
The Guardian: A Tale of Protector and his Unwavering Loyalty

In the World of Magic and Technology, since ancient times everything was peaceful living together with magic and happiness, but as time goes by magic was wielded with bad intentions that might harm anyone or the entire human race. But, after the Wars, new forces arrives that is a very threat of humanity. Unknown forces or entity appeared through our world, using the Gates or Portals that humanity do not know. As this events keeps happening, one by one... Our world changed from a United World into a Split Fraction between the 4 Fractions that separated all of humanity. The Royalty/Nobility Fractions, Military Fractions, Freedom Fractions, and the Neutral Fractions. Because of this fractions that was formed, everyone or most of them has other agendas or there own personal gains instead of dealing the threats of humanity. Because of that, the Royalty/Nobility Fraction and Military Fraction join forces created an alliance that will prevent the people/awakeners/players stopping them. The Freedom Fractions created a peace treaty and joint forces with the Neutral Fraction to slow down that other 2 Fractions, to help and nurture the young generations and instead of oppressing them from those 2 Fractions. the Freedom Fraction and the rest of the remaining United Nations who are currently active created multiple associations to help there journey and solve the current problems. The Church has been always allied with the Freedom Fraction by generations and generations. This is a story of a young ordinary boy, who has luck at his side that will become "One of the Guardians of Humanity" in the near or far future, Accel. -Enjoy Reading-

ItsAccelDude · Fantasy
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Season 1 Chapter 1: The History of this World of Magic and Technology Part 1

In the World of Magic and Technology, where people are diverse with using Modern Technology and Magical Powers, making all things from impossible to possible. The Discover of Magic made huge impact throughout the entire world and history itself, Magic was discovered during the Crusaders Era, where a renown saint for the first time uses "Holy Magic" vanquish evil and ended the war.

Magic was developed more and more, new evolutions, more opportunities, and newly invented machines capable of using both mana and machines. At first, people began to use magic in a simple way, like using "Water Magic" on Farms, using "Earth Magic" on mines and workshop, using "Wind Magic" to dry clothes or something, and using "Fire Magic" for cooking something like that.

In the Crusaders Era, there were only Four Elements that is commonly used. But, when the French Revolutionary Wars begun they used created new spells called "Attack Magic", "Defense Magic", and "Offense Magic". The Four Elements has increase into more, like "Ice Magic", "Light Magic", "Dark Magic", "Lightning Magic", "Nature Magic", "Metal Magic", "Sound Magic", and lastly that was allowed and was sealed after the Crusaders Era from the Church, "Holy Magic" the reason that was sealed was because it was the current strongest magic that was wielded from the saint.

In the Era of the French Revolutionary Wars, they created different types of categories for each different magic elements to differentiate them. But, not long after they discovered called "Aura" that is capable on enhancing their bodies, objects, or amplifying there weapons or skills. Basically, in the Era of Gunpowder Swords and Shields are mostly used due to Aura that enables them to block bullets or resist artillery shells from cannons.

After the French Revolutionary Wars, many more was discovered and created like in the United States. They created using the possibilities of Magic called "Window System" wherein it enables to show there abilities, stats, and information. But, since it was just release there was still problems like people can see your information that you don't want them to know, something like that.

But, over the several years it keeps on developing into a proper system and soon United States shares this knowledge about the "Window System" throughout the world. And ever since the Window System was release throughout the world, Class Jobs was discovered from Asia, wherein people can get there specific class jobs. Not only this happened, but unknown appearance called "Dimensional Gates" appeared throughout the world.

This Dimensional Gates was a very threat throughout the world, because of unknown creatures and monsters that was never seen before appeared and soon each nations created called National Association were they registered adventurers who is willing to take risk on exploring the Dimensional Gates and fight this unknown threats, but unexpectedly upon exploration of the Dimensional Gates, they were obtained precious minerals and new obtain unknown items.

Those precious minerals were "Mithril", "Adamantite", and "Magic Ore". But, sad to say due to the Technology and Magic was this world it was impossible to use, and soon those industrialized countries started prioritizing on manufacturing the precious minerals. After that, people realize it was hard doing soloing in the Dimensional Gates or being together with random group of strangers that is hard to trust, they created "Guilds and Alliances".

Guilds and Alliances serve as important social and organizational structures that facilitate cooperation, trade, and collective defense among individuals and factions with shared interests. Due to this, creations of Guild and Alliances the Dimensional Gates is not a problem with the people they trust, but there was still a flaw from those... You already know what is it, its simple... Its "Betrayal"...

Then, the World War I happened. It was a total chaos and too much destructions due to the Power of Technology, Magic, and Aura. Nazi Germany was able to expand much more territory, but failed because it was a miscalculation when the Christian Churches and Religion got involve by the war, the reason was a High-Ranking Bishop was executed by a German Soldier that made the Christian Religion declared war with Nazi Germany.

The church created "Holy Barriers" and "Holy Castle Walls" in United Kingdom, Soviet Union, and some part of Africa to prevent German Army to expand there territories. While that is happening, in Asia they are being occupied by the Japanese Army... Then the World War I ended, there was no new development since there was so much cause and problem arises due to the World War I and soon World War II came.

With the help of powerful nations and the involvement of the Christian Church, they drove the German Army and brought peace to Europe, but due to a certain Scientist he created the "Atomic Bomb" fused with magical capabilities on enhancing the firepower and explosion. They dropped this powerful bomb in the two cities of Japan, making the country surrender.

After that, peace came. And the United Nation was founded together with the World Association and the International Association. There was also new places emerge from our world, its similar with Dimensional Gates but instead of going to another world it currently on our world called "Dungeons". Scientist discovered that it gives strange phenomenon were monsters and unknown creatures appeared, but the reason was the cause of "Chaotic Energy" or "Entropy".

This was born through Creation and Destruction, basically when the WW1 and WW2 this was formed. Because of this, strange cults emerge from our world and developed "Chaos Magic". That become a threat in the near future because of Dark Magic and Chaos Magic. And at the same time, Mithril was possible to used. Mithril was used for Constructions and Military Used.

As for Magic Ore, it was hard. The reason was, each ore differs each elements. So, what they did was those small ores they found they used for the daily necessities of the world, examples are the Electrical Ores was use for electricity, Water Ores can now create clean and fresh water, Light Ores are mostly used in Mines and Caves, and many more. Large Ores is currently on manufacturing due its hardness, but soon with the help of Mithril tools it will be possible and for the the Adamantite.

There was another huge impact that they want to take advantage like the Social Status of the World. Using connections in the Political World, they agreed creating a Social Status to everyone that made some huge impact of Human Rights Issues. Then, the created three types of Social Status Categories.

First is the Standard Status, Second is the Nobility Status, and the last is Military Status. Standard Status are balanced and neutral to each other, while Nobility comes from Fame and Wealth, and Military Status comes with Power and Recognition. But, the is the outside view of the entire world, in reality most of them like 75% of the Family with this status abuses its power and the world has changed.

Not, only that. The World Association also created Rankings for Adventuring from the Dimensional Gates or Dungeons. The Rank starts from the Lowest, G-Rank. And for the highest is currently A-Rank. They also categorize the Class Jobs to determined if they are low-rank and high-rank, but because of this people who grow stronger will look down low-ranking class jobs or there adventuring rankings. I think only those arrogant and selfish people are like that.

Before that happens, the United Nation, World Association, International Association, and National Association build and created the World Mastery Academy wherein everyone who is willing to learn and become a Adventurer or other names like Player or Awakener can become one, this was the best Project and Plan to counter those people who have high social status in preventing lower social status from learning the uses of Technology combining with Magic and Aura.

(To be Continued in Part 2)

Hello everyone. ItsAccelDude here the Author of this new revamp version of the novel story. Sad to say that the fanfiction of the King God Castle will delay. Due to some unnecessary excuses. Hope you enjo this.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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