the true essence of their shared journey and unwavering dedication was encapsulated. The action figure, a tangible representation of their unwavering commitment to justice, passed from hand to hand, bridging the divide between mentor and protégé. It served as a reminder of the profound impact they had made in the fight against evil, embodying the ideals and courage that defined their noble cause.

(Spider-Bite) "Do you have this one?"

(Spider-Man) Laughs "Yeah, I got a few of my own stuff in my secret bench....but don't tell anyone though."

As their lighthearted banter continued, an endearing pause settled between the two heroes. Spider-Bite's playful demeanor was momentarily replaced by a fit of coughing, prompting Spider-Man's concern to take hold. In a tender gesture of compassion and reassurance, Spider-Man urged his young companion to remove his mask, inviting a moment of respite and vulnerability.

With a gentle nod and a grateful smile, Spider-Bite complied, peeling away the mask that concealed his youthful face. The shared victory they had achieved, saving the entire city from imminent peril, served as a poignant reminder of their collective strength and unwavering dedication. In this intimate act of unmasking, the bond between mentor and protégé deepened, as Spider-Man affirmed the young hero's pivotal role in their triumphant quest.

(Spider-Man) "...I think that's enough adventure."

(Spider-Bite) "Aww..."

In a sudden shift of perception, the boundaries of reality expanded, revealing that the events that had unfolded were mere figments of the imagination. Like a veil lifted from the mind's eye, the scene transformed, transporting us to the realm of the tangible, the world of concrete existence.

What had seemed so vivid, so tangible, now faded into the recesses of thought, leaving only the remnants of a whimsical daydream. The heroic exploits and heartfelt camaraderie, once so palpable, now became ethereal wisps of imagination, dispersed by the stark realization of the actual world surrounding us.

Spider-Bite's gaze swept across the hospital room, taking in the poignant scene that unfolded before their eyes. Within the confines of this sacred space, a young boy named Nathan, grappling with the weight of a cancer diagnosis, embodied the spirit of resilience and hope. Deeply touched by the unwavering passion and adoration he held for the iconic web-slinger, Nathan's greatest desire was to become Spider-Man's loyal sidekick.

Moved by this fervent wish, Spider-Man, through the auspices of Tony Stark's benevolence, had been summoned to the hospital to fulfill Nathan's heartfelt dream. In this tender moment, the boundaries between reality and imagination melded seamlessly as Spider-Man and Nathan embarked on a shared journey of heroic fantasy.

The hospital room, adorned with an air of playful camaraderie, buzzed with energy as Nathan's family and compassionate nurses transformed into allies in their imaginative crusade. Together, they conjured a vibrant world brimming with fictional adversaries, culminating in the formidable "Sinister Sixty" - a legion of adversaries expertly crafted from Spider-Man's iconic rogues' gallery. Their makeshift costumes and improvised props brought the fantasy to life, weaving a tapestry of collective imagination and enchantment.

As the climactic battle unfolded, Spider-Man, agile and fearless, leaped into action. With a burst of superheroic strength, he lifted Nathan off the lockers, tenderly handing him over to his own father, who had assumed the role of Stilt-Man. This poignant gesture symbolized the unity and unwavering support that enveloped Nathan, a testament to the power of familial love and the indomitable spirit that thrived within his courageous heart.

(Nathan) "You were a great Stilt-Man, Dad."

A gentle smile graced the lips of Nathan's father, a silent testament to the joy that had permeated the room. As the imaginative battle against the formidable "Sinister Sixty" drew to a close, the dedicated nurses swiftly moved about, tidying the space with care and diligence. Amidst the bustling activity, Nathan's parents gently guided him back to the comfort of his hospital bed, their tender gestures echoing an unwavering devotion.

Nathan, adorned with a radiant smile that eclipsed the lingering traces of any continuity errors, sat perched on the edge of his bed. The exhilaration of his heroic escapade coursed through his veins, an indelible memory etched upon his heart. Despite his enthusiasm, the weariness inherent to his condition was not to be ignored. Aware of the toll that such grand adventures could exact on a young hero, Nathan's mother cast a loving glance toward Spider-Man, seeking his guidance.

(Spider-Man) "She's definitely right, saving the city is very tiring."

(Nathan) Tantrum "BUT I DON'T WANNA GO TO BED!"

Amidst the tender silence that enveloped the room, the gaze of Nathan's parents and Spider-Man converged upon the apologetic young hero. Nathan, acutely aware of the exuberance that had spilled forth, sought solace in a sincere expression of remorse. His contrition echoed through the hallowed space, underscoring his tender heart and unwavering desire to preserve the sanctity of the moment.

With a gentle inclination, Spider-Man leaned in closer, bridging the gap between hero and child. In that intimate proximity, a palpable connection thrived, transcending words and reverberating with empathy. Within the depths of his masked visage, Spider-Man's unwavering gaze conveyed understanding, compassion, and an unwavering acceptance of the imperfections that comprise the human experience.

(Spider-Man) "Nathan, you didn't ruin anything. I had fun, it was the most amazing day I have ever had in my life! Also the greatest team-ups ever!"

(Nathan's Mother) "Umm...Spider-Man, can we speak to you?"

(Spider-Man) "Oh, yeah of course."

In the hallowed hallways of the hospital, Nathan's parents, their faces etched with concern and contrition, extended heartfelt apologies for their son's momentary outburst. Spider-Man, a paragon of compassion and understanding, stood poised before them, emanating an aura of reassurance and grace.

(Spider-Man) "No one wants to go to sleep when they're are having fun."

(Nathan's father) "It's...It's not that...he's worried that he won't ever wake up." Both parents look down in sadness

As Spider-Man's gaze turned towards the young boy who stood near the window, a subtle shift in the hero's countenance manifested. Through the translucent glass, he witnessed a poignant scene unfold - the child, immersed in innocent play, donning his cherished Spider-Man mask with an unwavering sense of wonder and joy.

In that fleeting moment of observation, Spider-Man's heart swelled with a profound sense of connection. The weight of his responsibilities as a guardian of hope intertwined with the undeniable bond shared between hero and admirer. It was in this shared appreciation for the enduring spirit of resilience that Spider-Man found solace and inspiration.

Turning his attention back to Nathan's parents, Spider-Man's voice, gentle yet infused with a deep sense of inquiry, gently broke the silence.

(Spider-Man) "Does he have a coat? Or something warm?"

As the parents exchanged a glance infused with a mixture of curiosity and acquiescence, their countenances a tapestry of emotions, a collective nod conveyed their willingness to embark upon this newfound path of understanding. Spider-Man, a beacon of compassion and guidance, gracefully retreated into the room, his steps resolute and measured.

Approaching Nathan's bedside, where the young boy sat, his eyes shimmering with a lingering sense of remorse, Spider-Man's presence exuded a sense of serene reassurance. In the tender space between hero and child, a dance of vulnerability and resilience unfolded, punctuated by the boy's repeated apologies, each uttered with a fervent sincerity.

(Spider-Man) "Hey, do you wanna be Spider-Man for a day?"

Once those words escaped from Spider-Man's mouth the boy smiled.

(Spider-Man) "Awesome, 'cause your day is not over yet!"

Small time skip...

As they soared above the sprawling cityscape, the tender embrace between Spider-Man and Nathan remained unwavering, their hearts beating in unison. With every exhilarating swing and graceful arc, a chorus of pure joy and awe reverberated through the air.

Nathan's beaming smile illuminated the world around them, casting away shadows of doubt and filling the spaces between buildings with radiant light. The innocence and wonder etched upon his face mirrored the boundless capacity of a young heart to embrace the magic of the moment.

In this suspended dance above the rooftops, time seemed to stand still, allowing the duo to bask in the ethereal beauty of their shared adventure. With each breath of wind that caressed their cheeks and every panoramic vista that unfolded beneath their feet, a sense of serenity enveloped their souls.

As they glided effortlessly through the azure expanse, the city below became a tapestry of vibrant life, its bustling streets transformed into a tableau of interconnected dreams. With each passing landmark, Spider-Man and Nathan wove threads of compassion and courage, their bond growing stronger with each beat of their intertwined hearts.

Within the tender cradle of Spider-Man's protective embrace, Nathan found solace and respite from the weight of his challenges. As they glided harmoniously through the skies, he experienced a profound sense of freedom, liberated from the confines of his illness and immersed in a realm where dreams knew no boundaries.

And so, in this enchanted journey through the heavens, their hearts intertwined like celestial constellations, Spider-Man and Nathan embodied the transformative power of love, compassion, and unwavering support. Amidst the vast expanse of the world below, they etched their story upon the stars, leaving a trail of hope and inspiration for all who looked up and dared to dream.

Somewhere else near...

The figure's gaze fixated upon Spider-Man and the child, their eyes filled with a chilling delight. A sinister smile played upon their lips, relishing in the innocent joy before them.

(???) "<b>Ohhh, Spider-Man. You have no idea whats gonna happen next...I WILL BREAK YOU!</b> I̴̼͉̙͚̎̌ ̶̡̞͋Ẉ̷͕̽͛̈́͠Ǐ̶̺̯̋͑̄L̸̤̭̟̱̽̊̄Ĺ̴̞ ̵̱̱̽̍̋̓Ḳ̴̣̒I̷̭̥͓͝͝L̴̬̫̾̄̓̾L̴̝͍̯̳͊̂ ̵̡̗̥͇́̑̐Y̸̥̰̾͐̕Ő̸̰̰̜͊̄̑Ȗ̷̻̈́̈́.̴͓̊ ̴̺̋Ị̶͈͇͔͂͐̑̕ ̵͚͙͕̒͘͝W̷͙͔̥̆I̵̻̒͜͝L̵͔̓̀̈́̋Ļ̴̖̥̮̿̑͘̕ ̴̗̜̬̀M̶͚̟͖̊À̵̖̬͝K̴̦̩̣̺̃̊̓̂Ȅ̸͕̌̓̏ ̷̥̓͛̕Y̷͍͒Ŏ̸̜͔̌͝ͅU̶͓̽͑ ̴̛̦̤̩̞͊͝Š̶͚̀Ȗ̷͙̖̦F̷̗̼͕̏̃͊̕F̵̙̃E̸̠͌̓̅͘R̵̬̳͂̉̋̅.̶͚͚̅ ̷̖̝̽̐Ĩ̴̢͖̻̅́͆ ̶̧̨̬̝͛̈́̂̓Ŵ̸̺̗I̴̘͑̍͐L̷̜͊̏̎L̸͖̰̳͍͌̀͌͗ ̴̑͛͌̕ͅK̶̹̬̳̀I̷͕͘L̶͚̦̺͒͌͗͝L̵̻̠̦̳̂̑ ̷̧͔͇̯͗̉E̶̫̺̜̔V̵̛͇̒͌È̶̻̙̖̂͆Ř̸̡̢́ͅY̷͖̫̊̍͒O̵̍͊̅ͅN̵̞̤̓E̶̖̖͙͎͋͌͋ ̸̻̯̻͎̃Y̶͉̠͗̌ͅỌ̵̢͚͊̋Ụ̸̿͜ ̷̝̻̀͘K̶̡͕̦̟̅̔̽Ń̵̞̫̗͐͠Ǫ̴͍̜͆͋̇͛W̸̝̹͓̓!"

With an air of composed determination, the figure straightened their posture and began to make their way towards an undisclosed destination. The elegant extension of their wings bespoke a sense of hidden power and concealed intentions. A subtle smile graced their lips, hinting at the enigmatic secrets they held within.

(???) "<b>Guess spending too much time in the Dark multiverse has dulled my sense of sanity. But that doesn't matter, I'll do what I did to those other Guardian Spider-Men...I'll eat them...HAHAHAHAHAHA!</b>"

To be Continued...