
The Guardian gods

Join the story of five new gods and their creation, as they try and navigate and understand the universe while making sure their own world is safe from any outside danger. Disclaimer: If you expect things should just work out for the main characters, this isn't the novel for you. My antagonist are people with thought and their own plans, they are capable of adjusting if things don't work out their way. Have a fun time reading.

Emmanuel_Onyechesi · Fantasy
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303 Chs


Ember chimed in, "And father, while the fire mountain is undoubtedly advantageous, the area I'm supposed to occupy might not be suitable for our clan's survival. What if we secure a territory with abundant resources first and use it as a base for launching expeditions to the fire mountain, ensuring the safety and sustainability of our people?"

Ikem listened attentively, considering their perspectives. After a thoughtful pause, he replied, "Your concerns are valid, and I appreciate your input. Let's revise the plan, taking into account your suggestions. Zephyr, establish the central hub as you proposed, allowing for swift communication. Ripple, focus on creating a specialized task force for quick response, maintaining the flexibility of your clan. Ember, prioritize securing a resource-rich territory first before venturing to the fire mountain. Together, we can refine our strategy and ensure the prosperity and security of our kingdom."