
The Guardian of Hierarchy : Hierarukī no gādian

Takashi Yaotzin Azuma is reincarnated into a world ruled by demons, devils, and angels following his suicide. He also slaughtered his entire abusive family to express his resentment towards them. He evolves into the new demon lord, and he shares power with his enormous harem of high-ranking demons. Naomi Celka Miyahara, the leading Archangel, wants to capture him and have some private fun with him. Yaeko, Takashi's dead sister, will return as the adversary to exact her revenge and pay him back for murdering her.

Sai_Dura · Fantasy
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5 Chs

The Awakening of The Half-breed

"You can't escape the hardships of life. An empowering female voice spoke. "Suicide is not the perme….. Uhh, what was it again? Oh yeah, suicide is the permanent solution to temporary problems." It felt as if these words had been directed at me.

Another voice, slightly higher in pitch, spoke with grace. "Big sis, when will you understand that nobody can understand quotes from another world?" The person who had been speaking let out a sigh. "You need to give up."

Where was I, who were these people, and how am I alive? I opened my eyes, revealing the beast that stood in front of me with its back turned. It displayed vicious horns that looked to be able to pierce through me with ease, a radiant, blazing left eye that lit up the room with a red light, black wings covered in multiples of the same type of eyes, and sharp spear-like spikes protruding from the wings, arms, and legs. Surprisingly, it had a human-looking figure.

I accidentally grunted in fright, causing her to swivel around and stare at me.

"HE'S AWAKE!!!!" I covered my ears to prevent myself from turning deaf. "AND IT LOOKS LIKE HE'S CAPABLE OF USING NOT ONLY DEMONIC ENERGY, BUT ALSO ANGELIC ENERGY."

What the hell was this moron talking about? Demonic and angelic energy sounded like something straight out of a video game.

It had only been a minute since I heard that absurd comment.

I was going to assault this person with questions when I heard the aggressive sound of running. It was approaching me. A gang of scary-looking women then (literally) burst through the door, causing a tremendous crash sound that surprised me. I couldn't help but tremble profusely at the sight of these monsters; they were not humans.

"It cannot be! In the end, the prophecy came true." They all spoke in unison. "He has arrived at last."

I couldn't think straight since so many strange things were happening at the same time. I placed my palm on my face, trying to remember how I had arrived here, but as I did, I observed something peculiar.

It was a nostalgic sense; it was my eye, and it was back. The experience of having unobstructed vision brought me to tears.

The girls quieted down as tears streamed down my cheeks. "He's crying?"

"Ah, sorry, you must be confused." A mature-looking lady with similar characteristics to the others approached me and observed my face. Something felt unusual about her. I couldn't really explain it; her aura just felt different.

I got a general grasp of my situation as she explained to me what had happened while I was unconscious.

According to her description, I appeared to have fallen from the sky and landed directly in the women's dormitory. In this universe, it would be known as a demonatorium.

The people who were currently staying in the dorms felt I was a pervert attempting to sneak a peek at the girls changing.

I honestly don't see how they could think of something so weird given that I fell from the sky.

On the sight of my dazed body, the current dorm mother, Honoka Furuya, relentlessly beat the hell out of me WHILE I WAS UNCONSCIOUS! What kind of appalling person would act that cruelly towards someone they had never even met?!

Following the incident, I was transferred to the cardinal healing center for recovery.

It seemed that in this world, demons, angels,devils, nymphs, and humans coexisted. Demons were well-known for their voracious need for human blood.

It was their primary source of regeneration, vigor, demonic energy, and sustenance. They only needed this blood to maintain their health, as they could not live without it.

Though all of this was very hard to believe, I accepted it as the truth. There is no other way I would be alive if it weren't true.

"Someone is here to meet you." Tsubame Aoki (the mature-looking woman who told me everything) stepped away from my hospital bed as a strange-looking person entered the room. Her disoriented face was as vivid red as a ripe cherry in the time of spring. Who was this elusive individual, and what did she want with me?

She raised her head, appearing to be embarrassed. "I'm sorry to bother you at a time like this," she stated softly. "Following the incident from yesterday, I would like to sincerely apologize for the harsh things I did and I am willing to acc…" She hesitated for a few moments, weaving her coiled hair between her fingers.

Whatever she was about to say was definitely going to be absurd. I could tell just by looking at her distressed face.

"I'M WILLING TO ACCEPT ANY PUNISHMENT FROM MY FUTURE LORD AND MASTER!" Her voice empowered every sound around me, filling the room with an awkward silence.

This girl was undoubtedly insane. I just woke up, and this fool was calling me her master. Tsubame had mentioned that someone had been coming to visit me, but I never expected it to be Miss Furuya out of all people.

Miss Furaya was the caretaker of the female demonatorium. She only looked in her mid-20s and was apparently quite popular among the male demons. This caused many problems for her due to the fact that she was constantly asked out by many of them, hindering her from her work.

Judging by the 'respectful' characteristics she had represented to me a couple of days ago, I could guess that she kindly declined the offers and definitely didn't beat the living daylights out of them, making them beg for mercy as she dispensed all her demonic energy into one attack just to blow up their entire village and everybody who inhabited it.

I could never imagine such a 'friendly' person doing that.

The awkward silence was interrupted as Tsubame moved closer, turning her head to speak. "I know you just woke up and I know that this is a lot of information to take in.

You have wings,horns,claws, and eyes just like us, but you are definitely not from this world. Even with these similarities, there is one thing that makes you different, and that is the fact that you are a half-angel.

The angel leader, Naomi Miyahara, once predicted that a half breed of demon and angel would be bestowed upon this world to settle peace between both nations."

The demons and angels had apparently been fighting since the start of time and never seemed to settle their eternal altercation. But with my special ability to use both parties' abilities, I could finally settle the peace once and for all.

" The following winter, you will be offered as a sacrifice to the leading angel, Naomi. We have no idea why the hell she even wants to have you all to herself, but we still have to go on with it."

This absurd allegation made it difficult to trust these demons.

As a child, everyone knew that demons were nasty monsters who usually murdered everyone they could. However, this did not appear to be the case, as they only killed humans to survive.

The thought of this made me question why they are portrayed so poorly.

I recall Tsubame expressing something about me possessing a share of human blood. If this really is authentic, why isn't anything happening?

When I raised my hand to ask, I felt as if my brain was attempting to stop me. "I thought that demons were unable to resist the temptation to drink human blood." Damn, what's up with me? Why did I say that in front of a gathering of demons?

I imagined myself traveling back in time just to stop myself, only to be silenced by the demons who spoke in unison.

"Right now, we are resisting the urge to pounce on you and suck you dry. We need to use your abilities to settle peace with the demons and angels, so we are not allowed to do anything that could put us on bad terms."

I sighed in relief, as they were willing to belittle their temptations for the chance of tranquility. A voice that sounded more formal and ladylike caught my attention. "If he is truly a halfbreed, then shouldn't he be capable of using the sacred ability of eternal vitality?"

I expected one of them to explain, but instead they just looked at each other with confusion.


"Do none of you pay attention in class? Eternal vitality is an ability utilized by angels to regenerate something that is missing from their bodies, such as blood and limbs.

Demons can also do this, but only to regenerate the used-up eyes on their wings. Only extremely high-ranking archangels can use this perk to heal their entire body. The amount of harmonic energy you are releasing may be enough to not only use it on yourself but even others around you." She gave an insolent grin at the others who were listening attentively. It seemed that this girl was quite a nerd.

"That means he won't die even if all his blood is drained." Tsubame said with a lustrous smirk.

I knew what they were about to do, and luckily my body was in perfect condition to fight back.

Unlike the others , I didn't know how to enable my demonic retribution ability.

It involved ripping out the left eye and crushing it to make a blood formation pact. Every high ranking demon has their own unique ability, which they can use by doing so. You could probably use a spare eye from your wing to replace the one you destroyed.

Right now, I have to focus on using normal fighting techniques instead of all this demon magic crap.

They looked as if they had lost their last fragment of humanly behavior and instead leapt towards me, emitting potent levels of demonic energy. In fact, it was so powerful that I could feel the ground under me shaking profusely even though they were far away. The worried behavior from before shifted to a crazed surge for my blood. Their teeth enlarged into remarkably sharp fangs that indicated they could rip me apart.

With no time to respond, I tried to get out of the way, and to my amazement, I moved instantaneously. My reflexes felt sharper, and my agility was heavily increased. Could this be the power of being a demon?

Though it felt great to be able to move at such speeds, I didn't want to go too fast, as I felt it would use more demonic energy.

The girls toppled on top of one another, smashing the entire hospital bed and the floor underneath. It was very entertaining to watch them crash through eight floors and onto the reception counter.

These bastards deserved it; they did try to suck my blood after all. Even if I didn't move out of the way, they would have probably just sold me off to Naomi after they were done with me.

I don't want to be offered as a compliant slave to someone I don't even know, or anyone, to be honest. Even if it meant that it would start a war, I still don't care. If I stay here any longer, I will just become known as an infinite food glitch.
