
The Guardian Of The Multiverse

In the real world, there lived a young adult with a simple life. Until one fateful night, a small meteor barely noticeable landed near his home, then his entire life completely changed. He once fantasized about being a superhero but who would have thought that his dream would come true? Follow the story of the once called Adriel now Karito in his new adventure of being the multiverse's sole protector. He will fall, he will stand. But will he be up to the task of saving everything in reality? Let a new story unfold...

ElectricWrites · Anime & Comics
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89 Chs

Let You Down

(Marvel, DC, images, manhuas, and every anime that will be mentioned and used in this story are not mine. They all belong to their respective owners. The main character "Karito Josue Valdez" and the story are mine)

No pov

This is Night City News with Susan Miller, bringing you the latest and breaking news from around the world.

First up, in a shocking turn of events, it has been revealed that Biotechnica, a well-known pharmaceutical company, has been hiding the side effects of their painkillers. This information was brought to light by an anonymous source, who sent the information to our news center.

According to the information, the side effects of the painkillers have been linked to several cases of liver and kidney failure, as well as a number of other health complications. Biotechnica has been hiding these side effects from the public, and their actions have caused widespread concern among the public.

The anonymous source also claimed that Biotechnica had been trying to cover up the truth about their painkillers and that they had even gone so far as to bribe government officials to keep the information under wraps. The allegations are serious, and the public is calling for an investigation into the matter.

Now, moving on to another topic, there has been a recent sighting of an anonymous vigilante known as Spider-Man. This mysterious figure appeared briefly during the incident in Biotechnica's headquarters the same night the company was exposed and saving the public from the dangerous side effects of the painkillers.

People have been speculating about the identity of Spider-Man and speculating about his motives. Some believe that he is a hero fighting for justice, while others think that he may have ulterior motives.

Regardless of his motives, it is clear that Spider-Man is making an impact on the city, and many are hoping to see more of him in the future.

Finally, in other news, there has been an atomic explosion in the Badlands that has caused a small earthquake in Night City. The explosion has sent shockwaves through the city, and there are reports of widespread damage and destruction.

Emergency services are on the scene, and authorities are working to assess the situation and provide assistance to those affected. The cause of the explosion is still unknown, and authorities are urging people to stay away from the affected area until it is safe.

This is Susan Miller, signing off from Night City News. Stay tuned for more breaking news and updates.




Karito sat on the edge of his bed, staring blankly at the wall in front of him. The room was dark and silent, with only the faint sound of rain tapping against the windowpane breaking the stillness. He clutched a photograph of Sasha, the love of his life, in his hand, tracing her smile with his thumb.

It had been three weeks since Sasha had died, and the pain of losing her was still raw and fresh in Karito's heart. He felt empty and hollow as if a part of him had been ripped away. The memories of their time together played like a broken record in his mind, taunting him with what he had lost.

He had been so in love with her, and now she was gone. The world felt like a bleak and hopeless place without her in it. He had never felt so alone, and the thought of living the rest of his life without her was unbearable.

Karito let out a shaky sigh, tears starting to roll down his face. He didn't know how to move on from this, how to pick up the pieces of his shattered heart and carry on. Everything felt pointless and meaningless without Sasha by his side.

He buried his face in his hands, the photograph of Sasha crumpled between his fingers. He was consumed by a darkness that threatened to swallow him whole, and he didn't know how to escape it. He felt like he was stuck in this place of grief and sorrow, and he didn't know how to find his way back to the light.

Despite his heartache, he held onto a glimmer of hope that kept him from losing his mind completely. That hope was his mother, Gloria, and his younger brother, David. They were the only family he had left and the thought of leaving them behind was what kept him going on a daily basis. He knew that he needed to be strong for them, to keep the family together, even though it felt like a burden at times. Karito took a deep breath and tried to shake off the feeling of despair that was weighing him down. He knew that life would never be the same without Sasha, but he also knew that he had to keep going for the sake of his loved ones.

Karito stayed like that for a long time, lost in his thoughts and consumed by his pain. But eventually, he forced himself to get up, to face another day without Sasha. He knew it would be a long and difficult road, but he was determined to find a way to heal and move on, to honor her memory and the love they had shared.




The Night City in Corpo Plaza, was shrouded in a thick veil of rain, with drops beating a monotonous rhythm against the pavement and the neon lights reflecting off the slick surface. The streets were empty, save for a few brave souls huddled under umbrellas, hurrying to their destinations. The sound of the rain was deafening, drowning out even the usual hum of the city. The tall skyscrapers loomed over the city like guardians, casting deep shadows on the ground below. The light from the buildings was muted, casting a soft glow through the rain, making the city feel like it was under a magical spell. Despite the bleakness of the weather, there was a strange beauty to the scene, as if the rain was cleansing the city of its dirt and grime, leaving it fresh and new. As the rain continued to pour down, the Night City was transformed into a serene and peaceful place, a far cry from its usual chaotic energy.

Or so it seemed...

(Policeman 1) On a call"Man, thought you'd be off the clock by five. Did they keep you on call? Shit luck."

(Policeman 2) On a call"Cap said I could leave my gun and badge if I went home to listen to my old lady go on and on about her online shopping or whatever the hell she did all day."

(Policeman 1) "That's what you get for choosing the life of a public servant."

(Policeman 2) "It just had to fucking rain." Sees a giant figure beside his car "Hmm? What the hell you doin'? Back it up. Looking to get shot?" Sees a shotgun aimed at his face

The muscular blond man, James Norris, raised his shotgun and pulled the trigger. The sound of the blast echoed through the street as the bullets destroy the inside of the police car, causing it to tilt slightly to the side. The windshield is coated with the blood of the fallen officer, who had been struck down in an instant.

The rest of the squad reacts quickly, pulling out their guns and firing at Norris. Despite being hit by a barrage of bullets, each shot bounced off his skin like steel, unable to penetrate his seemingly impenetrable body. Norris retaliated with lightning speed, pulling out two handguns and firing back at the police with deadly accuracy. Three officers were blasted to pieces as their guts and flesh were sent flying through the air. One guard managed to survive the initial barrage, but Norris revealed a hidden weapon: a cannon integrated into his arm. With a single shot, the policeman was imploded, his body torn in two by the force of the impact.

(Lieutenant) "Got us a Cyberpsycho!"

(Policeman 3) "Raise MaxTac now!"

The scene was chaos as Norris unleashed his fury on the officers, his aim precise and deadly. As he fired at the first group of officers, their bodies were instantly reduced to shredded flesh and minced meat. Despite the relentless barrage of bullets being fired at him, Norris remained unfazed and quick to react.

Another officer who had taken cover behind a vehicle tried to take advantage of Norris's moment of reloading, but he was met with a swift and deadly surprise as Norris's right arm transformed into a sword, effortlessly slicing the officer's neck and sending a shower of blood raining down.

Reckless officers kept charging at Norris, but they were no match for his powerful abilities. He continued to shoot and slash, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake as heads exploded and bodies were torn apart.

However, Norris was not content with just brute force, and he had a few tricks up his sleeve. His spine illuminated with a green glow as he activated his Sandevistan, slowing down time and allowing him to move at superhuman speeds. As the officers continued to fire blindly, Norris sneaked behind their line and shot each of them clean in the head. Once he was done, he reloaded his gun and the Sandevistan deactivated, returning time to normal, leaving only the sight of the officers' heads splattered on the ground.

Just as Norris thought he had won, an aircraft appeared overhead, illuminating him with red lights. The aircraft fired a devastating cannon at Norris, but he once again activated his Sandevistan and dodged the bullet with lightning speed. Looking up, he revealed his arm cannon and aimed at the aircraft, ready for his next fight.

(MaxTac Officer 1) "Need to fry his system fast."

(MaxTac Officer 2) "Freak's sporting military-grade ICE."

(MaxTac Officer 3) "Meaning that our tech isn't? Get to it!"

Norris was determined to take down the MaxTac ship, but despite his best efforts, the officers on board were able to hack into his system, causing him to convulse in place. The MaxTac officers disembarked from the ship, slowly approaching Norris who was now slouching down, struggling to regain control.

Despite his valiant efforts to fight back, the MaxTac weapons were too advanced and were causing significant damage to Norris. One of the MaxTac officers closed in for the kill, but Norris tried to take him by surprise with a sneak attack. However, the officer was unfazed by the bullets that were fired at close range and continued to close in. In a swift motion, the officer pulled out a shotgun and blew Norris's head clean off his shoulders, marking the end of the fight.

As Norris's lifeless body hit the ground, the MaxTac officers gathered around, surveying the damage and assessing their victory.


(David) Shock "FUCK!"

David's body convulsed as his limbs stretched out, a pained scream escaping his lips. Sweat beaded on his forehead as he clenched his teeth, every muscle in his body tensed. The room was silent, the only sound coming from David's labored breathing. As suddenly as the episode started, it ended, and David's body relaxed. He let out a sigh of relief, his breathing slowing back to normal. He rubbed his temples, his body still trembling slightly, as he tried to shake off the feeling of intense pain.

(Ripperdoc) On call "So, what do you think? Still warm, that. Couple hours old. Lifted from the edgerunner who scrolled it. Straight off the street."

(David) Recomposed himself and talks excitedly "Wicked! Doc, hey, you gotta tell me who keeps feeding you these nuggets."

(Ripperdoc) "Hah! Kurosaki. Who else? Ain't no other editor who churns out BDs that sweet and preem. Won't pull nothin' like that off the shelf, neither."

(David) Looks at the case "No shit. Brain's still buzzing. Gonna be sick."

(Ripperdoc) "Slow, deep breaths, choom. Just left the head of a skezzed-out chrome junkie. Cyberpsychosis ain't no joke. Anyway, either hurl or don't, got more chips for you and your brother to slot."

(David) "Really? What?"

(Ripperdoc) "Something special~..."

During David's conversation, the front door was opened making David panic but relaxed once he saw it was his older brother.

(Karito) "Yo, I got pizza."

(David) "Yo, bro! I got more slots from Doc, wanna check them out?"

(Ripperdoc) Adds Karito to the call "It's brand new, you'll love it."

(Karito) "Sure, pass me my headset."

(David) Does so "Here you go."

(Karito) Grabs it "Alright, what's this slot about?"

(David) "Don't know. Doc said it was something "Special". Dunno what he meant by that."

(Karito) "...Oh... Fuck it, let's do it."

Suddenly David and Karito were in a braindance of them having intense intercourse with a woman who was moaning profusely.


(Karito) "Wow, this is good shit."

(David) "HUH?!"

(Ripperdoc) "You're brother knows what's up, David."



David stood motionless, staring blankly at the washing machine in front of him. His eyes had a glassy, distant look as if he was lost in thought. The hum of the machine was the only sound in the room, until it suddenly beeped, snapping David out of his trance. He blinked rapidly, looking down at the machine as if just noticing it for the first time.

(David) "Huh?"

(Automated voice) "Cycle suspended due to insufficient funds."

(David) "The fuck? Didn't Karito pay the rent last week? Yo, bro!"

(Karito) Takes a peek "Huh?"

(David) "It's saying insufficient funds again."

(Karito) Clicks his tongue "That's bullshit. These fuckers are ripping us off. Well, guess what?" Hacks the machine and it continues running

(David) "Why did they suddenly become more persistent with rent this past few weeks?"

(Karito) Thinks Arasaka has to do with it "I don't know but it's pissing me off." Starts walking away


Karito walks to the living room and spotted his mother Gloria sleeping on the couch again. He assumed that she once again overworked herself and didn't bother reaching her room to sleep more comfortably.

(News reporter) "It was a tragic scene in Westbrook today when a corporate convoy was ambushed by 6th Street..."

(Karito) Sighs "Fricking hell, Mom." Attempts to pick her up and take her to her room but suddenly she wakes up in shock making both of them gasp in surprise

(Gloria) Sighs "Oh... Morning, mijo."

(Karito) "Mom, me and David told you if you keep sleeping on the couch like that, your gonna get arthritis. And I swear I'm gonna throw the couch out the window."

(Gloria) "I know... Just dead after my night shift, is all. Sorry.

(Karito) "Do you need me to smack you in the head like the washing machine?"

(Gloria) "Uh-huh. You love me too much to do that."

(Karito) "You're lucky your my mom." Sighs

(Gloria) "Did you fix the machine?"

(Karito) "Yeah, I did."

(Gloria) "Oh! I almost forgot! David mentioned a wreath update for his classes. Did you help him with it?"

(Karito) "It was no problem. I was able to handle it quite easily."

(Gloria) "That's good. I'm glad I have a son like you."

(Karito) "I'm one of a kind, y'know?" Winks

(Gloria) "...Also..."

(Karito) "I'm fine, Mom..."

(Gloria) "But... baby. Sasha..."

(Karito) "I know, Mom. I'll be fine. I still got you guys to keep me sane." Smiles

(Gloria) Smiles back "Okay, I believe you."

(Karito) "I wouldn't lie to my own mother." Shrugs

(Gloria) "I hope so." Giggles "Please, continue helping me... It's been hard and it pains me to rely on my son but... I can't do this alone."

(Karito) "Mom, I'll always help you."

(Gloria) Giggles "I know and I'm glad."

(Karito) "Keep resting and please don't overwork yourself too much, remember that I'm also contributing to the family."

(Gloria) "Okay... please make David remember about that update."

(Karito) "I will don't worry. I'm gonna drop him off at school in a few minutes."

(Gloria) "Okay then." Yawns "I'm gonna sleep a little longer then."

(Karito) "Sleep well, Mom. I'll be a bit busy today so don't worry." Sees his mother enter her room

He then approaches David's room and knocks.

(Karito) "Yo, little man you good to go?"

(David) From the other side of the room "Yup, I'm ready." Opens it revealing his messy school clothes

(Karito) "...What the fuck is up with your style man? I thought I taught you better."

(David) "I'll fix it on the way okay?"

(News reporter) "A military-grade implant was found missing from the body."

(David) "Hmm?" Looks at the news

(Karito) Looks as well "What's... oh..."

(News Reporter) "...of Lt. Col. James Norris, shot dead by MaxTac..."

(Karito) "Oh look. Mom's there." Side glances David

(David) Nervous sweat "Ahaha... How did you know?"

(Karito) "All of the techs here is mine you think I don't know the shit you do?" Sighs and mumbles "Nevermind just some background characters..."

(David) "What was that?"

(Karito) "Nothing. Let's go."

(David) "Sure."

As the two boys left the house Gloria made a call in secret.

(Gloria) On call "Maine? It's Gloria..."


Karito and David stepped out of the apartment building and onto the crowded streets of Night City. The streets were littered with garbage and homeless people, and the halls of the building were no exception. The brothers had grown up in this city and had seen it change over the years. They had witnessed the city's descent into chaos and decay, but they were still proud of their roots.

As they approached the stairs, they were faced with a daunting sight. The stairs were completely covered in trash and debris, making it impossible to climb. The brothers decided to take a risk and jumped off the ledge, landing on a pile of bags filled with garbage. It was a soft landing, but the smell was overpowering. The brothers continued walking through the halls, ignoring the street dwellers who were scattered around.

Finally, they reached the outside and were met with the bright lights and noise of the city. Karito pulled out two pairs of sunglasses and handed one to David. The older brother had always taken care of the younger one and this was just one of many small gestures that showed it. The brothers continued walking down the street, seeing more and more homeless people and criminals as they went.

One man was being held at gunpoint by a woman, and another was lost, holding a map in his hand. The brothers tried to ignore them and continued their walk. They eventually came across a group of people who were hooked up to braindance devices, lost in a world of sexual pleasure. The brothers were used to seeing this kind of thing in Night City and they just walked past them without a second thought.

As they reached the top of the hill, they saw the bars and fast-food restaurants that dotted the city. A woman ran past them, throwing up on the ledge as she went. Karito just stared in disgust for a moment before continuing to lead his little brother. They finally reached a train and were able to relax for a few minutes until they reached their destination. David was mesmerized by the sight of a spaceship taking off, but his moment of peace was interrupted by the sound of a trauma team, who were calling for everyone to clear the way for an emergency. Karito looked up and saw that a building was on fire, but he didn't show any signs of concern. To the brothers, this was just a normal day in Night City.

As they got off the train and continued walking, they reached an intersection. The light told pedestrians not to walk, and they waited for the signal to change. When the lights finally turned green, they continued walking until they reached a crime scene. The scene was the same one that was being reported on the news, and there were bullets and blood scattered everywhere. Karito sighed, knowing that his little brother had witnessed this kind of violence during his braindance. But David just looked at his older brother with a smirk on his face. Karito gently smacked the back of his head and continued walking.

The brothers continued walking through the city, taking in the holographic displays of fish that were set up like a spectacle. Suddenly, Karito's senses picked up on the presence of someone important nearby. David was drawn to a woman with white hair that was cut in a split bob, with the left side left longer. David tried to approach her, but when he turned around, she was gone. Karito teased his little brother, purposely making him feel embarrassed. David tried to fight back, but he was easily overpowered by his older sibling.

Finally, the brothers approached the tall black building that housed the Arasaka Academy. Karito was filled with disgust at the thought of the corporation and its influence on his little sibling but he also graduated there and his mother insisted to apply David into the school as well. Karito bade farewell to David and disappeared with a suddenness that left the younger brother feeling disorientated. David couldn't help but shake the feeling that his older sibling was something otherworldly.


Karito Pov

As I gear up and put on my suit, I can't help but think about Sasha's death. It's been a few weeks since the tragedy, but it still feels fresh. I know I shouldn't stay home and grieve, I've done enough of that already. I grab my web shooters and swing out of my apartment window, determined to find some trouble to fight.

I survey the city from above, scanning for any signs of criminal activity. I've been keeping an eye out for these new Darks that have been popping up lately. I hear they're a lot more powerful than the last batch I dealt with, so I need to be extra careful. I swing from building to building, searching for any hint of trouble. I hope today's patrol won't be too bad, but I'm ready for whatever comes my way.

As I make my way toward the abandoned warehouse, my spider senses start to tingle. My system has detected a dark portal opening within the building. Who in their right mind would stay in an abandoned warehouse in the middle of winter? Unless, of course, it's a secret lab. The GPS on my system leads me to a top-floor window that's unlocked. Easy access.

I slip inside, but the warehouse is empty, with cobwebs adorning every surface. It must have been in use at some point, but not anymore. My system detects a surge three floors down, so I make my way there. As I approach, I see a man in a wheelchair, looking directly at me. My spider sense starts to ring an alarm, warning me of incoming missiles. I dodge them effortlessly, but the missiles were aimed at the roof. I use my venom blast to destroy the debris before it crushes me. Spinning in the air, I land on my feet and face the man in the wheelchair, who's slowly making his way toward me.

(???) "Well, well. You must be the Spider-Man Norman told me about. I never thought I would see you so quickly."

(Spider-Man) "Wow, it's been a minute since I've seen you in a comic, Doctor Cronos."

(Dark Dr. Cronos) "Oh? So you know of me? I'm glad then. I welcome you to my laboratory." His body starts to gain size "Allow me to show you around."

(Dark Dr. Cronos) "Are you alright, Spider-Man? Of course, what am I saying? You blasted the ceiling with an energy blast. Can't say I've seen other Spider-Men do that, just a few. And your suit definitely fits with the world you're residing in."

(Spider-Man) "Everyone's been so chatty in this world..."

(Dark Dr. Cronos) "You're used to the more, fight-first type of Darks I assume?"

(Spider-Man) "Yeah..."

(Dark Dr. Cronos) "That's too bad for you, here we like to take our time. Though, Norman can be quite... crazed at times."

(Spider-Man) "It's the Green Goblin so of course."

(Dark Dr. Cronos) "I assume you understand the reason I've chosen to be teleported here. Normal room height could be. Problem for my head. The cavernous rooms of a warehouse suits my fancy."

(Spider-Man) "I can totally see NBA players think the same..." Thoughts "...I really don't know what he's thinking..."

(Dark Dr. Cronos) "I'm glad you approve, despite the funny comment. Of course, there are alternatives." Starts walking to a dining table "You made quite the entrance. You could easily have just come to the front door. Do you customarily sneak into places?"

(Spider-Man) "Depends on the situation." Follows cautiously

(Dark Dr. Cronos) "You're rather taciturn. I'd heard that Spider-Man was excessively chatty."

(Spider-Man) "I just haven't been in the best of mood recently."

(Dark Dr. Cronos) "Coffee?"

(Spider-Man) "...That'll be nice. Even if you poison it won't work."

(Dark Dr. Cronos) "I wouldn't dare. This coffee is Yauco Selecto AA. imported from Puerto Rico."

(Spider-Man) "How ironic."

(Dark Dr. Cronos) "You're homeland?"

(Spider-Man) "Mhm."

(Dark Dr. Cronos) "Then here." Pours a cup "Have a taste of nostalgia."

Both of them take a sip of the coffee.

Toxic substance detected, cleansing...




Toxic substance cleansed

(Spider-Man) "Nice try."

(Dark Dr. Cronos) "Had to confirm if you actually were immune to poison."

(Spider-Man) "Yeah, yeah..."

(Dark Dr. Cronos) "Ahhh. A full-bodied, buttery flavor with mild chocolate undertones. Nothing but the best. Sit. Make yourself at home."

(Spider-Man) Does so

(Dark Dr. Cronos) "You're very relaxed in front of an enemy."

(Spider-Man) "I don't sense any intent so... yet. Pluss once I'm done I'm killing you."

(Dark Dr. Cronos) "I don't think so." Attacks Spider-Man

Cronos swings a powerful right cross at my face, but I effortlessly lean back, watching as the punch misses me and crumbles a section of the wall behind me. The elderly man pivots to face me, his arm elongating as he reaches for me. I quickly duck, narrowly avoiding his grasp. He retaliates by slamming both fists into the ground, creating a massive shockwave. I leap into the air, dodging the attack. As I soar through the air, Cronos strikes again, throwing a punch that I intercept with a web shield. The impact sends me hurtling into a wall, but I land unharmed, ready for the next move.

(Dark Dr. Cronos) "Superb body, isn't it?" Demonstrates his robotic body "Didn't have a choice, really. Time and poor health were eating my previous one alive. But, as the proverb goes, necessity is the mother of invention. I can live forever in this form. and even better..." Reveals his arm blaster "... Unlike my other designs. I've upgraded this one with offensive capabilities."

As the green energy blast from Cronos's blaster raced toward me, I remained cool and composed. With a quick sidestep, I effortlessly dodged the attack, allowing it to harmlessly collide with the warehouse wall behind me. Undeterred, Cronos continued his barrage of attacks, firing shot after shot in my direction. But I was a step ahead, executing graceful flips and jumps that kept me out of harm's way.

I seized the opportunity to strike back, quickly taking aim with one of my gadgets. With deadly precision, I fired the device at Cronos's chest, catching him off guard and leaving him momentarily confused.

(Dark Dr. Cronos) "Eh? What in-" The device blows up in his face sending him crashing into the ground "Oww! That hurt! And was damned impolite. Especially after I gave you coffee. Granted, it was poisoned, but still. Now, where have you gotten to?" Stands up looking for Spider-Man "You can't hide, Spider-Man! I'll find you no matter where you are!" Continues looking "Come out, Spider-Man! You are simply embarrassing yourself! How foolish do you think I am, that I will be unable to locate you no matter where you have secreted your-"

(Spider-Man) "You talk too much." Was on his back the entire time and wraps Cronos neck with his webs

I was relentless in my chokehold on Cronos, my webs squeezing tighter with each struggling gasp from him. However, my spider sense alerted me to the imminent danger from his blaster's arm. I released him just in time to dodge the incoming laser blast, but the force of it sent me flying across the warehouse, slamming into a wall. I quickly regained my balance, wiping the smoke from my scorched face.

As I wiped the smoke from my face, I saw that Cronos was growing in size, his massive bulk causing the floor to buckle beneath us. We both tumbled down to the first floor, landing with a ground-shaking thud as Cronos's enlarged body hit the ground.

(Dark Dr. Cronos) "You brought this on yourself, Spider-Man!"

(Spider-Man) "Uh-huh..."

The impact of Cronos's massive body hitting the ground caused debris to rain down around us, creating a cloud of dust and rubble. Despite the chaos, I managed to remain on my feet, quickly jumping out the nearest window to escape the collapsing building. Cronos followed me into the streets, destroying the entire wall in his pursuit. I web-swung around the street, dodging his attacks and trying to put some distance between us. Suddenly, I saw Cronos approach a gas truck, telling the driver to get out. In a single swift movement, he grabbed the truck and threw it at me, igniting the fuel with a blast of fire from his other arm.

(Spider-Man) "A flamethrower arm... how nea-"

(Dark Dr. Cronos) "Count your blessings. Our scuffle seems to have scared most of the civilians in this area away." Looks around "Spider-Man? Where are you> If this were a residential zone, there'd be hundreds of deaths on your head." Sees Spider-Man's "burning" corpse "Ah. Excellent. One less superhero to worry about." Calls someone "Gentlemen: This is Doctor Cronos. Come in, please."

(???) "This is the hub. What's going on, doctor?"

(Dark Dr. Cronos) "Well, I've had a bit of an engagement. Actually, with Spider-Man. But he's now somewhat less alive than he was before."

(???) "I find that hard to believe. Show me"

(Dark Dr. Cronos) "You don't believe? You think I'm lying?"

(???) "I think he's Spider-Man and I don't trust him to cooperate by dying that easily."

(Dark Dr. Cronos) "You can see through my eyes. Look for yourself."

(???) "Cronos..."

(Dark Dr. Cronos) "Yes, Sir?"

(???) "You're a fucking idiot."

(Dark Dr. Cronos) "Wh- What? Why would you-"

(???) "Look at the rain."

(Dark Dr. Cronos) "What?"

(???) "The RAIN. Look at it!"

(Dark Dr. Cronos) "What am I supposed to be seeing? I don't-"

(???) "The rain is falling through the body. It's not landing on the surface. There's nothing there. It's a hologram."

(Dark Dr. Cronos) "Oh, my lord. HOW?! How did he do this?!"

(Spider-Man) De-camouflages "I'm Spider-Man, you idiot!"

As I relentlessly beat him down, my fists pounding against his head, I could feel and hear bones breaking beneath my blows. My anger boiled within me, a burning desire to end this once and for all. I grabbed his face, activating my hacking skills to take control of his body and cause it to malfunction. I wasn't playing games any longer, it was time to finish this. I reinforced my hacking, driving his body to overload and explode in a shower of sparks and smoke. After a few moments of silence, I emerged from the smoke, unscathed. The sound of sirens grew louder in the distance, signaling my time was up. I needed to make my escape.




No Pov

(Teacher AI) "Good morning to you, class. Today's attendance. Zero absences. Martinez, David. You are not in compliance with the Academy's dress code."

(David) Annoyed "Yeah. Real sorry about that. I'll fix myself right now..." Does so

(Teacher AI) "Thank you."

(David) Lazily "No problem..."

(David) Thoughts "Ugh, these three morons beside me are giving me their condescending glares. Just because they're wealthy, they think they can act superior. It's so irritating.

(Teacher AI) "You will observe..."

(Katsuo) On a separate call "Gutter rat. Rat off the street... Me? Nah. I wouldn't show my face. You will never be like your brother."

(David) In the call "Crazy-crazy, I know but some of us are here to learn. And why would I be like my brother when I can be myself?"

(Katsuo) "With that fossil tech? Be yourself? Please, your brother was a miracle. Too bad he was born in the shit stain of civilization. Hurry up and update, man. Bet it's not even compatible."

(David) "The thing with living with a genius is that you learn a trick or two from them. I made this fossil compatible myself."

(Katsuo) "Huh? I don't believe you. You must've given it to your brother. I can never see you be that capable."

(David) "Then don't believe me. I did it how I had to."

(Katsuo) "Life's... gotta be gotta be shit when a two-bit wreath costs your life savings."

(Teacher AI) "At this time, I ask all students to log into the Green Room for meditation."

(David) "Countin' on ya, brother."

As the students were transported into the virtual space, David couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. The lush, natural surroundings were a stark contrast to the monotony of his normal classroom. And he had his brother to thank for it - the upgraded headset allowed him to fully immerse himself in the experience. As the AI teacher droned on with the lesson, David leaned back in his seat, grateful for the seamless experience. He couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction, knowing he wouldn't have to worry about any technical difficulties ruining his day.




Karito Pov

I stood outside David's school, dressed in my civilian attire. People passing by would occasionally do a double-take at the sight of me. The boys recognized me as "The Genius Kid from downtown," while the girls flocked around me, eager for attention. While I appreciated the recognition, it was a constant hassle to deal with. I received job offers from numerous companies, but each one was overflowing with my enemies. I couldn't even consider taking them up on their offers, as I'd be putting myself in harm's way. The thought of working in the enemy's lair made me uneasy, and I knew I wouldn't last a day in such a hostile environment.

While I regret betraying my mother's expectations for me, I simply cannot ignore the threats that loom in those corporations. The argument we had still haunts me, as I told her that I wouldn't join any of those corporate companies. Her tears shattered my heart and I resorted to lying, telling her that I was going to become an entrepreneur instead. I hate deceiving her like this, but I have no other options. My mother trusts in my intelligence, and I used that trust to calm her down, even though it went against my conscience.

Actually, I have a plan. Mom said she was going to take it easy today, so why not surprise her with a reservation at a luxurious restaurant? I'll take care of the bill, of course. If Mom starts to worry, I'll simply assure her that everything is under control. She sometimes forgets that I'm not a kid anymore, but that's just a typical motherly instinct.

I swipe my finger across the holographic display, scrolling through a list of phone contacts until I find Mom's number. I tap the call icon and wait for her to pick up.

(Gloria) On Call "Karito? Everything okay?"

(Karito) On call "Yeah, everything's fine. Can you pick me and David? I have somewhere I want to take the two of you to."

(Gloria) "Oh? Sure, I'll go ahead and pick the both of you up then."

(Karito) "Dress nicely will you?"

(Gloria) "Wait, what is that-" Karito hangs up

(Karito) Snorts "And there we go."

A few minutes later

I see David emerge from the school with a look of exhaustion etched on his face. He notices me, a hint of recognition brightening his features, and he lifts his hand in a tired wave. As he approaches, I slung my arm around his neck in a warm embrace, like only a true sibling could.

(Karito) "What's up huevón? Rich kids annoyed you again?"

(David) "The usual, y'know?"

(Karito) "Yup, I know. Also, Mom is gonna pick us up."

(David) "Why?"

(Karito) "I'm taking us somewhere to eat."

(David) "Oh? Seems interesting."

(Karito) "Mom needs a break so I'll force one on her."

(David) "Probably the only way she'll listen."

(Karito) "I know." Sees their mother's vehicle stop on the road "And speaking of which, there she is. Let's go."

(David) "Following you."

We both entered the car and greeted our mother with a warm hello. I took the front passenger seat, while David slunk into the plush back seats and let out a contented sigh as he relaxed. Mom started driving the car as I activated the GPS to direct us to the location.

(Gloria) "David? Were you able to get the upgrade?"

(David) "Yup. Worked like a charm."

(Gloria) "You sure you didn't try to get around the system like your brother used to do?"

(Karito) "Not my fault I could update the thing myself."

(David) "You can make updates with scrap, Karito."

(Karito) "I know. People just don't know how to recycle."

(Gloria) "About that, Karito. When are you going to start that business you said?"

(Karito) Nervous "Oh uh... of course I'm starting small. I'm a pretty good engineer."

(Gloria) "Oh? What clients have you sold to already?"

(Karito) "..."

(David) "..."

(Gloria) "Boys?"

(Karito) "Uh, I've sold them to people in need and those who could afford them, you know?"

(Gloria) "If that's so why did you both just awkwardly stare at each other?"

(David) His anxiety increases making his foot start tapping

(Karito) "Well..."

(Gloria) "Karito, what are you hiding?" Slightly upset

(Karito) "Uh... Mom, please don't be mad..."

(Gloria) "And why would I be mad?"

(David) Continues tapping his foot

(Gloria) "David, can't you sit still a minute?" Sighs

(David) Stops himself with a sigh and decides to take a bullet for his older brother "Y'know... I've been thinking."

(Gloria) "Huh? What?"

(David) "Maybe I drop out. Find some work or whatever."

(Gloria) "WHAT?! Do you hear yourself?!"

(David) "C'mon, seriously. You working long hours. Karito pays the majority of the expenses and recently everyone and everything has been leeching out of us. We are losing money fast. Plus, you got no idea just how badly I stand out compared to all of them. Anyone 'Sides a true blue corpo gets shit on'. Even if I do graduate they'll never accept me. What makes you think that if they don't want Karito they'll want me? Sure, Karito turned them down but didn't you stop to think maybe it was because they will belittle him? No kid from Santo will ever be a suit. And I don't wanna be one anyway."

(Gloria) "..."

(Karito) "..."

(Gloria) Speaks with a shaky voice filled with emotion "So, you tell me. What have I been busting my ass for then, huh?"

(Karito) "Mom... It's..."

(Gloria) "Everything I do, I do for you two... You two are my world but... You're breaking my heart, mijo."

(Karito) "Mom..."

(Gloria) Starts tearing up "My sweet baby boys. You two are smart and so talented. You two are everything to me. I want to give David a fighting chance in this city and a good education, just like Karito." Sniff "And I just want Karito to be successful... I appreciate him going out of his way to help me with expenses but now I feel like he's hiding a dark truth from me. My older baby boy." Hic "Since Karito was a baby I've always pulled long hours. Why I'm never home. Your brother did more of a parent's job than I ever did..."

(Karito) Bumps his little brother's shoulder

(David) "Uh, I'm sorry... Shouldn't have brought it up. Don't cry, Mom..."

(Gloria) "Think I don't know how they treat you? Think I and your brother don't get treated the same way? But that's why you gotta prove them wrong. Your brother is a living example of it."

(Karito) Starts feeling a weird sensation and starts looking around the highway

(Gloria) "You have to work hard and rise through the ranks. Both of my sons at Arasaka Tower's top floor! I can just see it. Heck, Karito might even go beyond it if you two work together you can create wonders! I know you two got this. You are my son's after all."

(David) "Yeah, well, easier said than done..."


I quickly sprang into action, pulling David down in his seat to protect him from the hail of bullets. I covered our mother's face with my forearm, shielding her from harm as a few bullets ricocheted off my skin. The car beside us was firing upon a black limousine on the other side, but unfortunately, we found ourselves caught in the crossfire.

The criminals stopped shooting once they saw the limo speed up.

(Man 1) "Don't let 'em get away!"

(Man 2) "Suits limo's titanium plated! "

(Man 1) "The hunt's on, my beast bros!"

The group of thugs pulled out an RPG and fired at the limousine, making it bounce off the air. They quickly drove to the side and let the limousine continue bouncing off the street. But the limousine went straight for us.

(David) "MOM! BREAK! BREAK!"

(Gloria) Shrieks in panic

Without hesitation I rocketed myself towards the limousine, unleashing a venomous punch with precision. The impact was devastating, obliterating the limousine and sending me and my mother's car flying back from the resulting explosion. It quickly became clear that the vehicle was carrying something dangerous, likely explosives, and the blast was far from ordinary. The shockwave intensified and the entire highway crumbled beneath us.




David Pov

The intense pain in my body is overwhelming as I try to regain my bearings. The aftermath of the explosion is a hazy blur in my mind. I slowly open my eyes, realizing I am suspended upside down in the overturned remains of my mother's car. Blood streams down my face, the source of the pounding headache that consumes me. The scene outside my window is a nightmare- a raging inferno of purplish flames that threatens to engulf me. Despite the chaos, my thoughts immediately turn to my mother. I call out to her, but my voice is lost in the chaos. As I search for her through the swirling flames, I see the headlights of the trauma team approaching. A beacon of hope amidst the destruction.

(David) "It's the Trauma Team? Oh, thank Christ."

(Trauma 1) Approaches David and scans him "He's not a client."

(Trauma 2) "Neither is she."

(David) "Hey, wait!"

(Trauma 1) "Secure the policyholder. Leave them to the city meat wagons."

(Trauma 2) "Copy that." Leaves them

(David) "What? What do you mean?! We are registered! KARITO MADE SURE OF THAT! WHAT DO YOU MEAN?! WHAT THE HELL?! HEY! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!"


(David) "Karito!"

(Karito) Snaps his neck towards David's voice "David!" Runs towards him and breaks the door "David! Are you okay?!"

(David) "I-I am! But mom!"

(Karito) "DAMN IT!" Pulls a healing potion "What? No...NO! WHY ISN'T IT WORKING AGAIN?! FUCK! NO! NO! NOOOOOO!!! WHY IS THIS HAPPENING?!"

(David) "MOM! WAKE UP! PLEASE, MOM!!! FUCK!!!"




No Pov

The waiting room was a tense one, as Karito sat next to his younger brother David, both anxiously waiting for any news on their mother's condition. The younger sibling was bandaged up and recovering, but their mother's situation was much more dire. After being thrown from the car during the explosion, she had sustained multiple fractures and the chances of a successful surgery were uncertain. Karito felt a knot in his stomach, his anxiety reaching new heights as he thought of the possibility of losing his beloved mother. Every passing moment felt like an eternity as they waited for any word on her condition.

A few minutes passed and the doctor finally approaches them with the news.

(Doctor) "Surgery was a success. Your mother hasn't come to just yet, but she's stable. Need her to stay a few more nights."

(Karito) "Oh... Then, is it okay if I see her?"

(Doctor) "No can do, buddy. Visitation ain't part of your package."

(Karito) "The fuck do you mean? I remember paying for higher ones?!"

(Doctor) "Calm down. It says here that you were reduced to lower packages for some reason."


(Doctor) "Don't know. Anyway, I should get started on the paperwork. Brought your mom's things. And don't forget to zip us those edds. Got three days."

(Karito) "Huh..."

(Doctor) "Yeah. There's a reason everyone in Night City wants insurance."

(Karito) Mumbles "But... I paid for it..."

(Doctor) Walks away "Stay safe now."

Karito was fuming with rage, everything in his life was going against him. First the explosion on the highway, the news of his mother's critical condition, and the fact that everyones taking everything from him. He felt like he was losing everything, and he couldn't take it anymore.

He stood up from his seat and with a loud roar, he punched the wall beside him, completely destroying it. His little brother, David, jumped in fear, never seeing his older brother like this before.

(Karito) "I can't take this anymore!" He yelled, his voice echoing throughout the hospital room "Why does everything have to go wrong?!"

David watched in shock as his older brother continued to take out his frustration on the wall, completely destroying it. The nurses and doctors rushed in, but they were too late to stop him.

(David) "Karito, calm down!" He cried, trying to get his older brother to stop

But it was too late, Karito's rage was uncontrollable and he was beyond reason. Eventually, the hospital security was called and it took multiple people to bring Karito under control.

David was left shaken and scared, not knowing what to do. He never imagined that his strong and composed older brother could become so full of anger and frustration. He just hoped that everything would turn out alright in the end.

Luckily it did as they let Karito go once he bribed them with money... the money he was quickly losing.



The two brothers eventually made it to their home.

(David) On a call "Yeah, hoops chip. Version back... Is that all? You low-balling me? Huh? Nah, forget it, choom." Hangs up

(Karito) Looks at the door "Hmm? "Reads it "Access denied..rent past due?! WHAT THE FUCK?!" Has had enough shit for one day and hacks the door allowing access to them "I just don't give a shit anymore."

The two of them entered the apartment and started savaging through their mom's papers.

(David) "Another account? Christ. Just enough. She saved so much. Never knew."

(Karito) "I'm gonna grab my saves as well because this neighborhood fucking hates us." Walks towards David "I should be able to solve the medical... and the fucking rent...

(David) Looks in the bag the doctor gave him revealing it was Gloria's yellow EMT jacket but as he did he spots a weird device and places it on the couch "Hey Karito?"

(Karito) "Yeah?"

(David) "Look at this? This cyberware looks Military, right?"

(Karito) "What the... was this inside mom's jacket?"

(David) "Yeah. Strange isn't it? How much do you think it'd fetch?"

(Karito) "I don't know how the fuck mom found a Sandevistan but that will get us a lot. I can check around but I'm not sure. But what I am sure of is that it sells for a fuck ton. Just don't ask Doc for it, he'll definitely rip you off."

(David) "Oh trust me, I know. Isn't he always trying to rip you off?"

(Karito) "Yes, and it's quite annoying."

(David) Searches in the computer "You said it was a Sandevistan, right?"

(Karito) "Yeah, that's right."

(David) "Okay, so no serial number and... what? Military-grade, that thing?"

(Karito) "It is actually."

(David) "Well, it for sure ain't legal. But fuck it." Continues searching "Whoa!"

(Karito) "What?"

(David) "Check out these specs."

As the night dragged on, Karito and David were consumed by their search for information. The exhaustion of the previous night's events took its toll on David and they were barely aware that the sun was beginning to rise. David rubbed his bleary eyes and stumbled out of his chair, ready to face another day at school. Karito, determined to be there for his younger brother, accompanied him to school, feeling a sense of unease as they stepped into the bright morning light. The weight of the situation and the lack of sleep had taken its toll, leaving David feeling drained and uncertain. Karito due to his rapidly increasing abilities he's able to go on for weeks without sleep, so he's relatively fine, unlike his little brother.

David roamed around the area where the holographic fish displays "swam" through the air. He remembered seeing the woman with the peculiar white hair around this area and decided to look for her while his older brother was getting breakfast for them to eat. However, as David peered over the railings where he had previously seen the mysterious woman, he was met by his school bullies, who taunted and laughed at the bruises and cuts that covered his face and arms. They dragged him to a secluded alley, where they continued to torment him, mocking him.

(Katsuo) "Little piece of advice, Martinez. Learn to take a hint."

(David) "About what?"

(Katsuo) "Our class. You're not welcome. Got it?"

(David) "Huh? If this is about yesterday-"

(Katsuo) Raises his voice "Who said anything about yesterday?"

(David) "What?"

(Katsuo) "You probably figure I give you a hard time 'cause you're poor. Simply untrue. I'm rather charitably inclined. Not you nor your brother's fault that you two were born on the wrong side of society. There's no rule that says a street kid can't make it at the Academy provided they pay their way."

(David) Sigh

(Katsuo) "What cracks my chrome is something else entirely. Know what?"

(David) "Look, choom. I haven't understood a single thing coming out of your mouth."

(Katsuo) "That's one of the things, right there!"

(David) "Hmm..."

(Katsuo) "Time to get done. Just drop out, why don't ya?"

(David) Dumbfounded "Huh?"

(Katsuo) "You're a disgrace, a stain on society. Being human but still a waste, that's a fact you can't deny. It's repulsive that your brother, who's no better than a rodent, managed to outperform the entire school. Your family's corruption is ingrained in your very being. It enrages me that despite all the efforts to bring him down - hacking into the system, trying to scare him - your brother still emerged victorious, becoming a legend in MY school. But you'll never live up to his reputation, Martinez. So stay away, and don't infect the rest of us with your filth."

(David) "Did I just short-circ? My brother this my brother that, why is everyone so obsessed with my brother? The fuck did he ever do to all of you? It's not my fault that my brother is just built differently. And you said you didn't care as long as I paid tuition? Huh? You cared enough to bring me here and insult my family."

(Katsuo) Smirks "Talking about family. I heard your mommy is in the hospital. What unfortunate circumstances."

(David) Clenches his fist

(Katsuo) "I can imagine the agony your emotions must be in. Your poor brother has to waste his time taking care of you but hey, that's one less gutter in the garden. You know, since we're chatting, I've always wondered. How could she afford to send you to Arasaka Academy anyway? Care to explain, Martinez? Is your brother doing some sketchy stuff just like your mother?"

(David) Is scratching the surface of the wall with his forehead in frustration

(Katsuo) "Go on. Tell us. How do brother and mommy pay your way? What's any Night City bottom-feeder do to make a quick eurobuck, huh?"

(David) Starts breathing heavily

(Katsuo) "Oh! A couple of pretty salacious things come to mind."

(David) Scoffs "Tired of this shit." Tries to walk away

(Katsuo) Blocks him "Hold on, choom. Who said we were done?"

(David) "Fuck off!"

(Katsuo) Pushes David back not allowing passage and continues pushing David until he almost fell on his back

(David) Grunts "Tch!"

(Katsuo) Mocking "Huh? Oh? What?" His hands start to glow "Huh? Ah!" Silly sounds

David's pent-up frustration reached its breaking point as he attempted to land a punch on his bully, but it was easily blocked by the advanced cyberware implanted in his attacker.

(Katsuo) "Got anything slotted? MMA freeware maybe?"

(David) Straining "NGH!"

(Katsuo) "Hmm? Hmm. Aww!" Continues pushing David's hand away

Suddenly, the bully shifted into a traditional kung fu stance, displaying incredible agility that took David by surprise. His movements were fluid and graceful, almost like a dance, as he taunted David with his newfound skills. David was in awe, and a little intimidated, as he realized that his bully was not just some ordinary brute, but a formidable opponent with advanced cyberware and mastery of martial arts.

David was pummeled by a relentless assault of punches that left him dizzy and disoriented. The bully didn't let up, raining blow after blow on the helpless boy until he was covered in bruises and blood. With a powerful spinning back kick, the bully sent David flying into a pile of trash bags, his body aching and battered.

(Katsuo) "Nothing like the Strongarms 400 to bring out the best in your kung-fu chipware." Looks down at David "Organic knuckles? Seriously? Wanna try me again? I suggest you pack some serious chrome. Or just drop out."

(Karito) "Hey..."

The three bullies suddenly froze as they spotted David's older brother, Karito, standing behind them. His imposing stature and intense gaze radiated an aura of intimidation that left the bullies feeling as though they were being suffocated. They could sense the raw anger and power pulsing within Karito as if he was about to unleash a force of nature upon them. As his eyes locked onto the bullies, they saw the fury in his eyes and felt a shiver run down their spines. They knew they were in trouble as they realized the gravity of what they had done to David, and the price they would now have to pay for their actions.

As Karito approached the bullies, his steps became heavier, each one landing with a resounding thud. The first bully, a round-built individual, made a desperate move, throwing a punch at Karito. But the only sound that echoed through the alleyway was the sharp clang of flesh hitting metal. Karito's cheek barely flinched at the impact, leaving the bully stunned and wide-eyed.

Trying to escape, the bully turned to run, but Karito caught him with a single finger on the forehead. With a flick of his wrist, the bully was sent flying backward, spinning through the air before crashing to the ground. The other two bullies, who had been watching in horror, realized that their target's strength was not from cybernetic enhancements, but from something else entirely.

Before they could even comprehend what was happening, the two bullies suddenly found themselves on the ground, unable to react or understand how they got there. The time it takes for the brain to send a signal to the body varies, but typically, it takes around 100 milliseconds for a nerve impulse to travel from the brain to the muscles. Yet, these two bullies were unable to react in time, as Karito's movements were too fast for their perception. The speed of perception can be influenced by many factors, such as age, attention, and the type of sensory input being processed, but Karito's movements were beyond what was humanly possible, leaving the two bullies wondering how someone could move that fast.

Karito approached his little brother, who was badly beaten and covered in blood. With gentle care, he hoisted David onto his back and began to carry him away. As he walked, Karito's mind was consumed with a nagging suspicion. He had tried to use a healing potion on his mother before, but it had seemed to have no effect. Now, he decided to test his theory.

He pulled out another vial of healing potion and, with a flick of his wrist, shattered it onto his brother's wounds. Almost instantly, the potion went to work, repairing the damaged flesh and knitting it back together. The sight confirmed Karito's suspicion: the purple flames that had been present when he tried to heal his mother and lover, Sasha, had somehow disrupted the potency of the healing potion.

This realization was a serious problem. If the Darks in this dimension were capable of blocking the healing properties of his skills and potions simply by being near them, Karito would have to be extra cautious. He made a mental note of this discovery, vowing to stay vigilant and protect his loved ones from harm.

Karito stepped out of the narrow alleyway, his younger brother securely piggybacked on his back. Just as he emerged into the street, the sound of his phone rang out, breaking the silence. He sighed deeply, his thoughts turning to the doctor he had visited at the dilapidated hospital the day before. With a mental command, he answered the call.

(Doctor) On call "Mr. Martinez?"

(Karito) On call "You speaking to him."

(Doctor) "Good morning, Mr. Martinez. I'm calling in regard to Gloria Martine's condition."

(Karito) Freezes "Huh?"




At the rundown hospital.

(Karito) "What's wrong?" Shaky voice

(Doctor) "She was stable this morning, but then her vitals began to nosedive really out of nowhere."

(David) Was now wide awake "But you said the surgery was successful..."

(Doctor) "True. But only so much we can do on the discount package."

(Karito) His left eye twitches

(Doctor) "Worn down as she was, I doubt she'd have lasted much longer. I assumed that it was from Overworked but after the incident, she must've contained a virus."

(Karito) Gasp

(Doctor) "Anyway, I'm supposed to tell you we offer some burial options." Gives Karito the tablet "People in Night City want corpo gigs for a reason, kid."

(Karito) Looks at the tablet with a dead expression

(Table speaker) "Greetings, valued customer. We are sorry for your loss. To ease things at this difficult time, we can deliver the body of your dearly departed to your home or to a funeral home. Would you like to learn more? "

(Karito) "..." Thoughts "Do I even have a choice?"

(David) Just slouches down on the rundown chair with the same expression as Karito

(Tablet speaker) "Is our budget-friendly cremation service right for you? Waive those pesky delivery fees and bring your loved one home today."

Karito and David stood silently in front of their mother's ashes, surrounded by the somber atmosphere of the crematorium. The reality of their loss had finally hit them and it was almost too much to bear. Their mother's passing had left a void in their hearts, a void that could never be filled.

Karito stood stoically, still in shock, unable to process the emotions that were raging inside of him. He looked at his brother who was in a similar state, his eyes red and puffy from the tears that he had been holding back.

The machine beeped loudly signifying its cremation process. Karito and David listened in silence, both lost in their own thoughts, trying to hold on to the memories of their mother.

As the machine finishes and spits out a container, Karito, and David approached the ashes and knelt down beside them. They closed their eyes and offered a final farewell to their mother. Despite the overwhelming emotions, they found that they were unable to cry as if their tears had dried up.

The two brothers stood up, still in a daze, and looked at each other. They both knew that their mother was gone forever and they would never see her smile or hear her laughter again. But they also knew that she would always be with them in their hearts and memories.

With one final look at the ashes, Karito and David walked out of the crematorium, hand in hand, together in their grief and support for each other. They were determined to carry on with their lives, but they would never forget the love and guidance their mother had given them.




(Principal) "Good day, Mrs. Martinez. We've received a quote for the repairs to our systems infrastructure. As agreed, I've sent you an e-mail with the payment details. Also, perhaps you've had time to think? Do let me know. Just say the words and we'll begin making arrangements for David's transfer to another institution."

As Karito and David walked down the sidewalk, the weight of their loss felt almost palpable. David cradled the small container holding their mother's ashes close to his chest as if he was trying to protect her even in death. Despite the warm sunshine and bustling street around them, the brothers felt like they were moving through a void, their thoughts and emotions consumed by the loss of their mother.

Karito took the lead, his gait steady and determined, but his eyes fixed straight ahead, avoiding the curious glances of passersby. He knew that today was going to be tough for David, returning to school after such a tragedy. He also knew that he had to be strong for his brother, even though his own heart was heavy with grief and was barely hanging on.

(Automated voice) "Please note. Maintain your utilities contract, you must pay a penalty of 500 eurodollars in addition to any past due amounts and late fees. If you cannot pay by the deadline, your services will be terminated in the following order..."

Karito and David walked side by side down the quiet, deserted street. David had his eyes downcast, and his arms wrapped tightly around the container holding their mother's ashes. Karito could sense the weight of the situation bearing down on both of them, and he couldn't blame David for not wanting to go to school today.

As they approached the school gates, David spoke up.

(David) "Karito, I don't think I can do this. I'm not in the mood for school today."

Karito looked at his younger brother, his heart aching for the pain David must be feeling. He put a gentle hand on David's shoulder and said...

(Karito) "I understand. Let's go back home."

As the brothers boarded the train, their mood was somber. The bustling noises of the commuters faded into the background as they both gazed at the floor in silence. The train journey felt interminable, the tension between the siblings palpable. As they stepped off the train and into the food stands, their heads hung low, their steps slow and heavy. In the midst of their mourning, Karito's phone rang. It was the landlord of the apartment. The interruption in their silence felt jarring, and Karito answered the call hesitantly.

(Man) "Ding-Ding, Martinez! Me again. Time's up. Rent's past due! Keep this up and I won't just change your lock, I'll throw your asses out on the street! You feel me?!"

The brothers reached the apartment and saw the familiar "Access Denied. Rent Past Due" notice. Karito without a care in the world hacks the door once again, allowing passage for the two of them. As time passed, Karito was in his room just staring at the ceiling as his brother was in the living room talking to Doc.

(David) On Call "The implant I showed you, you said you'd take it off me for 10K?... Six now?! You said ten yesterday, choom! Come on. That's just one fucking day! I did my research with my brother and we both know that it's worth way more! Hell yeah, I looked into it, and I... Oh, yeah? Well, fuck you too! Bicth!" Hangs up and without a break one of his bullies calls him. David's stress starts to reach its boiling point

(Katsuo) "Katsuo here. I heard about your mom. I'd offer my sympathies, but find it hard to sympathize. God only knows what she had to endure to send her delinquent sons to an Academy they don't belong at."

As David listened to his bully Katsuo's insults, his anger boiled over. He clutched his head tightly, feeling like it was about to explode from the rage building inside of him. His feet tapped a quick rhythm on the floor, mirroring the increasing frustration he felt. Karito, who was in his room, had accidentally tapped into David's call and heard the insults being thrown their way. He lay on his bed, seething with anger. The heat radiated from his body as he listened to the insults aimed at his brother and mother.

Karito couldn't take it anymore. He had enough of bullies like Katsuo and the toll they took on his brother. He bit his lip so hard that he tasted blood, a testament to the anger he felt. He thought to himself that these bullies never learned, that this world was turning him into a being full of wrath. The image of his mother, who was no longer with them, flickered through his mind, fueling his anger even more.

(Katsuo) "Her methods couldn't have been noble if she died in a car accident. So mundane. But you know? Karma. There's a lesson in this, David."

(David & Karito) Panicked breathing

(Katsuo) "Your mother tried to live beyond her means and died. Your brother will probably be next. Don't make the same mistake."

Karito paced back and forth in the room, his mind racing with emotions. His fists clenched tightly as if trying to contain the rage that threatened to overflow. The cycle of pain and suffering just continued on and on. No matter how hard they tried, it seemed as though they were forever trapped in this never-ending nightmare. Karito couldn't take it anymore. He was tired of always being on the receiving end of life's unfair punches. He wanted to fight back, to make things right for once. But how could he, when the weight of the world was crashing down on him?

Both brothers were consumed by their anger and pain. They felt like prisoners in their own lives, powerless to change the course of their fate. The world was an unfair place, but they refused to give up. They would find a way to break the cycle, to heal and move forward, even if it meant fighting tooth and nail for every inch of progress.

David marched into Karito's room, his eyes ablaze with a wave of fierce anger. The pain of losing their mother and the constant burden of a broken cycle of life weighed heavy on his heart. He was tired of pretending to be okay and was ready to take action.

(David) "Karito," he spat, his voice filled with a simmering rage "I've had enough. Our mother died because of the evil in this world, and I won't stand for it anymore. It's time to take revenge for her sake."

Karito's eyes widened as he felt the same intense anger coursing through his veins. He too was tired of the constant struggles and hardships they had to endure. He stood up from his bed, his fists clenched tightly at his sides.

(Karito) "You're damn right, David," he growled "It's time for us to stand up and fight back. For our mother, for ourselves, for a better life."

Together, the two brothers stood united in their rage, ready to take on the world and bring justice for their fallen loved one. They would no longer be passive victims, but powerful warriors fueled by their anger and a desire for change.




Doc was having the time of his life with his braindance. He was moaning in pleasure as three women were on him. One bouncing on his hips, another kissing him, and the final one just licking his chest. He continued with his pleasure until the Martinez brother busted into his workshop. Doc jumped out of his seat, surprised by such action, and went to check who interrupted his fun.

(Ripperdoc) "Christ. The hell. Who is that?" Sees the brothers "Aah, the Martinez brothers, hey."

(David) "You sure you don't want it? You are stronger."

(Karito) "I'll be fine. We both are going to fight."

(Ripperdoc) Sees what Karito is holding "That the big bad Sandy? Not a badge or fixer in town who's not looking for that beaut. I told you though..." Sighs "ain't gonna find anyone sane willing to take it off your hands."

(Karito) "We're not here to sell."

(Ripperdoc) "Ooh?"

(Karito) "I want this fused on David's back. It's time to chrome him the fuck up!"

To Be continued...