

A Harry Potter fanfiction with some changes and a much larger universe. Courage, knowledge, loyalty and ambition, characteristics of the four houses and what is essential to fulfill every purpose, is what Alexander embodies in this overwhelming adventure through the magical world of Harry Potter, avoiding intrigues and fighting against darkness, in the search for keeping your loved ones safe and conquering worlds along the way. English is not my first language, please report any errors in the comments. I do not own Harry Potter or any of its characters or settings, only my own characters.

DaoistWXmQpJ · Book&Literature
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February 7, 1989, London – England.

POV Alex.

Today I turn 11 years old, and just thinking that I am finally old enough to go to Hogwarts makes my mood rise to heights that I didn't think possible, it's time for you to ask yourself: How do I know it's Hogwarts and that magical children go? Is there when they turn 11? Is it because in the last few months since we returned from the old mansion, every night the memories in my mind of the world of Harry Potter began to unravel, images and feelings filled my dreams of what this wonderful world had to offer me and so today, on my eleventh birthday, I was awake long before my alarm went off, waiting for my great magical revelation, unfortunately and destroying my dreams of nothing happening.

- HAAA! Well that was disappointing, I said to myself sitting on the bed.

Caressing the book tattoo on my left arm and thinking again about the events that occurred that day, I get up from my bed and head to the bathroom to relieve myself and get ready for school.

Going downstairs, I head to the kitchen and find my dad sitting, having a cup of coffee and reading the day's newspaper, while my mother, already dressed to go to work, finished preparing breakfast.

- Good morning, I greet you as I enter the kitchen.

Upon hearing my voice, my mother, who at that moment was applying jam to a piece of toast, turned around and, leaving the knife aside, approached me and wrapped me in a suffocating bear hug, while kissing me and wishing congratulations in a dramatic and exaggerated; My father, sitting still, laughed at the face he was making because of my mother's dramatic action. It was only when he saw that I was red because I couldn't breathe that he got up and approached us and told my mother to let me go or I was going home. , she gave him a resentful look, as if to say why he was taking her away from her baby and getting between them, when she let go of me.

- Thank you father, I almost drowned in the Himalayan mountains; I said while grimacing trying to breathe more air.

- Shameless brat; My mother said with fake anger, turning around to go finish preparing breakfast.

- Hahaha, happy birthday champion; My father laughs at my antics and, congratulating me, ruffles my already messy hair.

Sitting across from my father, we started talking about what he wanted to do this weekend as a birthday present. While we were talking, my mom went up to wake up my brother so he could come down to breakfast.

When Magnus came down, still sulking about having to get up early, he ran to me and hugged me while giving me a happy birthday while yawning from sleep.

At that moment mom put breakfast on the table and we all started to eat, it was only when the clock struck 7:00 in the morning that the question came to mind, "Does the magical development of children begin?" the day one is born or at the time of day one is born?", wasting no time, I asked my mother:

- Mom, what time was I born?

A little surprised by the unexpected question, she thought for a moment, as if trying to remember what time it was.

- You were born a little after 10:00 in the morning, honey. Why?; she asked.

- Nothing mom just curiosity; I responded.

"Well, I'll be on rest at that moment, if something happens," I thought.

Watching the clock, my mother began to rush my brother to finish breakfast and get ready to go to class, while she also went up to finish getting ready. From the second floor, her voice came to us telling Magnus not to go. to fall asleep again or we would be late, while he said annoyingly that he understood.

Once in the car, my mother drove while my brother and I were in the back. When we got to school, we got out of the car and I ran straight to the high school class, because as I said, I'm a genius and I'm already ready. to finish high school in June; My brother along with my mother headed to the primary class, and in case you haven't noticed, my mother is also a teacher at this school, more specifically Magnus' class.

Raising a prayer for my brother for his poor fate and luck, I arrived at the classroom and sat in my usual position, at the front of the class, which is a tragedy and from which I cannot escape because I am the shortest in the class. class.

"haaa", Mentally sighing at my misfortune, I noticed the teacher enter so I composed myself and paid attention to the class.

After the first period of classes we have a 15-minute break, which I regularly take advantage of to go to the bathroom. When I get up from my seat and leave the room, I notice out of the corner of my eye that three boys are staring at me, but I don't bother. pay more attention to them.

When I got to the bathroom I went straight to the urinals to urinate, after which I went to wash my hands, it was at that moment that through the mirror I noticed the three boys who had previously been looking at me enter and I realized that they were Marcus and his friends Steve and Frank, the three of them were the school bullies, picking on everyone they liked and those they called bookworms or the teachers' little boys, because it should be noted that the three of them were tougher than donkeys, and I'm harming donkeys by comparing them to them; They never liked me since being smaller than them but much more intelligent I was always the center of attention, leaving them aside.

Upon entering they closed the bathroom door and while Marcus looked at me the other two checked to see that there was no one else in the bathroom and when they couldn't find the bathroom, Marcus started walking towards me while he said:

- Now you can't escape, little shit, always pretending to be the smartest, when what you are is just a little parasite; he said as he came up behind me and pressed my head against the mirror.

His friends stood on either side of him laughing, it was at that moment that I felt a heat fill my chest and spread to my left arm where it was attracted by the book tattoo, which became extremely hot, as if a burning iron was being burned. was pressing on my skin, the heat that he had previously devoured emerged from him again, but this time he could feel that it was stronger and hotter like liquid fire running through my veins, but without causing me discomfort, as he headed towards my heart, where upon arrival a thread separated from it and went to my mind, giving me a clarity of thought that I did not previously think possible and allowing me to calm down, at the same time that it downloaded certain information into my brain, it was in that moment of clarity that I I had a feeling that if I wanted I could make Marcus get away from me along with his friends and that's what I did, leaving the information that was lodged in my mind at that moment, I wanted Marcus to get away and as if responding to my desire and thought, the heat that previously rested in my heart expanded through the veins of my body and came out through my skin, pushing Marcus and his friends back, as if a shock wave had hit them, They flew across the bathroom towards the back wall, where when you hit it you can hear the clear sound of bones breaking.

When I turned around, now free, I could see how the three of them were sliding down the wall and falling crying and screaming to the floor. A weakness suddenly invaded me and before I lost consciousness, while my vision was blurred, I could only think: "what a damn problem." ".

When I regain consciousness I can hear my teacher Mr. Watson's voice while he was saying my name trying to make me wake up.

- Alexander, can you hear me?; she told me, as she shook me slightly to wake me up.

When he opened his eyes he could see his face looking at me from above. Seeing me awake, he breathed a sigh of relief and asked me if I was okay and what had happened.

I tried to get up and Mr. Watson, upon seeing him, helped me stand up. When I stopped, a horrible dizziness and a feeling of vertigo invaded me, threatening me to lie down again. Mr. Watson, upon noticing this, held me by the arm to help keep me firm. It was at that moment that I noticed my wet uniform and, fixing my gaze on the washing faucet still open and the water falling to the floor, I realized why it was wet.

Turning my head I noticed Marcus and his friends, at this moment they looked like a tangle of bodies on top of each other, leaning me against the sink and assuring Mr. Watson that I was fine, he went to check on the others, while I raised my head. hand towards the left side of my head and noticed a bump as a result of the impact I hit the floor when I fell.

After a moment and checking on the others, Mr. Watson left for a moment to go call some students to get more help to take Marcus and his friends to the infirmary, he returned after 2 minutes with other students who at the same time Noticing Marcus' state and the rest were surprised and gave me strange looks. On the way to the infirmary I remembered the whole incident and started thinking about how to explain it.

Already in the infirmary, the nurse sent for the director and my mother, because Marcus and his friends had some broken bones.

When my mother arrived and seeing the blow on her head that was already beginning to turn purple, she turned into a dragon whose cub had been hurt, she threw herself at the director, who at that moment was talking to the nurse. about the condition of the other three, with a barrage of prayers about how she allowed something like this to happen, that there was no security at the school and other accusations, that the poor principal couldn't make a sound, the nurse wisely walked away of the two and returned to her desk pretending that none of this had to do with her.

I stood aside, feeling sorry for the poor director, thinking: "It feels good that someone defends you so fervently, don't worry, mom, your son will become the most powerful magician and he won't let anything happen to you, dad or my brother.", and when my mother could not continue talking due to lack of air, the director took the opportunity to reduce the incident to nothing more than a childish prank gone wrong, and ran away claiming that he has to call Marcus's parents, Steve and Frank , so that they come pick them up and take them to the hospital to treat the broken bones.

"Great, at least I don't have to explain anything," I thought to myself.

- Honey, how do you feel? Does your head hurt? my mother asked.

- I'm fine mom, just a little bump.

- Well, I already called your dad to come pick you up.

- Good; I said, mentally breathing a sigh of relief.

- Don't forget that you have to explain everything to me when I get home understood.

Looking at Mom's serious and firm expression, I could only nod obediently and think about what to say to her so I could explain everything.

Shortly after, dad arrived in the car and picked me up. On the way he tried to ask me what had happened, but I was able to appease him by telling them that I would tell them everything when mom got home and that he was a little tired. I saw him nod in the rearview mirror and I closed the doors. eyes pretending to sleep, but what I was doing was analyzing the information that had previously been downloaded into my mind.

According to the information that was transferred to me, the book that I found in the old mansion was called "THE GRIMOIRE" and that it was a soul artifact, intended for the disciple of the seven-star archmage Ralec Tazur, which is supposed to provide him with assistance and To ensure that his magical path is easier and smoother as well as faster, he had a vast database that contained a large amount of magical knowledge, as well as other skills and characteristics, which greatly excited Alex, too. It is mentioned that he attached himself to me that day, but that previously I could not summon him since my magic was not active, but before I could even think about all that, Dad's voice distracted me and forced me to open my eyes to notice that he was already We were at home, so I got out of the car and headed towards my room, while I thought: "DO I HAVE A DAMN BOOK INSIDE ME? BRILLIANT".