
The Guardian Of The Multiverse

In the real world, there lived a young adult with a simple life. Until one fateful night, a small meteor barely noticeable landed near his home, then his entire life completely changed. He once fantasized about being a superhero but who would have thought that his dream would come true? Follow the story of the once called Adriel now Karito in his new adventure of being the multiverse's sole protector. He will fall, he will stand. But will he be up to the task of saving everything in reality? Let a new story unfold...

ElectricWrites · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
89 Chs

New World, New Adventure! Part 1

(Marvel, DC, images, manhuas, and every anime that will be mentioned and used in this story are not mine. They all belong to their respective owners. The main character "Karito Josue Valdez" and the story are mine)

Karito Pov

I open the mission details in my inventory, my nerves on edge. The world I'm about to be sent to for this test is Cyberpunk: EdgeRunners. I know that the show is set in the same universe as the game, but I've never played it or seen the show. It must have come out after I entered the world of fiction in early 2022.

I was also told that Kara, my guide in this world, won't be able to interact much with me due to the powerful influence of the Darkness in that world. Remembering how Cyberpunk 2077 is, I know that it's a dark and chaotic place. I shouldn't have any problems dealing with the citizens or threats there, as I'm too powerful for them. The only concern is how much control the Darkness has in that world, and if they also have a criminal organization. If the difficulty level is set to Master, then there must be more than one group, I assume. If I'm wrong, then that's good, fewer problems for me. I make a mental note to ask Kara for as much information as possible before I actually start this.

Hey, Kara. Is there anything I need to worry about in this world?

In the world of Cyberpunk, there are several major organizations that hold significant power and influence. These include:

The Corporations: The Corporations are large, multinational companies that control the majority of the world's resources and technology. They have their own private armies and engage in corporate espionage and power struggles to gain an edge over their rivals.

The Arasaka Corporation: Arasaka is one of the most powerful corporations in the world, known for its military and security divisions. They have a reputation for being ruthless and will stop at nothing to protect their interests.

The Maelstrom: The Maelstrom is a street gang that operates in the Night City area. They are known for their cybernetic enhancements and their involvement in the black market for cyberware.

The Valentinos: The Valentinos are a Latino gang that operates in the Night City area. They are known for their colorful clothing and their involvement in the drug trade.

The Animals: The Animals are a street gang that operates in the Night City area. They are known for their brutal tactics and their involvement in the illegal arms trade.

The Wraiths: The Wraiths are a street gang that operates in the Night City area. They are known for their stealth and hacking abilities, and are often hired as mercenaries.

The Tyger Claws: The Tyger Claws are a street gang that operates in the Night City area. They are known for their martial arts skills and their involvement in the illegal fight clubs.

The Voodoo Boys: The Voodoo Boys are a street gang that operates in the Night City area. They are known for their interest in cyberpunk and their involvement in the black market for cyberware.

The NetWatch: NetWatch is a government-controlled organization that is responsible for monitoring and regulating the net. They have the power to shut down any part of the net they deem to be a threat to the public.

The Military: The Military is a powerful force in the world of Cyberpunk, with a presence in nearly every country. They are often used to quell civil unrest and protect the interests of the Corporations.

These are just a few examples of the organizations that exist in the world of Cyberpunk. There are many more groups and factions, each with their own unique agendas and methods of operation.

Great... That's some annoying world-building for this damn anime. With that many organizations, I'm going to have to be like a chameleon, blending in with my surroundings so I don't get captured. I mean, I'm sure I'll stick out like a sore thumb, but at least I'll be a sore thumb that's hard to catch!

Anyways, I hope the process of my entering this world is at least more friendly, right?

"Indeed Player. For this mission, you'll be reincarnated as the older brother of the protagonist, David Martinez."

Wait a minute... I'm gonna be born again? Like, I'm gonna have to go through all that baby stuff again? Diapers and feeding and crying? Ugh...

"Yes, that's the process."

Well, damn. I guess it's better than being reincarnated as a bug or something. But still, I'm not looking forward to the whole baby thing.

"It'll be a hassle indeed, Player. But you'll be seen as a genius baby."

I don't want that kind of attention. That'll be very annoying, especially in this world.

"Then you can just remain low profile until your Spider-Man debut."

I'm going to be attacked by so many people...

"Let's hope that won't be the case."

It will be the case. No pun intended but this is a "Cyberpunk" world. People are gonna rave about the things I can do. They will question my strength with mechanical enhancements and everything else will be a mystery on how I was even able to or who was able to get me to do the things I'm able to do. The world of Lycoris Recoil was a lot friendlier and more accepting because DA used me for cover 100% of the time. But here? Shit, it's like a pack of scientists can't wait to dissect me.

"I'm surprised by how aware you are of this, but you are right. We don't know how the public will receive you but we are certain that you aren't going to be accepted quickly due to the nature of this world."

Now, that we agree about the problems of my debut and the problems I'll face. One of these organizations is obviously harboring darks. Like for instance the most influential ones for example.

"I have a suspicion that it will either be Martin Lee aka Mister Negative or Norman Osborn Aka The Green Goblin. Obviously, these won't be their original version that we know but a variant of them, which variant? Well, the ones who are just as powerful as a Guardian who's reached, Prestige Master."

Ugh... I was already damn powerful in Prestige 8 and 9. Now that I'm 100 times more powerful I'm like what? Multi-Contiental level?

"Due to your endless potential, you grow incredibly fast. When starting you were already city level. And you continued to slowly raise in power until you reached Multi-Continental levels of power. You're just going to continue growing from here on out."

...And you're telling me that if either Martin Lee or Norman Osborn is here... I'm going to be facing variants that are also Multi-Continental...?


Well, fuck me. This is going to be a pain in the ass. Anyways, what are going to be my living conditions in this world?

"Okay, Karito. So, as we discussed, you'll be reincarnated as the older brother of the protagonist, David Martinez."

And I'll be living with Gloria Martinez, David's mother?

"Yes, that's correct, Gloria Martinez is a single mother and she lives in a small apartment in the suburbs of the city."

What about my living conditions?

"Don't worry, it's a decent place. It's not luxurious, but it's comfortable and it's located in a safe neighborhood. You'll have your own room and you'll share common spaces with the rest of the family. The apartment has all the basic amenities, such as a kitchen, a bathroom, and a living room."

What about my daily routine?

"As the older brother, you'll be responsible for helping your mother and taking care of your younger brother, David. You'll be going to school and helping with household chores. Your mother works long hours as a nurse, so you'll need to take care of David after school and during the weekends. You'll also be expected to do well in school and to help out with household expenses when you're able to."

Got it, it sounds like a lot of responsibility, but I'm up for it.

"I know you are. And don't worry, you'll have the support of the family and the network we have in place to help you adjust to your new life."

I should prepare myself in case anything crazy happens during my stay there.

"That'll be wise."

Anyways, I think I'm ready.

"Are you sure? After you reincarnate you will be on your own most of the time. I'll barely be able to communicate with you and your chances of temporarily losing your powers like last time is also a big probability."

Trust me, I'm aware.

"Alright then."

I felt a strange sensation wash over me as if my body was being pulled and stretched in every direction. I heard a beeping noise, like a computer counting down, and felt a sudden jolt of energy coursing through my veins. When the beeping stopped and the energy faded, I found myself lying on a table in a sterile, white room. I was surrounded by blinking lights and humming machines.




No Pov

As soon as Karito was born, the medical staff sprang into action, checking his vitals and assessing his condition. The neonatal ward was bustling with activity, filled with cutting-edge medical equipment and the latest cybernetic enhancements. The nurses were adorned with advanced medical tech, their eyes replaced with augmented reality displays that monitored vital signs and other data.

One nurse, a woman with striking purple hair and cybernetic arms, picked up the infant and began to perform a series of tests, checking his eyesight, hearing, and movement. She moved with grace and efficiency, her augmented limbs allowing her to perform complex procedures with ease.

As she worked, she muttered to herself, making notes on a digital tablet. "Good muscle tone, excellent response time... no signs of neural degradation or cyber-psychosis." She smiled, satisfied with the results. "This one's a real gem, a perfect specimen for augmentations."

Another nurse, a man with a shaven head and cybernetic legs, approached and checked the infant's identification chip. "Good, he's registered. We'll send him over to the genetics lab for further testing, and then he'll be cleared for release to his family."

A few minutes later...

Karito found himself in a strange place, surrounded by bright lights and the sound of beeping machines. He was lying on a hospital bed and felt a familiar sensation of being reborn. As he opened his eyes, he realized that he was no longer the person he once was. He was now a newborn baby, with a new identity and a new life.

But despite his ironically same appearance, Karito still had all his memories from his past life. He was now Gloria Martinez's oldest son and later to be born older brother of David Martinez, reincarnated into this world of Cyberpunk: Edgerunners.

Karito began to take in his surroundings, observing the medical staff bustling around the room and the other newborn babies crying out in their cribs. It was a strange feeling, being able to understand everything around him but not being able to communicate or move like he used to.

He felt a sense of unease knowing that he was vulnerable in this world, but he also felt excited to start his new life and use his past experiences to make a difference. He was determined to make the most of this opportunity, even if it meant starting from scratch as a baby.

(Karito) Mentally "Oh my God, I'm a baby again."

Karito couldn't help but feel a deep sense of discomfort. He was used to his adult body and all the abilities that came with it. Now, he was unable to do anything on his own. He was entirely dependent on others for everything, from eating to moving around.

(Karito) Mentally "Kara? What happened? Where am I?"

There was no response, and Karito realized that Kara was not with him but was already offline. He was on his own in this new world.

He let out a sigh and closed his eyes, trying to calm himself down. He was a baby now, but he still had his memories and knowledge from his past life. He just needed to bide his time until he could use them again.

But the thought of being a helpless baby for who knows how long was unbearable. Karito felt like he was suffocating, trapped in this tiny body. He let out a cry, not just because he was hungry, but because he was overwhelmed by the situation.

"There, there, little one," a nurse cooed, picking him up and cradling him. "It's okay, you're in a hospital and we're taking care of you."

As Karito lay cradled in the nurse's arms, he couldn't help but feel a sense of discomfort about his new form. He opened his eyes, taking in the neon-lit surroundings of the hospital, and gazed up at the nurse who was holding him.

She was a tall, lithe woman with sharp, angular features that were accentuated by her sleek, cybernetic enhancements. Her skin was a pale, almost translucent shade, and her eyes were a piercing shade of blue that glimmered in the low light. A black choker with an intricate circuit pattern encircled her neck, and her black hair was pulled back into a tight, sleek ponytail.

Her uniform was a sleek, form-fitting bodysuit made of a dark, rubbery material, with intricate circuitry patterns running along the seams. On one of her arms was a cybernetic prosthetic, complete with its own built-in tools and weapons.

Despite her intimidating appearance, there was a look of gentle kindness on her face as she cradled Karito in her arms, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of safety and comfort under her watchful gaze.

(Karito) Mentally "Well, I guess this is fine..."

The delivery room was a sterile environment filled with the hum of machinery and the soft beep of monitors. The delivery team, dressed in sleek cybernetic suits, worked efficiently to bring the newborn baby into the world. One of the doctors carefully picked up the baby from the nurses' arms and brought him over to the waiting arms of his new mother, Gloria Martinez.

Gloria was awe-struck by the tiny bundle in her arms. She had never felt a love so strong and all-consuming before. The baby, whose second name would be Martinez like hers, looked up at her with wide, innocent eyes and she was struck by how familiar he seemed.

One of the doctors stepped forward and placed a small, sleek device on the baby's wrist.

(Doctor) "This is a monitoring device," He explained. "It will keep track of the baby's vital signs and alert us if anything is wrong."

(Gloria) She nodded, her eyes never leaving the baby's face "What do I need to do?" she asked, a hint of fear creeping into her voice.

(Doctor) "Just keep him warm and feed him," He replied with a small smile "You'll do just fine."

As the delivery team left the room, Gloria couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. This was a world of cybernetic enhancements and artificial intelligence, a far cry from the simple life she was used to. But she was determined to do everything in her power to protect and care for her new baby. And, as she looked down at his peaceful face, she knew that no matter what the future held, she was ready for it.

Karito Pov

As I was cradled in the arms of the nurse, I caught a glimpse of the woman who was to be my new mother, Gloria Martinez. Her hair was a fiery red, styled in a sleek bob that brushed her shoulders. Her eyes were a piercing blue, sharp and focused as she looked down at me with a mixture of wonder and exhaustion. She wore a simple white hospital gown, with wires and tubes attached to her arms, monitoring her vital signs.

Next to her stood a man, my new father, who was tall and broad-shouldered, with short black hair and a neatly trimmed beard. He had a look of pride and happiness on his face as he gazed down at me, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort in his presence. He was dressed in a smart black suit, his cybernetic enhancements visible through the thin material of his sleeves.

As I was placed in my mother's arms, I couldn't help but feel a strange mix of emotions. On one hand, I was happy to be in the embrace of someone who loved and cared for me. But on the other hand, I was still grappling with the reality of my new existence as a newborn in a completely unfamiliar world. Despite the confusion and discomfort, I couldn't help but feel grateful to be here, and I made a silent promise to myself to make the most of this new opportunity.

(Karito) Mentally "Huh... So she's my mother... and he's my father."

I look around and see a hanging calendar in the room, it pointed to the year 2055. So in other words, I have about 21 years until the events of the anime start. Great, that's... a lot of waiting. Sounds annoying but I'll have to bare with it.

I can still use the normal functions of my system but my informant, Kara is totally MIA. So I only have information that she prepared for me beforehand. I have to check them out when I can, right now there isn't much I can do besides read this but I want to observe my surroundings until I reach my new home, wherever that is.

As my parents prepare to leave the hospital and take me home, I take in my surroundings with a newfound clarity. The world around me is a vibrant mix of advanced technology and urban decay. Holographic advertisements flash above the street, trying to catch the attention of the bustling crowds below. People hurry by, all dressed in a range of eclectic styles, from flashy cyberpunk fashion to sleek corporate attire.

I am being cradled in the arms of my mother, Gloria Martinez, as she exits the hospital in Santo Domingo. She is smiling down at me, tears of joy in her eyes, and my father is walking by her side, a look of pride on his face.

We leave the hospital and make our way through the busy streets of Santo Domingo. The district is a mixture of towering skyscrapers and sprawling slums, and the air is thick with the sounds of car engines and the chatter of the people around us. As we make our way down the crowded streets, I can see the poverty that surrounds us. The buildings are tall and gray, and the streets are littered with trash. People are huddled together in doorways, trying to stay warm from the cold night air. But despite the harsh surroundings, there is a sense of community here, a tight-knit group of people who look out for each other. My parents navigate the crowded streets with ease, holding me close as we make our way toward our new home in Megabuilding H4.

As we approach the building, I see that it is enormous, rising up toward the sky like a beacon of hope. We eventually reach Megabuilding H4, our new home. It's a towering structure, reaching high into the sky. As we enter the building, I am struck by the contrast between the chaos of the streets outside and the relative quiet and cleanliness of the interior. We make our way up to our apartment, and my mother carefully places me in my crib.

(Karito) Mentally "I expected worse but this is relatively fine."

Environmental Adaptability has been activated.

(Karito) "Well, I can rest assured that I will never get sick in my life. Pluss it's not like I've been sick before anyways. Alright, let's see what this life will offer me."




Year 1

No Pov

It was a typical day in the Martinez household. Gloria, the loving mother, was in the kitchen cooking up a storm for breakfast, while Hector, the proud father, was in the living room cleaning his weapons. 1-year-old Karito was playing quietly on the floor with his toys, his bright blue eyes taking in everything around him with a curious gleam.

Suddenly, Hector noticed that Karito had gotten up and was now intently watching him clean his weapons.

(Hector) "Hey little man, what are you doing?" Hector asked with a chuckle. Karito simply looked up at him and reached out his tiny hand, gesturing for one of the weapons.

Hector raised an eyebrow in surprise, but decided to hand the weapon over anyway. To his utter shock, Karito began cleaning the weapon with expert precision, his tiny hands working in tandem to dismantle and reassemble the firearm.

(Hector) "Wow, Karito," He said, completely taken aback "Where did you learn how to do that?"

Karito simply smiled and shrugged, returning the weapon to Hector in perfect condition. Hector looked down at the weapon in disbelief and then back up at Karito with a mixture of amazement and pride.

Gloria came in from the kitchen and caught the tail end of what was happening. She gasped in surprise and ran over to see for herself.

(Gloria) "Oh my goodness, Karito! You're just a baby! How are you doing that?" she asked in amazement.

Karito simply beamed at his parents, his bright blue eyes sparkling with delight. It was clear that he was a special child, with abilities far beyond what one would expect from a normal 1-year-old.

Over the next few weeks, Karito continued to amaze his parents with his incredible intellect. He could read complex books, watch TV and understand what was being said, tell his mother how to cook specific meals, and complete mathematical equations with ease. It was as if he was a genius trapped in a baby's body.

Gloria and Hector were amazed and proud of their little son, but they also knew that they would have to keep a close eye on him as he grew older. With abilities like these, it was clear that Karito was destined for greatness. And they were determined to make sure he would get there.




Year 2

It was a warm summer evening in 2057, and the night city was alive with the buzz of neon lights and the sounds of street vendors selling their wares. Gloria Martinez and her two-year-old son, Karito, were out exploring the city with Karito's father. They walked through the crowded streets, taking in the sights and sounds of the bustling metropolis.

As they walked, Karito's analytical mind was hard at work, observing and processing everything he saw.

Karito was fascinated by the technology that surrounded him. The towering skyscrapers, the flashing neon lights, and the advanced robotics were all new and exciting to him. He was particularly interested in the holographic advertisements that lined the streets. Each one was more mesmerizing than the last, and Karito couldn't help but ask his mother and father questions about them.

As they explored, they came across a street vendor selling a variety of mechanical toys. Karito's eyes lit up at the sight of them, and he begged his parents to buy him one. After some gentle persuasion, they relented, and Karito was overjoyed as he was handed a small, functioning robot. He spent the rest of the evening playing with his new toy and learning about its functions and capabilities.

Eventually, the family made their way back to their apartment in the heart of the city. As they settled in for the night, Karito sat in his room, surrounded by his toys and his books, his mind still racing with all the new information he had taken in during their adventure. Despite his young age, he was already well on his way to becoming one of the most intelligent and insightful individuals in the city.

And so, as the night city buzzed and hummed outside, Karito drifted off to sleep, dreaming of all the exciting things he would learn and experience in the future.




Year 3

It was 2058 and Karito was starting pre-kindergarten in Santo Domingo, one of the largest districts in the sprawling city of Night City. He was only 3 years old, but already had the experience of a much older person due to his previous life as a reincarnated soul. Despite this, he never revealed his secret to anyone, not even his classmates.

Karito was one of the youngest in his class, but he was not intimidated by the other children who were slightly older than him. He was smart and confident, and soon he made friends with the other children in his class. They played together, learned together, and laughed together.

In the meantime, Karito's mother, Gloria Martinez, was taking care of her newborn son, David. She was still recovering from the difficult birth and was grateful for the help of her family and friends.

However, she was also worried about her husband, Hector Martinez. He had disappeared after a mission in the Corporate War and despite her best efforts, she had not heard any news of him. She hoped that he was okay, but deep down, she feared the worst.

One day, Karito came home from school with a smile on his face.

(Karito) "Mommy, I made a new friend today! His name is Juan and he's so cool! We played together and he taught me a new game." Gloria was happy to see her son so happy and she hugged him tightly

(Gloria) "That's great, Karito," she said "I'm so proud of you."

(Karito) He smiled, but then he noticed that his mother was crying "Mommy, what's wrong?" he asked, concerned

(Gloria) She wiped away her tears and smiled at her son "Nothing, my love. I'm just a little sad because your father is still away."

(Karito) He looked up at his mother with a determined look on his face "Don't worry, Mommy. He'll come back. He's a hero, remember?"

(Gloria) She smiled and hugged her son tightly "Yes, he is. And you're a hero too, Karito. My little hero."

With that, Karito continued his pre-kindergarten journey, making new friends and exploring the world around him. Despite the worries and fears of his family, he remained optimistic and hopeful, knowing that one day, his father would come back and everything would be okay.




Year 4

Gloria Martinez sat in the living room of her small apartment, surrounded by the remnants of her husband's life. She was holding her one-year-old son David, who was peacefully sleeping in her arms, while her four-year-old son Karito was playing in the corner. Gloria gazed at the photo of her husband, Hector, on the wall. He was a veteran of the Corporate War, and had died during one of the battles just a year ago, in 2059.

As she sat there, lost in thought, she noticed Karito playing with his toys, lost in concentration. She was always amazed by her son's wisdom and insight, especially considering his young age. He seemed to have an old soul and a deep understanding of the world around him.

Gloria's thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. She got up, still holding David, and went to answer it. When she opened the door, she saw a group of men in dark suits and sunglasses. They identified themselves as agents from Arasaka, one of the megacorporations that ruled Night City.

Gloria's heart sank. Arasaka was not known for bringing good news. She invited them in and they sat down in the living room, facing her. They told her that they had been conducting an investigation into Hector's death, and they had reason to believe that he had not died during the war, but had been assassinated by a rival corporation.

Gloria felt the blood drain from her face as she listened to their words. She looked over at Karito, who was still playing in the corner, seemingly unaware of the conversation taking place. She felt a pang of fear in her chest. What would happen to her and her children if the truth about Hector's death was revealed? What would the megacorporations do to protect their interests?

She thanked the agents for the information and promised to think about what to do next. As soon as they left, she sat down on the couch, feeling overwhelmed. Karito noticed her distress and walked over to her.

(Karito) "Mama, what's wrong?" He asked softly, looking up at her with big, concerned eyes.

(Gloria) She sniffled and wiped away her tears. "I'm just thinking about Daddy," she said. "I miss him so much."

(Karito) He nodded sympathetically "I miss him too, Mama. But we have each other, and we have all of the memories of him. And we have Daddy's love in our hearts."

(Gloria) She smiled through her tears, touched by her son's words "Yes, that's true."

(Karito) He sat down next to her and took her hand "Don't worry, Mama," he said, his young voice filled with wisdom beyond his years "Daddy would want you to be strong for us. We have each other, and that's what matters most. We'll always be a family, no matter what happens."

Gloria hugged her son tightly, feeling a sense of comfort and peace wash over her. She was so grateful to have Karito in her life. He was her rock, her shining light, and she knew that together, they would get through this difficult time.




Year 5

In 2060, Karito and David walked around the Night City, marveling at the towering skyscrapers and the flashing lights of advertisements. They stopped to inspect a pile of scraps and debris that had accumulated at the base of one of the buildings.

Karito's keen eye noticed a few pieces of metal, wires, and other components that could be used to build something. He decided to try and build a Kiroshi Monovision, a popular cybernetic enhancement that replaced a person's entire optic ridge with a single, wide-angle cyberoptic.

Excited to try his hand at building something, Karito quickly got to work. He used his knowledge of engineering and his natural intelligence to piece together the components into a functioning device.

After several hours of hard work, Karito had completed his first Kiroshi Monovision. He tested it out and was amazed by the improvements it provided over regular vision. The colors were brighter, the images sharper, and he could see things in greater detail.

Realizing the potential of his creation, Karito decided to discreetly sell it to help support his family. He approached a black market dealer in the Night City and struck a deal, exchanging the Monovision for a large sum of money.

Karito was thrilled to have helped his family in this small way. He knew that his mother, Gloria, worked hard to provide for them, and he wanted to do his part as well. He snuck the money into her room while she was sleeping, making sure to not wake her.

The next morning, Gloria was shocked to find the money in her room. She was utterly shocked at the discovery and was confused about where it even came from. She asked Karito but he remained ignorant and due to the fact that Karito was a super genius she continued asking until she decided to give up. Karito never budged and was off the hook.

From that day on, Karito continued to build and sell Kiroshi Monovision, using his intelligence and resourcefulness to support his family in the tough world of Night City.




Year 6

It was 2061, and Karito's small business of creating cyberware in the black market was flourishing. He would discreetly give a portion of his earnings to his mother, knowing that she needed it to support the family, but he made sure to save the rest in case of emergencies. His reputation as a skilled cyberware builder was spreading, and he was receiving more and more orders every day.

He used the profits from his business to buy books of every kind, focusing on engineering and cybernetics. He was an exceptional reader and only needed to read a book once to remember its contents. He was always eager to learn more, and his room was filled with stacks of books.

His younger brother David, now 3 years old, would often watch him work from the doorway. David didn't understand the complexity of the books Karito was reading, but he was fascinated by the things his big brother could create. Sometimes when Karito failed, he would throw his projects out the window, and David would chase after them, trying to figure out how they worked.

At school, Karito was popular, but not for the reasons one would expect. He was always top of his class, scoring 100% on every test and assignment, but he never bragged about it. He kept a low profile, preferring to keep to himself rather than draw attention. He didn't have many friends, but that was okay with him. He was focused on completing his mission, which was to investigate the Night City and its gangs.

Through his research, Karito had discovered the Tyger Claws, an Asian-American gang known for their martial arts skills and technology. The leader of the gang was Martin Lee, also known as Mister Negative. Karito was wary of the Tyger Claws, knowing that they were a force to be reckoned with.

Another gang that caught Karito's attention was the Maelstrom, a European-American gang known for their extreme cyberware modifications and brutal tactics. He suspected that the leader of the Maelstrom was Tombstone, but he was still gathering information. He knew that he needed to be careful, as the darks of the Night City were not to be underestimated.

Karito was always on the lookout, keeping his senses sharp and his powers in check. He knew that sooner or later, the darks would become aware of his existence, and he needed to be prepared. He was determined to complete his mission, but he was also aware of the danger that came with it. Secrecy was of the utmost importance, and he was always on guard, waiting for the right moment to strike.




Year 7

2062 and everything seems to be going rather smoothly. Karito would just pass his day's going to school, and return home either playing video games and making people rage quit or continue creating cyberware for his clients who are completely unaware that a 7-year-old was making their enhancements. Karito can only imagine the look of pure shock on their faces if his clients realized who their dealer was.

Karito would walk around with David in the neighborhood. Just taking a quick stroll. Unfortunately, Karito would have to change routes almost constantly due to the huge amount of people using their Virtual Reality for porn and sex toys out in public, much to Karito's annoyance who just wanted to chill.

It was a quiet day, and Karito sat with his younger brother David on the rooftop of their building, overlooking the bustling streets of Night City. David was looking up at his older brother with a mixture of awe and frustration, as he tried to imitate the things Karito did so effortlessly.

(David) "Big brother, why can't I do what you do?" He asked with a pout, as he held up a small gadget he had been trying to put together.

(Karito) He sighed and placed a hand on David's shoulder, his young face taking on a serious expression "David, you are special in your own way. Just because you cannot do the things I can do now, does not mean that you cannot do something even greater in the future. We all have our own unique talents and skills."

David looked up at Karito with confusion, not fully understanding what he was saying. Karito smiled, realizing that he had to explain it in a way that his younger brother could understand.

(Karito) "Think of it like a puzzle, David. Each piece of the puzzle is unique, and together they form a complete picture. You are one of those unique pieces, and you have your own role to play in the bigger picture. Just because you do not fit into my puzzle, does not mean that you do not fit into someone else's. You will find your own place, and you will do great things."

David looked at Karito with a newfound appreciation, his eyes shining with the potential of what he could become. Karito smiled and ruffled his younger brother's hair, feeling proud of the words he had just said.

(Karito) "Just remember, always be yourself, and never give up. You are capable of doing amazing things, just wait and see."

With those words, Karito stood up and offered his hand to David, pulling him up to his feet. The two of them walked back down to their apartment, hand in hand, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.




Year 8

It was 2063 and the world of Cyberpunk 2077 was undergoing some major changes. Karito was now 8 years old and he was beginning to take notice of the world around him. One of the biggest events that year was the Avian Extermination Act, which was approved by the City Council after a series of zoonotic disease outbreaks. This act led to the elimination of all birds within 18 miles of the city limits. The impact of this act was profound and it was not just limited to the birds. The disappearance of the birds also had a ripple effect on the rest of the animal wildlife in Night City, which gradually disappeared too.

Karito was deeply affected by the Avian Extermination Act, as he had always loved birds and wildlife. He remembered the days when he and David would go to the park and watch the birds play in the trees. But now, there were no birds and no wildlife to be seen in Night City. The world was becoming a much different place, one that was losing its natural beauty.

Another major event in 2063 was the Pacifica project. With the economic recovery, investors sought an opportunity to make money from tourism. Billions of eurodollars were poured in an attempt to turn the southern suburbs of Night City into a booming tourist resort. Construction was well underway when the Unification War started. Most investors withdrew their funding, abandoning Pacifica and leaving it to the locals.

Karito watched as the world around him changed. The Avian Extermination Act and the Pacifica project were just two examples of the kind of impact that corporations and the government were having on the world. He couldn't help but feel a sense of hopelessness and despair as he watched the world change for the worse. But at the same time, he was also determined to do something about it.

As he continued to observe and study the world, Karito realized that his advanced intelligence and knowledge could be used to make a difference. He may only be 8 years old, but he was determined to use his skills and abilities to help others and make a positive impact on the world. He knew that he couldn't change the world overnight, but he was determined to start somewhere, no matter how small the impact may be.

Karito's thoughts were interrupted by his younger brother David, who asked him what he was thinking about. Karito smiled and took a deep breath before responding. "David, I was just thinking about the world and how we can make it a better place." David looked at his older brother with a mixture of confusion and awe, as he still struggled to understand the complexity of Karito's thoughts. But even though David may not understand, Karito knew that his brother would be there to support him and be by his side as he pursued his goal of making a positive impact on the world.




Year 9

It was 2064 and Karito's business was booming. He had gained a reputation for creating top-notch cyberware in the black market and clients were flocking to him. However, this also attracted the attention of various gangs who saw him as a valuable target. They sent their best hackers to steal from Karito's accounts, but he was well prepared for this.

One day, Karito received a notification from his security system that there was a hacking attempt on his accounts. He quickly put on his VR headset and entered the virtual world to defend his systems. As he logged in, he saw multiple hackers trying to break into his network. They had sent different algorithms and viruses to try and penetrate his firewalls, but they were no match for Karito's knowledge and experience.

Karito calmly assessed the situation and began to work his magic. He created a separate environment within the virtual world, isolated from the rest of his systems. He then placed a series of traps and decoys that would mislead the hackers and draw them away from his actual accounts. Meanwhile, he monitored the hackers' movements and intercepted their attempts to steal his data.

As the hackers continued their attempts, Karito started to gather information on them. He found out that they were hired by various gangs who were trying to get their hands on his secrets. He realized that he had to act quickly and take down the hackers before they caused any damage.

With his knowledge of programming and hacking techniques, Karito created a powerful virus that would infect the hackers' systems and completely shut them down. He set it loose in the virtual world and watched as it spread rapidly, infecting the hackers' systems and rendering them useless. The hackers were unable to do anything as they watched their systems crumble in front of them.

As the hackers retreated, Karito logged out of the virtual world and breathed a sigh of relief. He had successfully defended his accounts and remained anonymous in the black market. He knew that he couldn't let his guard down, as the gangs would continue to try and steal from him, but he was confident in his skills and ability to protect his secrets.

Karito learned from this experience and made sure to improve his security measures even more. He also started to build a network of allies in the black market, people he could trust and who would help him in case of any future attacks. He was determined to keep his business running and remain at the top of the game, no matter what challenges lay ahead.




Year 10

It was 2065, and a beautiful spring day in Night City. Karito was taking a walk through the park, enjoying the warm sun and fresh air. He was on a break from his work in the black market, creating cyberware for clients who had no idea that a 10-year-old boy was behind the enhancements they were receiving. Karito often used these breaks to explore the city, always on the lookout for new opportunities and challenges.

As he was walking, Karito spotted a young girl playing in the park by herself. She was about his age, with bright brown hair just seemingly by herself. Karito was curious about her and decided to approach her.

(Karito) "Hi there," He said, walking up to her. "My name is Karito. What's yours?"

(???) She looked up at him and smiled "I'm Sasha Yakovleva," she said. "Nice to meet you, Karito."

They struck up a conversation, and it turned out that Sasha was also a tech enthusiast. She was a hacker and had been learning the ins and outs of the digital world from a young age. Karito was impressed by her skills and knowledge, and they quickly became friends.

Over the next few months, Karito and Sasha spent a lot of time together. They explored the city, discovered new areas, and shared their interests and skills. Karito taught Sasha about the intricacies of cyberware engineering, while Sasha taught Karito the ways of hacking and the digital world.

As they got to know each other better, they realized that they had a lot in common. They both wanted to make a difference in the world and were determined to use their skills and knowledge to achieve their goals.

One day, while they were sitting in the park, Karito turned to Sasha and said...

(Karito) "You know, Sasha, I feel like I can trust you with anything. You're the first friend I've had in a long time who truly understands me."

(Sasha) She smiled and nodded "I feel the same way, Karito. We're a great team."

From that day on, Karito and Sasha continued to work together, building their skills and making a name for themselves in the tech world of Night City. They were unstoppable, and together they were going to change the world.




Year 11

Karito had been hearing strange rumors about the megacorporation, Arasaka. He had always known the corporation to be powerful, but the rumors he was hearing were suggesting something more sinister was at play.

Being the curious and determined child that he was, Karito began to look for information on Arasaka. He started talking to people in the black market and asking questions, hoping to get some answers. He was careful not to ask too many questions and draw attention to himself, as he knew that Arasaka had a lot of power and resources.

Eventually, after much searching and asking, Karito found what he was looking for. He stumbled upon some encrypted files that contained information about Arasaka's secret training program for children, including the fact that they were sending these children into the pre-DataKrash Net and exposing them to dangerous demons and rogue AIs.

Karito was horrified at what he had discovered. He felt a deep sense of anger towards Arasaka for exploiting these children and putting their lives in danger. He knew that he had to do something to help them, but he also knew that he had to be careful.

He spent the majority of the year planning and looking for information but as expected, Arasaka was very secretive and actually had very good security to the point Karito was having trouble with it. He knows that there's almost nothing he can't hack into, except if it's a dark that's countering him. That's the only plausible reason that he's having such difficulty.

Karito opens his inventory and looks at Toxin inside his inventory slots. It's been 11 years since he's taken the symbiote out so it's about time he wakes him up. Their debut as Spider-Man might come sooner rather than later.

(Karito) "Yo, Toxin? You've been sleeping for 11 years it's time to wake up."

(Toxin) Slowly envelops Karito "...Damn... it's been that long?"

(Karito) "Indeed."

(Toxin) Reads Karito's mind "So that's what you've been up to?"

(Karito) "Mhm."

(Toxin) "Alright. I guess by next year we should start getting back to work."

(Karito) "I wished it could've been later but Arasaka is pretty suspicious, y'know?"

(Toxin) "No, I see where you're coming from." Read his mind "So Tombstone is the first one you've confirmed for now and Martin Lee."

(Karito) "Yeah, and I'm assuming Norman has to be the leader of Arasaka or at least one of them."

(Toxin) "Seems possible... also..." Looks at the gadgets "I'm gonna be upgraded, right?"

(Karito) "Yeah, you are. I want to stick with the theme this time, at least once. This upgrade will be temporary until we get the one that Shuri is making for us back in the MCU."

(Toxin) "Alright, I'm ready."

(Karito) "Okay, here comes the upgrades..."




Year 12

Karito, now donning his Spider-Man suit, was determined to rescue the children who were rumored to be held captive in Arasaka's secret facility. He had spent the better part of the year gathering information and preparing for this mission, and now it was time to put his plan into action.

Toxin, his symbiote, slithered out of its slot in his inventory and merged with him. The transformation was always a rush, as the suit granted him a major increase in strength, agility, and senses. But this time, Toxin was especially eager. The two of them know that no one besides the Darks and their troops could pose a threat to them but it's better to be safe than sorry.

The Badlands was a treacherous place, and Karito knew that the journey would be a dangerous one. The journey was long and tiring, but Karito pushed on, determined to reach his goal. The scorching sun beat down on him mercilessly, but he ignored it. He was focused on his mission.

As he made his way through the Badlands, Karito encountered several groups of hostile nomads, who were quick to draw their weapons at the sight of an unfamiliar figure. The nomads, armed with a variety of weapons including rifles, blades, and chains, charged at Karito, ready for a fight. But Karito was more than ready for them.

With a swift dodge, Karito evaded the first volley of bullets from the nomads' rifles. He then shot webs at their feet, tripping them up and leaving them open for a follow-up attack.

In a blur of movement, Karito sprang into action, using his enhanced strength and agility to take out the nomads one by one. He punched, kicked, and web-slinged his way through the group, leaving a trail of defeated enemies in his wake.

Karito's suit Toxin with his new upgrades allowed him to sense his enemies' movements before they even made them, giving him a significant advantage in the fight. He used this ability to dodge incoming attacks and counter with precise strikes, leaving the nomads struggling to keep up.

The nomads tried to surround Karito, but he was too fast for them. He swung from webs, flipping over the heads of his enemies and landing behind them. With a quick strike, he took out multiple nomads at once, leaving the rest stunned and disoriented.

The fight continued for several more minutes, with Karito not barely even trying to use his powers to take down the nomads. In the end, the nomads were left defeated and Karito emerged victorious.

(Karito) "Damn... that was very easy."

(Toxin) "And these upgrades are crazy. Why would you make me absorb something that makes me read the person's movement when you have your spider sense?"

(Karito) "Doesn't hurt to stack what is already OP.

(Toxin) "Oh... Still..."

(Karito) "Well, it works marvelously when someone's in front of me. Spider-sense is more for sneak attacks and anything related."

(Toxin) "Oh, now I get it."

(Karito) "Let's keep going." Continues walking

As he continued walking he eventually encountered gangs of raiders, who were notorious for preying on travelers and corporate transport convoys.

Karito didn't even break his stride as he effortlessly dodged their bullets, web-slinging toward them with incredible speed. The raiders were caught off guard as Karito swiftly took them down with a combination of punches and web shots.

The raiders were no match for Karito and his Toxin suit. With his enhanced strength and agility, he easily overpowered them, using his webs to disarm them and his spider-sense to avoid their attacks. He moved with such grace and precision that it seemed like he was simply toying with his opponents.

One by one, the raiders fell to the ground, completely outmatched by Karito. He didn't even need to use his full power to defeat them, simply relying on his martial arts and web shooters.

As the last raider fell, Karito didn't waste a moment. He quickly scanned the area, searching for any signs of Arasaka's secret facility. It was out here somewhere, he could feel it. And he wouldn't stop until he found it.

Night time

Karito had finally found the secret facility of Arasaka in the Badlands. He sighed in relief thankful that he doesn't have to continue walking anymore.

As he approached the facility, Karito activated his invisibility, slipping past the guards undetected. He made his way to a terminal and quickly hacked into the facility's systems, accessing the floor plans and security cameras.

Using his newfound knowledge, Karito moved stealthily through the facility, taking down guards one by one without raising the alarm. He had learned from the information he gathered that the children were being held in a secure area deep within the facility, and continued making his way.

Karito continued his stealth approach as he entered deeper into the facility of Arasaka. He encountered a few guards along the way, but he used his venom touch to quickly incapacitate them, hiding their bodies to avoid raising any alarms. With each guard he took down, he moved closer to his goal of freeing the children.

As he hacked his way through the facility, he couldn't help but make an Among Us joke here and there, despite the serious situation at hand. He entered the vents to gain access to deeper parts of the facility, always on the lookout for any other threats.

Suddenly, he broke through a vent and landed on top of an Arasaka guard, quickly grabbing the guard's face and slamming it into the floor, knocking him out. He saw a huge gate and knew that the children were behind it. Hacking the gate, he opened it to find a tower of blue cables connected to a chair, circling around it with the children strapped on, wearing VR goggles.

Karito was shocked to see that only 6 of the 12 children he had hoped to find were left, as the others were brain-dead from venturing too deep into the dark secrets of the internet. The sight made him angry and he remembered a dark moment from his past. He made the decision to forcibly disconnect the children from their deep dive and free them from the facility.

As the children took off their VR goggles, they gasped in panic, expecting to see the guards that they had been trying to escape. Instead, they saw a strange person in armor, with his face covered. They were momentarily shocked, but Karito reassured them that he was there to help.

(Child 1) "W-Who are you?! And why can't I-"

(Spider-Man) "Call me Spider-Man. and good luck with hacking me, you're a million years behind if you wanna reach me. Anyways we need to get out. I don't know how long I can keep playing stealthy."

(Child 2) "And why would we listen to you?"

(Spider-Man) "Not like you have a choice, Rainbow Dash. Pluss, it's better to make your escape now that I'm here. I can assure you that all I want is to get you guys out of here."

The children all looked at each other seemingly indecisive. A guard had spotted them and was quickly about to report it but in an instant, Spider-Man shot webs at the guard's body and the impact was strong enough to knock him out.

The moment the children saw that they were sold and followed Spider-Man toward the exit. They all followed Spider-Man's movement as they swiftly got closer and closer to the exit. Once they finally got out an entire squadron of armed Arasaka guards were waiting for them but these guards weren't normal ones, they had darkness within them.

(Spider-Man) Clicks his tongue "Of course they had to show up now... and I thought I was being sneaky..."

(Child 2) "Spider-Man what should we-"

(Spider-Man) "Run! I'll distract them if I can!"

(Child 2) "B-But-!"

(Spider-Man) "RUN LUCY!" Gets cut off

Spider-Man weaved through the mass of Arasaka guards with incredible speed and agility, striking them with punches, kicks, and webs. He was constantly in motion, dodging bullets and projectiles as he made his way toward the central group of guards.

Spider-Man quickly dodges a bullet that had been fired towards him and then uses his web-slinging to swing toward the guards, knocking several of them off their feet with a single strike. The guards, confused by his agility and speed, attempt to surround him, but Spider-Man simply slides under their legs, striking their knees with a venom blast that causes them to drop to the ground.

He then launches himself into the air, dodging a hail of bullets as he goes. With incredible precision, he fires webs at multiple guards, pulling them together into a tightly packed group and immobilizing them.

One guard, who had managed to remain standing, charges towards Spider-Man with a knife, but the hero deftly sidesteps the attack and grabs the guard's arm, twisting it behind his back and sending the knife flying out of reach. He then delivers a swift punch to the guard's gut, doubling him over.

With a powerful leap, he landed in the middle of the group and began to unleash a whirlwind of fists and feet, taking down guards left and right. He used his webs to wrap up those who tried to flee, pulling them back towards him to continue the relentless barrage of attacks.

As the guards began to surround him, Spider-Man activated his venom touch, incapacitating a dozen of them with a single touch. He then reached for his web shooters and shot webs at multiple guards, pulling them towards him for a series of punches and kicks that sent them flying across the room.

With the majority of the guards down, Spider-Man focused his attention on the remaining guards who were now huddled together, firing their weapons in a desperate attempt to take him down. But the hero was too quick, dodging their shots and weaving through their defenses to get close and unleash a final barrage of blows that took them all down.

Suddenly his Spider-sense kicked in, warning him of new threats. As he saw a ship of Arasaka close in on him, they dropped a group of cybernetic Goblins filled with Dark power. They towered over him, their eyes glowing with an unworldly light as they sneered at him with sharp fangs and elongated claws.

The hero remains unfazed by their menacing aura and prepared himself for another fight. The mutated guards charged at him with incredible speed and ferocity, their claws flashing and teeth snapping. Spider-Man leaped into action, dodging and weaving between their attacks, his combat training and powers making him a blur of motion. He swung his webs, tripping up the guards and pulling them off balance, but they quickly regained their footing and kept coming at him.

Despite his best efforts, the guards proved to be incredibly resilient, their mutated bodies absorbing the blows that would have brought down normal humans. They swarmed him, their claws and fangs tearing at his suit and leaving deep gashes in his flesh.

Spider-Man gritted his teeth and Toxin quickly healed him, his spider-sense guiding him as he fought back with more seriousness. He relied on his venom strike, causing paralysis in the guards as they would slowly fall one by one. He used his webs to wrap them up, immobilizing them and giving him time to focus on the others.

But the mutated guards were relentless, their numbers seeming to grow with each passing moment. They pushed him back, their claws and fangs tearing at him, their strength and speed overwhelming him.

Just when it seemed like all was lost, Spider-Man smashed the floor causing a wave of destruction all around him, making everyone lose their footing. He pulled out all the stops, using his full array of powers and abilities to fight back against the guards. He unleashed his venom blast, sending the mutated guards flying back. He spun webs in their faces, blinding them and causing them to stumble. He used his wall-crawling to get above them and drop down, pummeling them with punches and kicks.

(Toxin) "Karito! They are just a distraction! They are attacking the children!"

(Spider-Man) "WHAT?! FUCK!" Uses his lateral repulsion

As Lucy and the other five children ran away from the Arasaka facility, they stumbled upon the harsh reality of the Badlands. They were all weak and scared, not used to the brutal environment they found themselves in. The group was forced to stick together and keep moving as they could hear the sound of Arasaka guards hot on their trail.

One of the children, a young girl named Maria, had fallen behind. She was struggling to keep up with the others and was getting exhausted. She cried out for help, but before anyone could reach her, an Arasaka guard caught up to her and aimed his gun at her.

Lucy was quick to act, jumping in front of Maria to protect her. She was shot multiple times but managed to hold on, giving the others a chance to escape. The rest of the children were soon ambushed one by one, and before long, Lucy was the only one left.

She was running as fast as she could, but the guards were getting closer. Suddenly, she tripped and fell, her body hitting the ground hard. She was in pain and exhausted, but she still managed to look up and see the Arasaka guards standing over her, their guns aimed at her head.

At that moment, she closed her eyes and braced herself for the end. But instead of feeling the impact of the bullets, she heard the sound of webs being shot and the guards being taken down. She opened her eyes to see Spider-Man standing over her, a look of determination on his face. He reached down and helped her up, and together, they escaped the Badlands and made their way to safety.

(Spider-Man) "Get on my back."

(Lucy) "What?"

(Spider-Man) "Hurry up!"

(Lucy) "Fine!" Does so

Spider-Man was making his way through the Badlands with Lucy on his back, Arasaka guards were hot on their trail. He quickly used his webs to swing across broken lamp posts, avoiding the guards' line of sight. He then jumps from rock to rock, making his way through the rockscape with lightning-fast speed, leaving the guards far behind.

As he continued to run, he noticed that the guards had started to catch up, so he quickly changed direction, he found an abandoned neighborhood and leaped from building to building, dodging obstacles along the way. He would occasionally make a sharp turn, or make a sudden stop, only to dart off in another direction to confuse the guards.

The pursuit continued for what felt like hours, but eventually, Spider-Man found a building with a large enough rooftop for him to hide and catch his breath. He gently placed Lucy down, who was now sleeping soundly and used his webs to cover them both, making sure they were well hidden from view.

He looked out into the wasteland, scanning for any signs of the guards, but he couldn't see them anywhere. After a few moments of waiting, he was confident that they had lost the guards, so he picked up Lucy, and continued on his way, running through the Badlands and towards safety.

The run was long and tiring, but eventually, Spider-Man reached a safe location and placed Lucy down, making sure she was comfortable. He then looked out over the city, watching as the sun rose, reflecting on all that had happened. He had successfully managed to escape Arasaka's clutches. He was mad that out of 6 only 1 managed to survive but he pushed the thought aside thinking that he at least saved one of them. But he also knew that the fight against Arasaka was far from over, and he was prepared to do whatever it takes to ensure that no one else would have to suffer the same fate.

To Be Continued...