
32. Consent

Waverly sat down her wine glass on the table after taking a sip. “I’m so glad we decided to do this.”

“Oh my god, me too. I’ve been wanting to try out this wine bar for months now.” Chrissy replied before picking up her own glass and taking a sip.

“We really need to stop putting off plans with each other. I need more of this in my life!” Waverly whined as she reached out and grabbed Chrissy’s arm.

“Same! Sometimes I just really need a break from men to hang out with my closest girlfriend.” She paused as soon as the words had left her mouth. “Well, I mean, my friend who’s a girl…”

Waverly laughed. “Chrissy, I know what you meant. I need some time to hang out with my closest girlfriend too.” She gave a bright smile that caused her eyes to crinkle.

“Yeah but I’m sure it’s not as necessary when you don’t have to deal with men.” Chrissy rolled her eyes.

Waverly furrowed her brow in confusion. “Are you talking about Darren?”

“Well, not specifically. I’ve been dating a few guys here and there, but yeah, he’s the most recent one I guess. But I only got his number yesterday, so he hasn’t had a chance to annoy me yet.”

“Yeah, I had to pay Jeremy twenty dollars, so thanks for that.” Waverly pursed her lips.

“Sorry about that.” The blonde let out a short laugh. “Any other time you would’ve won that bet, but he was just so nice and charming and I figured I’d just go for it. I didn’t want to waste any time playing hard to get.”

“And have you had a chance to use that number yet?” Waverly smirked.

“I might’ve sort’ve slept with him last night…” Chrissy trailed off as she looked off to the side and brought her wine glass up to her lips.

Waverly’s eyes widened as she eagerly grabbed Chrissy’s forearm that was resting on the table with both of her hands. “Shut up! You didn’t!”

“Oh, I did.” The blonde replied as she carefully placed the glass back down on the table. “And it was good. Like, really good. God, I needed a night of good sex after the week I’ve had.” She sighed as she thought back to all of the shitty customers that came through her check-out lane at the grocery store and gave her an unnecessarily difficult time.

“That was fast though. I never expected you to come around so quickly to Darren. You always hated him so much.”

“Yeah, well I’m not getting any younger.” She nursed her wine before pausing. “Wait, this isn’t weird, is it?”

“What?” Waverly quirked an eyebrow.

“Talking about Darren. I mean, I know you work with him and all. If this is too weird or gross for you, we can talk about something else.”

Waverly shook her head. “No way. Talking about guys are key to a proper girls’ night out. Plus, this is my third glass of wine.” Waverly giggled.

“Cheers to that,” Chrissy clinked her glass with Waverly’s before both of them took a sip. “And girls too, by the way.”

Waverly tilted her head and gave Chrissy a confused look.

“You said ‘talking about guys’, but you didn’t say guys and girls.”

“Oh. Yeah, I did, didn’t I?” She shook her head. “I guess it’s just still engrained in me that girls are supposed to gush over boys.” She gave a short laugh.

“Well then, I guess we better start un-engraining it by talking about Nicole.” She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively at the brunette.

“What do you want to know?” Waverly brought her wine up to her lips, hiding her grin and blushing cheeks behind the glass.

“Uh, everything!”

“Okay, well she’s kind, and smart, and funny–”

“Yeah yeah,” Chrissy quickly cut her off. “We all know how much of a catch Officer Haught is. I want to know the good stuff.” She looked at Waverly expectantly.

“Oh, and talking about how incredible my girlfriend is isn’t considered ‘the good stuff’?”

“Not as good as talking about how the sex is.” Chrissy replied nonchalantly as she took another sip of her wine. She knew she should slow down, but she was past that point now.

“Chrissy!” Waverly hissed as she ducked her head towards her friend, trying to hide her face.

“Come on, I want to know about the eleven orgasms Nicole mentioned at the party last week!” She whined.

“Nicole was drunk.”

“So you didn’t have eleven orgasms?”

Waverly paused before picking at her nails. “No. No, I did.”

“Okay, so then spill! Because the most I’ve ever had in one night with a guy is three. Did you ever have that many with Champ?”

“I never had a single orgasm with Champ.” Waverly rolled her eyes, still in disbelief that she had been with him for so long.

Chrissy began choking on her drink. After she had calmed down she leaned closer to Waverly. “Never?!”

Waverly shook her head.

“But…you were together for four years! How did you never have an orgasm with him? …And how was he okay with that?”

“He never knew. I always faked it.” Waverly shrugged.

“Oh, honey.” Chrissy said sympathetically as she shook her head. “Well, I’m glad you have Nicole to help you make up for lost time. She seems to be doing a good job.” She raised her eyebrows, hoping Waverly would take the hint and tell her more about it. She was genuinely curious, not just what it was like to be with Nicole, but what it was like to be with another woman in general.

Waverly rolled her eyes and laughed. “Okay, fine. I’ll bite. Nicole is…well, there’s not really a word to describe it. She’s incredible, but that word just doesn’t seem to be nearly enough. Yeah, the sex is good…” She let out a short laugh at the knowing look Chrissy was giving her. “Okay, the sex is out of this world. I mean, I never knew it could be that good. But she’s also incredible at everything else. She’s just such a great girlfriend all around, and I have no idea what I did to deserve her, but I’m glad I have her.”

“You deserve her because you spent too many years of your life dealing with Chump’s bullshit.”

“Probably.” Waverly sighed. “Chrissy, I really don’t know why it took me so long to break up with him.”

The blonde shrugged. “You were comfortable. You didn’t want to risk losing what you had if there was nothing else better out there. Even though everyone knew that there was.”

“Yeah, but still. He treated me like shit and I let him for so long.”

“Yes, he did. But you see that now, and that’s what’s important. You know you deserve better, and you went out and got it. And now you’re having out-of-this-world sex with a gorgeous redhead who clearly knows what she’s doing.”

“I am.” Waverly sighed in happiness.

“I want to sleep with a woman someday. Just to see what all the hype is about, you know? Something to cross off my bucket list.”

“If that’s what you want, then you should. There’s nothing wrong with that. As long as you make it clear to the woman what your intentions are.” Waverly pointed out.

“Of course. I would never lead somebody on like that.”

“And Nicole is off limits.” Waverly warned as she pointed a finger at her friend.

“Duh!” Chrissy instantly replied. “I’ll probably download one of those hookup apps or something. Look for a woman in the city. Who knows, maybe I’ll find my Nicole.” Chrissy winked.

Waverly giggled as she shook her head. “I’d be happy for you if you did, but let’s be honest…you like men too much to end up spending the rest of your life with a woman.”

“I do.” Chrissy admitted with a sigh, causing Waverly to laugh and shake her head at how straight the blonde was. “Oh, by the way, I made a new friend at work.” Chrissy said only slightly excited.

“Really? But I thought you said all of your co-workers were either annoying teenagers or annoying elderly people?”

“They are. She doesn’t work there, she shops there a lot and over time we just started talking more and more. We hung out the other night, and she’s actually really cool. I think you would like her.”

“Well why don’t we all hang out one together then? You, her, me and Nicole.”

“That would be great!” Chrissy exclaimed.

“Tomorrow night?”

“I’ve got work tomorrow night, but maybe the day after?”

“Works for me. I’ll be sure to ask Nicole.” Waverly smiled.

“Speaking of Nicole, tell me some more about her.” Chrissy rested her elbows on the table as she placed her chin on the backs of her hands, wiggling her eyebrows at Waverly.


Nicole jogged up the front porch of the Homestead before knocking on the door. She expected to see Waverly, but was instead greeted by Wynonna.

“Hey Haught-shit. I didn’t expect you to be gracing me with your presence today! To what do I owe the pleasure?”

Nicole pursed her lips at the nickname, and the excessive sarcasm. “I came here to see Waverly. She’s not answering my calls or texts.”

“Probably because she’s out with Baby Nedley doing some kind of girly shit probably. Did she not tell you?” Wynonna quirked an eyebrow.

“Oh…right. No, yeah, she told me earlier. I just forgot.” Nicole relaxed a little, glad to know that the reason her girlfriend wasn’t responding to her was because she was too preoccupied to check her phone and not because she was in any sort of danger.

Suddenly, Nicole felt the knuckles of Wynonna’s right fist ram into her left arm, leaving a sharp pain that would surely bruise.

“Ow! What the fuck, Wynonna?!” She rubbed the spot where the older Earp had punched her.

“That’s for all of the bruises you left on my baby sister.” Wynonna folded her arms tightly across her chest as she scowled at the redhead.

“Did she tell you how she got those bruises?” Nicole wanted to make sure that Wynonna knew it wasn’t intentional.

“Yep.” The brunette said as she popped the ‘p’. She clearly didn’t give a shit if it was intentional or not.

“And did she tell you about all of the incredible orgasms I gave her that night? I think those more than make up for the bruises.” Nicole smirked.

“Oh gross!” Wynonna covered her ears as she walked away from Nicole and towards the living room, but Nicole followed her inside.

“We were going at it for hours.” She let out a short laugh, enjoying how much she was getting under the older Earp’s skin.

Wynonna whipped around to where she was face-to-face with Nicole. Two could play at that game. “Yeah, well so was Dolls and I. We were at it all night long.” She waggled her eyebrows.

Nicole’s smiled was wiped clean off her face as she pointed a stern finger at Wynonna. “I knew it! He was in way too good of a mood to not have gotten laid.”

“Oh, he got laid all right. He laid there for a while as I worked my magic. Little Dolls had a wild ride…well, maybe not so little.” She grinned as she sealed the statement with a wink.

Nicole grimaced and shook her head in an attempt to shake out the imagery. “Okay, okay. You win.”

Wynonna laughed as she gave Nicole a strong pat on the shoulder. “Oh, come on Red. You should be happy that your partner is well-equipped. Means he really knows how to protect and serve.”

“Oh god, please stop. I said you win!”

Wynonna held her hands up as she chuckled, clearly satisfied with her victory.

“Speaking of Dolls, what are your intentions with my friend?” Nicole glared at Wynonna as she placed her hands on her hips.

“Seriously? Are you trying to give me the shovel talk?”

“I just want to make sure he’s not going to get hurt.”

“Dolls is a big boy. He can make his own decisions, and he doesn’t need you to go around meddling in his sex life. I’ll bet he wouldn’t be too happy if he found out you were talking to me about this.” She jabbed two fingers against Nicole’s chest, effectively pushing the officer back a step.

Nicole slapped Wynonna’s hand away. “I’m not meddling. I just want to know what you’re doing here, because you’re pregnant with Doc’s baby, and yet screwing Dolls. Do you want him to be a father to this child?”

“Whoa whoa whoa, hold up.” Wynonna gesticulated wildly. “Who said anything about being a father? We’re not even in a relationship, we’re just banging, and Dolls is well aware of this. He knows that I’m more of a ‘freelancer’ than a full-time job kind of gal, and if he’s not okay with that then it’s up to him to say so. But so far I’ve made it very clear what my intentions are, and he’s perfectly fine with it. So maybe you should just stay out of it.”

Nicole held her hands up in defense. “Okay, okay. I just wanted to make sure you were both on the same page.”

“I think you should worry about you and Waverly being on the same page. I mean, a black eye? Seriously?”

Nicole chuckled awkwardly as she rubbed the back of her neck.


After a couple of hours of Wynonna and Nicole watching re-runs of NCIS, Nicole heard her phone ringing. She looked at the screen and saw Waverly’s name along with a picture of her blowing a kiss at the camera – something she added to her contact in Nicole’s phone one day without the redhead’s knowledge. Nicole grinned as she answered the phone.

“Hey cutie,” she lilted as she looked at Wynonna, who was making gagging noises from her spot on the other end of the couch.

“Hey sexyyyy,” Waverly drew out in a high-pitched voice that was a little too loud for Nicole’s ear to handle.

“Are you drunk?”

“Noooo!” Waverly responded, but started to giggle when Chrissy hit her on the arm. “Okay, maybe a little.”

“Let me guess, you need a ride?” Nicole sounded more amused than anything.

“Pleaseee? And Chrissy needs a ride too.”

“Okay, I’m on my way.” Nicole responded as she stood up from the couch.

“You’re the bestest baby! I can’t wait to see your cute booty!”

Nicole chuckled before saying goodbye to her girlfriend and hanging up.

“What was that about?” Wynonna asked without looking away from the TV.

“Waverly and Chrissy got drunk so I’m going to pick them up.”

“You bringing Waves back here?”

“Yeah. I figured she’d sleep better in her own bed.”

“Then in that case, I’m going to get my earplugs.” Wynonna turned off the TV and stood up from the couch.

“What do you mean?”

“Waverly is a horny drunk.” She stated as if it were obvious.

“I’m just going to tuck her into bed though.”

“Yeah, good luck with that.” Wynonna trotted up the stairs before Nicole could even respond. She sighed and shook her head before grabbing her Stetson and heading out the door.


The car ride home with Waverly and Chrissy was…interesting, to say the least. There was a lot of giggling and whispering from them in the back seat. Nicole would’ve thought it was amusing if the whispering hadn’t obviously been about her, but she ignored it. She walked Chrissy to her front door, thankful that Sheriff Nedley wasn’t home – probably socializing with the locals at Shorty’s – before walking back to the car. Waverly had waved her arm in an ungraceful flailing motion and yelled ‘goodbye’ to Chrissy out the window of the backseat before hopping into the front for the remainder of the drive to the homestead.

“You’re really pretty, d’you know that?” Waverly asked as she scanned her eyes up and down Nicole’s body, eventually landing on her face.

“So you’ve said, five times already.” Nicole chuckled.

“No, but I mean like, you’re really pretty. Like, my stomach feels all tingly when I look at you.” She giggled.

Nicole shook her head in amusement before grabbing Waverly’s hand and giving it a gentle squeeze. “We’re almost home baby.”

As soon as Nicole had helped Waverly up the stairs and into her bedroom, she gently guided Waverly to sit down on the bed to take off her shoes, but instead she found herself being roughly pulled down on top of the girl.

“Waves,” she mumbled against Waverly’s greedy lips. “Baby,” she tried again as she tried to push herself up, but Waverly wrapped her legs around Nicole, effectively holding the redhead in place. “Baby, what are you doing?”

“I want to have sex.” Waverly went in for another kiss, but Nicole dodged her lips, earning a pout from the smaller woman.

“Baby, you’re drunk.”

“So? I’m want you so badly Nicole.” With only a minor amount of struggle, she managed to flip them over and straddled Nicole, immediately fumbling with her belt, but was stopped before she could even undo the buckle.

“Baby,” Nicole sighed with her hands on Waverly’s wrists.

Waverly pulled back. “Do you not want me anymore?”

“Of course I want you. I always want you.”

“Then touch me.” She grabbed Nicole’s hands and moved them to cup her breasts, but Nicole snatched her hands back.

“Waverly, I’m serious. I don’t want to do this while you’re drunk.”

“But that’s not fair!” Waverly shouted in frustration.

“I know baby. But I want to make sure this is what you want, just in case.”

“I’m telling you, Nicole. This is what I want.” She dropped her hands down to her own jeans and began undoing the button…or at least tried to. She couldn’t quite figure out how to pull the button out from the hole.

“Waverly, you can’t even take off your own pants.”

“Yes I can!” She fumbled with the button some more. “It’s just this stupid button! It’s stuck.” She huffed in frustration before finally giving up.

Nicole cupped Waverly’s cheeks with both of her hands. “Waverly, my love, I love you so much. And I love having sex with you. But I’m not going to have sex with you tonight. We can talk about it tomorrow, when you’re sober. And then if you tell me that you’re okay with us having sex while you’re drunk, then next time we’ll do it. But I’m not doing it until we have that conversation and you’re no longer drunk.”

“Fine.” Waverly huffed before hopping off of Nicole. She stumbled back a bit but caught her balance before staggering towards the bedroom door.

Nicole lifted her back off the bed and propped herself up on her elbows. “Where are you going?”

“To masturbate because my girlfriend won’t touch me!” She said loud enough to make Nicole wince at the thought of Wynonna hearing her before she stomped towards the bathroom in the hallway and slammed the door behind her.

Nicole dropped back down onto the bed with a groan.


The next morning

As soon as Nicole woke up, she looked over at Waverly, who was still knocked out in the same position she had fallen asleep in. The redhead carefully slipped out of bed, not wanting to wake the brunette up. She wanted to give Waverly a little bit more time before bringing her back to reality, and inevitably her hangover.

In a pair of Waverly’s short black cotton shorts and a not-too-small Nirvana T-Shirt, Nicole padded down the stairs and into the kitchen to make some coffee. As soon as she entered the room, she was met with the sounds of a wolf whistle in her direction.

“Damn, and you say my ass is top shelf. You really put the ‘booty’ in ‘booty shorts’, doncha Haught-stuff!” Wynonna immediately smacked Nicole on the ass as the redhead walked past her and towards the coffee maker to brew a fresh pot. She pursed her lips and turned around to face Wynonna, who was sporting a childlike grin.

“Gay.” Nicole replied dryly before turning back around to start the coffee.

“You wish. I’m as straight as they come.”

“Which, according to statistics, is not as often as women who have sex with other women.” She pointed her finger matter-of-factly.

“Yeah, well one is all I really need. Speaking of which, I heard someone didn’t get any action last night.”

Nicole shook her head as she placed her palms behind her on the countertop and hoisted herself up to sit as her legs dangled over the edge. “I really don’t want to talk about that.”

“Well then you probably shouldn’t have pissed Waverly off and made her yell loud enough for me to hear…along with all of Purgatory.” She snorted.

Nicole sighed as she dropped her head into her hands and rubbed her face before lifting it back up. “She was drunk. What was I supposed to do? Of course I love her and I love being intimate with her, but I’d never want her to think that I was taking advantage of her. I mean, did I do the wrong thing here?”

Wynonna shook her head. “Okay, pause. I’m not about to talk to you about your sex life with my baby sister. Especially not this early in the morning.”

The redhead simply nodded before swinging her legs and jumping off the counter to pour the finished coffee into a mug before Wynonna spoke again. “But, if you really want my opinion, I don’t think you did anything wrong. You were doing what you thought was best, and Waverly knows that. Just talk it out and set the record straight today, now that she’s thinking clearly again.”

Nicole slowly nodded in agreement as she poured the coffee into her mug. “That’s what I was planning on doing when she woke up. I can’t stand her being mad at me anymore.”

“And an ‘I’m sorry’ balloon probably wouldn’t hurt.” Wynonna shrugged. “Also, that’s my shirt that you’re wearing.”

Nicole looked down at the white Nirvana T-shirt from where she was leaning against the counter. “That makes more sense. Waverly usually makes good fashion choices so I was surprised to see this shirt in her dresser.”

Wynonna threw one of her waffles at Nicole, but she dodged it, causing it to land on the kitchen floor – which didn’t stop Wynonna from picking it up and eating it.

After heading to the closest grocery store to pick up a balloon, Nicole quietly crept up the stairs and into the bedroom to check on Waverly. She poked her head in to find the girl laying on her side while hugging the pillow Nicole had used the night before. The redhead carefully closed the door behind her, trying her best not to disturb her girlfriend.

“It’s okay, I’m awake.” Waverly croaked as she tried to smile at Nicole, but she was sure it came out as more of a grimace. Her head was pounding and all she wanted was to eat a greasy burger and some fries.

“Sorry,” Nicole ducked her head as she made her way towards the bed with the balloon hiding behind her back. “I didn’t wake you, did I?”

“No, I woke up about ten minutes ago.” Waverly replied as she slowly sat up, wincing at how heavy she felt. “What’s that?” She pointed to Nicole’s hand behind her back.

“Oh, um, this is for you.” Nicole smiled as she handed the small balloon on a stick over to Waverly, who quirked an eyebrow at the item.

“Congratulations?” She said confusingly as she read the word on the balloon before looking up at her girlfriend with furrowed eyebrows.

Nicole let out a short laugh as she nervously rubbed the back of her neck. “Yeah, um, they didn’t have any ‘I’m sorry’ balloons, so it was between that and the ‘it’s a boy’ balloon, which would have been really funny to give you for any other occasion.” She smiled at the sound of Waverly’s laugh. She could listen to that sound all day and it would never get old. “I also looked for an ‘I’m an ass’ balloon, but they were out of those too.”

Waverly shook her head as she sat the balloon down in front of her on the bed and signaled for Nicole to sit next to her. “You’re not an ass. I was way out of line last night. You were just trying to do the right thing and I overreacted.”

Nicole paused for a moment as she looked into Waverly’s eyes. “Waves, I never want you to feel like I don’t want to be intimate with you, because I do. And I did last night. It’s just, you were so drunk and–”

“No, I get it. Really, I don’t think that, I promise. I know how much you love me and love being with me.” She leaned forward to give the redhead a chaste kiss before pulling back. “But just for future reference, if I’m drunk like that and want to have sex with you, it’s okay. I get sort of, um…passionate, when I’ve been drinking. But I would never do anything I wouldn’t want to do sober, especially with you.”

With a sight of relief, Nicole replied, “That’s the consent I was looking for. Thank you.”

“God that’s so sexy,” Waverly exhaled as she slowly shook her head in disbelief.

“What is?”

“You. Wanting to get consent before sleeping with me while I’m drunk, even though we’ve slept together several times before. It’s just….not many people would do that. And every day I’m more and more grateful to have such a caring and considerate partner.” She smiled lovingly at the redhead.

“I love you so much, Waverly. And I always want to make sure you feel safe.”

“I do.” She leaned down and kissed the redhead again, this time for a little bit longer. She broke the kiss with a groan as she was suddenly reminded of her hangover and the headache she had. Nicole instantly knew what was wrong and rubbed the top of Waverly’s leg sympathetically.

“What do you need?”

“Greasy food.”

Nicole nodded. “Now?”

“Yes please.” Waverly replied sheepishly.

Nicole jumped off the bed to change back into her police uniform. She was thankful that her shift didn’t start for another couple of hours.

“Oh, before I forget, Chrissy made a new friend and wants us to meet up with them for drinks tomorrow night. Do you have the night shift?”

“I get off around eight.”

“You want to go?”

“Yeah, it sounds fun.” Nicole replied with a bright smile before adding with a stern finger, “But no getting drunk.”

“Yes officer,” Waverly replied with a wink, which made Nicole’s knees buckle and almost give out.


The next night

“They said nine o’clock, right?” Nicole asked as she looked at her watch for what seemed like the twentieth time to Waverly. They had been standing outside the bar, waiting for Chrissy and her new friend to arrive so they could meet the woman properly before going inside where there was semi-loud music playing.

The smaller girl rolled her eyes. “Yes, they said nine.”

“It’s 9:15.” Nicole replied, still looking at her watch.

“I’m sure they’ll be here soon love. Just relax.” She entwined her fingers with Nicole’s and gave it a gentle squeeze.

Nicole returned the squeeze with one of her own and smiled down at Waverly. “Sorry, I get a little nervous meeting new people.”

“Don’t be nervous baby. I’m sure she’ll be really nice.” Waverly leaned into Nicole’s side and wrapped her arms around the redhead’s torso. She hummed when she felt Nicole’s arm around her shoulders.

“So where did she meet this person again?”

“At work.”

“Oh, so it’s someone she works with?”

“No, she shops at the grocery store and they just started talking one day and ended up hanging out. Now they’re friends.”

Nicole nodded. “Who would’ve thought you could make friends out of strangers in a grocery store. I wonder if they bonded over produce,” she wiggled her eyebrows playfully at Waverly.

Waverly giggled, but quickly covered her mouth when she caught sight of Chrissy and another woman walking towards them. “Shh, here they come.”

As they got closer, Waverly realized she had actually met Chrissy’s friend before, and her stomach dropped. She looked over at Nicole, who had the same look of panic on her face.

“Hey guys!” Chrissy waved, receiving a couple of hesitant waves in return.

“I want you to meet my new friend, Rosita. Rosita, this is Waverly and Nicole.”

“Nice to meet you,” she politely shook Waverly’s hand, but when she shook Nicole’s hand she paused and squinted. “Have we meet before?”

“Uh, I um...uh– Heh.” Nicole awkwardly rubbed the back of her neck as she floundered.

Rosita eagerly snapped her fingers. “I got it! You were the couple that bought the strap-on a few weeks ago, right?”

Waverly and Nicole instantly began to blush and Chrissy covered her mouth with her hand as she tried to stifle her laughter.

“Oh, sorry. I forget that sex is still taboo for a lot of people.” Rosita said, genuinely feeling bad for nonchalantly sharing their personal business like that in front of their friend.

“No, um, it’s okay.” Waverly smiled, her face still crimson.

“I knew that was why you had bought those condoms!” Chrissy nearly yelled at the excitement of her prior suspicions being confirmed.

Nicole clenched her jaw and shot Chrissy a warning glare, which didn’t wipe away the grin Chrissy was wearing.

“I need to have some alcohol in my system before continuing this conversation,” Waverly replied. She looked up at Nicole and silently reassured her that she wouldn’t drink too much. Nicole nodded and followed Waverly towards the entrance before holding the door open for the three women.

“So chivalrous,” Rosita winked as she walked through the door.

Nicole froze. Was she flirting? Nicole shook her head and brushed it off before following the women into the bar.


“Okay, so wait, did that guy seriously ask you that?” Waverly asked incredulously.

“He did!” Rosita laughed. “And his girlfriend was standing right there. It was super awkward.”

“Well what did you say?” Waverly leaned forward a little closer, completely invested in the story.

“I just told him that if he wanted to see a more detailed demonstration of how a butt plug worked, that he should just Google it…and then he should come back and buy one, because it’ll improve his sex life.”

“Such a salesperson,” Chrissy chuckled, adding into the laughter of the rest of the group.

“Man, too bad Wynonna isn’t here, she would love to hear these stories. But the alcohol would be too tempting for her, so it’s probably for the better.” Nicole laughed and shook her head before taking a sip of her beer.

Chrissy cocked her head in confusion. “Can she not drink or something?”

Nicole’s eyes widened from behind her glass and she quickly looked over at Waverly, still sipping the beverage.

“She’s just been trying really hard to cut back.” Waverly quickly replied, and Nicole turned back to Chrissy, nodding in agreement.

Chrissy shrugged and took a sip of her margarita.

“Who’s Wynonna?” Rosita finally asked after a few seconds of silence.

“She’s my sister.” Waverly smiled.

“Is she as cute as you?” Rosita asked with a smirk, and Waverly bit back a small smile as her cheeks flushed.

Nicole clenched her jaw. That was the fourth time that night that Rosita had make some flirty comment towards Waverly, and she was not having it anymore.

“Hey baby, I need to pee. Wanna come with me?” Nicole smiled at Waverly as she brushed her fingertips up and down the top of Waverly’s forearm that was resting on the table. She made sure Rosita saw her hand affectionately touching her girlfriend.

“Yeah, sure.” Waverly shrugged before standing up. “We’ll be right back.” Nicole grabbed Waverly’s hand and nearly dragged her to the bathroom.

“Geez Nicole, if you had to go that badly why didn’t you say something earlier?” Waverly said when they finally reached the bathroom after struggling to keep up with the redhead’s long, swift strides.

“Rosita is totally hitting on you.” Nicole blurted without skipping a beat.

“What? No she’s not.” Waverly chuckled.

Nicole folded her arms across her chest, not finding the situation as funny as Waverly did. “She is. It’s blatant.”

“I don’t think she means it. She’s probably just a little tipsy and getting flirty. It happens, and it’s harmless. Besides, she’s obviously straight.”

Nicole let out a short laugh. “She’s checked out at least three women that have walked past our table since we’ve been here. She’s not straight, and she has a crush on you.”

Waverly shook her head in amusement. “I doubt that.”

“Believe me, I know when someone is flirting for fun and flirting for real, and that is one hundred percent for real flirting.” Nicole rested her hands on her hips as she shook her head, replaying the other passes Rosita made on her girlfriend earlier that night.

“I think you’re overreacting. Is that all you dragged me in here for? Or did you actually have to pee?”

“I did bring you in here for that, but now I actually have to pee.” Nicole shrugged.

“Okay, well I’m going to go back with the two straight women at our table while you do that.” Waverly gave a quick peck to Nicole’s cheek before walking out of the restroom.

As Waverly walked back to the table, she noticed Chrissy and Rosita give her a knowing look.

“What?” She scrunched her eyebrows as she sat down in her chair and immediately reached for her water – she had switched drinks after she finished her one and only margarita.

“Is everything okay?” Chrissy asked.

“Yeah, Nicole just needed help with something.” She replied nonchalantly as she sipped her beverage.

Both Chrissy and Rosita looked at each other like two people who knew a secret, eliciting an eye roll from Waverly.

“Not that. Like we would do that in a public restroom.” She wrinkled her nose and shook her head.

“Why not? Quickies in public places are fun. It makes everything extra hot.” Rosita smirked.

Chrissy raised an eyebrow at Rosita. “You’ve actually had sex in public?”

“Well, not always intercourse, but sexual things yeah. In bathrooms, in the car, at a movie theatre…even one time during a picnic at a park on the grass in broad daylight.”

“Oh my god,” Waverly giggled, “Was anybody around?”

“Of course. But it was just a hand job, and we were strategic about out blanket placement, so it wasn’t that difficult.” She stated proudly as she leaned forward on her forearms resting on the table.

“What are we talking about?” Nicole asked as she reached the table and sat back down next to Waverly.

“Sex in public places.” Chrissy answered nonchalantly.

“The car is always fun.” The redhead grabbed her beer mug and gulped the last little bit down, ignoring the look Waverly was giving her.

“Oh really? Why haven’t we done that?” Waverly asked, feeling a little more comfortable sharing since everyone had been talking about sex-related things for the past hour.

Nicole shrugged. “Because I’m an officer of the law now. I can’t get in trouble for public indecency.” She gave Waverly a quick wink, signaling that she was only half serious and wouldn’t be opposed to trying this with the brunette.

“Car sex is fun, but doing it with people around you is even more fun.” Rosita jumped back in. “Although, I will say that it’s easier to get away with giving a woman a handjob in public than it is a man.” She shrugged before sipping her beer.

Nicole gave Waverly a knowing look, who was too surprised to look anywhere but at Rosita. She turned back to the tanned woman. “Men and women. So, you’re…” Nicole waved her hand around and trailed off, waiting for Rosita to fill in the blank.

“I’m bisexual.”

Nicole nodded. “Cool.”

“Do I just attract every queer person? Seriously, I think I’m the only straight person with this many gay friends in this town.” Chrissy chuckled.

“Probably. They should give you a medal.” Rosita replied, clinking her glass with Chrissy’s before both of them took a sip of their drinks.

“So, what kind of women are you into?” Nicole asked, earning a kick to her ankle from Waverly. “Ow!” She complained as she rubbed the outside of her ankle while confusedly looking at the smaller woman, who was giving Nicole a warning glare. “It was just a question,” the redhead mumbled.

“No, it’s okay. I like all types of women. I’m really into femmes, but I also like to get down with the butch. Depends on my mood.” She shrugged.

“Blondes or brunettes?” Nicole asked.

Waverly shook her head at Nicole. She knew exactly what her girlfriend was doing.

“Either. I’m not picky. But I’m also really into redheads,” she smirked.

Waverly immediately looked from Nicole to Rosita, her eyebrows furrowed. Was she hitting on Nicole now?

Nicole quirked an eyebrow in confusion. What was this woman’s game?

“Oh shit, I didn’t realize how late it had gotten.” Chrissy let out a long, exaggerated breath as she rubbed her hands down her face. “I really don’t want to go to work tomorrow morning.”

“You could always skip it.” Rosita shrugged.

“Yeah right. Then they’d fire my ass and I’ll have to spend the rest of my life mooching off of my dad.”

“God, you’re so dramatic,” Waverly giggled.

Chrissy shrugged as she gulped the rest of her drink before standing up to put her jacket on. “Alright ladies, this has been fun, but I’m going to head out.” She said her goodbyes to everyone and left the bar, leaving just Waverly, Nicole, and Rosita awkwardly sitting at the table together.

“Well, this has been fun.” Rosita smiled awkwardly, unsure of what else to say next.

“Yeah, it’s has.” Waverly agreed, giving the same awkward smile.

“What’s your game?” Nicole asked bluntly. She grunted when Waverly elbowed her in the side. “What? She’s been flirting all night and I want to know what her goal is!”

“You’re right.” Rosita admitted. Waverly and Nicole looked at Rosita in surprise. “Look, I’m just gonna be straight up with you guys. You’re both gorgeous, and I’ve been looking for a lesbian couple to have a threesome with. I’ve done it with a straight couple, but not two women, which is something that I’ve been wanting to do for a while now.”

Waverly’s jaw was almost touching the floor, and Nicole’s eyebrows were raised so close to her hair line that they almost blended in with it.

“Well…I wasn’t expecting that.” Nicole finally said.

“So, what do you think?” Rosita asked, watching the two look back and forth between each other and her, clearly not knowing what to say. She smiled and shook her head as she pulled a pen out of her purse and grabbed a napkin to write on. “You two can talk it over, and if you decide it’s something you want to pursue, then give me a call.” She slid the napkin with her number scribbled on it in front of the women, who just stared at it, before getting up. “It really was nice getting to know you two.” She gave a curt nod before making her way towards the exit.

Nicole and Waverly sat there in silence for a few moments before Nicole broke into a laughing fit. “Can you believe that?”

Waverly chuckled and shook her head. “Definitely not how I expected this night to go.”

Nicole took one more giant gulp of her beer before standing up and putting on her coat. “Are you sleeping over at mine tonight?”

Waverly smiled. “I would love that.”

Nicole began to walk away from the table and towards the door, with Waverly following behind her. After making sure Nicole wasn’t looking at her, Waverly quickly swiped the napkin off the table and shoved it into her pocket before continuing to follow her girlfriend out the door.