
9. Waverly's First Time

“I love you too,” Waverly whispered before pulling Nicole down into a slow, gentle kiss.

The redhead smiled into the brunette’s lips as she slowly removed her fingers from inside Waverly, causing the brunette to sigh in response. This kiss started out as delicate, but quickly became rough and passionate. Waverly began to rock her hips up into the officer. It was so subtle that Nicole almost hadn’t noticed. Even Waverly wasn’t aware that she was doing it. It was like her body had a mind of its own; and it wanted more.

Nicole could hear Waverly’s heart rate speed up as her breathing increased. She rocked her own hips into the smaller woman, eliciting a moan from swollen lips as she moved down to the nape of her neck. She kissed, sucked, nipped, and licked at the spot, making note of which act got the best reaction from the writhing woman. She then trailed kisses down to Waverly’s breasts, where she lingered for a couple of minutes, really trying to work the brunette back up to where she had been before; and she had.

Waverly was panting and bucking her hips into the officer, desperate for contact as she felt soft lips on her nipples. “Unghh” she moaned out as one particular thrust of Nicole’s hips hit the perfect spot with just the right amount of pressure. Nicole took this cue and continued her trail further south as she kissed across flexed abdominals. The closer she got to Waverly’s heat, the more ragged the girl’s breathing became, and the faster her head began to spin. As soon as the officer’s lips hit Waverly’s pubic bone, she felt the brunette tense up. She looked up at Waverly.

“Is this okay?”

Waverly nodded hesitantly. Almost like her answer was both ‘yes’ and ‘no’. Nicole sat up and delicately rubbed her hands on the brunette’s clenching abdomen, trying to ease the tension.

“Baby, it’s okay if you don’t want me to. I just want to do whatever you like. Whatever makes you feel good.” She gave a reassuring smile.

“I- I don’t know if I like it,” Waverly quavered.

“Nobody’s ever given you oral?” She asked, trying to hide her disbelief in order to not make Waverly feel bad. How could anyone not want to taste this girl when it’s all Nicole had been dreaming about for months?

Waverly shook her head in response to the officer’s question.

Nicole nodded in understanding as she slowly brought one finger down to wet folds and moved it so gently around Waverly’s center that it was almost painful. The brunette exhaled sharply as if she had been holding her breath for way too long.

“Baby, do you trust me?” Nicole asked, her finger still moving in slow, unrecognizable patterns. She could feel Waverly’s clit swelling in reaction to her touch.

Waverly nodded, struggling her keep her eyes open. “I do,” she said between gasps of pleasure.

“Can I taste you?” Nicole asked with a sweet smile.

The brunette closed her eyes and tilted her head back as she furrowed her brow, a soft moan escaping her lips at one perfect swipe of Nicole’s finger. She fervently nodded. “Yes,” she breathed out.

Nicole grinned before dropping down to kiss the smaller woman’s stomach again. Her muscles seemed significantly more relaxed, which was what the redhead wanted. She moved her lips down to kiss Waverly’s center, but instead of touching right where Waverly wanted, she moved her path to the side, ending up at the brunette’s inner thigh, which was coated in arousal. Nicole licked the spot and sighed in pleasure. It tasted just like Waverly, which she loved.

The officer settled herself between Waverly’s legs as she continued to move her lips down to the inside of her knee. Knowing Waverly was a cheerleader, it probably meant that she was a dancer too. And she could now tell by the shape of her strong thighs that she used them frequently in more ways than just walking. She guided Waverly’s legs over her shoulders as she began to move her mouth back up to the brunette’s glistening center. She inhaled deeply through her nose, taking in the heady smell of Waverly’s arousal and licked her lips in anticipation.

Waverly was watching the whole thing with cautious eyes. She felt very vulnerable. Nobody had ever been that close to her center with their face – not even her gynecologist. Nicole was kissing the skin just one inch away from her folds, and a bunch of thoughts began to flood her mind. What if she wasn’t clean enough? What if she doesn’t like it? What if she didn’t taste good? She had never tasted herself before, so it’s not like she knew what she tasted like – not that she would have anything to compare it to even if she had.

Nicole kissed around the brunette’s pubic bone a few more times to build up the anticipation, before darting out her tongue to gently separate her wet folds and licking up her slit.

As soon as she made contact, Waverly’s jaw dropped and her forehead crinkled as she gasped in response to a feeling that was truly indescribable. It wasn’t like anything she had ever felt before. It was soft, and wet, and so fucking good. But the thing that turned her on the most, was how much she could tell Nicole was enjoying it. She could feel the redhead humming against her center in pleasure, and she could see the corners of her mouth slightly tugged up as if she were in heaven.

The redhead moved her tongue up to the brunette’s excited nub and swiped her tongue across it, eliciting a rather loud moan from the smaller woman. She watched Waverly drop her head down onto the bed and grab her forehead with her hands. She loved knowing that she was able to make the woman fall apart with something as simple as a few licks of her tongue. She massaged Waverly’s inner thighs with her fingers as she licked large circles around her clit. She stayed here for a few minutes, until the brunette threaded her hands into Nicole’s hair, pushing her down in encouragement. The officer knew that the girl was getting closer. She picked up her pace and was now drawing small circles directly over Waverly’s clit with her tongue.

“Fuck!” Waverly moaned at the change of pace. “Oh my god,” she gasped. “Jesus Christ, baby. Oh god!” She fervently thrusted her hips up into the officer’s tongue – Waverly thanked the heavens for blessing Nicole with that tongue. “Unghhh I’m gonna come. Nicole, ooooh fuck!”

The redhead could feel Waverly’s center twitching and contracting, desperate for something to grab onto. Knowing the woman was ready, she gently thrusted two fingers inside her sopping wet entrance and pumped simultaneously with her rapidly moving tongue. Just as she expected, Waverly’s walls clamped down onto Nicole in a tight grip.

The brunette felt a bolt of energy rush straight to her center as every single muscle in her body tensed up. She panted at an uncontrollable rate as her back slowly arched off the bed. She felt her release getting closer, and closer, until…

“OH FUCK!” Waverly cried, filling the room with echoes as she exploded with the most intense orgasm she’d ever had in her entire life. She grabbed the sheets next to her and bunched them up in her fists, squeezing so hard that her knuckles were turning white.

Nicole used her free hand to hold Waverly’s hips down, keeping her grounded. She felt arousal streaming out all over her hand and onto her sheets. She stared at Waverly’s face the whole time as she watched the woman that she loved fall over the edge. Waverly continued rocking her hips, so Nicole kept pumping and licking so she could help the woman ride out her orgasm. But what she didn’t know, was that Waverly’s orgasm had ended seconds ago, and she was now bringing her to a second orgasm. Waverly clenched her jaw as she threw her hands back onto the headboard of Nicole’s bed and held on for dear life as she felt another intense wave of pleasure wash over her.


The officer was thankful that they were at her house and not Waverly’s, because she knew that Wynonna would have heard Waverly – even from Shorty’s – and neither of them would ever hear the end of it.

Once again, Nicole grounded Waverly as she watched her come down from the unexpected high. When she knew that Waverly was completely finished, she dropped her tongue to the brunette’s entrance and licked her all the way up through her folds, gathering all of the remaining arousal on her tongue before crawling up to Waverly and french kissing her, forcing her to taste herself. Waverly wrapped her arms around Nicole’s neck and moaned into the kiss as she tasted herself on the redhead’s tongue. They kissed sloppily for a minute before Waverly pulled away, gasping for air.

“Wow,” Waverly panted as she looked into her lover’s eyes.

“You liked it?” Nicole smirked, already knowing the answer.

“Nicole, you just made me come twice in a row. I think saying ‘I liked it’ would be an understatement.”

The officer smiled, proud of herself, before kissing Waverly’s forehead, then her nose, then both of her cheeks, ending with a tender kiss on her lips. She then laid down next to her and positioned herself so that she was holding the slightly exhausted brunette in her arms.

Waverly sighed in post-orgasm glow as she curled up into strong arms. “This doesn’t mean that we’re done, you know. I’m just recuperating.”

“Oh really?” Nicole chuckled.

Waverly took Nicole’s hand in her own, intertwining their fingers and watching as she played with them. “I still can’t believe it,” she said.

“What?” Nicole asked as she looked over at Waverly.

“That sex can be that amazing,” she replied, still watching their hands as their fingers danced together.

The redhead laughed. “Welcome to the world of good sex. Population: Not Champ Hardy.”

“No, I mean…” she dropped Nicole’s hand and turned to look at her. “It’s never quite felt right. Like, there was always something missing. It was okay, but it was never like the way everyone had described it to be. Honestly, going to work seemed more fun. And it wasn’t even just that he was selfish in bed. I didn’t like any of it. Not a single thing. And I just always thought next time would be better, but it never was.”

She waited for Nicole to respond, but the redhead just looked at her in silence, waiting for her to continue. “I thought that maybe I was just broken. Like I wasn't made to enjoy it for some reason. I never in a million years thought that it was because I was…well, you know.”

Nicole nodded in understanding. “Have you ever been attracted to women before?”

“I never thought I was, but maybe I was just ignoring it. Or maybe I just never found the right woman until now,” she smiled at the officer before kissing her sweetly. “Makes me think, maybe it was all me and Champ wasn’t really as bad as I thought he was.”

“No, Champ’s still an ass,” Nicole quickly reassured. “And even if you were straight that relationship still wouldn’t have worked out, because you deserve to have someone who treats you right.”

“Like you?” Waverly smirked.

“Well I uh, I wasn’t exactly talking about me per se. I just meant in general,” Nicole explained, trying not to come off as cocky.

“But you do though. You’re the most caring person I’ve ever met, and you make me feel so safe all the time. You’re thoughtful, and generous…I mean, you just gave me four orgasms without even having one yourself.”

Nicole was suddenly aware of the ache between her legs, but ignored it. “I wanted to make this special for you.”

“And you have, you really have,” Waverly cupped Nicole’s cheeks. “But now, I want to return the favor, and focus on you for once.”

“Waves, baby, you really don’t have to. I’m okay with just cuddling if you want.”

“What I want right now, is to feel you coming for me.” The brunette positioned herself so that she was straddling Nicole’s hips. She grabbed the officer’s wrists, moving them up and pinning them above her head before leaning down and capturing soft lips in a passionate kiss.

Nicole shuddered when Waverly released her bottom lip after gently tugging on it with her teeth. “Well, if it’s what you want, then who am I to stop you,” Nicole breathed out.

The brunette kissed the redhead for a while, unsure of what exactly to do next. She stayed on her lips for what seemed like forever before sitting up and looking into Nicole’s eyes with hesitation. “Um, what should I do?”

“What do you want to do?” Nicole asked, exposing her body for the smaller woman to assess.

“Um…” she looked down at Nicole’s body; more specifically, her breasts.

“I want to touch your boobs.”

Nicole reached out for Waverly’s hands and brought them down to her breasts, encouraging her to rub and pinch her nipples. Waverly watched Nicole as she moaned at the feeling. She leaned down and licked one of her nipples, circling her tongue around it before sucking it between her lips.

“That’s so good baby,” Nicole sighed as she tangled a hand in brown hair.

Waverly stayed on the tight peak before moving to the other one. She licked for a few minutes, enjoying the feeling of the soft skin in her mouth, before sitting back up.

“I want to touch you,” she said nervously. “Is that okay?”

“Baby,” Nicole began as she delicately rubbed her hands up and down the tops of Waverly’s thighs. “If you don’t touch me, I think I might pass out.”

The brunette’s center twitched at the desperation in the officer’s voice. Nicole was always the one making sure that Waverly was getting what she needed. But not now. No, now the police officer was writhing beneath her petite body and silently begging to be touched. Waverly was the one holding all of the power, and she loved it. She moved back off of Nicole’s hips and settled in between her legs so that she was sitting back on her heels. Nicole placed both feet flat on either side of Waverly as she bent her knees, completely exposing herself to the smaller woman.

Waverly cupped her hand over Nicole’s sex and rubbed her palm up and down, feeling the heat radiating from it through red curls and watching the reaction it got. Nicole threw her head back, completely immersed in her own pleasure.

The brunette looked down from Nicole’s face to her center and slowly dipped her finger into the pool of liquid that resided there, eliciting a moan from the officer. Without warning, Waverly slid her finger inside Nicole, causing the woman to gasp. It’s not that Nicole wasn’t ready for it, because her dripping entrance definitely was, but she wasn’t expecting it to be the first thing that the brunette would do.

“Oh wow,” Waverly said in awe. “You feel so soft, like velvet. This feels so warm and nice,” she smiled as she studied Nicole’s center, watching her finger disappear and reappear as she slowly moved in and out.

“Uh huh,” Nicole panted with closed eyes, trying her best to make Waverly feel good about herself with reassuring words, but it was nearly impossible to do so while being touched like that by such perfect fingers.

Waverly noticed Nicole’s reaction and realized that she was talking too much and not focusing enough on the woman beneath her. She pumped her finger in and out at a steady pace, focusing on not speeding up or slowing down too much. She wasn’t sure what Nicole liked, and didn’t want to make a mistake.

Nicole realized that Waverly wasn’t as experienced as she was and would need a little bit more help in order to get what she wanted from her.

“Faster baby,” Nicole guided. The brunette moved her finger in and out at a faster pace.

“Two fingers,” Nicole breathed out. Waverly happily obliged as she pushed her index and middle finger together inside of Nicole, feeling the slick arousal coating them. She loved it.

After a few moments, Nicole whined, “Baby. Fuck me harder.”

Waverly’s stomach dropped at that request. Suddenly, the mood had switched from Waverly touching Nicole for the first time, to Nicole needing to be fucked by her. Without removing her fingers from the officer, the brunette leaned forward and placed her left hand on the bed next to Nicole’s sweaty face, bracing herself so that her face was hovering right above the redhead’s as she repeatedly drove her fingers in as hard and as fast as she could.

“Fuck baby,” Nicole gasped as she brought her left hand down to grab onto Waverly’s hip bone, and her right hand to her own sensitive bud to give it some stimulation, which she needed in order to come. She didn’t want to overwhelm Waverly by asking her to rub her clit while also fucking her with her fingers, especially since this was her first time doing another woman. And Waverly didn’t mind having only one task to focus on.

“Waves, I’m going to come. Don’t stop.”

Nicole felt her body tense up before releasing her juices onto Waverly’s fingers. She moaned in ecstasy as she grabbed the back of Waverly’s head and pulled her into a sloppy kiss, teeth hitting together, while she rode out her orgasm.

Nicole released the kiss and gently wrapped her hand around Waverly’s wrist and held it there, forcing her to stop her movements as her walls contracted around her fingers. Waverly watched the woman’s brow furrow and tiny gasps escape her lips in unison with the aftershocks, and she was in awe. When Nicole let out a long sigh of satisfaction and released Waverly’s wrist, the brunette immediately brought her fingers up to her lips right above Nicole’s face and sucked them in curiosity as she stared into the woman’s eyes.

“Thoughts?” Nicole smiled as she watched the brunette taste her.

“I like it,” she smiled. “It’s sexy. And it tastes the way you smell.” She brought the hand down onto the mattress so that both hands were now holding her up on either side of Nicole’s head and leaned down to kiss her for a moment. “But I’m not sure if I’m ready to do that just yet.”

“It’s okay,” Nicole reassured. “I’m a little tired anyways.”

“Oh, did I wear you out?” Waverly asked with a playful smirk.

“Baby, you just gave me an amazing orgasm. Of course you wore me out,” she laughed.

“Really? It was good?”

“It was better than good. Don’t doubt yourself, baby. You do so many things to me that even just blowing on me with your hot breath probably would’ve sent me flying over the edge.”

Waverly smiled as she laid down next to Nicole, laying her head on her chest and drawing lazy circles with her index finger on the woman’s collarbone as a strong arm wrapped around her.

“Why did we wait so long to do this?” Waverly asked, half joking and half serious.

Nicole chuckled. “Because we’re both a couple of idiots that fell for one another without realizing that the feelings were mutual.”

“Oh, right,” Waverly smiled. “You know, I think you owe Calamity Jane an apology,” Waverly said, finger still tracing patterns on Nicole’s chest.

“Mhm, and why is that?” Nicole replied, sleep beginning to take over as she laid there with her eyes closed, relaxing under the smaller woman’s touch.

“Because without her, this probably wouldn’t have happened tonight.”

Nicole let out a breathy chuckle. “I’ll be sure to give her extra treats tomorrow.” She pulled Waverly in closer to her and kissed the top of her head. Waverly sighed as she wrapped her arm around Nicole’s torso, drifting off into a deep slumber.