
The Guardian gods

Join the story of five new gods and their creation, as they try and navigate and understand the universe while making sure their own world is safe from any outside danger. Disclaimer: If you expect things should just work out for the main characters, this isn't the novel for you. My antagonist are people with thought and their own plans, they are capable of adjusting if things don't work out their way. Have a fun time reading.

Emmanuel_Onyechesi · Fantasy
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303 Chs


The priest's grin widened, revealing teeth stained by the red wine he had been drinking. "Reckless? Perhaps. But it is not a madness that blinds; it is a madness that sharpens. In the throes of it, you see clearer, feel deeper. The world slows, and every sound, every scent, every movement becomes a thread in the tapestry of the fight. Björn's madness is not a curse; it is a gift. It is the fire that burns away fear, doubt, and pain. It leaves only the purity of battle, the clarity of purpose."

Nwadiebube, silent, studied the priest carefully. The room had fallen quiet, the nobles no longer raising their goblets, their attention fully captured by the tales of the Norwegian warrior.