
The Grim Reapers Desire

When Ryu opened his eyes, he was overwhelmed by sudden visions of the future. Why exactly did the mysterious god decide to pass down this prophecy to him? Irrelevant! Why did the God also show Ryu that he would die within a few years?! Also irrelevant! If he must die soon, then he shall use this life to save the so-called Grim Reaper: Panzram. Panzram: How do you know so much about me? Ryu: A god spoke to me while I was taking a nap and showed me your future. Panzram: … Die. Ryu: Very well. Disclaimer: Contains mature content of violence, gore, and romantic entanglements. Anything deemed NSFW (or 18 and above), will be separated and clearly marked. ****This is Yaoi = Man x Man***** Release Schedule: 5-7 Chapters Weekly (~1500 words per ch)

Nekoru · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
119 Chs

[Ch. 10] Brainpower

Panzram studied Ryu once more before speaking, "So let's just say I believe you and that you are a chaos user. If that was true then why didn't you use it to try to get away?"

Ryu blushed slightly, "Well… That's because you don't like Tamashii users."

Panzram scowled more, "And just how do you know that?"

Ryu wondered if he should reveal that the gods had shown him everything about Panzram including his past and future. However, seeing that Panzram was becoming more distrusting of him by the second, he decided to wait to reveal that at a later date.

Thus, he only gave a gorgeous grin.

Panzram noticed that Ryu wouldn't answer. So he chose another question, "Why didn't you call for other guards?"

"I feared they would hurt you more."

"So, instead you would rather die?"


Panzram was once again rendered speechless by this shameless man. He still couldn't trust him, but he couldn't help but be more curious about him. Panzram stood up and sat back down in his bed. His body ached, but he didn't dare show it. He glanced at Ryu who still sat on the ground. "Ryu… Was it?"

Ryu's face brightened up, "That's right!"

He ignored his excitement, "Go on."


"Finish treating me."

Panzram motioned to the ground where the medicine had been thrown in the scuffle. Ryu became even happier and quickly picked it back up. He began to treat Panzram's wounds carefully with full concentration.

Panzram's sharp eyes watched Ryu the entire time. Ryu found it a bit unnerving, but he didn't mind it. He was thrilled to know that Panzram remembered his name! He was so excited that his mind kept replaying the previous scene over and over again.

Panzram was the type of person who would never remember a name unless he was curious or interested in the person. Ryu knew that meant he had made a slight success in winning over the cold Panzram.

Although there was still a lot of ground to cover before Ryu could be trusted, Ryu knew he had stepped in the right direction. He handed Panzram some pain medication which he swallowed immediately. After finishing the treatment, Ryu paused. He looked at Panzram who was still staring at him with a scowl on his face.

Ryu smiled, "Would you like to try the mochi I brought? It's sweet."

Feeling the pain medication start to work, Panzram gave a slight nod.

Ryu grabbed the mochi with his bare hands and held it out to Panzram, "Say aaah~"

Panzram glared at him before he quickly snatched the mochi ball out of his hands. He put it into his mouth and chewed on it expressionlessly.

Ryu waited for him to say something but grew impatient. "Well? Do you like it? I noticed you ate those strawberries quickly the other day… So, I thought maybe you would like this flavor. Perhaps you don't. Is there something else you'd like?"

"Chocolate." Panzram responded coldly.

Ryu was surprised for a moment. Not only was chocolate a tough import to get ahold of, but he also didn't think such a tall and burly man would want such sweet things. Although, Ryu knew he shouldn't be surprised. Panzram didn't have much of a life up to this point. He mostly ate moldy bread and spoiled food.

Ryu nodded with a warm grin, "Then next time I will buy chocolate."

As Ryu watched Panzram chew on the mochi, Ryu realized that he really did act like a feral cat. He even looked like one as he ate the sweets while glaring at Ryu full of caution. As Ryu appreciated his cat-like behavior, he sighed in appreciation at Panzram's appearance. Panzram truly was a handsome man, but his body was ruined from living in the prison cell. His hair hung in strands over his face giving him a very disheveled appearance and he was covered in filth as bathes were rarely allowed to prisoners.

It was truly a waste of a beautiful face.

"What." Panzram said annoyed by Ryu's sigh.

Ryu shook his head, "I'm just wondering how handsome you would be if you didn't keep your hair in your face."

"Get out of here before I kill you."

"Very well."

Ryu stood up, collecting everything, then left without turning his back to Panzram. He gave a coy smile before leaving, "Until next time."

Ryu continued his relentless attempts to get closer to Panzram. He continued to bring him sweets and fruits in an attempt to quell Panzram's distrusting nature. However, Panzram continued to watch him from his bed as if the attempts were for naught. He never moved from his seat and never talked more than he was forced to.

While most would have given up by now, Ryu was absolute in his determination to win over Panzram. Although Panzram seemed like he wasn't warming up to Ryu, this wasn't actually the case. He still distrusted Ryu, but he started to look forward to the days Ryu would work.

There was something about this weak-looking man that interested Panzram. He seemed to be an idiot but was strangely knowledgeable at the same time. The only downfall was that he would go on boring rants about poetry and literature.

"I can't read." Panzram said coldly, trying to cause Ryu to stop his needless discussion of literature.

Ryu paused midsentence before turning to Panzram, beaming with excitement. "Then I will teach you!"

Panzram's face turned stiff. It was true he was illiterate, but he didn't mean that he wanted to learn either. He merely said he couldn't read in hopes that it would shut up Ryu. He scowled in annoyance, "How? It's not like you can sneak in a calligraphy set or books."

Ryu ignored his irritated tone and brought his hands together, "I could definitely sneak some in! I may not seem like it, but I'm really skilled at illusions. I can hold something in my hand and you'll never know~"

Panzram growled, "You really are a chaos user."

Ryu's face dropped immediately. He wanted to slap himself at the suggestion. Of course something like this would make Panzram mad! How could Ryu forget how much Panzram hated Tamashii users?

Ryu pouted, "Well… Then I will just wait until you get out of prison."

Panzram just glared at him with sharp eyes. "Get out? I won't ever get out. I have a life sentence."

Ryu forced out laughter, "That's right…"

Ryu thought to himself: Should I tell him that he will eventually break out? Actually… Perhaps I should just help him. Ah. But he would get angry if I helped him with my chaos energy… And I don't really know how to do anything other than using that. I guess I will have to think of something else then.

Thus, Ryu began to think of a way to break Panzram out of prison without fatalities and without using his Tamashii energy. Although he didn't really care about there being fatalities, he was worried that it would bring unnecessary attention to him or Panzram. Ryu got a headache as he tried to think of a possible solution that could meet the impossible criteria.

He wasn't used to using this much of his brainpower.

Ryu wasn't actually that stupid, but he wasn't necessarily smart either. He was creative, could read and write really well, but as for coming up with plans that didn't involve his chaos energy… Well.. Only his second older brother was good at things like that and there was no way he would go and ask him for help.

Ryu shivered at the mere thought.

Eyyy you can finally vote for my novel.


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